Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Martin Reynolds

88 items in this list.
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Reynolds, Martin; Blackmore, Chris and Smith, Mark J. eds. (2009). The Environmental Responsibility Reader. London, UK: Zed Books and The Open University.

Book SectionTo Top

Reynolds, M.; Lyons-White, J. and Knight, A. T. (2020). Systemic failure and the ‘Iron Triangle’ of conservation practice. In: Wyborn, Carina ed. Seeds of Change: Provocations for a new research agenda. Geneva: Luc Hoffman Institute, pp. 138–142.

Reynolds, M. and Holwell, S. (2020) 'Chapter 1: Introducing systems approaches'. Systems approaches to making change: a practical guide 2nd Edn. pp. 1-24. London: Open University and Springer

Ulrich, Werner and Reynolds, Martin (2020). Ch. 6. Critical Systems Heuristics: The Idea and Practice of Boundary Critique. In: Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue eds. Systems Approaches to Making Change: A Practical Guide. 2nd Edn. London: Open University and Springer, pp. 255–305.

Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue (2020). Chapter 7 Epilogue: Systems Approaches and Systems Practice. In: Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue eds. Systems Approaches to Making Change: A Practical Guide. 2nd Edn. London: Open University and Springer, pp. 307–321.

Backhaus, J.; de Carteret, R.; Damerius, L.; Huang, Y. Y.; Pfisterer, A.; Pöll, C.; Huppenbauer, M.; Rahn, E.; Reynolds, M. and Wallimann-Helmer, I. (2019). Introduction to critical systems heuristics. In: Paschke, M. and Dahinden, M. eds. Applying Collective Inquiry. Engaging in the science-policy dialogue (Workbook 8). Zurich: Zurich-Basel Plant Science Center, pp. 42–45.

Reynolds, Martin and Wilding, Helen (2017). Boundary critique: an approach for framing methodological design. In: de Savigny, Don; Blanchet, Karl and Adam, Taghreed eds. Applied Systems Thinking For Health Systems Research: A Methodological Handbook. Maidenhead: Open University Press, pp. 38–56.

Reynolds, Martin (2017). Evaluating diagramming as praxis. In: Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andy eds. Mapping Environmental Sustainability: Reflecting on systemic practices for participatory research. University of Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 207–230.

Lane, Andy and Reynolds, Martin (2017). Systems thinking in practice: mapping complexity. In: Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andy eds. Mapping environmental sustainability: reflecting on systemic practices for participatory research. Bristol: Policy Press, pp. 17–44.

Reynolds, M.; Blackmore, C.; Ison, R.; Shah, R. and Wedlock, E. (2017). The role of systems thinking in the practice of implementing sustainable development goals. In: Leal Filho, Walter ed. Handbook of Sustainability Science and Research. Springer, pp. 677–698.

Reynolds, Martin (2016). Towards Praxis in Systems Thinking. In: Frank, Moti; Shaked, Haim and Koral-Kordova, Sigal eds. Systems Thinking: Foundation, Uses and Challenges. New York: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 3–33.

Blackmore, Chris; Reynolds, Martin; Ison, Raymond and Lane, Andrew (2015). Embedding sustainability through systems thinking in practice: some experiences from the Open University. In: Wyness, Lynne ed. Education for Sustainable Development Pedagogy: Criticality, Creativity, and Collaboration. PedRIO occasional papers (8). Plymouth University: Pedagogic Research Institute and Observatory (PedRIO), pp. 32–35.

Reynolds, Martin (2015). Communicating about systems and complexity:from contingency to praxis. In: Patton, Michael Quinn ed. Gedenkschrift to honor Brenda Zimmerman's contributions to understanding complexity and social innovation. Canada: Social Innovation Generation de L’innovation sociale, pp. 32–36.

Blackmore, Chris; Ison, Raymond and Reynolds, Martin (2015). Thinking differently about sustainability: experiences from the UK Open University. In: Filho, Walter Leal; Azeiteiro, Ulisses; Alves, Fátima and Caeiro, Sandra eds. Integrating Sustainability Thinking in Science and Engineering Curricula. World Sustainability Series. Cham: Springer, pp. 613–630.

