Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Mary Larkin

97 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Jan 17 05:02:56 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Denham, A. M. J.; Haracz, K.; Bird, M. L.; Bonevski, B.; Spratt, N. J.; Turner, A.; Chow, W. Z.; Larkin, M.; Mabotuwana, N. and Janssen, H. (2024). Non-pharmacological interventions to improve mental health outcomes among female carers of people living with a neurological condition: a systematic review. Disability and Rehabilitation (Early access).

Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun (2024). Former carers: Grief, loss and other stories. In: Jones, Kerry and Horne, Joanna eds. Understanding the Grief and Loss Experiences of Carers: Research, Practitioner and Personal Perspectives. Routledge Key Themes in Health and Safety. London: Routledge, pp. 123–134.

2023To Top

Milne, Alisoun and Larkin, Mary (2023). Family Carers and Caring: What it’s all about. SocietyNow. UK: Emerald Publishing Limited.

Larkin, Mary (2023). Learning and reskilling pathways for carers [Keynote Presentation]. In: Learning and reskilling pathways for carers, 6 Feb 2023, Sydney, Australia & Online, Carers NSW.

Kentzer, Nichola; Kubiak, Chris and Larkin, Mary (2023). The 'Learning pathways for carers programme'. In: OU's 7th Biennial International Conference on Access, Participation and Success, 26-27 Apr 2023, Milton Keynes, UK.

2022To Top

2021To Top

Larkin, Mary (2021). Former carers. In: Gu, Danan and Dupre, Matthew E. eds. Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging. Springer Cham, pp. 1912–1915.

Larkin, Mary and Kubiak, Christopher (2021). Carers and higher education: Where next? Widening Participation and Lifelong Learning, 23(2) pp. 130–151.

Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun (2021). Knowledge generation and former carers: reflections and ways forward. Families Relationships and Societies, 10(2) pp. 287–302.

Larkin, Mary (2021). Caring for our Student carers. In: OU-Access Participation and Success 6th International Biennial Conference, 15-18 Mar 2021.

2020To Top

Larkin, Mary (2020). Caring about Student carers. In: Scholarship from across the faculties: from creativity and innovation, 13 Oct 2020, Walton Hall.

Oldridge, Louise and Larkin, Mary (2020). Unpaid Care Global Growth and Policies for Sustainability. In: Leal Filho, Walter; Azul, Anabela Marisa; Brandli, Luciana; Salvia, Amanda Lange and Wall, Tony eds. Encyclopedia of the UN Sustainable Development Goals. Gender Equality. Cham: Springer.

Vseteckova, Jitka; Kentzer, Nichola; Horne, Jo; Penson, Martin; Robb, Martin; Larkin, Mary; Berry, Alex; Spencer, Melinda; Methley, Abigail and Taverner, Phil (2020). Young carers,COVID-19 and physical activity.

Larkin, Mary (2020). Caring about student carers. In: Research and Scholarship Seminar, 6 Feb 2020, Walton Hall, The Open University.

Larkin, Mary (2020). Caring about student carers. In: Access, Participation and Success 6th Biennial International Conference, 22-23 Apr 2020, Milton Keynes.

2019To Top

Larkin, Mary; Henwood, Melanie and Milne, Alisoun (2019). Carer related research and knowledge: findings from a scoping review. Health and Social Care in the Community, 27(1) pp. 55–67.

2018To Top

Larkin, Mary (2018). Maximising the potential of carer research and knowledge. In: Maximising the potential of carer research and knowledge, Workshop, 19 Jun 2018.

Larkin, Mary (2018). The legacies of caring. In: ‘Life After Care’, 18 Jun 2018.

Larkin, Mary (2018). Understanding the needs of caring experienced learners. In: Supporting the Supporters- Caring Experienced Learners, 17 Apr 2018, Milton Keynes.

Larkin, Mary (2018). Carer resilience: ways forward for evidence-based policy and practice. In: Carers New South Wales Biennial Conference, 11-12 Oct 2018, Sydney Australia.

2017To Top

Larkin, Mary; Milne, Alisoun; Henwood, Melanie; Croisdale-Appleby, David and Clark, Michael (2017). Including Family Carers: Adding Value and Impact to Research.

Larkin, Mary (2017). The case for a knowledge exchange network (CAREN). In: 7th International carers conference, 4-7 Oct, Adelaide, Australia.

Larkin, Mary (2017). The case for a carer knowledge exchange network (CAREN). In: Carer-related knowledge exchange network, 3 Oct, Adelaide - Southern services Reform group.

Larkin, Mary (2017). The case for a Carer knowledge exchange network (CAREN). In: CAREN: the carer knowledge exchange network, 28 Sep 2017, Sydney, Australia.

Larkin, Mary (2017). Carer Research and Knowledge Scoping Review. In: NIHR School for Social Care Conference 2017, 12 Apr 2017, LSE, London, UK.

Yeandle, Sue; Chou, Yueh-Ching; Fine, Michael; Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun (2017). [Editorial] Care and caring: interdisciplinary perspectives on a societal issue of global significance. International Journal of Care and Caring, 1(1) pp. 3–25.

Larkin, Mary (2017). Former’ older carers: their profile and needs. In: 7th International Carers Conference, Adelaide, Australia, 4-6 Oct 2017, Adelaide, Australia.

