Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Mark J. Smith

43 items in this list.
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BookTo Top

Smith, Mark J. (2005). La Cultura: Reinventare le scienze sociali. Troina, Italy: Città Aperta Edizioni.

Smith, Mark J. (2005). 文化:再造社会科学 (Culture: Reinventing the Social Sciences). Singapore: McGraw-Hill/长春-吉林人民出版社 (Jilin People's Publishing House).

Smith, Mark J. (2001). Manual de Ecologismo: Rumo à Cidadania Ecológica. Lisboa, Portugal: Instituto Piaget.

Smith, Mark J. (2000). Rethinking State Theory. Routledge Innovations in Political Theory, 5. London: Routledge.

Smith, Mark J. (2000). Culture: Reinventing the Social Sciences. Concepts in the social sciences. Buckingham, UK; Philadelphia, USA: Open University Press.

Smith, Mark J. (1998). Ecologism: Towards Ecological Citizenship. Concepts in the Social Sciences. Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press.

Smith, Mark J. (1998). Social Science in Question: Towards a Postdisciplinary Framework. Published in association with The Open University. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Edited BookTo Top

Reynolds, Martin; Blackmore, Chris and Smith, Mark J. eds. (2009). The Environmental Responsibility Reader. London, UK: Zed Books and The Open University.

Smith, Mark J. ed. (2005). Canons and Custodians: Scientific inquiry in the 20th Century. Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, 1. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Smith, Mark J. ed. (2005). Understanding Social Scientific Practice. Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, 2. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Smith, Mark J. ed. (2005). Scientific Knowledge as a Social Product. Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, 3. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Smith, Mark J. ed. (2005). Reinventing the Social Sciences: Towards a postdisciplinary future. Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, 4. London, UK: Sage Publications.

Smith, Mark J. ed. (1999). Thinking Through the Environment: A Reader. London, UK: Routledge.

Book SectionTo Top

Smith, Mark (2012). Practical utopianism and ecological citizenship: new struggles for 'the political'. In: Campagna, Federico ed. What are we struggling for? London: Pluto Press (In Press).

Smith, Mark J. (2012). Vulnerability in a world risk society. In: Butcher, Melissa and Papaioannou, Theo eds. New Perspectives in International Development. International Development. London: Bloomsbury Press, pp. 113–142.

Smith, Mark J. and Pangsapa, Piya (2011). Transforming labour standards to labour rights. In: Yanacopulos, Helen and Voiculescu, Aurora eds. The Business of Human Rights: An Evolving Agenda for Corporate Responsibility. London, UK: Zed Publications, pp. 55–78.

Smith, Mark J. and Pangsapa, Piya (2011). Clusters of injustice: human rights, environmentalsustainability and labour standards. In: Yanacopulos, Helen and Voiculescu, Aurora eds. The Business of Human Rights: An Evolving Agenda for Corporate Responsibility. London, UK: Zed Publications, pp. 214–234.

Smith, Mark J. (2010). The intellectual roots of Big Society. In: Stott, Marina ed. The Big Society Challenge. Thetford, UK: Keystone Publications/Development Trusts Association (DTA)/BASSAC/Social Enterprise East of England/LankellyChase Foundation, pp. 27–35.

Smith, Mark J. (2010). Environmental responsibility and the Big Society. In: Stott, Marina ed. The Big Society Challenge. Thetford, UK: Keystone Publications/Development Trusts Association (DTA)/BASSAC/Social Enterprise East of England/LankellyChase Foundation, pp. 145–156.

Smith, Mark J. and Pangsapa, Piya (2009). Corporate environmental responsibility and citizenship. In: Reynolds, Martin; Blackmore, Christine and Smith, Mark J. eds. The Environmental Responsibility Reader. London, UK: Zed Books, pp. 321–327.

Smith, Mark J. and Pangsapa, Piya (2009). Strategic thinking and the practices of ecological citizenship: bringing together the ties that bind and bond. In: Reynolds, Martin; Blackmore, Christine and Smith, Mark J. eds. The Environmental Responsibility Reader. London, UK: Zed Books, pp. 328–338.

