Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Martyn Hammersley

224 items in this list.
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2024To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2024). A brief reply to David Byrne. International Journal of Social Research Methodology (Early access).

2023To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2023). The history of qualitative research in education. In: Tierney, Robert J.; Rizvi, Fazal and Erkican, Kadriye eds. International Encyclopedia of Education (Fourth Edition). Elsevier, pp. 14–23.

2022To Top

2021To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2021). The ‘radical critique of interviews’: a response to recent comments. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 24(3) pp. 393–395.

Hammersley, Martyn (2021). Some antinomies of interactionism. In: vom Lehn, Dirk; Ruiz-Junco, Natalia and Gibson, Will eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Interactionism. Routledge, pp. 416–424.

2020To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2020). On Schutz’s conception of science as one of multiple realities. Journal of Classical Sociology, 20(4) pp. 281–297.

Hammersley, Martyn (2020). A Paean to Populist Epistemology. Qualitative Inquiry, 26(6) p. 677.

Hammersley, Martyn (2020). Reflections on the Methodological Approach of Systematic Reviews. In: Zawacki-Richter, Olaf; Kerres, Michael; Bedenlier, Svenja; Bond, Melissa and Buntins, Katja eds. Systematic Reviews in Educational Research: Methodology, Perspectives and Application. Wiesbaden, Germany: Springer VS, pp. 23–39.

2019To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2019). Alfred Schutz and ethnomethodology: Origins and departures. History of the Human Sciences, 32(2) pp. 59–75.

Hammersley, Martyn (2019). Ethnomethodological criticism of ethnography. Qualitative Research, 19(5) pp. 578–593.

Hammersley, Martyn (2019). The Concept of Culture: A History and Reappraisal. Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

2018To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2018). Value-Free Sociology. In: Ritzer, George ed. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

Hammersley, Martyn (2018). Was Blumer a cognitivist? Assessing an ethnomethodological critique. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 48(3) pp. 273–287.

Hammersley, Martyn (2018). Commentary—On the “Indistinguishability Thesis”: A Response to Morgan. Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 12(3) pp. 256–261.

Hammersley, Martyn (2018). What is ethnography? Can it survive? Should it? Ethnography and Education, 13(1) pp. 1–17.

2017To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2017). Childhood Studies: A sustainable paradigm? Childhood, 24(1) pp. 113–127.

Hammersley, Martyn (2017). On the Role of Values in Social Research: Weber Vindicated? Sociological Research Online, 22(1) pp. 130–141.

2016To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2016). Glossing inadequacies: problems with definitions of key concepts in some methodology texts. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 19(6) pp. 731–737.

2015To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2015). Research Ethics and the Concept of Children’s Rights. Children and Society, 29(6) pp. 569–582.

Hammersley, Martyn (2015). On ethical principles for social research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 18(4) pp. 433–449.

Hammersley, Martyn (2015). Methodology: The Essence of Sociology? In: Holborn, Martin ed. Contemporary Sociology. Cambridge: Polity, pp. 628–654.

2014To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2014). The crisis in economics: what can it tell us about social science? Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, 9(3) pp. 338–344.

Hammersley, Martyn (2014). The perils of 'impact' for academic social science. Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, 9(3) pp. 345–355.

Hammersley, Martyn (2014). Questions of Quality in Educational Research. In: Reid, Alan D.; Hart, E. Paul and Peters, Michael A. eds. A Companion to Research in Education. Springer, pp. 387–390.

2013To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2013). The Myth of Research-Based Policy and Practice. Social Research Methods. London: Sage.

Hammersley, Martyn (2013). What is Qualitative Research? What Is? Research Methods. London: Continuum/Bloomsbury.

2012To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2012). Troubling theory in case study research. Higher Education Research and Development, 31(3) pp. 393–405.

