Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by M. C. Jones

178 items in this list.
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2025To Top

Jones, M. C. and Balakrishnan, N. (2025). On absolute moment-based upper bounds for L-moments. Statistics & Probability Letters, 216, article no. 110249.

2024To Top

Nagasaki, Kota; Kato, Shogo; Nakanishi, Wataru and Jones, M. C. (2024). Traffic count data analysis using mixtures of Kato–Jones distributions. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series C: Applied Statistics (Early access).

2023To Top

2022To Top

Kato, Shogo; Pewsey, Arthur and Jones, M. C. (2022). Tractable circula densities from Fourier series. TEST, 31(3) pp. 595–618.

Balakrishnan, N. and Jones, M.C. (2022). Closure of beta and Dirichlet distributions under discrete mixing. Statistics & Probability Letters, 188, article no. 109526.

2021To Top

Anaya-Izquierdo, Karim; Jones, M. C. and Davis, Alice (2021). A family of cumulative hazard functions and their frailty connections. Statistics & Probability Letters, 172, article no. 109059.

Jones, M. C. and Balakrishnan, N. (2021). Simple functions of independent beta random variables that follow beta distributions. Statistics & Probability Letters, 170, article no. 109011.

Basak, Sancharee; Basu, Ayanendranath and Jones, M. C. (2021). On the ‘optimal’ density power divergence tuning parameter. Journal of Applied Statistics, 48(3) pp. 536–556.

2020To Top

Jones, M. C. (2020). On Univariate Slash Distributions, Continuous and Discrete. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 72 pp. 645–657.

Burke, Kevin; Jones, M. C. and Noufaily, Angela (2020). A Flexible Parametric Modelling Framework for Survival Analysis. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 69(2) pp. 429–457.

van Dorp, Johan René and Jones, M. C. (2020). The Johnson System of Frequency Curves—Historical, Graphical, and Limiting Perspectives. The American Statistician, 74(1) pp. 37–52.

2019To Top

Amdeberhan, T.; Glasser, M. L.; Jones, M. C.; Moll, V.; Posey, R. and Varela, D. (2019). The Cauchy–Schlömilch transformation. Integral Transforms and Special Functions, 30(12) pp. 940–961.

Jones, M. C. and Marchand, Éric (2019). Multivariate discrete distributions via sums and shares. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 171 pp. 83–93.

Jones, Chris and Pewsey, Arthur (2019). The sinh‐arcsinh normal distribution. Significance, 16(2) pp. 6–7.

Jones, M. C. (2019). On A Characteristic Property of Distributions Related to the Laplace. South African Statistical Journal, 53(1) pp. 31–34.

Jones, M. C.; Noufaily, Angela and Burke, Kevin (2019). A bivariate power generalized Weibull distribution: A flexible parametric model for survival analysis. Statistical Methods in Medical Research, 29(8) pp. 2295–2306.

2018To Top

Jones, M. C.; Marchand, E. and Strawderman, W. E. (2018). On an intriguing distributional identity. The American Statistician, 73(1) pp. 16–21.

2015To Top

Jones, M. C.; Pewsey, Arthur and Kato, Shogo (2015). On a class of circulas: copulas for circular distributions. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 67(5) pp. 843–862.

Jones, M. C. (2015). On families of distributions with shape parameters. International Statistical Review, 83(2) pp. 175–192.

Jones, M. C. (2015). Univariate continuous distributions: symmetries and transformations. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 161 pp. 119–124.

Geraci, Marco and Jones, M. C. (2015). Improved transformation-based quantile regression. Canadian Journal of Statistics, 43(1) pp. 118–132.

Rosco, J.F.; Pewsey, Arthur and Jones, M. C. (2015). On Blest’s measure of kurtosis adjusted for skewness. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 44(17) pp. 3628–3638.

2014To Top

Jones, M. C. (2014). Generating distributions by transformation of scale. Statistica Sinica, 24(2) pp. 749–771.

2013To Top

Noufaily, Angela and Jones, M. C. (2013). Parametric quantile regression based on the generalized gamma distribution. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 62(5) pp. 723–740.

2012To Top

Jones, M. C. (2012). Relationships between distributions with certain symmetries. Statistics and Probability Letters, 82(9) pp. 1737–1744.

Jones, M. C. and Pewsey, Arthur (2012). Inverse Batschelet distributions for circular data. Biometrics, 68(1) pp. 183–193.

Noufaily, Angela and Jones, M. C. (2012). On maximization of the likelihood for the generalized gamma distribution. Computational Statistics, 28 pp. 505–517.

