Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Martina Emke

20 items in this list.
Generated on Sat Feb 8 12:28:03 2025 GMT.

Edited BookTo Top

Stickler, Ursula and Emke, Martina eds. (2023). Online Language Teaching: Crises and Creativities. Developing Online Language Pedagogies, 1. London: Castledown.

Book SectionTo Top

Emke, Martina and Kelly, Olivia (2024). Social network analysis for language education research. In: Hampel, Regine and Stickler, Ursula eds. The Bloomsbury Handbook of Language Learning and Technology. Bloomsbury Handbooks. London, UK: Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 397–412.

Emke, Martina and Kukulska-Hulme, Agnes (2023). Exploring Rhizomatic Learning on Twitter Through Research on Teacher Professional Development. In: Khine, Myint Swe ed. Rhizome Metaphor : Legacy of Deleuze and Guattari in Education and Learning. Singapore: Springer Nature, pp. 157–172.

Emke, Martina (2022). Teacher empowerment within Twitter chats: A more-than-human perspective. In: Fox, Alison; Busher, Hugh and Capewell, Carmel eds. Thinking Critically and Ethically About Research for Education: Engaging with Voice and Empowerment in International Contexts. Routledge, pp. 93–106.

Ernest, Pauline; Hopkins, Joseph; Emke, Martina; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Heiser, Sarah; Robbins, Jackie and Stickler, Ursula (2019). New Media in Language Education. In: Newby, David; Cavalli, Marisa and Heyworth, Frank eds. Changing contexts, evolving competences: 25 years of inspiring innovation in language education. Strasbourg: Council of Europe Publishing, pp. 89–99.

Emke, Martina (2019). Always In-between. In: Bangou, Francis; Waterhouse, Monica and Fleming, Douglas eds. Deterritorializing Language, Teaching, Learning, and Research. Critical New Literacies: The Praxis of English Language Teaching and Learning, Volume 9. Brill, pp. 199–223.

Stickler, Ursula and Emke, Martina (2015). Part-time and freelance language teachers and their ICT training needs. In: Hampel, Regine and Stickler, Ursula eds. Developing Online Language Teaching: Research-Based Pedagogies and Reflective Practices. New Language Learning and Teaching Environments. Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 28–44.

Emke, Martina; Stickler, Ursula and the MoreDOTS project team (2015). Teaching and learning online – Developing your skills to develop others. In: Krings, Hans P. and Kühn, Bärbel eds. Fremdsprachliche Lernprozesse. Erträge des 4. Bremer Symposions zum Fremdsprachenlehren und -lernen an Hochschulen. Fremdsprachen in Lehre und Forschung (FLF), 48. Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren e.V., pp. 199–209.

Stickler, Ursula and Emke, Martina (2011). Tandem Learning in Virtual Spaces: Supporting Non-formal and Informal Learning in Adults. In: Benson, Phil and Reinders, Hayo eds. Beyond the Language Classroom. NY: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 146–160.

Journal ItemTo Top

Stickler, Ursula and Emke, Martina (2023). Future-proofing language teaching: How the COVID-19 pandemic has changed our profession. CALICO Journal, 40(2) pp. 137–152.

Stickler, Ursula; Hampel, Regine; Heiser, Sarah; Ernest, Pauline; Hopkins, Joseph; Germain-Rutherford, Aline and Emke, Martina (2020). ReN: Perspectives and Trajectories of the Language Teacher in the 21st Century (TPLang21). International Journal of Applied Linguistics, 30(2) pp. 344–349.

Stickler, Ursula and Emke, Martina (2011). LITERALIA: Towards developing intercultural maturity online. Language Learning & Technology, 15(1) pp. 147–168.

Stickler, Ursula; Ernest, Pauline; Beaven, Tita; Emke, Martina; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Hampel, Regine; Hopkins, Joseph and Stanojewic, Mateusz-Milan (2010). Joining the DOTS. A collaborative approach to online teacher training. The EuroCALL Review, 16,

Beaven, Tita; Emke, Martina; Ernest, Pauline; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Hampel, Regine; Hopkins, Joseph; Stanojevic, Mateusz Milan and Stickler, Ursula (2010). Needs and challenges for online language teachers - the ECML project DOTS. Teaching English with Technology: A Journal for Teachers of English, 10(2) pp. 5–20.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Emke, M. and Stickler, U. (2021). Language Learning in Distance Education in Times of Covid-19: Opportunities and Challenges. In: Foreign Language Education in Turkey and European Practices: Developments and Suggestions (Conference Proceedings) (Öztürka, A.; Sağdiç, A.; Tertemiz Arat, E.; Çelik uzun, E. and Yilmaz, M. eds.), pp. 85–89.

Karamifar, Banafsheh; Stickler, Ursula; Hampel, Regine; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Hopkins, Joseph; Heiser, Sarah; Ernest, Pauline; Emke, Martina and Pellerin, Martine (2018). Perspectives and trajectories of the language teacher in the 21st century. In: Proceedings WorldCALL 2018 Concepción, 13-16 November, 2018 CALLing all the CALLers Worldwide (Barr, David; Banados, Emerita and Gimeno, Ana eds.), Universidad de Concepcion, Concepcion, Chile, pp. 51–54.

ThesisTo Top

OtherTo Top

Stickler, Ursula; Beaven, Tita; Emke, Martina; Ernest, Pauline; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Hampel, Regine; Hopkins, Joseph and Stanojevic, Mateusz Milan (2010). From the editors: stepping stones to teaching lnguages with technology. In Teaching English with Technology: A Journal for Teachers of English Journal of Teaching English with Technology (10) 2.


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