Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Mathijs Lucassen

89 items in this list.
Generated on Fri Jan 24 00:56:27 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Garcia, C.; Grant, E.; Treharne, G.; Arahanga-Doyle, H.; Lucassen, Mathijs; Scarf, D.; Taumoepeau, M.; Veale, J. and Rapsey, C. (2024). ‘We’ll be okay together’: navigating challenges as queer university students in Aotearoa New Zealand. Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online, 19(2) pp. 190–206.

Witney, Tom; Gabb, Jacqui; Aicken, Catherine; DiMartino, Salvo and Lucassen, Mathijs (2024). Configuring the digital relationship landscape: a feminist new materialist analysis of a couple relationship app. Families, Relationships, Societies, 13(2) pp. 181–197.

2023To Top

Guntupalli, Aravinda; Lucassen, Mathijs; Fenaughty, John; Fleming, Theresa; Peiris-John, Roshini; Farrant, Bridget and Clark, Terryann (2023). Wellbeing and healthcare access for sexuality and gender minority secondary school students with long-term health conditions. Children and Youth Services Review, 155, article no. 107281.

Bevan Jones, Rhys; Hussain, Faris; Shameem Agha, Sharifah; Weavers, Bryony; Lucassen, Mathijs; Merry, Sally; Stallard, Paul; Simpson, Sharon Anne and Rice, Frances (2023). Digital technologies to support adolescents with depression and anxiety: review. BJPsych Advances, 29(4) pp. 239–263.

Bohr, Yvonne; Litwin, Leah; Hankey, Jeffrey Ryan; McCague, Hugh; Singoorie, Chelsea; Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Shepherd, Matthew and Barnhardt, Jenna (2023). Evaluating the Utility of a Psychoeducational Serious Game (SPARX) in Protecting Inuit Youth From Depression: Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Serious Games, 11, article no. e38493.

Litwin, Leah; Hankey, Jeffrey; Lucassen, Mathijs; Shepherd, Matthew; Singoorie, Chelsea and Bohr, Yvonne (2023). Reflections on SPARX, a self-administered e-intervention for depression, for Inuit youth in Nunavut. Journal of Rural Mental Health, 47(1) pp. 41–50.

Garcia, C.; Grant, E.; Treharne, G.J.; Arahanga-Doyle, H.; Lucassen, Mathijs; Scarf, D.; Taumoepeau, M.; Veale, J. and Rapsey, C. (2023). ‘Is it worth potentially dealing with someone who won't get it?’: LGBTQA+ university students’ perspectives on mental health care. Journal of the Royal Society of New Zealand (Early access).

2022To Top

Clark, Terryann C.; Ball, Jude; Fenaughty, John; Drayton, Bradley; Fleming, Theresa; Rivera-Rodriguez, Claudia; Le Grice, Jade; Peiris-John, Roshini; Bavin, Lynda-Maree; Schwencke, Ariel; Sutcliffe, Kylie; Lewycka, Sonia; Lucassen, Mathijs; Waa, Anaru; Greaves, Lara M. and Crengle, Sue (2022). Indigenous adolescent health in Aotearoa New Zealand: Trends, policy and advancing equity for rangatahi Māori, 2001–2019. The Lancet Regional Health-Western Pacific, 28, article no. 100554.

Lucassen, M.; Fleming, T.; Shepherd, M.; Stasiak, K. and Merry, S. (2022). Playing anxiety and depression away: Serious games for mental health problems in children and adolescents. In: Bennett, Sophie; Myles-Hooton, Pamela; Schleider, Jessica and Shafran, Roz eds. Oxford Guide to Brief and Low Intensity Interventions for Children and Young People. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 273–279.

Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Núñez-García, Alicia; Rimes, Katharine A.; Wallace, Louise M.; Brown, Katherine E. and Samra, Rajvinder (2022). Coping Strategies to Enhance the Mental Wellbeing of Sexual and Gender Minority Youths: A Scoping Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(14), article no. e8738.

