Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Martin Towner
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Lorenz, R.; Kargl, G.; Ball, A.; Zarnecki, J.; Towner, M.; Leese, M.; McDonnell, J.; Atkinson, K.; Hathi, B. and Hagermann, A.
Sims, Mark R.; Pullan, D.; Fraser, George W.; Whitehead, S.; Sykes, J.; Holt, J.; Butcher, Gillian I.; Nelms, Nick; Dowson, J.; Ross, D.; Bicknell, C.; Crocker, M.; Favill, B.; Wells, Alan A.; Richter, L.; Kochan, H.; Hamacher, Hans; Ratke, L.; Griffiths, Andrew D.; Coates, A. J.; Phillips, N.; Senior, A.; Zarnecki, John C.; Towner, M. C.; Leese, M.; Patel, M.; Wilson, C.; Thomas, Nicolas; Hviid, S.; Josset, Jean-Luc; Klingelhoefer, G.; Bernhardt, B.; van Duijn, P.; Sims, G. and Yung, K. L.
Journal ItemTo Top
Dyl, Kathryn A.; Benedix, Gretchen K.; Bland, Phil A.; Friedrich, Jon M.; Spurný, Pavel; Towner, Martin C.; O'Keefe, Mary Claire; Howard, Kieren; Greenwood, Richard; Macke, Robert J.; Britt, Daniel T.; Halfpenny, Angela; Thostenson, James O.; Rudolph, Rebecca A.; Rivers, Mark L. and Bevan, Alex W. R.
Lorenz, Ralph D.; Leese, Mark R.; Hathi, Brijen; Zarnecki, John C.; Hagermann, Axel; Rosenberg, Phil; Towner, Martin C.; Garry, James and Svedhem, Håkan
Atkinson, Karl R.; Zarnecki, John C.; Towner, Martin C.; Ringrose, Timothy J.; Hagermann, Axel; Ball, Andrew J.; Leese, Mark R.; Kargl, Gunter; Paton, Mark D.; Lorenz, Ralph D. and Green, Simon F.
Olsson-Francis, Karen; Towner, Martin C.; de La Torre, Rosa and Cockell, Charles S.
Hathi, B.; Ball, A. J.; Colombatti, G.; Ferri, F.; Leese, M. R.; Towner, M. C.; Withers, P.; Fulchigioni, M. and Zarnecki, J. C.
Towner, Martin
Bland, Phillip A.; Spurny, Pavel; Towner, Martin C.; Bevan, Alex W. R.; Singleton, Andrew T.; Bottke, William F.; Greenwood, Richard C.; Chesley, Steven R.; Shrbenỳ, Lukas; Borovička, Jiri; Ceplecha, Zdenek; McClafferty, Terence P.; Vaughan, David; Benedix, Gretchen K.; Deacon, Geoff; Howard, Kieren T.; Franchi, Ian A. and Hough, Robert M.
Hathi, B.; Ball, A. J.; Banaszkiewicz, M.; Daniell, P. M.; Garry, J. R. C.; Hagermann, A.; Leese, M. R.; Lorenz, R. D.; Rosenberg, P. D.; Towner, M. C. and Zarnecki, J. C.
Hagermann, Axel; Towner, Martin; Rosenberg, Philip; Garry, J R; Svedhem, H; Leese, Mark; Hathi, Brijen; Lorenz, R D and Zarnecki, John
Colombatti, G.; Withers, P.; Ferri, F.; Aboudan, A.; Ball, A. J.; Bettanini, C.; Gaborit, V.; Harri, A. M.; Hathi, B.; Leese, M. R.; Makinen, T.; Stoppato, P. L.; Towner, M. C.; Zarnecki, J. C.; Angrilli, F. R. and Fulchignoni, M.
Lorenz, Ralph D.; Zarnecki, John C.; Towner, Martin C.; Leese, Mark R.; Ball, Andrew J.; Hathi, Brijen; Hagermann, Axel and Ghafoor, Nadeem A. L
Ringrose, T. J.; Patel, M. R.; Towner, M. C.; Balme, M.; Metzger, S. M. and Zarnecki, J. C.
Hagermann, A.; Rosenberg, P. D.; Towner, M. C.; Garry, J. R. C.; Svedhem, H.; Leese, M. R.; Hathi, B.; Lorenz, R. D. and Zarnecki, J. C.
Towner, M.C.; Garry, J.R.C.; Lorenz, R.D.; Hagermann, A.; Hathi, B.; Svedhem, H.; Clark, B.C.; Leese, M.R. and Zarnecki, J.C.
Quinn, Richard C.; Zent, Aaron P.; Garry, James R. C.; Ringrose, Timothy J.; Towner, Martin C. and Grunthaner, Frank J.
Hagermann, A.; Ball, A.J.; Hathi, B.; Leese, M.R.; Lorenz, R.D.; Rosenberg, P.D.; Towner, M.C. and Zarnecki, J.C.