Reynolds, Martin and Williams, Bob (2012). Systems thinking and Equity-focused evaluations. In: Segone, Marco and Bamberger, Michael eds. Evaluation for equitable development results. New York: UNICEF, pp. 115–141.

Reynolds, Martin (2011). Critical thinking and systems thinking: towards a critical literacy for systems thinking in practice. In: Horvath, Christopher P. and Forte, James M. eds. Critical Thinking. New York, USA: Nova Science Publishers, pp. 37–68.

Reynolds, Martin (2011). Bells that still can ring: systems thinking in practice. In: Tait, Andrew and Richardson, Kurt eds. Moving Forward with Complexity: Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Complex Systems Thinking and Real World Applications. Litchfield Park, AZ: Emergent Publications, pp. 327–349.

Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue (2010). Introducing systems approaches. In: Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue eds. Systems Approaches to Managing Change: A Practical Guide. London: Springer, pp. 1–23.

Ulrich, Werner and Reynolds, Martin (2010). Critical systems heuristics. In: Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue eds. Systems Approaches to Managing Change: A Practical Guide. London: Springer, pp. 243–292.

Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue (2010). Epilogue: systems approaches and systems practice. In: Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue eds. Systems Approaches to Managing Change: A Practical Guide. London: Springer, pp. 293–306.

Reynolds, Martin (2009). Introduction to environmental responsibility. In: Reynolds, Martin; Blackmore, Chris and Smith, Mark J. eds. The Environmental Responsibility Reader. London: Zed Books and The Open University, pp. 1–6.

Reynolds, Martin; Blackmore, Chris and Smith, Mark (2009). Epilogue. In: Reynolds, Martin; Blackmore, Christine and Smith, Mark eds. The Environmental Responsibility Reader. Zed Books and The Open University, pp. 341–347.

Reynolds, Martin (2009). Environmental ethics. In: Reynolds, Martin; Blackmore, Christine and Smith, Mark J. eds. The Environmental Responsibility Reader. London: Zed Books and The Open University, pp. 40–51.

Reynolds, Martin (2009). Environmental ethics and development. In: Wilson, Gordon; Furniss, Pamela and Kimbowa, Richard eds. Environment, Development, and Sustainability: Perspectives and cases from around the world. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 159–168.

Reynolds, Martin (2007). Evaluation based on critical systems heuristics. In: Williams, B. and Imam, I. eds. Using Systems Concepts in Evaluation: An Expert Anthology. Point Reyes CA, USA: EdgePress, pp. 101–122.

Midgley, Gerald and Reynolds, Martin (2004). Community and Environmental OR: Towards a New Agenda. In: Midgley, Gerald and Ochoa-Arias, Alejandro eds. Community Operational Research. Contemporary Systems Thinking. Boston, USA: Springer, pp. 297–316.

Reynolds, Martin (2001). Co-guarantor attributes: a systemic approach to evaluating expert support. In: Remenyi, D. and Brown, A. eds. Eighth European Conference on Information Technology Evaluation Conference proceedings, Oriel College, Oxford, UK 17-18 September 2001. Reading, UK: MCIL Press, pp. 561–571.

Journal ItemTo Top

Kotir, Julius H.; Jagustovic, Renata; Papachristos, George; Zougmore, Robert B.; Kessler, Aad; Reynolds, Martin; Ouedraogo, Mathieu; Ritsema, Coen J.; Aziz, Ammar Abdul and Johnstone, Ron (2024). Field experiences and lessons learned from applying participatory system dynamics modelling to sustainable water and agri-food systems. Journal of Cleaner Production, 434, article no. 140042.

Reynolds, M. (2024). Navigating our ‘zone of interest’ in evaluative practice. Evaluative Practice (Members Journal of UK Evaluation Society), 02 pp. 11–15.

Knight, Andrew T.; Cook, Carly N.; Redford, Kent H.; Biggs, Duan; Romero, Claudia; Ortega‑Argueta, Alejandro; Norman, Cameron D.; Parsons, Beverley; Reynolds, Martin; Eoyang, Glenda and Keene, Matt (2019). Improving conservation practice with principles and tools from systems thinking and evaluation. Sustainability Science, 14(6) pp. 1531–1548.