Cooper, Barry; Glaesser, Judith; Gomm, Roger and Hammersley, Martyn eds. (2012). Challenging the Qualitative-Quantitative Divide: Explorations in Case-focused Causal Analysis. London: Continuum.

Hammersley, Martyn (2012). Am I now, or have I ever been, a Symbolic Interactionist? Autobiographical reflections. In: Denzin, Norman ed. Blue Ribbon Papers: Behind the Professional Mask: The Autobiographies of Leading Symbolic Interactionists. Studies in Symbolic Interaction (38). Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp. 153–174.

2011To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2011). On Becker’s studies of marijuana use as an example of analytic induction. Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 41(4) pp. 535–566.

2010To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2010). The case of disappearing dilemma: Herbert Blumer on sociiological method. History of the Human Sciences, 23(5) pp. 70–90.

Hammersley, Martyn (2010). Aristotelian or Galileian? On a puzzle about the philosophical sources of analytic induction. Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour, 40(4) pp. 393–409.

Hammersley, Martyn (2010). Is Social Measurement Possible, and is it Necessary? In: Walford, Geoffrey; Tucker, Eric and Viswanathan, Madhu eds. Sage Handbook of Measurement. London, UK: Sage, pp. 409–426.

2009To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2009). Against the ethicists: on the evils of ethical regulation. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 12(3) pp. 211–225.

Hammersley, Martyn (2009). What is evidence for evidence-based practice? In: Otto, Hans-Uwe; Polutta, Andreas and Ziegler, Holger eds. Evidence-Based Practice - Modernising the Knowledge Base of Social Work. Opladen: Budrich.

Hammersley, Martyn (2009). Objectivity. In: Williams, Malcolm and Vogt, W. Paul eds. Sage Handbook of Methodological Innovation. London: Sage.

2008To Top

Traianou, Anna and Hammersley, Martyn (2008). Making science education evidence based? A brief reply to Millar, Leach, Osborne and Ratcliffe. Oxford Review of Education, 34(4) pp. 489–492.

Hammersley, Martyn (2008). Causality as conundrum: The case of qualitative inquiry. Methodological Innovations Online, 2(3)

Hammersley, Martyn (2008). Troubles with triangulation. In: Bergman, Manfred Max ed. Advances in Mixed Methods Research. London: Sage, pp. 22–36.

2007To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2007). Reflections on linguistic ethnography. Journal of Sociolinguistics, 11(5) pp. 689–695.

Hammersley, Martyn (2007). The issue of quality in qualitative research. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, 30(3) pp. 287–306.

Hammersley, Martyn ed. (2007). Educational Research and Evidence-based Practice. In association with the Open University. London: Sage.

2006To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2006). Systematic or unsystematic, is that the question? Reflections on the science, art, and politics of reviewing research evidence. In: Killoran, Amanda; Swann, Catherine and Kelly, Michael P. eds. Public Health Evidence: Tackling Health Inequalities. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press.

Hammersley, Martyn (2006). Ethnography: Problems and prospects. Ethnography and Education, 1(1) pp. 3–14.

Hammersley, Martyn (2006). Philosophy's contribution to social science research on education. Journal of Philosophy of Education, 40(2) pp. 273–286.

Boulton, David and Hammersley, Martyn (2006). Analysis of unstructured data. In: Sapsford, Roger and Jupp, Victor eds. Data Collection and Analysis. London: Sage, pp. 243–259.

2005To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2005). Countering the 'new orthodoxy' in educational research: a response to Phil Hodkinson. British Educational Research Journal, 31(2) pp. 139–155.

Hammersley, Martyn (2005). Should social science be critical? Philosophy of the Social Sciences, 35(2) pp. 175–195.

Hammersley, Martyn (2005). The myth of research-based practice: the critical case of educational inquiry. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 8(4) pp. 317–330.