Fulchignoni, M.; Ferri, F.; Angrilli, F.; Ball, A.J.; Bar-Nun, A.; Barucci, M.A.; Bettanini, C.; Bianchini, G.; Borucki, W.; Colombatti, G.; Coradini, M.; Coustenis, A.; Debei, S.; Falkner, P.; Fanti, G.; Flamini, E.; Gaborit, V.; Grard, R.; Hamelin, M.; Harri, A.M.; Hathi, B.; Jernej, I.; Leese, M.R.; Lehto, A.; Lion Stoppato, P.F.; López-Moreno, J.J.; Mäkinen, T.; McDonnell, J.A.M.; McKay, C.P.; Molina-Cuberos, G.; Neubauer, F.M.; Pirronello, V.; Rodrigo, R.; Saggin, B.; Schwingenschuh, K.; Sieff, A.; Simões, F.; Svedhem, H.; Tokano, T.; Towner, M.C.; Traunter, R.; Withers, P. and Zarnecki, J.C.
Zarnecki, John; Leese, Mark; Hathi, Brijen; Ball, Andrew; Hagermann, Axel; Towner, Martin; Lorenz, R. D.; McDonnell, James; Green, Simon F.; Patel, Manish; Ringrose, Tim; Rosenberg, Philip; Atkinson, K; Paton, M. D.; Banaszkiewicz, M.; Clark, B. C.; Ferri, F.; Fulchignoni, M; Ghafoor, N. A. L.; Kargl, G.; Svedhem, H.; Delderfield, J.; Grande, M.; Parker, D. J.; Challenor, P. G. and Geake, J. E.
Hagermann, A.; Zarnecki, J.C.; Towner, M.C.; Rosenberg, P.D.; Lorenz, M.C.; Leese, R.D.; Hathi, B. and Ball, A.J.
Towner, M.C.; Patel, M.R.; Ringrose, T.J.; Zarnecki, J.C.; Pullan, D.; Sims, M.R.; Haapanala, S.; Harri, A-.M.; Polkko, J.; Wilson, C.F.; Zent, A.P.; Quinn, R.C.; Grunthaner, F.J.; Hecht, M.H. and Garry, J.R.C.
Ringrose, T.J.; Towner, M.C. and Zarnecki, J.C.
Balme, Matthew; Metzger, Stephen; Towner, Martin; Ringrose, Tim; Greeley, Ronald and Iversen, James
Withers, Paul; Towner, M.C.; Hathi, B. and Zarnecki, J.C.
Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top
Ferri, F.; Lewis, S. R.; Withers, P.; Aboudan, A.; Bettanini, C.; Colombatti, G.; Debei, S.; Golombek, M.; Harri, A. M.; Komatsu, G.; Leese, M. R.; Mäkinen, T.; Müller-Wodarg, I.; Ori, G. G.; Patel, M. R.; Pondrelli, M.; Siili, T.; Tokano, T.; Towner, M. and Zarnecki, J. C.
Price, M. C.; Conway, S. J.; Towner, M. C. and Burchell, M. J.
Balme, Matthew R.; Pathare, Asmin; Mezger, Steve; Renno, Nilton O.; Towner, Martin; Spiga, Aymeric; Fenton, Lori K.; Michaels, Timothy I.; Saca, Fernando and Elliott, Harvey Michael
Price, M.C.; Conway, S. J. and Towner, M. C.
Conway, Susan; Balme, Matthew; Murray, John and Towner, Martin
Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R.; Towner, M. C. and Murray, J. B.
Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B.; Towner, M. C.; Okubu, C. and Grindrod, P.M.
Metzger, S. M.; Balme, M.; Towner, M.; Bos, B. and Pathare, A.
Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B. and Towner, M. C.
Conway, S. J.; Decaulne, A.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B. and Towner, M. C.
Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B. and Towner, M. C.
Conway, S. J.; Balme, M. R.; Murray, J. B.; Towner, M. C. and Kim, J. R.
Towner, M. C.; Garry, J. R. C.; Svedhem, H.; Hagermann, A.; Clark, B. C.; Lorenz, R. D.; Leese, M. R.; Hathi, B. and Zarnecki, J. C.
Metzger, S. M.; Balme, M.; Greeley, R.; Ringrose, T.; Towner, M. and Zarnecki, J.
Ringrose, Tim; Towner, Martin and Zarnecki, John
Patel, M. R.; Towner, M. C.; Zarnecki, J. C.; Leese, M. R.; Davies, A. and Husbands, A.
Towner, M. C.; Ringrose, T. J.; Patel, M. R; Balme, M.; Metzger, S. M.; Greeley, R. and Zarnecki, J. C.
Ringrose, Tim; Towner, Martin and Zarnecki, John
Towner, M. C.; Ringrose, T.; Patel, M. R.; Pullan, D.; Sims, M. R.; Haapanala, S.; Harri, A.-M.; Polkko, J.; Wilson, C. F. and Zarnecki, J. C.
Ringrose, Tim; Towner, Martin and Zarnecki, John
Withers, Paul; Hathi, Brijen; Towner, Martin and Zarnecki, John
Patel, M. R.; Zarnecki, J. C. and Towner, M. C.
Ringrose, Tim; Zarnecki, John; Towner, Martin; Kapartis, S. and Strachan, R.
Garry, J. R. C. and Towner, M. C.