2011To Top

Rosco, J. F.; Jones, M. C. and Pewsey, Arthur (2011). Skew t distributions via the sinh-arcsinh transformation. TEST, 20(3) pp. 630–652.

Jones, M. C.; Rosco, J. F. and Pewsey, Arthur (2011). Skewness-invariant measures of kurtosis. The American Statistician, 65(2) pp. 89–95.

Jones, M.C. and Anaya-Izquierdo, Karim (2011). On parameter orthogonality in symmetric and skew models. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 141(2) pp. 758–770.

2010To Top

Jones, Chris; Wang, Bing Xing and Yu, Kerning (2010). Inference under progressively type II right-censored sampling for certain lifetime distributions. Technometrics, 52(4) pp. 453–460.

Chaubey, Yogendra P.; Mudholkar, Govind S. and Jones, M. C. (2010). Reciprocal symmetry, unimodality and Khintchine's theorem. Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 466(2119) pp. 2097–2116.

Kato, Shogo and Jones, M. C. (2010). A family of distributions on the circle with links to, and applications arising From, Möbius Transformation. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 105(489) pp. 249–262.

Jones, M. C. (2010). Distributions generated by transformations of scale using an extended Schlömilch transformation. Sankhya A : The Indian Journal of Statistics, 72(2) pp. 359–375.

2009To Top

Jones, M. C. and Pewsey, Arthur (2009). Sinh-arcsinh distributions. Biometrika, 96(4) pp. 761–780.

Jones, Chris and Henderson, D. A. (2009). Maximum likelihood kernel density estimation: On the potential of convolution sieves. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 53(10) pp. 3726–3733.

Garthwaite, Paul H. and Jones, M. C. (2009). A stochastic approximation method and its application to confidence intervals. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 18(1) pp. 184–200.

2008To Top

Jones, M. C. (2008). On reciprocal symmetry. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138(10) pp. 3039–3043.

Jones, M. C.; Park, Heungsun; Shin, Key-Il; Vines, S. K. and Jeong, Seok-Oh (2008). Relative error prediction via kernel regression smoothers. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 138(10) pp. 2887–2898.

Twala, B. E. T. H.; Jones, M. C. and Hand, D. J. (2008). Good methods for coping with missing data in decision trees. Pattern Recognition Letters, 29(7) pp. 950–956.

Jones, M. C. (2008). The distribution of the ratio X/Y for all centred elliptically symmetric distributions. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 99(3) pp. 572–573.

Critchley, Frank and Jones, M. C. (2008). Asymmetry and gradient asymmetry functions: density-based skewness and kurtosis. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 35(3) pp. 415–437.

Jones, M. C. (2008). The t family and their close and distant relations. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 37(4) pp. 293–302.

Jones, M. C. and Arnold, Barry C. (2008). Distributions that are both log-symmetric and R-symmetric. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 2 pp. 1300–1308.

2007To Top

Pewsey, Arthur; Lewis, Toby and Jones, M. C. (2007). The wrapped t family of circular distributions. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 49(1) pp. 79–91.

Jones, M. C. (2007). On a class of distributions defined by the relationship between their density and distribution functions. Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 36(10) pp. 1835–1843.

Jones, M C and Yu, Keming (2007). Improved double kernel local linear quantile regression. Statistical Modelling, 7(4) pp. 377–389.

2006To Top

Jones, M. C. (2006). A note on rescalings, reparametrizations and classes of distributions. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 136(10) pp. 3730–3733.

Basu, Srabashi; Basu, Ayanendranath and Jones, M. C. (2006). Robust and efficient parametric estimation for censored survival data. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 58(2) pp. 341–355.

Nowell, David A. G; Jones, M. Chris and Pyle, David M. (2006). Episodic Quaternary voicanism in France and Germany. Journal of Quaternary Science, 21(6) pp. 645–675.

2005To Top

Jones, M.C. and Pewsey, Arthur (2005). A Family of symmetric distributions on the circle. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 100(472) pp. 1422–1428.

Jones, M. C. (2005). The uniform mixture of generalized arc-sine distributions. Journal of the Korean Statistical Society, 34(1) pp. 35–38.

Warwick, J. and Jones, M.C. (2005). Choosing a robustness tuning parameter. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 75(7) pp. 581–588.

2004To Top

Jones, M. C. and Larsen, P. V. (2004). Multivariate distributions with support above the diagonal. Biometrika, 91(4) pp. 975–986.

Jones, M. C. (2004). The Möbius distribution on the disc. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 56(4) pp. 733–742.