Hammersley, Martyn (2005). Ethnography, toleration and authenticity: ethical reflections on fieldwork, analysis and writing. In: Troman, Geoff; Jeffrey, Bob and Walford, Geoffrey eds. Methodological Issues and Practices in Ethnography. Studies in Educational Ethnography, 11. UK: Elsevier, pp. 37–55.

Hammersley, Martyn (2005). Is social research political? In: Pole, Christopher ed. Fieldwork. London: Sage.

Hammersley, Martyn (2005). Taking sides in research. In: Pole, Christopher ed. Fieldwork. London: Sage.

Hammersley, Martyn (2005). The rhetorical turn in ethnography. In: Pole, Christopher ed. Fieldwork. London: Sage.

2004To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2004). Should ethnographers be against inequality? On Becker, value neutrality and researcher partisanship. In: Jeffrey, Bob and Walford, Geoffrey eds. Ethnographies of Educational and Cultural Conflicts: Strategies and resolutions. Oxford, UK: Elsevier, pp. 25–43.

Hammersley, Martyn (2004). Teaching qualitative methodology: craft, profession or bricolage. In: Seale, Clive; Gobo, Giampietro; Gubrium, Jay F. and Silverman, David eds. Qualitative Research Practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage, pp. 549–560.

Hammersley, Martyn (2004). Action Research: a contradiction in terms? Oxford Review of Education, 30(2) pp. 165–181.

Hammersley, Martyn (2004). Towards a usable past for qualitative research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 7(1) pp. 19–27.

Hammersley, M. and Gomm, R. (2004). Recent radical criticism of the interview in qualitative research. Developments in Sociology: Annual review, 20 pp. 91–102.

Hammersley, M (2004). Causality as conundrum. In: ESRC Research Methods Programme, Research Methods Festival, 2004, St Catherines College, Oxford.

Hammersley, Martyn (2004). A new political arithmetic to make sociology useful? Comments on a debate. British Journal of Sociology, 55(3) pp. 439–446.

2003To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2003). Media representation of research: the case of a review of ethnic minority education. British Educational Research Journal, 29(3) pp. 327–343.

Hammersley, M. (2003). Can and should educational research be educative? Oxford Review of Education, 29(1) pp. 3–25.

Hammersley, Martyn (2003). Social research today: some dilemmas and distinctions. Qualitative Social Work, 2(1) pp. 25–44.

Hammersley, Martyn (2003). Doing the fine thing: A rejoinder to Johnathon Potter. Discourse and Society, 14(6) pp. 795–798.

Hammersley, Martyn (2003). The impracticality of scepticism: A further response to Potter. Discourse and Society, 14(6) pp. 803–804.

2002To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2002). Research as emancipatory: the case of Bhaskar's realism. Journal of Critical Realism, 1(1) pp. 33–48.

Hammersley, Martyn (2002). Obvious, all too obvious? Methodological issues in using sex/gender as a variable in educational research. In: Francis, Becky and Skelton, Christine eds. Investigating gender: contemporary perspectives in education. Open University Press.

Hammersley, Martyn (2002). Ethnography and the disputes over validity. In: Walford, Geoffrey ed. Debates and developments in ethnographic methodology. Studies in educational ethnography (6). New York, USA: JAI Press.

Hammersley, M. (2002). Ethnography and realism. In: Huberman, Michael and Miles, Matthew B. eds. The Qualitative Researcher’s Companion. London: Sage.

Hammersley, Martyn (2002). The relationship between qualitative and quantitative research: paradigm loyalty versus methodological eclecticism. In: Richardson, John T. E. ed. Handbook of Qualitative Research Methods for Psychology and the Social Sciences. Oxford: BPS Blackwell, pp. 159–174.

2001To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (2001). A reply to partisan reviews. British Journal of Sociology of Education, 22(3) pp. 417–421.

Hammersley, Martyn (2001). Interpreting achievement gaps: Some comments on a dispute. British Journal of Educational Studies, 49(3) pp. 285–298.