2021To Top

Lucassen, Mathijs; Stasiak, Karolina; Fleming, Theresa; Frampton, Christopher; Perry, Yael; Shepherd, Matthew and Merry, Sally (2021). Computerised cognitive behavioural therapy for gender minority adolescents: Analysis of the real-world implementation of SPARX in New Zealand. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 55(9) pp. 874–882.

Lucassen, Mathijs; Perry, Yael; Frampton, Christopher; Fleming, Theresa; Merry, Sally; Shepherd, Matthew and Stasiak, Karolina (2021). Intersex adolescents seeking help for their depression: The case study of SPARX in New Zealand. Australasian Psychiatry, 29(4)

Fleming, Theresa; Lucassen, Mathijs; Stasiak, Karolina; Sutcliffe, Kylie and Merry, Sally (2021). Technology Matters: SPARX - computerised cognitive behavioural therapy for adolescent depression in a game format. Child and Adolescent Mental Health, 26(1) pp. 92–94.

2020To Top

Fleming, Theresa; Sutcliffe, Kylie; Lucassen, Mathijs; Pine, Russell and Donkin, Liesje (2020). Serious Games and Gamification in Clinical Psychology.

Jones, Emma; Graffin, Neil; Samra, Rajvinder and Lucassen, Mathijs (2020). Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Legal Profession. Bristol Shorts Research. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

Merry, Sally N.; Hopkins, Sarah; Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Stasiak, Karolina; Weisz, John R.; Frampton, Christopher M. A.; Bearman, Sarah Kate; Ugueto, Ana M.; Herren, Jennifer; Cribb-Su’a, Ainsleigh; Kingi-Uluave, Denise; Loy, Jik; Hartdegen, Morgyn and Crengle, Sue (2020). Effect of Clinician Training in the Modular Approach to Therapy for Children vs Usual Care on Clinical Outcomes and Use of Empirically Supported Treatments: A Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA Network Open, 3(8), article no. e2011799.

Utter, Jennifer; Lucassen, Mathijs; Denny, Simon; Fleming, Terry; Peiris-John, Roshini and Clark, Terryann (2020). Using the Internet to access health-related information: results from a nationally representative sample of New Zealand secondary school students. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 32(2), article no. 20170096.

2019To Top

Fleming, Theresa M.; Stasiak, Karolina; Emma, Moselen; Eve, Hermansson-Webb; Shepherd, Matthew; Lucassen, Mathijs; Bavin, Lynda M. and Merry, Sally (2019). Revising Computerized Therapy for Wider Appeal Among Adolescents: Youth Perspectives on a Revised Version of SPARX. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 10, article no. 802.

Lucassen, Mathijs; Guntupalli, Aravinda; Clark, Terryann; Fenaughty, John; Denny, Simon; Fleming, Theresa; Smith, Melody and Utter, Jennifer (2019). Body size and weight, and the nutrition and activity behaviors of sexual and gender minority youth: Findings and implications from New Zealand. Public Health Nutrition, 22(13) pp. 2346–2356.

Leenaars, Cathalijn H. C.; Lucassen, Mathijs; Borger, Nedim; Houben, Ellen and Kalsbeek, Andries (2019). Social Jet-Lag in Tertiary Students Following A Modern Curriculum with Few Time-Tabled Contact Hours: A Pilot Study. Clocks & Sleep, 1(3) pp. 306–318.

Lucassen, Mathijs F.G.; Samra, Rajvinder; Axtell-Powell, Georgia and Cooke, Georgina (2019). 'A Support Net': Evaluating a novel mental health-related online educational tool. In: International Society for Research on Internet Interventions - ISRII: The Next Generation, 13-15 Feb 2019, Auckland, New Zealand.

Mavoa, Suzanne; Lucassen, Mathijs; Denny, Simon; Utter, Jennifer; Clark, Terryann and Smith, Melody (2019). Natural neighbourhood environments and the emotional health of urban New Zealand adolescents. Landscape and Urban Planning, 191, article no. 103638.

