Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Marion Bowman

62 items in this list.
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2022To Top

2021To Top

Bowman, Marion (2021). Raising the dead: revisiting letters to diana. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica, 58(1) pp. 221–228.

2020To Top

Bowman, Marion; Johannsen, Dirk and Ohrvik, Ane (2020). Reframing Pilgrimage in Northern Europe: Introduction to the Special Issue. Numen, 67(5-6) pp. 439–452.

Bowman, Marion and Jenkins, John (2020). Leaving and Taking Away: Cathedrals and Material Culture. In: Dyas, Dee and Jenkins, John eds. Pilgrimage and England's Cathedrals: Past, Present, and Future. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 215–233.

2019To Top

Bowman, Marion and Coleman, Simon (2019). A Cathedral Is Not Just for Christmas: Civic Christianity in the Multicultural City. In: Klassen, Pamela E. and Scheer, Monique eds. The Public Work of Christmas: Difference and Belonging in Multicultural Societies. (Advancing Studies in Religion Series). McGill-Queen's University Press, pp. 240–261.

Bowman, Marion; Coleman, Simon; Jenkins, John and Sepp, Tina (2019). Visibly different: Continuity and change at Westminster Cathedral. In: Goodhew, David and Cooper, Anthony-Paul eds. The Desecularisation of the City: London’s Churches, 1980 to the Present. London: Routledge, pp. 300–327.

2017To Top

Bowman, Marion (2017). From production to performance: Candles, creativity and connectivity. In: Hutchings, Tim and McKenzie, Joanne eds. Materiality and the Study of Religion: The Stuff of the Sacred. Theology and Religion in Interdisciplinary Perspective Series. Routledge.

2016To Top

Bowman, Marion (2016). ”He’s My Best Friend” Relationality, Materiality, and the Manipulation of Motherhood in Devotion to St Gerard Majella in Newfoundland’. In: Woo, Terry and Lee, Becky eds. Canadian Women Shaping Diasporic Religious Identities. Waterloo, Ontario: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, pp. 3–34.

2015To Top

Bowman, Marion (2015). Railways, Rivalry and the Revival of Pilgrimage in Glastonbury, 1895 and 1897. Religion, Culture, Society: Yearbook of the MTA-SZTE Research Group for the Study of Religious Culture, 2 pp. 168–190.

Bowman, Marion (2015). Christianity, Plurality and Vernacular Religion in early Twentieth Century Glastonbury: A Sign of Things to Come? In: Methuen, Charlotte; Spicer, Andrew and Wolffe, John eds. Christianity and Religious Plurality. Studies in Church History (51). Woodbridge: Boydell and Brewer, pp. 302–321.

Bowman, Marion (2015). “Helping Glastonbury to Come into Its Own”: Practical Spirituality, Materiality, and Community Cohesion in Glastonbury. In: Coats, Curtis C. and Emerich, Monica M. eds. Practical Spiritualities in a Media Age. London: Bloomsbury Academic, pp. 51–65.

2014To Top

Bowman, Marion (2014). Vernacular/Lived Religion. In: Chryssides, George D. and Zeller, Benjamin E. eds. The Bloomsbury Companion to New Religious Movements. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 253–269.

2013To Top

Bowman, Marion (2013). Valuing spirituality: Commodification, consumption and community in Glastonbury. In: Gauthier, François and Martikainen, Tuomas eds. Religion in consumer society: Brands, consumers and markets. Ashgate, pp. 207–224.

2012To Top

Bowman, Marion and Valk, Ülo eds. (2012). Vernacular Religion in Everyday Life: Expressions of Belief. New York & London: Routledge.

Bowman, Marion (2012). Restoring/Restorying Arthur and Bridget: Vernacular Religion and Contemporary Spirituality in Glastonbury. In: Bowman, Marion and Valk, Ülo eds. Vernacular Religion in Everyday Life: Expressions of Belief. New York & London: Routledge, pp. 328–348.

2011To Top

Bowman, Marion (2011). Understanding Glastonbury as a site of consumption. In: Lynch, Gordon; Mitchell, Jolyon and Strhan, Anna eds. Religion, Media and Culture: A Reader. Abingdon, New York: Routledge, pp. 11–22.

2009To Top

Bowman, Marion (2009). From Glastonbury to Hungary: contemporary integrative spirituality and vernacular religion in context. In: Vargyas, Gábor ed. Passageways: From Hungarian Ethnography to European Ethnology and Sociocultural Anthropology. Budapest: Department of European Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology, The University of Pécs - L’Harmattan Publishing House, 195 -221.

2008To Top

Bowman, Marion (2008). Going with the flow: contemporary pilgrimage in Glastonbury. In: Margry, Peter Jan ed. Shrines and Pilgrimage in the Modern World: New Itineraries into the Sacred. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, pp. 241–280.

