Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Mariana Mazzucato
DTo Top
Demirel, Pelin and Mazzucato, Mariana
Demirel, Pelin and Mazzucato, Mariana
Demirel, Pelin and Mazzucato, Mariana
Dosi, Giovanni and Mazzucato, Mariana
GTo Top
Geroski, Paul A. and Mazzucato, M
Geroski, P and Mazzucato, M
Geroski, Paul and Mazzucato, Mariana
Geroski, P.A. and Mazzucato, M.
Geroski, P. A. and Mazzucato, M.
Geroski, P.A. and Mazzucato, M.
MTo Top
Mazzucato, Mariana and Parris, Stuart
Mazzucato, Mariana and Shipman, Alan
Mazzucato, Mariana (2011). The Entrepreneurial State. London: Demos.
Mazzucato, Mariana and Tancioni, Massimiliano
Mazzucato, Mariana and Demirel, Pelin
Mazzucato, Mariana and Lazonick, William
Mazzucato, Mariana
Mazzucato, Mariana; Lowe, Jonquil; Shipman, Alan and Trigg, Andrew (2010). Personal Investment: Financial Planning in an Uncertain World. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Mazzucato, Mariana and Tancioni, Massimiliano
Mazzucato, Mariana and Tancioni, Massimiliano
Mazzucato, Mariana and Tancioni, Massimiliano
Mazzucato, M and Dosi, G eds. (2006). Knowledge accumulation and industry evolution: the case of Pharma-Biotech. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
Mazzucato, Mariana and Tancioni, Massimiliano
Mazzucato, Mariana and Tancioni, Massimiliano
Mazzucato, Mariana
Mazzucato, Mariana
Mazzucato, Mariana
Mazzucato, Mariana
Mazzucato, Mariana
Mazzucato, M. and Semmler, W.
Mazzucato, Mariana
Mazzucato, M. and Geroski, P. A.
Mazzucato, Mariana and Semmler, Willi
Mazzucato, M. and Geroski, P. A.
Mazzucato, Mariana
Mazzucato, Mariana
Mazzucato, Mariana (2000). Firm Size, Innovation and Market Structure: The Evolution of Market Concentration and Instability. UK: Edward Elgar.
Mazzucato, Mariana and Semmler, Willi
Mazzucato, Mariana
Mazzucato, Mariana and Semmler, Willi
Mazzucato, Mariana
OTo Top
Orsenigo, Luigi; Dosi, Giovanni and Mazzucato, Mariana