Hammersley, Martyn (2001). On Michael Bassey's concept of the fuzzy generalisation. Oxford Review of Education, 27(2) pp. 219–225.

Hammersley, Martyn (2001). Some questions about evidence-based practice in education. In: Pring, Richard and Thomas, Gary eds. Evidence-based Practice in Education. Open University Press, pp. 133–149.

Hammersley, M (2001). Whose side was Becker on? Questioning political and epistemological radicalism. Qualitative Research, 1(1) pp. 91–110.

Hammersley, Martyn (2001). Ethnography and realism. In: Emerson, Robert M. ed. Contemporary Field Research (Second edition). Prospect Heights, Illinois: Waveland Press.

2000To Top

Gomm, Roger; Hammersley, Martyn and Foster, Peter eds. (2000). Case study method: Key texts, key issues. London: Sage.

Hammersley, Martyn (2000). Varieties of social research. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 3(3) pp. 221–229.

Hammersley, Martyn (2000). The relevance of qualitative research. Oxford Review of Education, 26(3-4) pp. 393–405.

Foster, Peter; Gomm, Roger and Hammersley, Martyn (2000). Case studies as spurious evaluations: the example of research on educational inequalitites. British Journal of Educational Studies, 48(3) pp. 215–230.

Hammersley, Martyn (2000). Evidence-based practice in education and the contribution of educational research. In: Reynolds, Shirley and Trinder, Liz eds. Evidence-Based Practice. Oxford: Blackwell, pp. 163–183.

Hammersley, Martyn (2000). Taking sides against research: an assessment of the rationales for partisanship. In: Scott, David ed. Values and Educational Research. Institute of Education, University of London.

Hammersley, M.; Foster, P. and Gomm, R. (2000). Case study and generalisation. In: Gomm, R.; Hammersley, M. and Foster, P. eds. Case Study Method: Key Issues, Key Texts. London: Sage, pp. 98–115.

Hammersley, M.; Foster, P. and Gomm, R. (2000). Case study and theory. In: Gomm, R.; Hammersley, M. and Foster, P. eds. Case Study Method: Key Issues, Key Texts. London: Sage, pp. 234–258.

1999To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (1999). Sociology, what's it for? A critique of Gouldner'. Sociological Research Online, 4(3)

1998To Top

Foster, Peter and Hammersley, Martyn (1998). A review of reviews: structure and function in reviews of educational research. British Educational Research Journal, 24(5) pp. 609–628.

Hammersley, Martyn (1998). Partisanship and credibility: the case of anti-racist educational research. In: Connolly, P. and Troyna, B. eds. Researching "Race" in Educational Settings. Buckingham: Open University Press.

Hammersley, Martyn (1998). The profession of a 'methodological purist'? In: Walford, Geoffrey ed. Doing Research about Education. London: Falmer Press, pp. 139–153.

Hammersley, Martyn (1998). Get real! A defence of realism. In: Hodkinson, Phil ed. The Nature of Educational Research: Realism, Relativism, or Post-Modernism? Manchester: Manchester Metropolitan University.

1997To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (1997). On the foundations of critical discourse analysis. Language and Communication, 17(3) pp. 237–248.

Hammersley, Martyn and Gomm, Roger (1997). Bias in social research. Sociological Research Online, 2(1)

Hammersley, Martyn (1997). Educational research and teaching: A response to David Hargreaves' TTA lecture. British Educational Research Journal, 23(2) pp. 141–161.

Hammersley, Martyn (1997). Educational inequality as a social problem: The case of England. In: Cosin, Ben and Hales, Margaret eds. Families, Education and Social Differences. London: Routledge, pp. 102–115.

1996To Top

Foster, Peter; Gomm, Roger and Hammersley, Martyn (1996). Constructing educational inequality: An assessment of research on school processes. Social research & educational studies, 15. London: Falmer.