Jagustović, Renata; Zougmoré, Robert B.; Kessler, Aad; Ritsema, Coen J.; Keesstra, Saskia and Reynolds, Martin (2019). Contribution of systems thinking and complex adaptive system attributes to sustainable food production: Example from a climate-smart village. Agricultural Systems, 171 pp. 65–75.

Rusoja, Evan; Haynie, Deson; Sievers, Jessica; Mustafee, Navonil; Nelson, Fred; Reynolds, Martin; Sarriot, Eric; Swanson, Robert Chad and Williams, Bob (2018). Thinking about complexity in health: A systematic review of the key systems thinking and complexity ideas in health. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 24(3) pp. 600–606.

Reynolds, Martin; Sarriott, Eric; Swanson, Robert Chad and Rusoja, Evan (2018). Navigating systems ideas for health practice: towards a common learning device. Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice, 24(3) pp. 619–628.

Reynolds, Martin; Gates, Emily; Hummelbrunner, Richard; Marra, Mita and Williams, Bob (2016). Towards Systemic Evaluation. Systems Research and Behavioral Science, 33(5) pp. 662–673.

Reynolds, M. (2014). Equity-focused developmental evaluation using critical systems thinking. Evaluation – The International Journal of Theory, Research and Practice, 20(1) pp. 75–95.

Reynolds, Martin (2014). Systemic failure in macroeconomic modelling. International Journal of Applied Systemic Studies, 5(4) pp. 311–328.

Reynolds, Martin (2008). Book Review: Wisdom for a livable planet. Environmental Education Research, 14(2) pp. 199–203.

Armson, R.; Ison, R.L.; Short, L.; Ramage, M. and Reynolds, M. (2001). Rapid institutional appraisal. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 14(6) pp. 763–777.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Reynolds, M. (2023). Professionalising Systems Thinking in Practice: what's not to celebrate? In: Journal of the International Society for the Systems Sciences | 67th Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences (Wilby, J. M. ed.), 67.

Reynolds, Martin (2023). Making ‘systems’ work for evaluation. In: Rising to Challenges: how does evaluation rise to the challenge of competing issues, crisis and uncertainty?, 3-5 Oct 2023, Friends Meeting House, London NW1 2BJ..

Reynolds, Martin; Ison, Raymond; Shah, Rupesh and Wilding, Helen (2020). Beyond employability: a more radical role for Higher Education in developing workplace capabilities. In: Employability Conference 2020 Expanding the narrative for a rapidly changing world, 11 Mar 2020, Walton Hall, Milton Keynes.

Reynolds, Martin; Lyons-White, Joss and Knight, Andrew T. (2019). Systemic failure and the 'Iron Triangle' of conservation practice. In: ‘Seeds of change: provocations for a new research agenda’, Biodiversity Revisited Symposium Conference Proceedings (Wyborn, C.; Kalas, N. and Rust, N. eds.), 11-13 Sep 2019, Vienna, Austria, pp. 138–142.

Reynolds, Martin (2019). Systems Thinking for Assessments: beyond ‘getting the bigger picture. In: European Environment Agency (EEA) Academy Winter School 2019, 28 Jan - 1 Feb 2019, Copenhagen.

Seale, Catherine; Lane, Andy; High, Chris; Macken-Walsh, Aine and Reynolds, Martin (2018). Reaping the rewards of learning within agricultural knowledge systems: An account of a PhD learning system. In: 13th European IFSA symposium - Farming systems: facing uncertainties and enhancing opportunities, 1-5 Jul 2018, Chania. Crete, International Farming Systems Association.

Reynolds, Martin and Shah, Rupesh (2018). Researching capability development: developing systems thinking in practice capabilities. In: Symposium on Governing Complexity: developing appropriate praxis with citizens and organisations, 12 Jun 2018, Milton Keynes, The Open University.

Reynolds, Martin (2018). Making policy and making policy work with developmental evaluation. In: Centre for the evaluation of complexity across the nexus (CECAN) webinar series, 24 Jul 2018, Centre for the evaluation of complexity across the nexus (CECAN).

