Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Martin Reynolds
ATo Top
Armson, R.; Ison, R.L.; Short, L.; Ramage, M. and Reynolds, M.
BTo Top
Backhaus, J.; de Carteret, R.; Damerius, L.; Huang, Y. Y.; Pfisterer, A.; Pöll, C.; Huppenbauer, M.; Rahn, E.; Reynolds, M. and Wallimann-Helmer, I.
Blackmore, Chris; Reynolds, Martin; Ison, Raymond and Lane, Andrew
Blackmore, Chris; Ison, Raymond and Reynolds, Martin
Berardi, Andrea; Bachler, Michelle; Bernard, Calvin; Buckingham Shum, Simon; Ganapathy, Savitha; Mistry, Jayalaxshmi; Reynolds, Martin and Ulrich, Werner
HTo Top
Hummelbrunner, R. and Reynolds, M. (2013). Systems thinking, learning and values in evaluation. Evaluation Connections: The European Evaluation Society Newsletter, June 2013, pp.9-10.
JTo Top
Jagustović, Renata; Zougmoré, Robert B.; Kessler, Aad; Ritsema, Coen J.; Keesstra, Saskia and Reynolds, Martin
KTo Top
Kotir, Julius H.; Jagustovic, Renata; Papachristos, George; Zougmore, Robert B.; Kessler, Aad; Reynolds, Martin; Ouedraogo, Mathieu; Ritsema, Coen J.; Aziz, Ammar Abdul and Johnstone, Ron
Knight, Andrew T.; Cook, Carly N.; Redford, Kent H.; Biggs, Duan; Romero, Claudia; Ortega‑Argueta, Alejandro; Norman, Cameron D.; Parsons, Beverley; Reynolds, Martin; Eoyang, Glenda and Keene, Matt
LTo Top
Lane, Andy and Reynolds, Martin
MTo Top
Midgley, Gerald and Reynolds, Martin
Midgley, Gerald and Reynolds, Martin
Midgley, G. and Reynolds, M. (2001). Operational research and environmental management: a new agenda enhancing the contribution of operational research to environmental planning and management: a report to the OR Society. Operational Research Society.
RTo Top
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, M.
Roberts, Pauline and Reynolds, Martin (2023). Fishermead Citizens Alliance Evaluation Report. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Reynolds, M.
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, M. (2021). Racism and Racial Discrimination from a Systems Thinking Perspective. Submission as part of Advisory Group of Experts: Joint Investigation Unit (JIU) Review “Measures and Mechanisms for Preventing and Addressing Racism and Racial Discrimination in the Institutions of the United Nations System”. United Nations.
Reynolds, M.; Lyons-White, J. and Knight, A. T.
Reynolds, M. and Holwell, S. (2020) 'Chapter 1: Introducing systems approaches'. Systems approaches to making change: a practical guide 2nd Edn. pp. 1-24. London: Open University and Springer
Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue
Reynolds, Martin; Ison, Raymond; Shah, Rupesh and Wilding, Helen
Reynolds, Martin (2020). Systems Thinking (in Practice) Beyond Text Book Systems Thinking. [Guest Lecture] University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa.
Reynolds, Martin; Lyons-White, Joss and Knight, Andrew T.
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin and Shah, Rupesh
Reynolds, Martin; Shah, Rupesh and van Ameijde, Jitse (2018). Framing professional competencies for systems thinking in practice: final report of an action research eSTEeM inquiry. The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Rusoja, Evan; Haynie, Deson; Sievers, Jessica; Mustafee, Navonil; Nelson, Fred; Reynolds, Martin; Sarriot, Eric; Swanson, Robert Chad and Williams, Bob
Reynolds, Martin; Sarriott, Eric; Swanson, Robert Chad and Rusoja, Evan
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin and Wilding, Helen
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin; Shah, Rupesh and van Ameijde, Jitse (2017). Framing systems thinking in practice competencies: report on systems thinking in practice competencies workshop 10 June 2017. The Open University.
Reynolds, Martin and Schwandt, Thomas
Reynolds, M.; Blackmore, C.; Ison, R.; Shah, R. and Wedlock, E.
Reynolds, M.; Shah, R.; Wedlock, E.; Ison, R. L. and Blackmore, C.
Reynolds, Martin; Gates, Emily; Hummelbrunner, Richard; Marra, Mita and Williams, Bob
Reynolds, Martin; Shah, Rupesh; Wedlock, Elaine; Ison, Ray and Blackmore, Christine (2016). Enhancing Systems Thinking in Practice at the Workplace: eSTEeM final report. The OU Centre for STEM Pedagogy.
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, M. (2015). Rigour (-mortis) in evaluation. Evaluation Connections: The European Evaluation Society Newsletter, June 2015, Special Edition, pp.2-4.
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, M.
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin and Blackmore, Chris
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, M.; Forss, K.; Hummelbrunner, R.; Marra, M. and Perrin, B. (2012). Complexity, systems thinking and evaluation - an emerging relationship?. Evaluation Connections: The European Evaluation Society Newsletter, December 2012, pp.7-9.
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin and Williams, Bob
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue eds. (2010). Systems Approaches to Managing Change: A Practical Guide. London: Springer.
Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue
Reynolds, Martin and Holwell, Sue
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin; Blackmore, Chris and Smith, Mark
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin; Berardi, Andrea; Bachler, Michelle; Buckingham Shum, Simon; Bernard, Calvin; Mistry, Jay and Ulrich, Werner
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, M.
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
Reynolds, Martin
STo Top
Schmidt-Abbey, Barbara; Reynolds, Martin and Ison, Ray
Seale, Catherine; Lane, Andy; High, Chris; Macken-Walsh, Aine and Reynolds, Martin
Shah, Rupesh and Reynolds, Martin (2017). Developing professional recognition of systems thinking in practice: an interim report. The Open University.
UTo Top
Ulrich, Werner and Reynolds, Martin
Ulrich, Werner and Reynolds, Martin