Hammersley, Martyn (1996). Post Mortem of Post Modern? Some refelctions on British sociology of education. British Journal of Educational Studies, 44(1) pp. 395–408.

1995To Top

1994To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (1994). Ethnography, policy-making and practice in education. In: Halpin, David and Troyna, Barry eds. Researching Education and Policy: Ethical and Methodological Issues. London: Falmer, pp. 139–153.

Hammersley, Martyn (1994). On feminist methodology: A response. Sociology, 28(1) pp. 293–300.

1993To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (1993). Research and anti-racism: The case of Peter Foster and his critics. British Journal of Sociology, 44(3) pp. 429–448.

Hammersley, Martyn (1993). The rhetorical turn in ethnography. Social Science Information, 32(1) pp. 23–37.

Hammersley, Martyn (1993). On the teacher as researcher. Educational Action Research, 1(3) pp. 425–445.

Hammersley, Martyn and Scarth, John (1993). Beware of wise men bearing gifts: A case study in the misuse of educational research. British Educational Research Journal, 19(5) pp. 489–498.

Hammersley, M. (1993). An appraisal of 'Labouring to learn'. In: Gomm, Roger and Woods, Peter eds. Educational Research in Action. London: Paul Chapman, pp. 171–183.

Hammersley, Martyn (1993). Introducing ethnography. In: Graddol, David; Maybin, Janet and Stierer, Barry eds. Researching Language and Literacy in Social Context. Clevedon: Multilingual Matters, pp. 1–17.

1992To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (1992). Some reflections on ethnography and validity. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 5(3) pp. 195–203.

Hammersley, Martyn (1992). Reflections on the Liberal University: Truth, citizenship and the role of the academic. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 2(2) pp. 165–183.

Hammersley, Martyn (1992). On feminist methodology. Sociology, 26(2) pp. 187–206.

Hammersley, Martyn (1992). Deconstructing the qualitative-quantitative divide. In: Brannen, Julia ed. Mixing Methods: Qualitative and Quantitative Research. Aldershot: Avebury.

1991To Top

1990To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (1990). Herbert Blumer and qualitative method. International Journal of Qualitative Studies in Education, 3(1) pp. 31–36.

Hammersley, Martyn (1990). An evaluation of two studies of gender imbalance in primary classrooms. British Educational Research Journal, 16(2) pp. 125–143.

1989To Top

1988To Top

Scarth, John and Hammersley, Martyn (1988). Examinations and teaching. British Educational Research Journal, 14(3) pp. 231–249.

Hammersley, Martyn (1988). On Transmissionism and Evaluative Inquiry: a reply to Heap. Curriculum Inquiry, 18(2) pp. 231–233.

1987To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (1987). Ethnography for Survival?: A reply to Woods. British Educational Research Journal, 13(3) pp. 283–295.

Hammersley, Martyn (1987). Some notes on the terms 'validity' and 'reliability'. British Educational Research Journal, 13(1) pp. 73–81.

Hammersley, Martyn and Scarth, John (1987). More questioning of ORACLE: A reply to Croll and Galton. Educational Research, 29(1) pp. 37–46.

1986To Top

Hammersley, Martyn and Scarth, John (1986). The impact of examinations on secondary school teaching: A research report. Milton Keynes: The Open University.

Hammersley, Martyn ed. (1986). Controversies in classroom research: A reader. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Hammersley, Martyn ed. (1986). Case studies in classroom research: A reader. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Hammersley, Martyn and Scarth, John (1986). Questioning ORACLE: An assessment of ORACLE'S analysis of teachers' questions. Educational Research, 28(3) pp. 174–184.

Hammersley, Martyn (1986). Measurement in ethnography. In: Hammersley, Martyn ed. Controversies in Classroom Research. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Scarth, J and Hammersley, M (1986). Some problems in assessing the closedness of classroom tasks. In: Hammersley, Martyn ed. Case Studies in Classroom Research. Milton Keynes: Open University Press, pp. 70–84.