Jones, M. C. (2004). On some expressions for variance, covariance, skewness and L-moments. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 126(1) pp. 97–106.

Signorini, D.F. and Jones, M.C. (2004). Kernel estimators for univariate binary regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99(465) pp. 119–126.

Yu, K. and Jones, M.C. (2004). Likelihood-based local linear estimation of the conditional variance function. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 99(465) pp. 139–144.

2003To Top

Jones, M. C. and Koch, I. (2003). Dependence maps: local dependence in practice. Statistics and Computing, 13(3) pp. 241–255.

Jones, M.C. and Faddy, M.J. (2003). A skew extension of the t distribution, with applications. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 65(1) pp. 159–174.

Park, B. U.; Jeong, Seok-Oh; Jones, M. C. and Kang, Kee-Hoon (2003). Adaptive variable location kernel density estimators with good performance at boundaries. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 15(1) pp. 61–75.

2002To Top

Jones, M. C. (2002). On Khintchine's theorem and its place in random variate generation. The American Statistician, 56(4) pp. 304–307.

Park, B.U.; Kim, W.C. and Jones, M.C. (2002). On local likelihood density estimation. Annals of Statistics, 30(5) pp. 1480–1495.

Jones, M. C. (2002). The complementary beta distribution. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 104(2) pp. 329–337.

Jones, M. C. (2002). On fractional uniform order statistics. Statistics & Probability Letters, 58(1) pp. 93–96.

Jones, M. C. and Balakrishnan, N. (2002). How are moments and moments of spacings related to distribution functions? Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 103(1-2) pp. 377–390.

Jones, M. C. (2002). Student's simplest distribution. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series D (The Statistician), 51(1) pp. 41–49.

Jones, M. C. (2002). A dependent bivariate t distribution with marginals on different degrees of freedom. Statistics & Probability Letters, 56(2) pp. 163–170.

2001To Top

Jones, M.C.; Hjort, N.L.; Harris, I.R. and Basu, A. (2001). A Comparison of related density-based minimum divergence estimators. Biometrika, 88(3) pp. 865–873.

2000To Top

Jones, M. C. (2000). A skew t distribution. In: Charalambides, Ch. A.; Koutras, M. V. and Balakrishnan, N. eds. Probability and Statistical Models with Applications. London: Chapman & Hall/CRC, pp. 269–278.

Gijbels, I.; Hall, P.; Jones, M. C. and Koch, I. (2000). Tests for monotonicity of a regression mean with guaranteed level. Biometrika, 87(3) pp. 663–673.

Lloyd, Chris J. and Jones, M. C. (2000). Nonparametric density estimation from biased data with unknown biasing function. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 95(451) pp. 865–876.

1999To Top

Zhang, S.; Karunamuni, R. J. and Jones, M. C. (1999). An improved estimator of the density at the boundary. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 94(448) pp. 1231–1241.

Jones, M. C. (1999). Distributional relationships arising from simple trigonometric formulas. The American Statistician, 53(2) pp. 99–102.

Faddy, M. F. and Jones, M. C. (1999). Modelling and analysis of data that exhibit temporal decay. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics), 48(2) pp. 229–237.

Jones, M. C.; Signorini, D. F. and Hjort, N. L. (1999). On multiplicative bias correction in kernel density estimation. Sankhya (Series A), 61(3) pp. 422–430.

1998To Top

Bowman, A. W.; Jones, M. C. and Gijbels, I. (1998). Testing monotonicity of regression. Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics, 7(4) pp. 489–500.

Faddy, M. J. and Jones, M. C. (1998). Semiparametric smoothing for discrete data. Biometrika, 85(1) pp. 131–138.

Yu, Keming and Jones, M. C. (1998). Local linear quantile regression. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 93(441) pp. 228–237.

Jones, M. C. (1998). Constant local dependence. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 64(2) pp. 148–155.

Basu, Ayanendranath; Harris, Ian. R; Hjort, Nils L. and Jones, M. C. (1998). Robust and efficient estimation by minimising a density power divergence. Biometrika, 85(3) pp. 549–559.

Jones, M. C.; Samiuddin, M.; Al-Harbey, A. H. and Maatouk, T. A. H. (1998). The edge frequency polygon. Biometrika, 85(1) pp. 235–239.

Jones, M. C. and Vines, S. K. (1998). Choosing the smoothing parameter for unordered multinormal data. TEST, 7(2) pp. 413–426.

1997To Top

Jones, M. C. (1997). A variation on local linear regression. Statistica Sinica, 7(4) pp. 1171–1180.

