Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Miranda Dyson

33 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Feb 14 16:13:02 2025 GMT.

2021To Top

Cooke, Julia; Araya, Yoseph; Bacon, Karen L.; Bagniewska, Joanna M.; Batty, Lesley; Bishop, Tom R.; Burns, Moya; Charalambous, Magda; Daversa, David R.; Dougherty, Liam R.; Dyson, Miranda; Fisher, Adam M.; Forman, Dan; Garcia, Cristina; Harney, Ewan; Hesselberg, Thomas; John, Elizabeth A; Knell, Rob; Maseyk, Kadmiel; Mauchline, Alice L.; Peacock, Julie; Pernetta, Angelo P.; Pritchard, Jeremy; Sutherland, William J.; Thomas, Rebecca L.; Tigar, Barbara; Wheeler, Philip; White, Rachel L.; Worsfold, Nicholas T. and Lewis, Zenobia (2021). Teaching and learning in ecology: a horizon scan of emerging challenges and solutions. Oikos, 130(1) pp. 15–28.

2020To Top

Dyson, M. L.; Perez, D. M.; Curran, T.; McCullough, E. L. and Backwell, P. R. Y. (2020). The role of claw color in species recognition and mate choice in a fiddler crab. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology, 74, article no. 116.

2019To Top

Darnell, M. Zachary; Backwell, Patricia R.Y.; Stockbridge, Jackson; Dyson, Miranda L. and Munguia, Pablo (2019). Thermal and desiccation constraints drive territory preference in fiddler crabs. Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 518, article no. 151173.

2016To Top

2013To Top

Dyson, Miranda L.; Rheichert, Michael S. and Halliday, Tim R. (2013). Contests in amphibians. In: Hardy, Ian and Briffa, Mark eds. Animal Contests. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 228–257.

2010To Top

Dyson, Miranda (2010). Courtship behaviour. In: Mills, Daniel S.; Marchant-Forde, Jeremy N.; McGreevy, Paul D.; Morton, David B.; Nicol, Christine J.; Phillips, Clive J. C.; Sandoe, Peter and Swaisgood, Ronald R. eds. The Encyclopaedia of Applied Animal Behaviour and Welfare. Oxford, UK: CAB International Publishing, pp. 145–148.

2008To Top

2003To Top

2002To Top

Dyson, Miranda and Gerhardt, H. C. (2002). Decoding the frog chorus. In: Halliday, Tim and Adler, Kraig eds. The New Encyclopedia of Reptiles and Amphibians. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 92–95.

2001To Top

2000To Top

Dyson, Miranda L. (2000). Environmental variation: the effects on vertebrate mating systems with special reference to ectotherms. In: Apollonio, Marco; Festa-Bianch, Marco and Mainardi, Danilo eds. Vertebrate Mating Systems: Proceedings of the 14th Course of the International School of Ethology. The Science and Culture Series - Ethology. London: World Scientific, pp. 140–157.

1998To Top

Dyson, M. L.; Klump, G. M. and Gauger, B. (1998). Absolute hearing thresholds and critical masking ratios in the European barn owl: a comparison with other owls. Journal of Comparative Physiology A, 182(5) pp. 695–702.

Dyson, Miranda L.; Bush, Sarah L. and Halliday, Tim R. (1998). Phonotaxis by female Majorcan midwife toads, Alytes muletensis. Behaviour, 135(2) pp. 213–230.

Dyson, Miranda L.; Henzi, S. Peter; Halliday, Timothy R. and Barrett, Louise (1998). Success breeds success in mating male reed frogs, Hyperolius marmoratus. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 265(1404) pp. 1417–1421.

Köppl, C.; Klump, G. M.; Taschenberger, G.; Dyson, M. and Manley, G. A. (1998). The auditory fovea of the barn owl - no correlation with enhanced frequency resolution. In: Palmer, A. R.; Rees, A.; Summerfield, A. Q. and Meddis, R. eds. Psychophysical and Physiological Advances in Hearing. London: Whurr, pp. 153–159.

1997To Top

Klump, G. M. and Dyson, M. L. (1997). Frequency selectivity in the barn owl (Tyto alba) measured with a masking paradigm using narrow band noise. In: From Membrane to Mind: Proceedings of the 25th Gottingen Neurobiology Conference 1997 (Elsner, Norbert and Wassle, Heinz eds.), Thieme Medical Publishers.

1996To Top

Bush, Sarah L.; Dyson, Miranda L. and Halliday, Timothy R. (1996). Selective phonotaxis by males in the Majorcan midwife toad. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 263(1372) pp. 913–917.

Gerhardt, H. Carl; Dyson, Miranda L. and Tanner, Steven D. (1996). Dynamic properties of advertisement calls of gray tree frogs: patterns of variability and female choice. Behavioral Ecology, 7(1) pp. 7–18.

1995To Top

Henzi, S. P.; Dyson, M. L.; Piper, S. E.; Passmore, N. E. and Bishop, P. J. (1995). Chorus attendance by male and female painted reed frogs (Hyperolius marmoratus): environmental factors and selection pressures. Functional Ecology, 9(3) pp. 485–491.

1994To Top

Dyson, Miranda L.; Henzi, S. Peter and Passmore, Neville I. (1994). The effect of changes in the relative timing of signals during phonotaxis of the reed frog, Hyperolius marmoratus. Animal Behaviour, 48(3) pp. 679–685.

Gerhardt, H. Carl; Dyson, Miranda L.; Tanner, Steven D. and Murphy, Christopher G. (1994). Female treefrogs do not avoid heterospecific calls as they approach conspecific calls: implications for the mechanisms of mate choice. Animal Behaviour, 47(6) pp. 1323–1332.

1992To Top

Dyson, Miranda L. and Passmore, Neville I. (1992). Effect of Intermale Spacing on Female Frequency Preferences in the Painted Reed Frog. Copeia, 1992(4) pp. 1111–1114.

Dyson, Miranda L.; Passmore, Neville I.; Bishop, Philip J. and Henzi, S. Peter (1992). Male behaviour and correlates of mating success in a natural population of African Painted Reed frogs (Hyperolius marmoratus). Herpetologica, 48(2) pp. 236–246.

1990To Top

Henzi, S. P.; Dyson, M. L. and Deenik, A. (1990). The relationship between altitude and group size in mountain baboons (Papio cynocephalus ursinus). International Journal of Primatology, 11(4) pp. 319–325.

1989To Top

Telford, Steven R.; Dyson, Miranda L. and Passmore, Neville I. (1989). Mate choice only occurs in small choruses of painted reed frogs Hyperolius marmoratus. Bioacoustics, 2(1) pp. 47–53.

1988To Top

1985To Top


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