2007To Top

Bowman, Marion (2007). Å følge strømmen. Moderne pilegrimsferd I Glastonbury [To follow the flow. Modern Pilgrimage to Glastonbury]. In: Gilhus, Ingvild Sælid and Kraft, Siv Ellen eds. Religiøse reiser. Mellom gamle spor og nye mål. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, pp. 51–62.

2006To Top

Sinclair, Stefanie and Bowman, Marion (2006). Christianity: Study Guide. Milton Keynes, U.K.: Open University.

2005To Top

Bowman, Marion (2005). Neo-druidism. In: Koch, John T. ed. Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, US: ABC-CLIO Ltd, pp. 1353–1354.

Bowman, Marion (2005). Spirituality, Celtic. In: Koch, John T. ed. Celtic Culture: A Historical Encyclopedia. Santa Barbara, US: ABC-CLIO Ltd, pp. 1622–1623.

2004To Top

Bowman, Marion (2004). Healing in the spiritual marketplace : consumers, courses, and credentialism. In: Lewis, James R ed. The Encyclopedic Sourcebook of New Age Religions. Amherst, NY: Prometheus Books, pp. 339–348.

Bowman, Marion (2004). Phenomenology, fieldwork and folk religion. In: Sutcliffe, Steven ed. Religion: Empirical Studies. Ashgate, pp. 3–18.

2003To Top

Bowman, Marion (2003). From Keltoi to cybercelts: continuity and change in Celtic identities. In: Pittaway, Mark ed. Globalization and Europe. Buckingham, UK: The Open University, pp. 107–165.

2002To Top

Bowman, Marion (2002). Contemporary Celtic spirituality. In: Pearson, Joanne ed. Belief beyond boundaries: Wicca, Celtic spirituality and the New Age. Religion today: tradition, modernity and change (5). Aldershot, UK: Ashgate, pp. 55–101.

2001To Top

Bowman, Marion (2001). The People’s Princess: Religion and Politics in the Mourning for Diana. In: Barna, Gabor ed. Politics and Folk Religion. Bibliotheca religionis popularis Szegediensis, (6). Szeged, Hungary: Department of Ethnology, University of Szeged.

2000To Top

Sutcliffe, Steven and Bowman, Marion eds. (2000). Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.

Bowman, Marion (2000). More of the same? Christianity, vernacular religion and alternative spirituality in Glastonbury. In: Sutcliffe, Steven and Bowman, Marion eds. Beyond New Age: Exploring Alternative Spirituality. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 83–104.

Bowman, Marion (2000). Introduction. In: Bowman, Marion and Sutcliffe, Steven eds. Beyond New Age: Exploring Altenative Spirituality. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 1–13.

Bowman, Marion (2000). Nature, the Natural and Pagan Identity. Pagan Identities, Special Issue of DISKUS, Marion Bowman, Graham Harvey, eds., 6

Bowman, Marion ed. (2000). Healing and Religion. Hisarlik Studies in Contemporary Religion. London: Hisarlik Press.

Bowman, Marion (2000). The need for healing: a Bath case study. In: Bowman, Marion ed. Healing and Religion. Enfield Lock, Middlesex: Hisarlik Press, pp. 95–107.

Bowman, Marion (2000). Contemporary Celtic spirituality. In: Hale, Amy and Payton, Philip eds. New Directions in Celtic Studies. Exeter: University of Exeter Press, pp. 69–91.

Bowman, Marion and Harvey, Graham (2000). Pagan Identities: DISKUS 6. BASR, Wolverhampton.

1999To Top

Bowman, Marion (1999). A provincial city shows respect: shopping and mourning in Bath. In: Walter, Tony ed. The Mourning for Diana. Oxford: Berg, pp. 215–225.

1998To Top

Bowman, Marion (1998). Research Note: After Diana. Folklore, 109 pp. 99–101.

1995To Top

Bowman, Marion (1995). Cardiac Celts: images of the Celts in contemporary British paganism. In: Harvey, Graham and Hardman, Charlotte eds. Paganism Today. London: Thorsons, pp. 242–251.

1994To Top

Bowman, Marion (1994). The commodification of the Celt: New Age/Neo-pagan consumerism. In: Brewer, Teri ed. The Marketing of Tradition: Perspectives on Folklore, Tourism and the Heritage Industry. Folklore in Use: Applications in the Real World (2). Enfield Lock, Middlesex: Hislarik Press, pp. 143–152.

Bowman, Marion (1994). Religion in Bath: Beyond the Facade. Religion Today, 9(3) pp. 32–37.

1993To Top

Bowman, Marion (1993). Drawn to Glastonbury. In: Reader, Ian and Walter, Tony eds. Pilgrimage in Popular Culture. Basingstoke: MacMillan, pp. 29–62.

Bowman, Marion (1993). Reinventing the Celts. Religion, 23(2) pp. 147–156.


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