Jones, M. C. and Signorini, D. F. (1997). A comparison of higher-order bias kernel density estimators. Journal of the American Statistical Associatio, 92(439) pp. 1063–1073.

Yu, Keming and Jones, M. C. (1997). A comparison of local constant and local linear regression quantile estimators. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 25(2) pp. 159–166.

Park, B. U.; Kim, W. C.; Ruppert, D.; Jones, M. C.; Signorini, D. F. and Kohn, R. (1997). Simple transformation techniques for improved nonparametric regression. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 24(2) pp. 145–163.

Park, B. U.; Kim, W. C. and Jones, M. C. (1997). On identity reproducing nonparametric regression estimators. Statistics & Probability Letters, 32(3) pp. 279–290.

Jones, M. C. and Karunamuni, R. J. (1997). Fourier series estimation for length biased data. Australian & New Zealand Journal of Statistics, 39(1) pp. 57–68.

1996To Top

Jones, M. C. and Foster, P. J. (1996). A simple nonnegative boundary correction method for kernel density estimation. Statistica Sinica, 6(4) pp. 1005–1013.

Hjort, N. L. and Jones, M. C. (1996). Locally parametric nonparametric density estimation. Annals of Statistics, 24(4) pp. 1619–1647.

Samiuddin, S.; Al-Harbey, A. H.; Jones, M. C. and Maatouk, T. A. H. (1996). Simple smoothed histograms. Pakistan Journal of Statistics, 12(2) pp. 113–130.

Jones, M. C.; Marron, J. S. and Sheather, S. J. (1996). A brief survey of bandwidth selection for density estimation. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 91(433) pp. 401–407.

Jones, M. C. (1996). The local dependence function. Biometrika, 83(4) pp. 899–904.

Jones, M. C. and Hössjer, O. (1996). From basic to reduced bias kernel density estimators: links via Taylor series approximations. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 7(1) pp. 23–34.

Jones, M. C. and Lunn, A. D. (1996). Transformations and random variate generation: generalised ratio-of-uniform methods. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 55(1-2) pp. 49–55.

Jones, Chris; Marron, J. S. and Sheather, S. J. (1996). Progress in data-based bandwidth selection for kernel density estimation. Computational Statistics(11) pp. 337–381.

Taylor, Paul C. and Jones, M. C. (1996). Splitting criteria for regression trees. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 55(4) pp. 267–285.

1995To Top

Jones, M. C. (1995). On two recent papers of Y. Kanazawa. Statistics and Probability Letters, 24(3) pp. 269–271.

Chattamvelli, R. and Jones, M. C. (1995). Recurrence relations for noncentral density, distribution functions and inverse moments. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 52(3) pp. 289–299.

Jones, M. C. (1995). Local and variable bandwidths and local linear regression. Statistics: A journal of Theoretical and Applied Statistics, 27(1-2) pp. 65–71.

Jones, M. C. (1995). On higher order kernels. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 5(2) pp. 215–221.

Jones, M. C. and Daly, F (1995). Density probability plots. Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation, 24(4) pp. 911–927.

Jones, M. C.; Linton, O and Nielsen, J. P. (1995). A simple bias reduction method for density estimation. Biometrika, 82(2) pp. 327–338.

1994To Top

Wand, M. P and Jones, M. C. (1994). Kernel Smoothing. Chapman & Hall/CRC Monographs on Statistics & Applied Probability (60). Boca Raton, FL, U.S.: Chapman & Hall.

Jones, M. C.; Davies, S. J. and Park, B. U. (1994). Versions of kernel-type regression estimators. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 89(427) pp. 825–832.

Jones, M. C. (1994). Expectiles and M-quantiles are quantiles. Statistics and Probability Letters, 20(2) pp. 149–153.

Jones, M. C. (1994). On kernel density derivative estimation. Communications in Statistics: Theory and Methods, 23(8) pp. 2133–2139.

Jones, M. C.; McKay, I. J. and Hu, T. C. (1994). Variable location and scale density estimation. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 46(3) pp. 521–535.

Wand, M. P. and Jones, Chris (1994). Multivariate plug-in bandwidth selection. Computational Statistics, 9(2) pp. 97–116.

1993To Top

Jones, M. C. (1993). Kernel density estimation when the bandwidth is large. Australian Journal of Statistics, 35(3) pp. 319–326.

Wand, M. P. and Jones, M. C. (1993). Comparison of smoothing parameterizations in bivariate kernel density estimation. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 88(422) pp. 520–528.