Smith, Mark J. and Pangsapa, Piya (2009). Buddhist virtues and environmental responsibility in Thailand. In: Reynolds, Martin; Blackmore, Christine and Smith, Mark J. eds. The Environmental Responsibility Reader. London, UK: Zed Books, pp. 314–320.

Reynolds, Martin; Blackmore, Chris and Smith, Mark (2009). Epilogue. In: Reynolds, Martin; Blackmore, Christine and Smith, Mark eds. The Environmental Responsibility Reader. Zed Books and The Open University, pp. 341–347.

Smith, Mark J. and Pangsapa, Piya (2007). New Controversies in Phenomenology: Between Ethnography and Discourse. In: Outhwaite, William and Turner, Stephen P. eds. Handbook of Social Science Methodology. London, UK: Sage Publications, pp. 384–404.

Smith, Mark J. (2006). Realism. In: Jupp, Victor ed. Sage Dictionary of Social Research Methods. London, UK: Sage Publications, pp. 255–257.

Smith, Mark J. (2006). Relativism. In: Jupp, Victor ed. Sage Dictionary of Social Research Methods. London, UK: Sage Publications, pp. 260–262.

Smith, Mark J. (2005). Culture and the Prospects for a Postdisciplinary Social Science. In: Smith, Mark J. ed. Reinventing the Social Sciences: Towards a postdisciplinary future. Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, 4. London, UK: Sage Publications, pp. 415–440.

Smith, Mark J. (2005). Knowing, the Known and Knowledge of the Social. In: Smith, Mark J. ed. Canons and Custodians: Scientific inquiry in the 20th Century. Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, 1. London, UK: Sage Publications, xvii-xli.

Smith, Mark J. (2005). Empricism, Idealism, Realism. In: Smith, Mark J. ed. Understanding Social Scientific Practice. Philosophy and Methodology of the Social Sciences, 2. London, UK: Sage Publications, pp. 319–367.

Smith, Mark J. (2005). Taking part in politics. In: Lewis, Paul ed. Exploring Political Worlds. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 71–107.

Smith, Mark (2005). Using theory. In: Andrews, Geoff and Saward, Michael eds. Living Political Ideas. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 121–152.

Bromley, Simon and Smith, Mark (2004). Transforming international order? In: Brown, William; Bromley, Simon and Athreye, Suma eds. Ordering the International: History, Change and Transformation. London: Pluto Press, pp. 523–568.

Smith, Mark J. (2002). Rethinking normality through post-disciplinary practices. In: Hook, Derek and Eagle, Gillian eds. Psychopathology and Social Prejudice. Cape Town, South Africa: University of Cape Town Press, pp. 235–251.

Smith, Mark J. (2001). Social movements in Europe: the rise of environmental governance. In: Guibernau, M. ed. Governing European Diversity. London: Sage Publications, pp. 103–138.

Smith, Mark J. (1999). Voyage into the unknown: Ecological thought and human impacts. In: Smith, Mark J. ed. Thinking Through the Environment: A Reader. London: Routledge, pp. 1–8.

Smith, Mark J. (1999). Intergenerational justice. In: Smith, Mark J. ed. Thinking Through the Environment: A Reader. London: Routledge, pp. 78–80.

Smith, Mark J. (1999). Visual ethics: Interpreting Hogarth's 'The Stages of Cruelty'. In: Smith, Mark J. ed. Thinking Through the Environment: A Reader. London: Routledge, pp. 132–136.

Smith, Mark J. (1999). Thinking through ecological citizenship. In: Smith, Mark J. ed. Thinking Through the Environment: A Reader. London: Routledge, pp. 405–408.

Journal ItemTo Top

Smith, Mark J. and Pangsapa, Piya (2008). Political Economy of Southeast Asian Borderlands: Migration, Environment, and Developing Country Firms. Journal of Contemporary Asia, 38(4) pp. 485–514.

Smith, Mark J. (2005). Obligation and Ecological Citizenship. Environments, 33(3) pp. 9–23.


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