Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Manik Deepak Gopinath

24 items in this list.
Generated on Sun Feb 9 17:20:52 2025 GMT.

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Deepak Gopinath, Manik; Entwistle, Vikki; Illsley, Barbara and Kelly, Tim (2016). The significance of bodily impairments in place and wellbeing relationships – insights from a qualitative study of older people living in Scotland. In: Communities in Later Life: Engaging with Diversity, British Society of Gerontology.

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Gopinath, Manik; Jamieson, Lynn and Haux, Tina (2022). Remembering David Morgan and his work: collaborations, inspirations and new applications. Families, Relationships and Societies, 11(2) pp. 149–156.

Gopinath, Manik; Entwistle, Vikki; Kelly, Timothy and Illsley, Barbara (2021). Moving residence in later life: actively shaping place and wellbeing. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 15(1) pp. 127–161.

Gopinath, Manik; Illsley, Barbara; Kelly, Mothy and Entwistle, Vikki (2015). Moving residence to secure valued capabilities: insights from a qualitative study of relationships between place & wellbeing among older people living in Scotland. In: "Capabilities on the move: mobility and aspirations" - HDCA Conference 2015, 10-13 Sep 2015, Georgetown University, Washington DC, USA.

Gopinath, Deepak and Gopinath, Manik D. (2008). Construction of environmental knowledge: experiences from India. Journal of Sustainable Development, 1(1) pp. 2–8.

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Kartupelis, Jenny; Larkin, Mary and Deepak Gopinath, Manik (2023). Being needed - fulfilling the potential of mutual relationships. In Newsletter of the International Longevity Centre International Longevity Centre, London.

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Peace, Sheila; Gopinath, Manik and Holland, Caroline (2017). Meanings of home for older couples and spouse caregivers. In: Home futures: towards a critical feminist geography of housing, ageing and health, Royal Geographical Society with the Institute of British Geographers.

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Vseteckova, Jitka; Deepak-Gopinath, Manik; Dadova, Klara; Borgstrom, Erica; Ryan, Gemma; Gracia, Rosaria and Holland, Caroline (2018). Barriers and facilitators to adherence to walking group exercise in older people living with dementia in the community: a systematic review protocol. In PROSPERO: International prospective register of systematic reviews Prospero - International Prospective register of Systematic Reviews.


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