2018To Top

Chiang, Szu-Ying; Fleming, Theresa; Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Fouche, Christa and Fenaughty, John (2018). From secrecy to discretion: The views of psychological therapists' on supporting Chinese sexual and gender minority young people. Children and Youth Services Review, 93 pp. 307–314.

Fleming, T.; Bavin, L. M.; Lucassen, M.; Stasiak, K.; Hopkins, S. and Merry, S. N. (2018). Beyond the trial: A systematic review of real-world uptake and engagement with digital self-help interventions for depression, low mood, or anxiety. Journal of Medical Internet Research, 20(6), article no. e199.

Gulliver, Pauline; Fanslow, Janet; Fleming, Theresa; Lucassen, Mathijs and Dixon, Robyn (2018). Uneven progress in reducing exposure to violence at home for New Zealand adolescents 2001–2012: a nationally representative cross‐sectional survey series. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 42(3) pp. 262–268.

Utter, Jennifer; Denny, Simon; Lucassen, Mathijs and Dyson, Ben (2018). Who is teaching the kids to cook? Results from a nationally representative survey of secondary school students in New Zealand. International Journal of Adolescent Medicine and Health, 30(3), article no. 20160064.

2017To Top

Lucassen, Mathijs F.G.; Stasiak, Karolina; Samra, Rajvinder; Frampton, Christopher M.A. and Merry, Sally N. (2017). Sexual minority youth and depressive symptoms or depressive disorder: A systematic review and meta-analysis of population-based studies. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 51(8) pp. 774–787.

Samra, Rajvinder; Cox, Tom; Gordon, Adam; Conroy, Simon; Lucassen, Mathijs and Griffiths, Amanda (2017). What Factors Are Related to Medical Students’ and Doctors’ Attitudes Towards Older Patients? In: 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology and Geriatrics, 23-27 Jul 2017, San Francisco, California.

Merry, Sally N.; Stasiak, Karolina; Dunnachie, Bronwyn; Anstiss, Tania; Lucassen, Mathijs and Cargo, Tania (2017). Implementing and Testing Youth Psychotherapies through a National Center for Evidence-Based Practice in New Zealand. In: Weisz, John R. and Kazdin, Alan E. eds. Evidence-Based Psychotherapies for Children and Adolescents (Third Edition). New York: The Guilford Press, pp. 396–414.

van Lier, Laila E.; Utter, Jennifer; Denny, Simon; Lucassen, Mathijs; Dyson, Ben and Clark, Terryann (2017). Home Gardening and the Health and Well-Being of Adolescents. Health Promotion Practice, 18(1) pp. 34–43.

Lucassen, Mathijs; Fleming, Theresa M. and Merry, Sally N. (2017). Tips for research recruitment: The views of sexual minority youth. Journal of LGBT Youth, 14(1) pp. 16–30.

Sundram, Frederick; Hawken, Susan J; Stasiak, Karolina; Lucassen, Mathijs FG; Fleming, Theresa; Shepherd, Matthew; Greenwood, Andrea; Osborne, Raechel and Merry, Sally N (2017). Tips and Traps: Lessons From Codesigning a Clinician E-Monitoring Tool for Computerized Cognitive Behavioral Therapy. JMIR Mental Health, 4(1) e3.

Fleming, Theresa M.; Bavin, Lynda; Stasiak, Karolina; Hermansson-Webb, Eve; Merry, Sally N.; Cheek, Colleen; Lucassen, Mathijs; Lau, Ho Ming; Pollmuller, Britta and Hetrick, Sarah (2017). Serious Games and Gamification for Mental Health: Current Status and Promising Directions. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 7, article no. 215.

Chiang, Szu-Ying; Fleming, Theresa; Lucassen, Mathijs; Fenaughty, John; Clark, Terryann and Denny, Simon (2017). Mental Health Status of Double Minority Adolescents: Findings from National Cross-Sectional Health Surveys. Journal of Immigrant and Minority Health pp. 1–12.

