Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Tita Beaven

36 items in this list.
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Beaven, Tita ed. (2011). Mañana (libro del alumno). Sandy: Advanced Materials.

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Beaven, Tita (2019). 'Your language development': harnessing openness to integrate independent language learning into the curriculum. In: Comas-Quinn, Anna; Beaven, Ana and Sawhill, Barbara eds. New case studies of openness in and beyond the language classroom., pp. 145–156.

Beaven, Tita and Simcott, Richard (2018). The polyglot community: an interview with Richard Simcott, by Tita Beaven. In: Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando; Beaven, Tita and Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara eds. Innovative language teaching and learning at university: integrating informal learning into formal language education. UK:, pp. 109–118.

Beaven, Tita; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and Motzo, Anna (2017). The Language Exchange Programme: plugging the gap in formal learning. In: Kan, Qian and Bax, Stephen eds. Beyond the language classroom: researching MOOCS and other innovations., pp. 127–140.

Beaven, Tita (2016). Is developing employability skills relevant to adult language students? In: Corradini, Erika; Borthwick, Kate and Gallagher-Brett, Angela eds. Employability for languages: a handbook., pp. 133–138.

Beaven, Tita (2015). OER (re)use and language teachers’ tacit professional knowledge: three vignettes. In: Borthwick, Kate; Corradini, Erika and Dickens, Alison eds. 10 years of the LLAS elearning symposium: case studies in good practice., pp. 77–88.

Emke, Martina; Stickler, Ursula and the MoreDOTS project team (2015). Teaching and learning online – Developing your skills to develop others. In: Krings, Hans P. and Kühn, Bärbel eds. Fremdsprachliche Lernprozesse. Erträge des 4. Bremer Symposions zum Fremdsprachenlehren und -lernen an Hochschulen. Fremdsprachen in Lehre und Forschung (FLF), 48. Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren e.V., pp. 199–209.

Beaven, Tita; Codreanu, Tatiana and Creuzé, Alix (2014). Motivation in a language MOOC: issues for course designers. In: Martín-Monje, Elena and Bárcena, Elena eds. Language MOOCs: Providing Learning, Transcending Boundaries. Berlin: De Gruyter Open, pp. 48–66.

Álvarez, Inma; Beaven, Tita and Garrido, Cecilia (2008). Strategies for acquiring intercultural communication. In: Hurd, Stella and Lewis, Timothy eds. Language Learning Strategies in Independent Settings. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 179–195.

Harper, Felicity; Smith, Pete and Beaven, Mary (2005). Developing competence in the language (1): reading and listening skills. In: Hurd, Stella and Murphy, Linda eds. Success With Languages. Routledge Study Guides. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 79–109.

Beaven, Tita (2002). The transitory, the fugitive, the contingent: Cristina Terzaghi’s mural in La Boca, Buenos Aires. In: Godsland, Shelley and White, Anne M. eds. Cultura Popular: Studies in Spanish and Latin American Popular Culture. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang.

Garrido, Cecilia and Beaven, Mary (2002). The European Framework of Reference for language teaching and learning: The OU experience. In: Council of Europe ed. Common European Framework of References for languages : Learning, Teaching, Assessment - Case studies. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

Garrido, Cecilia and Beaven, Mary (2002). The European Framework underpinning the language teaching/learning process from curriculum design to the delivery of outcomes. In: Ruane, M ed. T'Qila: Today's Quality Issues in European Language Centres. CercleS Proceedings. Strasbourg: CercleS.

Beaven, Tita (2002). La enseñanza de ELE a personas adultas inmigrantes no alfabetizadas. In: Perez Gutierrez, M. and Coloma Maestre, J. eds. El Español, Lengua del Mestizaje y la Interculturalidad. Universidad de Murcia, pp. 180–190.

Álvarez, Inma and Beaven, Tita (2001). Destrezas interculturales en una comunidad virtual. El sitio A buen puerto de la Open University. In: Gimeno Sanz, A. M. ed. Tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones en la enseñanza de E/LE, 5-8 de septiembre de 2001. Universidad de Valencia, pp. 239–249.

Beaven, Tita and Garrido, Cecilia (2000). El español tuyo, el mío, el de aquél… ¿Cuál para nuestros estudiantes? In: Martín Zorraquino, M. A.; Pelegrín, C. D. and Ballesteros, M. P. eds. Qué español enseñar?: norma y variación lingüísticas en la enseñanza del español a extranjeros. Universidad de Zaragoza.

Beaven, Tita (1999). ”¡Pero si no se dice así!": Un estudio de las actitudes de los profesores de ELE hacia la enseñanza del español como "lengua mundial". In: Figueroa, M. F. ed. Nuevas perspectivas en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera: actas del X Congreso Internacional de ASELE, Cádiz, 22-25 de septiembre de 1999. Universidad de Cádiz, pp. 115–122.

Journal ItemTo Top

Beaven, Tita (2012). Vivre en Aquitaine: pedagogy, audience, design. The EuroCALL Review, 20(2) pp. 23–32.

Stickler, Ursula; Ernest, Pauline; Beaven, Tita; Emke, Martina; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Hampel, Regine; Hopkins, Joseph and Stanojewic, Mateusz-Milan (2010). Joining the DOTS. A collaborative approach to online teacher training. The EuroCALL Review, 16,

Beaven, Tita; Emke, Martina; Ernest, Pauline; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Hampel, Regine; Hopkins, Joseph; Stanojevic, Mateusz Milan and Stickler, Ursula (2010). Needs and challenges for online language teachers - the ECML project DOTS. Teaching English with Technology: A Journal for Teachers of English, 10(2) pp. 5–20.

Beaven, Tita (2007). A life in the sun: Accounts of new lives abroad as intercultural narratives. Language and Intercultural Communication, 7(3) pp. 188–202.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Beaven, Tita (2013). Qualitative methods for researching teachers’ (re)use of OER. In: OER13: Creating a Virtuous Circle, 26-27 Mar 2013, University of Nottingham.

Woodthorpe, John; Shaw, Jill; Hauck, Mirjam and Beaven, Tita (2009). What’s in it for me? The stick and the carrot as tools for developing academic communities. In: 7th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2009, 10-13 Jul 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA.

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