Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Michael Dodd

43 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 8 04:12:17 2025 GMT.

ATo Top

Ansine, Janice and Dodd, Michael (2018). building and maintaining a citizen science community for biodiversity. In: 18th National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Conference, 21-22 Nov 2018, Nottingham, UK.

Ansine, Janice; Araya, Yoseph; Dodd, Michael and Robinson, David (2018). iSpot: a citizen science platform for inclusive learning and teaching. In: European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) Conference 2018, 3-5 Jun 2018, Geneva, Switzerland.

Ansine, Janice; Dodd, Michael; Robinson, David and McAndrew, Patrick (2017). Exploring citizen science and inquiry learning through In: Herodotou, Christothea; Scanlon, Eileen and Sharples, Mike eds. Citizen Inquiry: Synthesising citizen science and inquiry learning. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 83–103.

CTo Top

Crawley, M.J.; Johnston, A.E.; Silvertown, J.; Dodd, M.; de Mazancourt, C.; Heard, M.S.; Henman, D.F. and Edwards, G.R. (2005). Determinants of species richness in the Park Grass experiment. American Naturalist, 165(2) pp. 179–192.

DTo Top

Dodd, Michael; Valentine, Chris and Ansine, Janice (2023). Exploring taxonomic and geographic spread of iSpot citizen science observations. In: National Biodiversity Network (NBN) Conference 2023, 23 Nov 2023, National Museums Scotland, Edinburgh.

Dodd, Michael (2011). Where are my quadrats? Positional accuracy in fieldwork. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 2(6) pp. 576–584.

Dodd, Mike E.; Silvertown, Jonathan; McConway, Kevin; Potts, Jacqueline and Crawley, Mick (1994). Stability in the plant communities of the Park Grass Experiment: the relationships between species richness, soil pH and biomass variability. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 346(1316) pp. 185–193.

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GTo Top

Gowing, David; Wallace, Hilary; Prosser, Mike and Dodd, Michael (2008). Nutrient Analysis of the Oxford Floodplain Meadows. Research Report by The Open University for Black and Veatch/Environment Agency.

Gillman, M. P. and Dodd, M. E. (1998). The variability of orchid population size. Botanical journal of the Linnean Society, 126(1-2) pp. 65–74.

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STo Top

Silvertown, Jonathan; Cook, Laurence; Cameron, Robert; Dodd, Michael; McConway, Kevin; Worthington, Jennifer; Skelton, Peter; Anton, Christian; Bossdorf, Oliver; Baur, Bruno; Schilthuizen, Menno; Fontaine, Benoît; Sattmann, Helmut; Bertorelle, Giorgio; Correira, Maria; Oliveira, Cristina; Pokryszko, Beata; Ozgo, Malgorzata; Stalažs, Arturs; Gill, Eoin; Rammul, Üllar; Sólymos, Péter; Féher, Soltan and Juan, Xavier (2011). Citizen science reveals unexpected continental-scale evolutionary change in a model organism. PLoS ONE, 6(4), article no. e18927.

Silvertown, Jonathan; McConway, Kevin; Gowing, David; Dodd, Mike; Fay, Michael F.; Joseph, Jeffrey A. and Dolphin, Konrad (2006). Absence of phylogenetic signal in the niche structure of meadow plant communities. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 273(1582) pp. 39–44.

Silvertown, Jonathan and Dodd, Mike (1999). Evolution of life history in balsam fir (Abies balsamea) in subalpine forests. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 266(1420) pp. 729–733.

Silvertown, Jonathan and Dodd, Mike (1996). Comparing plants and connecting traits. Philosophical Transactions: Biological Sciences, 351(1345) pp. 1233–1239.

Silvertown, Jonathan; Dodd, Mike; McConway, Kevin; Crawley, Mick and Potts, Jaqueline (1995). Species diversity and stability in grassland. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 10(7) pp. 287–288.

TTo Top

Tilman, D.; Dodd, M. E.; Silvertown, J.; Poulton, P. R.; Johnston, A. E. and Crawley, M. J. (1994). The park grass experiment - insights from the most long-term ecological study. In: Leigh, R. A. and Johnston, A. E. eds. Long-term Experiments in Agricultural and Ecological Science. Wallingford, Oxon., UK: CAB International, pp. 287–303.

WTo Top

Worthington, Jenny; Silvertown, Jonathan; Cook, Laurence; Cameron, Robert; Dodd, Mike; Greenwood, Richard; McConway, Kevin and Skelton, Peter (2012). Evolution MegaLab: a case study in citizen science methods. Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 3(2) pp. 303–309.

Wilson, J. Bastow; Steel, John B.; Dodd, Mike; Anderson, Barbara J.; Ullmann, Isolde and Bannister, Peter (2000). A test of community reassembly using the exotic communities of New Zealand roadsides in comparison to British roadsides. Journal of Ecology, 88(5) pp. 757–764.

Wilson, J. Bastow; Wells, Terry C. E.; Trueman, Ian C.; Jones, Grant; Atkinson, M. D.; Crawley, Mick J.; Dodd, Mike E. and Silvertown, Jonathan (1996). Are there assembly rules for plant species abundance? An investigation in relation to soil resources and successional trends. Journal of Ecology, 84(4) pp. 527–538.

Wilson, J. Bastow; Crawley, Mick J.; Dodd, Mike E. and Silvertown, Jonathan (1996). Evidence for constraint on species coexistence in vegetation of the Park Grass experiment. Plant Ecology (Vegetatio), 124(2) pp. 183–190.


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