2016To Top

Khourochvili, Mariami; Bohr, Yvonne; Litwin, Leah; Lucassen, Mathijs and Merry, Sally (2016). Pilot testing a computerized CBT program in a remote Arctic region: Nunavut youth and youth workers reflect on SPARX. In: Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies (ABCT) 50th Annual Convention, 27-30 Oct 2016, New York City.

Rossen, Fiona V.; Lucassen, Mathijs F.G.; Fleming, Theresa M.; Sheridan, Janie and Denny, Simon J. (2016). Adolescent gambling behaviour, a single latent construct and indicators of risk: findings from a national survey of New Zealand high school students. Asian Journal of Gambling Issues and Public Health, 6, article no. 7.

Clark, Terryann C.; Lucassen, Mathijs F.G.; Fleming, Theresa; Peiris-John, Roshini; Ikihele, Amio; Teevale, Tasileta; Robinson, Elizabeth and Crengle, Sue (2016). Changes in the sexual health behaviours of New Zealand secondary school students, 2001–2012: findings from a national survey series. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health, 40(4) pp. 329–336.

Fleming, Theresa; Lucassen, Mathijs; Stasiak, Karolina; Shepherd, Matthew and Merry, Sally (2016). The impact and utility of computerised therapy for educationally alienated teenagers: the views of adolescents who participated in an Alternative Education based trial. Clinical Psychologist, 20(2) pp. 94–102.

Poppelaars, Marlou; Tak, Yuli R.; Lichtwarck-Aschoff, Anna; Engels, Rutger C.M.E.; Lobel, Adam; Merry, Sally N.; Lucassen, Mathijs F.G. and Granic, Isabela (2016). A Randomized Controlled Trial Comparing two Cognitive-Behavioral Programs for Adolescent Girls with Subclinical Depression: A School-Based Program (Op Volle Kracht) and a Computerized Program (SPARX). Behaviour Research and Therapy, 80 pp. 33–42.

Denny, Simon; Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Stuart, Jaimee; Fleming, Theresa; Bullen, Pat; Peiris-John, Roshini; Rossen, Fiona V. and Utter, Jennifer (2016). The association between supportive high school environments and depressive symptoms and suicidality among sexual minority students. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 45(3) pp. 248–261.

Stasiak, Karolina; Fleming, Theresa; Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Shepherd, Matthew J.; Whittaker, Robyn and Merry, Sally N. (2016). Computer-Based and Online Therapy for Depression and Anxiety in Children and Adolescents. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 26(3) pp. 235–245.

Rossen, Fiona V.; Clark, Terryann; Denny, Simon |J.; Fleming, Theresa M.; Peiris-John, Roshini; Robinson, Elizabeth and Lucassen, Mathijs F. G. (2016). Unhealthy Gambling Amongst New Zealand Secondary School Students: An Exploration of Risk and Protective Factors. International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction, 14(1) pp. 95–110.

Utter, Jennifer; Denny, Simon; Lucassen, Mathijs and Dyson, Ben (2016). Adolescent cooking abilities and behaviors: Associations with nutrition and emotional well-being. Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior, 48(1) pp. 35–41.

2015To Top

Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Stasiak, Karolina; Crengle, Sue; Weisz, John R.; Frampton, Christopher M. A.; Bearman, Sarah Kate; Ugueto, Ana M.; Herren, Jennifer; Cribb-Su'a, Ainsleigh; Faleafa, Monique; Kingi-'Ulu'ave, Denise; Loy, Jik; Scott, Rebecca M.; Hartdegen, Morgyn and Merry, Sally N. (2015). Modular Approach to Therapy for Anxiety, Depression, Trauma, or Conduct Problems in outpatient child and adolescent mental health services in New Zealand: study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Trials, 16, article no. 457.

Lucassen, Mathijs F. G. and Burford, James (2015). Educating for diversity: an evaluation of a sexuality diversity workshop to address secondary school bullying. Australasian Psychiatry, 23(5) pp. 544–549.

Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Merry, Sally N.; Hatcher, Simon and Frampton, Christopher M. A. (2015). Rainbow SPARX: a novel approach to addressing depression in sexual minority youth. Cognitive and Behavioral Practice, 22(2) pp. 203–216.

