Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Linda Price

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Price, Linda; Kirkwood, Adrian and Richardson, John T. E. (2016). Mind the gap: the chasm between research and practice in teaching and learning with technology. In: Case, Jennifer M. and Huisman, Jeroen eds. Researching Higher Education: International perspectives on theory, policy and practice. Society for Research into Higher Education (SRHE) Series. London: Routledge, pp. 227–245.

Price, Linda (2014). Modelling factors for predicting student learning outcomes in higher education. In: Gijbels, David; Donche, Vincent; Richardson, John T. E. and Vermunt, Jan D. eds. Learning Patterns in Higher Education: Dimensions and Research Perspectives. New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 56–77.

Daunert, Anna Liza and Price, Linda (2014). E-portfolio: a practical tool for self-directed, reflective, and collaborative professional learning. In: Harteis, Christian; Ruasch, Andreas and Seifried, Jürgen eds. Discourses on Professional Learning: On the Boundary Between Learning and Working. Professional and Practice-based Learning (9). Dordrecht: Springer Science and Business Media, pp. 231–251.

Kirkwood, Adrian and Price, Linda (2011). The influence upon design of differing conceptions of teaching and learning with technology. In: Olofsson, Anders D. and Lindberg, J. Ola eds. Informed Design of Educational Technologies in Higher Education: Enhanced Learning and Teaching. IGI Global, pp. 1–20.

Price, Linda and Kirkwood, Adrian (2008). Technology in the United Kingdom’s Higher Education Context. In: Scott, Shelleyann and Dixon, Kathryn C. eds. The globalised university: trends and challenges in teaching and learning. Perth, Australia: Black Swan Press, pp. 83–113.

Jelfs, Anne; McDonald, Janet; Price, Linda; Richardson, John T. E. and Cannell, Pete (2007). 'Am I still doing a good job?': Conceptions of tutoring in distance education. In: Rust, Chris ed. Improving Student Learning Through Teaching. Oxford, UK: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development.

Price, Linda and Richardson, John T. E. (2004). Why is it difficult to improve student learning? In: Rust, Chris ed. Improving Student Learning: Theory, Research and Scholarship. Oxford, UK: Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development.

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Alden Rivers, Bethany; Richardson, John T. E. and Price, Linda (2014). Promoting reflection in asynchronous virtual learning spaces: tertiary distance tutors’ conceptions. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 15(3) pp. 215–231.

Price, Linda; Richardson, John T. E.; Robinson, Bernadette; Ding, Xia; Sun, Xiaoling and Han, Cuiling (2011). Approaches to studying and perceptions of the academic environment among university students in China. Asia Pacific Journal of Education, 31(2) pp. 159–175.

Draeger, John and Price, Linda (2011). Which way to SoTL utopia? International Journal for the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, 5(1)

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Kirkwood, A. and Price, L. (2014). Improving quality and validity in research and evaluation studies of learning technologies. In: EDULEARN 14 Proceedings: 6th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, IATED Academy, pp. 5397–5404.

Price, Linda (2011). Modelling factors for predicting student learning outcomes in higher education. In: ‘Learning in transition: dimensionality, validity and development’ scientific research network conference, 1-2 Dec 2011, University of Antwerp, Belgium.

Price, Linda and Kirkwood, Adrian (2010). Technology enhanced learning – where’s the evidence? In: Curriculum, technology & transformation for an unknown future. Proceedings ascilite Sydney 2010, 5-8 Dec 2010, Sydney, Australia.

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