Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Marie Gillespie

62 items in this list.
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Aslan Ozgul, Billur; Nieto McAvoy, Eva; Gillespie, Marie and O'Loughlin, Ben (2022). Shakespeare Lives on Twitter: cultural diplomacy in the digital age. International Journal of Cultural Policy, 28(2) pp. 204–220.

Abdel Sattar, Nesrine; Gillespie, Marie; Lami, Mina; Sayed, Nermeen and Wissam, Maryam (2012). Social Media and BBC Arabic: A case study of ‘Nuqtat Hewar’. The Open University, Milton Keynes.

BTo Top

Bell, Simon; Gillespie, Marie and Wilding, Colin (2016). Rethinking Models of Evaluation: Sustainability as the Goal of International Cultural Organisations. In: International Sustainable Development Research Conference, 13-15 Jul 2016, Lisbon, Portugal.

Burchell, Kenzie; O’ Loughlin, Ben; Gillespie, Marie and Nieto McAvoy, Eva (2015). Soft power and its audiences: Tweeting the Olympics from London 2012 to Sochi 2014. Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies, 12(1) pp. 413–437.

CTo Top

Clark, Lynn Schofield and Gillespie, Marie (2018). Globalization and the Mediatization of Religion: From Scandinavia to the World. In: Lundby, Knut ed. Contesting Religion: The Media Dynamics of Cultural Conflicts in Scandinavia. Berlin: De Gruyter, pp. 315–332.

Cheesman, Tom and Gillespie, Marie (2002). Talking diasporas: diaspora dialogue. Index on Censorship, 31(3) pp. 4–7.

DTo Top

Denselow, Jadzia; Taussig, Andrew and Gillespie, Marie (2010). Career trajectories at the BBC World Service: managing diversity. Confidential report for the BBC World Service. The Open University & BBC World Service.

GTo Top

Gillespie, Marie and Nieto McAvoy, Eva (2018). The BBC’s Corporate Cosmopolitanism: The Diasporic Voice Between Empire and Cold War. In: Gusejnova, Dina ed. Cosmopolitanism in Conflict: Imperial Encounters from the Seven Years' War to the Cold War. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 179–209.

Gillespie, Marie (2018). Refugee Waste: Death, Survival and Solidarity in Lesvos. In: Dodsworth,, Francis and Walford, Antonia eds. A World Laid Waste? Responding to the Social, Cultural and Political Consequences of Globalisation. Culture, Economy and the Social (CRESC). Routledge, pp. 147–170.

Gillespie, Marie; Abdel Sattar, Nesrine and Lami, Mina (2017). Social media and political participation: BBC World Service and the Arabic Spring. In: Manning, Nathan ed. Political (Dis)Engagement: The Changing Nature of the 'Political'. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 77–104.

Gillespie, Marie and Nieto McAvoy, Eva (2016). Digital networks and Transformations in the International News Ecology: A Critique of Agent-centred Approaches to Soft Power. In: Chitty, Naren; Ji, Li; Rawnsley,, Gary D. and Hayden, Craig eds. The Routledge Handbook of Soft Power. Routledge, pp. 203–219.

Gillespie, Marie; Bell, Simon; Wilding, Colin; Webb, Alban; Fisher, Ali; Voss, Alex; Smith, Andrew W. M.; Macfarlane, Jess; Martin, Nat; Foster, Tot and Lvov, Ilia (2014). Understanding the Changing Cultural Value of the BBC World Service and the British Council. Arts and Humanities Research Council, Swindon.

Gillespie, Marie and Webb, Alban (2012). Corporate cosmopolitanism: diasporas and diplomacy at the BBC World Service, 1932-2012. In: Gillespie, Marie and Webb, Alban eds. Diasporas and Diplomacy: Cosmopolitanism Contact Zones at the BBC World Service (1932-2012). CRESC. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 1–20.

Gillespie, Marie (2011). Our ground zeros: diaspora, media, memory. In: Zelizer, Barbie and Allan, Stuart eds. Journalism After September 11 (2nd ed). Communications and Society. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 2252–271.

Gillespie, Marie; Gow, James; Hoskins, Andrew; O' Loughlin, Ben and žveržhanovski, Ivan (2010). Shifting securities: news cultures, multicultural society and legitimacy. Ethnopolitics, 9(2) pp. 239–253.

Gillespie, Marie; Gow, James; Hoskins, Andrew; O'Loughlin, Ben and Žveržhanovsk, Ivan (2010). Shifting securities: theory, practice and methodology: a response to powers, croft and noble. Ethnopolitics, 9(2) pp. 269–274.

Gillespie, Marie; Pinkerton, Alasdair; Baumann, Gerd and Thiranagama, Sharika (2010). South Asian diaspora and the BBC World Service: contacts, conflicts and contestations. South Asian Diaspora, 2(1) pp. 3–25.