2016To Top

Larkin, Mary (2016). Scoping Carer Research. In: 4th International Conference on Evidence-based Policy in Long-term Care, 4-7 Sep 2016, London School of Economics.

Larkin, Mary (2016). 'Former' older carers - what do we know about their profile and needs? In: Focusing on Older Carers: Exploring the Research and Practice Axis, 16 Jun 2016, Bristol, British Society of Gerontology.

Larkin, Mary and Mitchell, Wendy (2016). Carers, choice and personalisation: what do we know? Social Policy and Society, 15(2) pp. 189–205.

2015To Top

Larkin, Mary (2015). Unbecoming a carer. In: British Medical Sociology Association, 2015, British Medical Sociology Association.

Larkin, Mary (2015). Making room for former carers. In: 6th International Carers Conference - Care and caring: future proofing the new demographics, 03-06 Sep 2015, Gothenburg, Sweden, International Conference of Care and Caring.

Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun (2015). Caring in the 21st century: research evidence and knowledge generation. Health and Social Care in the Community, 23(1) pp. 1–3.

2014To Top

Larkin, Mary and Milne, Alisoun (2014). Carers and empowerment in the UK: a critical reflection. Social Policy and Society, 13(1) pp. 25–38.

Larkin, Mary (2014). What do we know about carer perspectives in mental health and disability services?”. In: National Conference: What Works? User and Carer Perspectives on Mental Health and Disability Services., 11 Jun 2014, Leicester, UK.

Larkin, Mary (2014). Where to now for carer research? In: Carers: Informing and Improving Policy and Practice Through Research and Evaluation, 30 Jan 2014, London, UK.

2013To Top

Larkin, Mary (2013). Is the third sector going to survive ‘personalisation? In: Health Care, Social Care, Voluntary Care: Perfect Partnerships or Dangerous Liaisons, 24 Oct 2013, Harrogate.

Larkin, Mary (2013). Carers voices. In: Compassionate Care: Giving Patients a Voice, 13 May 2013.

2012To Top

Larkin, Mary (2012). Care of vulnerable adults. In: Blaber, A ed. Foundations for Paramedic Practice: A Theoretical Perspective (2nd ed). Maidenhead: McGraw-Hill, pp. 174–187.

Larkin, Mary (2012). What about the carers? In: Lloyd, Cathy and Heller, Tom eds. Long Term Conditions: Challenges in Health and Social Care. London: Sage, pp. 185–198.

Larkin, Mary (2012). The UK’s National Carers Strategy 2008: How did we get there and where are we going? In: Workshops at Ministry of Health and Social Affairs and Ministry of Employment and Economics, Mar 2102, Helsinki, Finland.

Larkin, Mary; Richardson, Louise and Tabreham, Julia (2012). New partnerships in health and social care for an era of public spending cuts. Health and Social Care in the Community, 20(2) pp. 199–207.

Milne, Margo; Larkin, Mary and Lloyd, Cathy (2012). Disability and illness: the perspective of people living with a long-term condition. In: Lloyd, Cathy and Heller, Tom eds. Long Term Conditions: Challenges in Health and Social Care. London: Sage, pp. 10–21.

Larkin, Mary (2012). Working with vulnerable people: experiences of disability. In: Lloyd, Cathy E. and Heller, Tom eds. Long Term Conditions: Challenges in Health & Social Care. London: SAGE Publications Ltd., pp. 124–138.

Larkin, Mary (2012). Carers research. In: Care and Compassion Week, 5-12 May 2012, De Montfort University, Leicester.

Larkin, Mary and Dickinson, Helen (2012). Personalisation: what will the impacts be for carers. In: Carers, The Third Sector And Personalisation: The Future Research Agenda?, Apr 2012, Birmingham University.

2011To Top

Larkin, Mary (2011). Partnerships between universities and the Third Sector. In: International Week 2011: Promoting Welfare Service Innovations - Entrepreneurship, Voluntary Work and Third Sector, 7-11 Mar 2011, Laurea Tikkurila, Finland.

Larkin, Mary (2011). The UK’s National Carers Strategy 2008 - how did we get there and where are we going? In: Finnish National Association of Family Caregivers Conference, 1 Feb 2011, Helsinki, Finland.

Larkin, Mary (2011). Social Aspects of Health, Illness and Healthcare. Maidenhead: Open University Press.

2010To Top

Larkin, Mary (2010). Carer empowerment. In: Driving Change In Welfare Services For The Aged Project, 2008-2010, 21 Sep 2010, Helsinki, Finland.

Larkin, Mary (2010). A forgotten partnership? The carer-service user partnership and personalisation. In: Shaping the Future of Social Work: 12th UK Joint Social Work Education Conference with the 4th UK Social Work Research Conference, 30 Jun - 02 Jul 2010, University of Hertfordshire.

Larkin, Mary (2010). Promoting service user and carer empowerment in health and social care. In: Promoting Individual And Group Empowerment In Social Services And Health Care, 1-7 Mar 2010, Laurea University, Finland.

2009To Top

Larkin, Mary (2009). Once a carer, always a carer? Exploring identity changes post-caring. In: 11th UK Joint Social Work Education Conference, Jun 2009, University of Hertfordshire.

Larkin, Mary (2009). Vulnerable Groups in Health and Social Care. London: Sage Publications.

2008To Top


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