1985To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (1985). Ethnography: What it is and what it does. In: Hegarty, Seamus and Evans, Peter eds. Research and Evaluation Methods in Special Education. Windsor: NFER-Nelson, pp. 152–163.

Hammersley, Martyn; Scarth, John and Webb, Sue (1985). Developing and testing theory: the case of research on pupil learning and examinations. In: Burgess, Robert G ed. Issues in Educational Research: Qualitative Methods. Lewes: Falmer Press, pp. 48–66.

1984To Top

Hammersley, Martyn and Hargreaves, Andy eds. (1984). Curriculum practice: Some sociological case studies. UK: Falmer Press.

Hammersley, Martyn and Woods, Peter eds. (1984). Life in school: Sociology of pupil culture. Milton Keynes: Open University Press.

Hammersley, Martyn (1984). Making a vice of our virtues: Some notes on theory in ethnography and history. In: Goodson, Ivor F. and Ball, Stephen eds. Defining the Curriculum: Histories and ethnographies. London: Falmer Press, pp. 15–24.

Hammersley, Martyn (1984). The researcher exposed: A natural history. In: Burgess, Robert ed. The Research process in Educational Settings: Ten Case Studies. Sussex: Falmer Press, pp. 39–67.

Hammersley, Martyn (1984). The paradigmatic mentality: A diagnosis. In: Barton, Len and Walker, Stephen eds. Social Crisis and Educational Research. Croom Helm, pp. 230–255.

Hammersley, Martyn (1984). Staffroom news. In: Hargreaves, Andy and Woods, Peter eds. Classrooms and Staffrooms: Sociology of Teachers and Teaching. UK: Open University Press, pp. 230–214.

1983To Top

Hammersley, Martyn and Atkinson, Paul (1983). Ethnography: Principles in practice. London: Tavistock.

1982To Top

Hammersley, Martyn and Hargreaves, Andy (1982). CCCS Gas! Politics and science in the work of the Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies. Oxford Review of Education, 8(2) pp. 139–144.

Hammersley, Martyn (1982). The sociology of classrooms. In: Hartnett, Anthony ed. The Social Sciences in Educational Studies. London: Heinemann, pp. 227–242.

1981To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (1981). Using qualitative methods. Social Science Information Studies, 1(4) pp. 209–220.

Hammersley, Martyn (1981). Ideology in the Staffroom: A critique of false consciousness. In: Barton, Len and Walker, Stephen eds. Schools, Teachers and Teaching. Sussex: Falmer Press.

1980To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (1980). Classroom ethnography. Educational Analysis, 2(2) pp. 47–74.

Hammersley, Martyn (1980). Putting competence in action: Some sociological notes on a model of classroom interaction. In: French, Peter and MacLure, Margaret eds. Adult-Child Conversation. London: Croom Helm, pp. 47–58.

Hammersley, Martyn (1980). On interactionist empiricism. In: Woods, Peter ed. Pupil Strategies: Explorations in the Sociology of the School. London: Croom Helm, pp. 198–213.

Hammersley, Martyn and Turner, Glenn (1980). Conformist pupils? In: Woods, Peter ed. Pupil Strategies: Explorations in the Sociology of the School. London: Croom Helm, pp. 29–49.

1979To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (1979). Towards a model of teacher activity. In: Eggleston, John ed. Teacher Decision-Making in the Classroom: a Collection of Papers. Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 181–192.

1977To Top

Hammersley, Martyn (1977). School learning: the cultural resources required by pupils to answer a teacher's question. In: Woods, Peter and Hammersley, Martyn eds. School Experience: Explorations in the Sociology of Education. London: Croom Helm, pp. 57–86.

1976To Top

Hammersley, M (1976). The mobilisation of pupil attention. In: Hammersley, Martyn and Woods, Peter eds. The Process of Schooling: a Sociological Reader. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, pp. 104–115.


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