Gillespie, Marie (2010). Diasporic creativity: refugee intellectuals, exiled poets and corporate cosmpolitanism at the BBC World Service. In: Knott, K. and McLoughlin, S. eds. Diasporas: Concepts, Intersections, Identities. London: Zed Books, pp. 236–243.

Gillespie, Marie and O'Loughlin, Ben (2009). News media, threats and insecurities: an ethnographic approach. Cambridge Review of International Affairs, 22(4) pp. 667–687.

Gillespie, Marie and O'Loughlin, Ben (2009). Precarious citizenship: multiculturalism, media and social insecurity. In: Noxolo, Pat and Huysmans, Jef eds. Community, Citizenship and the War on Terror: Security and Insecurity. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 89–112.

Gillespie, Marie; Rizvi, Sadaf; Andersson, Matilda; Michael, Lucy and West, Sophie (2009). Pakistan connection: diasporas at the BBC World Service. Open University & BBC World Service Confidential Report.

Gillespie, Marie; Webb, Alban and Baumann, Gerd (2008). Broadcasting britishness, strategic challenges and the ecology of overseas broadcasting by the BBC. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television, 28(4) pp. 453–458.

Gillespie, Marie (2007). Media, security and multicultural citizenship: a collaborative ethnography. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 10(3) pp. 275–294.

Gillespie, Marie (2006). Transnational Television Audiences after September 11. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 32(6) pp. 903–921.

Gillespie, Marie (2006). “L’umorismo reconquistato”: la comedia televisiva anglo-asiatica. In: Bodo, Simona and Cifarelli, Maria eds. Quando la Cultura fa la Differenza: Patrimonia, Arti e Media nella Sociata Multiculturale. Rome: Meltemi, pp. 156–175.

Gillespie, Marie and McLaughlin, Eugene (2005). Consuming Crime and Avoiding Punishment: Media Influence in the Shaping of Public Perceptions of Crime and Sentencing. In: Emsley, Clive ed. The Persistent Prison: Problems, Images and Alternatives. London, UK: Francis Bootle Publications, pp. 113–143.

Gillespie, Marie (2003). From Comic Asians to Asian Comics: 'Goodness Gracious Me', British Television Comedy and representations of Ethnicity. In: Scriven, Michael and Roberts, Emily eds. Group Identities on French and British Television. Oxford, UK: Berghahn Books, pp. 93–107.

Gillespie, Marie and Cheesman, Tom (2002). Media Cultures in India and the South Asian Diaspora. Routledge, London, U.K..

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Herbert, David and Gillespie, Marie (2011). Editorial, special issue on religion, media and social change. European Journal of Cultural Studies, 14(6) pp. 601–609.

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O'Loughlin, Ben and Gillespie, Marie (2016). The Media-Security Nexus: Researching Ritualised Cycles of Insecurity. In: Robinson, Peirs; Sieb, Philip and Frohlich, Romy eds. Routledge Handbook of Media, Conflict and Security. New York and Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 51–67.

O'Loughlin, Ben and Gillespie, Marie (2012). Dissenting citizenship? Young people and political participation in the media-security nexus. Parliamentary Affairs, 65(1) pp. 115–137.

PTo Top

Połońska-Kimunguyi, Eva and Gillespie, Marie (2016). European international broadcasting and Islamist terrorism in Africa: The case of Boko Haram on France 24 and Deutsche Welle. International Communication Gazette, 79(3) pp. 245–275.

STo Top

Skuse, Andrew and Gillespie, Marie (2011). Broadcasting ‘the State’: Tribe, Citizenship and the Politics of Radio Drama Production in Afghanistan. In: Skuse, Andrew; Gillespie, Marie and Power, Gerry eds. Drama for Development: Cultural Translation and Social Change. Thousand Oaks, CA, U.S.: Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd.

Skuse, Andrew and Gillespie, Marie (2011). Gossiping for Change: Dramatising ‘Blood Debt’ in Afghanistan. In: Skuse, Andrew; Gillespie, Marie and Power, Gerry eds. Drama for Development: Cultural Translation and Social Change. Thousand Oaks, CA, U.S.: Sage Publications Pvt. Ltd.

Sreberny, Annabelle; Gillespie, Marie and Baumann, Gerd (2010). Editorial The BBC World Service and the Middle East: comparisons, contrasts, conflicts. Middle East Journal of Culture and Communication, 3(2) pp. 129–136.

WTo Top

Webb, Alban; Gillespie, Marie and Mackay, Hugh (2011). BBC World Service Audience Research, 1932-2011. Participations: Journal of Audience & Reception Studies.


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