Jones, M. C. (1993). Do not weight for heteroscedasticity in nonparametric regression. Australian Journal of Statistics, 35(1) pp. 89–92.

Jones, Chris (1993). Simple boundary correction for kernel estimation. Statistics and Computing, 3(3) pp. 135–146.

Jones, M. C. and Bradbury, I. S. (1993). Kernel smoothing for finite populations. Statistics and Computing, 3(1) pp. 45–50.

Jones, M. C. and Foster, P. J. (1993). Generalized jackknifing and higher order kernels. Journal of Nonparametric Statistics, 3(1) pp. 81–94.

Samiuddin, M.; Jones, M. C. and El-sayyard, G. M. (1993). On bin-based density estimation. Journal of Statistical Computation and Simulation, 47(3) pp. 241–252.

1992To Top

Jones, M. C. and Rice, John A. (1992). Displaying the important features of large collections of similar curves. The American Statistician, 46(2) pp. 140–145.

Jones, M. C. (1992). Potential for automatic bandwidth choice in variations on kernel density estimation. Statistics & Probability Letters, 13(5) pp. 351–356.

Jones, M. C. and Wand, M. P. (1992). Asymptotic effectiveness of two families of higher order kernels. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 31(1) pp. 15–21.

Jones, M. C. (1992). Differences and derivatives in kernel estimation. Metrika, 39(1) pp. 335–340.

Jones, M. C. (1992). Estimating densities, quantiles, quantile densities and density quantiles. Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics, 44(4) pp. 721–727.

1991To Top

Jones, M. C. (1991). The roles of ISE and MISE in density estimation. Statistics and Probability Letters, 12(1) pp. 51–56.

Jones, M. C. and Handcock, M. S. (1991). Determination of anaerobic threshold: what anaerobic threshold? Canadian Journal of Statistics, 19(2) pp. 236–239.

Jones, M. C. and Sheather, S. J. (1991). Using non-stochastic terms to advantage in kernal-based estimation of integrated squared density derivatives. Statistics and Probability Letters, 11(6) pp. 511–514.

Jones, M. C. (1991). Prospects for automatic bandwidth selection in extensions to basic kernel density estimation. In: Roussas, G. G. ed. Nonparametric Functional Estimation and Related Topics. NATO Science Series C (335). Dordrecht, Netherlands: Kluwer, pp. 241–249.

Jones, M. C. (1991). A not-so-flawed draw. Mathematical Gazette, 75(471) pp. 23–26.

Jones, M. C. (1991). On correcting for variance inflation in kernel density estimation. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 11(1) pp. 3–15.

Hall, Peter; Sheather, Simon J.; Jones, M. C. and Marron, J. S (1991). On optimal data-based bandwidth selection in kernel density estimation. Biometrika, 78(2) pp. 263–269.

Jones, M. C. (1991). Kernel density estimation for length biased data. Biometrika, 78(3) pp. 511–519.

Jones, Chris (1991). Which kernel regression estimator? Bulletin of the International Statistical Institute, 48 pp. 347–348.

Jones, M. C. and Kappenman, R. F. (1991). On a class of kernel density estimate bandwidth selectors. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 19(4) pp. 337–349.

Jones, M. C.; Marron, J. S. and Park, B. U. (1991). A simple root n bandwidth selector. Annals of Statistics, 19(4) pp. 1919–1932.

Sheather, S.J. and Jones, Chris (1991). A reliable data-based bandwidth selection method for kernel density estimation. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 53(3) pp. 683–690.

1990To Top

Hall, P. and Jones, Chris (1990). Adaptive M-estimation in nonparametric regression. Annals of Statistics, 18(4) pp. 1712–1728.

Jones, M. C. (1990). Variable kernel density estimates and variable kernel density estimates. Australian Journal of Statistics, 32(3) pp. 361–371.

Jones, M. C. and Hall, Peter (1990). Mean squared error properties of kernel estimates of regression quantiles. Statistics and Probability Letters, 10(2) pp. 283–289.

Jones, M. C. (1990). The World Cup draw's flaws. Mathematical Gazette, 74(470) pp. 335–338.

Jones, M. C. (1990). The performance of kernel density functions in kernel distribution function estimation. Statistics and Probability Letters, 9(2) pp. 129–132.

Silverman, B. W.; Jones, M. C.; Wilson, J. D. and Nychka, D. W (1990). A smoothed EM approach to indirect estimation problems, with particular reference to stereology and emission tomography. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series B (Statistical Methodology), 52(2) pp. 271–324.

1989To Top


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