Cheek, Colleen; Fleming, Theresa; Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Bridgman, Heather; Stasiak, Karolina; Shepherd, Matthew and Orpin, Peter (2015). Integrating health behavior theory and design elements in serious games. JMIR Mental Health, 2(2), article no. e11.

Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Clark, Terryann C.; Denny, Simon J.; Fleming, Theresa M.; Rossen, Fiona V.; Sheridan, Janie; Bullen, Pat and Robinson, Elizabeth M. (2015). What has changed from 2001 to 2012 for sexual minority youth in New Zealand? Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health, 51(4) pp. 410–418.

Shepherd, Matthew; Fleming, Theresa; Lucassen, Mathijs; Stasiak, Karolina; Lambie, Ian and Merry, Sally N. (2015). The design and relevance of a computerised therapy program for indigenous Māori adolescents. JMIR Serious Games, 3(1), article no. e1.

Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Hatcher, Simon; Fleming, Theresa M.; Stasiak, Karolina; Shepherd, Matthew J. and Merry, Sally N. (2015). A qualitative study of sexual minority young peoples’ experiences of computerised therapy for depression. Australasian Psychiatry, 23(3) pp. 268–273.

2014To Top

Clark, Terryann C.; Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Bullen, Pat; Denny, Simon J.; Fleming, Theresa M.; Robinson, Elizabeth M. and Rossen, Fiona V. (2014). The health and well-being of transgender high school students: results from the New Zealand adolescent health survey (Youth’12). Journal of Adolescent Health, 53(1) pp. 93–99.

Fleming, Theresa M.; Clark, Terryann; Denny, Simon; Bullen, Pat; Crengle, Sue; Peiris-John, Roshini; Robinson, Elizabeth; Rossen, Fiona V.; Sheridan, Janie and Lucassen, Mathjis (2014). Stability and change in the mental health of New Zealand secondary school students 2007–2012: Results from the national adolescent health surveys. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 48(5) pp. 472–480.

Cheek, Colleen; Bridgman, Heather; Fleming, Theresa; Cummings, Elizabeth; Ellis, Leonie; Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Shepherd, Matthew and Skinner, Timothy (2014). Views of young people in rural Australia on SPARX, a fantasy world developed for New Zealand youth with depression. JMIR Serious Games, 2(1), article no. e3.

2013To Top

Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Hatcher, Simon; Stasiak, Karolina; Fleming, Theresa; Shepherd, Matthew and Merry, Sally N. (2013). The views of lesbian, gay and bisexual youth regarding computerised self-help for depression: An exploratory study. Advances in Mental Health: Promotion, Prevention and Early Intervention, 12(1) pp. 22–34.

Rossen, F. V.; Fleming, T.; Lucassen, M.; Denny, S.; Peiris-John, R.; Teevale, T.; Crengle, S.; Robinson, E.; Bullen, P.; Dyson, B.; Fortune, S.; Utter, J.; Sheridan, J.; Clark, T. and Adolescent Health Research Group (2013). Youth Gambling: The health and wellbeing of New Zealand secondary school students in 2012.

2012To Top

2011To Top

Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Merry, Sally N.; Robinson, Elizabeth M.; Denny, Simon; Clark, Terryann; Ameratunga, Shanthi; Crengle, Sue and Rossen, Fiona V. (2011). Sexual attraction, depression, self-harm, suicidality and help-seeking behaviour in New Zealand secondary school students. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 45(5) pp. 376–383.

2009To Top

2008To Top

2007To Top

Lucassen, Mathijs F. G.; Robinson, Elizabeth and Merry, Sally N. (2007). The impact of a workshop on motivation to pursue a career in child and adolescent mental health. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Psychiatry, 41(7) pp. 618–624.

2005To Top

Lucassen, Mathijs; Doherty, Iain and Merry, Sally (2005). Child and adolescent mental health in Aotearoa/New Zealand: an overview. Auckland: Pearson Education New Zealand.


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