Reynolds, Martin and Schwandt, Thomas (2017). Evaluation as public work: an ethos for professional evaluation praxis. In: UK Evaluation Society Annual Conference: The Use and Usability of Evaluation: demonstrating and improving the usefulness of evaluation, 10-11 May 2017, London, UK Evaluation Society.

Reynolds, M.; Shah, R.; Wedlock, E.; Ison, R. L. and Blackmore, C. (2017). From competence to capability: learning laboratories in postgraduate pedagogy. In: 6th eSTEeM Annual Conference 2017: STEM Futures: Supporting Students to Succeed, 25-26 Apr 2017, Milton Keynes, UK.

Reynolds, Martin (2012). Systemic crises? Why strategic thinking needs critical systems practice. In: 8th HSSS National and International Conference: Systems Approach to Strategic Management, 5-7 Jul 2012, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Reynolds, Martin (2012). Equity-focused developmental evaluation using critical systems thinking. In: 10th European Evaluation Society Biennial Conference: Evaluation in the networked society: new concepts, new challenges, new solutions, 3-5 Oct 2012, Helsinki.

Reynolds, Martin (2011). Heuristic for teaching systems thinking. In: UKSS 15th International Conference: The Future of Systems Learning, 1-2 Sep 2011, Oxford, UK.

Reynolds, Martin (2010). Evaluation and stakeholding development. In: The 9th European Evaluation Society International Conference: Subject strand: Tools and Methodologies, 6-8 Oct 2010, Prague, Czech Republic.

Reynolds, Martin (2010). Ecological conversations and systems thinking. In: RGS-IBG Annual International Conference: Confronting the Challenges of the Post-Crisis Global Economy and Environment, 1-3 Sep 2010, London, UK.

Reynolds, Martin (2007). Towards reframing professional expert support. In: Development Studies Association Annual Conference 2007: Connecting Science, Society and Development, 18-20 Sep 2007, Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, UK.

Reynolds, Martin (2007). Framing purposeful evaluation through critical systems thinking. In: Rural Development for the XXIInd Congress of the European Society for Rural Sociology, 20-24 Aug 2007, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

Reynolds, Martin; Berardi, Andrea; Bachler, Michelle; Buckingham Shum, Simon; Bernard, Calvin; Mistry, Jay and Ulrich, Werner (2007). ECOSENSUS: developing collaborative learning systems for stakeholding development in environmental planning. In: OU Conference Curriculum, Teaching & Student Support Conference, The Open University, 2 May 2007, Milton Keynes, UK.

Berardi, Andrea; Bachler, Michelle; Bernard, Calvin; Buckingham Shum, Simon; Ganapathy, Savitha; Mistry, Jayalaxshmi; Reynolds, Martin and Ulrich, Werner (2006). The ECOSENSUS Project: Co-Evolving Tools, Practices and Open Content for Participatory Natural Resource Management. In: Second International Conference on e-Social Science, 28-30 Jun 2006, Manchester, UK.

Reynolds, Martin (2003). Social and Ecological Responsibility: A Critical Systemic Perspective. In: Critical Management Studies Conference 'Critique and Inclusively: Opening the Agenda'; in the stream OR/Systems Thinking for Social Improvement, 7-9 Jul 2003, Lancaster University, UK.

OtherTo Top

Reynolds, M. (2015). Rigour (-mortis) in evaluation. Evaluation Connections: The European Evaluation Society Newsletter, June 2015, Special Edition, pp.2-4.

Reynolds, M. (2014). Evaluating complex realities. Evaluation Connections: The European Evaluation Society Newsletter, March 2014, pp.3-4.

Hummelbrunner, R. and Reynolds, M. (2013). Systems thinking, learning and values in evaluation. Evaluation Connections: The European Evaluation Society Newsletter, June 2013, pp.9-10.

Reynolds, M.; Forss, K.; Hummelbrunner, R.; Marra, M. and Perrin, B. (2012). Complexity, systems thinking and evaluation - an emerging relationship?. Evaluation Connections: The European Evaluation Society Newsletter, December 2012, pp.7-9.


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