Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Tita Beaven

36 items in this list.
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2019To Top

Beaven, Tita (2019). 'Your language development': harnessing openness to integrate independent language learning into the curriculum. In: Comas-Quinn, Anna; Beaven, Ana and Sawhill, Barbara eds. New case studies of openness in and beyond the language classroom., pp. 145–156.

2018To Top

Beaven, Tita and Simcott, Richard (2018). The polyglot community: an interview with Richard Simcott, by Tita Beaven. In: Rosell-Aguilar, Fernando; Beaven, Tita and Fuertes Gutiérrez, Mara eds. Innovative language teaching and learning at university: integrating informal learning into formal language education. UK:, pp. 109–118.

2017To Top

Beaven, Tita; Fuertes Gutierrez, Mara and Motzo, Anna (2017). The Language Exchange Programme: plugging the gap in formal learning. In: Kan, Qian and Bax, Stephen eds. Beyond the language classroom: researching MOOCS and other innovations., pp. 127–140.

2016To Top

Beaven, Tita (2016). Is developing employability skills relevant to adult language students? In: Corradini, Erika; Borthwick, Kate and Gallagher-Brett, Angela eds. Employability for languages: a handbook., pp. 133–138.

2015To Top

Beaven, Tita (2015). OER (re)use and language teachers’ tacit professional knowledge: three vignettes. In: Borthwick, Kate; Corradini, Erika and Dickens, Alison eds. 10 years of the LLAS elearning symposium: case studies in good practice., pp. 77–88.

Emke, Martina; Stickler, Ursula and the MoreDOTS project team (2015). Teaching and learning online – Developing your skills to develop others. In: Krings, Hans P. and Kühn, Bärbel eds. Fremdsprachliche Lernprozesse. Erträge des 4. Bremer Symposions zum Fremdsprachenlehren und -lernen an Hochschulen. Fremdsprachen in Lehre und Forschung (FLF), 48. Arbeitskreis der Sprachenzentren e.V., pp. 199–209.

2014To Top

Beaven, Tita; Codreanu, Tatiana and Creuzé, Alix (2014). Motivation in a language MOOC: issues for course designers. In: Martín-Monje, Elena and Bárcena, Elena eds. Language MOOCs: Providing Learning, Transcending Boundaries. Berlin: De Gruyter Open, pp. 48–66.

2013To Top

Beaven, Tita (2013). Qualitative methods for researching teachers’ (re)use of OER. In: OER13: Creating a Virtuous Circle, 26-27 Mar 2013, University of Nottingham.

2012To Top

Beaven, Tita (2012). Vivre en Aquitaine: pedagogy, audience, design. The EuroCALL Review, 20(2) pp. 23–32.

2011To Top

Beaven, Tita ed. (2011). Mañana (libro del alumno). Sandy: Advanced Materials.

2010To Top

Stickler, Ursula; Ernest, Pauline; Beaven, Tita; Emke, Martina; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Hampel, Regine; Hopkins, Joseph and Stanojewic, Mateusz-Milan (2010). Joining the DOTS. A collaborative approach to online teacher training. The EuroCALL Review, 16,

Beaven, Tita; Emke, Martina; Ernest, Pauline; Germain-Rutherford, Aline; Hampel, Regine; Hopkins, Joseph; Stanojevic, Mateusz Milan and Stickler, Ursula (2010). Needs and challenges for online language teachers - the ECML project DOTS. Teaching English with Technology: A Journal for Teachers of English, 10(2) pp. 5–20.

2009To Top

Woodthorpe, John; Shaw, Jill; Hauck, Mirjam and Beaven, Tita (2009). What’s in it for me? The stick and the carrot as tools for developing academic communities. In: 7th International Conference on Education and Information Systems, Technologies and Applications: EISTA 2009, 10-13 Jul 2009, Orlando, Florida, USA.

2008To Top

Álvarez, Inma; Beaven, Tita and Garrido, Cecilia (2008). Strategies for acquiring intercultural communication. In: Hurd, Stella and Lewis, Timothy eds. Language Learning Strategies in Independent Settings. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 179–195.

2007To Top

Beaven, Tita (2007). A life in the sun: Accounts of new lives abroad as intercultural narratives. Language and Intercultural Communication, 7(3) pp. 188–202.

2005To Top

Harper, Felicity; Smith, Pete and Beaven, Mary (2005). Developing competence in the language (1): reading and listening skills. In: Hurd, Stella and Murphy, Linda eds. Success With Languages. Routledge Study Guides. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 79–109.

2004To Top

2002To Top

Beaven, Tita (2002). The transitory, the fugitive, the contingent: Cristina Terzaghi’s mural in La Boca, Buenos Aires. In: Godsland, Shelley and White, Anne M. eds. Cultura Popular: Studies in Spanish and Latin American Popular Culture. Oxford, UK: Peter Lang.

Garrido, Cecilia and Beaven, Mary (2002). The European Framework of Reference for language teaching and learning: The OU experience. In: Council of Europe ed. Common European Framework of References for languages : Learning, Teaching, Assessment - Case studies. Strasbourg: Council of Europe.

Garrido, Cecilia and Beaven, Mary (2002). The European Framework underpinning the language teaching/learning process from curriculum design to the delivery of outcomes. In: Ruane, M ed. T'Qila: Today's Quality Issues in European Language Centres. CercleS Proceedings. Strasbourg: CercleS.

Beaven, Tita (2002). La enseñanza de ELE a personas adultas inmigrantes no alfabetizadas. In: Perez Gutierrez, M. and Coloma Maestre, J. eds. El Español, Lengua del Mestizaje y la Interculturalidad. Universidad de Murcia, pp. 180–190.

2001To Top

Álvarez, Inma and Beaven, Tita (2001). Destrezas interculturales en una comunidad virtual. El sitio A buen puerto de la Open University. In: Gimeno Sanz, A. M. ed. Tecnologías de la información y de las comunicaciones en la enseñanza de E/LE, 5-8 de septiembre de 2001. Universidad de Valencia, pp. 239–249.

2000To Top

Beaven, Tita and Garrido, Cecilia (2000). El español tuyo, el mío, el de aquél… ¿Cuál para nuestros estudiantes? In: Martín Zorraquino, M. A.; Pelegrín, C. D. and Ballesteros, M. P. eds. Qué español enseñar?: norma y variación lingüísticas en la enseñanza del español a extranjeros. Universidad de Zaragoza.

1999To Top

Beaven, Tita (1999). ”¡Pero si no se dice así!": Un estudio de las actitudes de los profesores de ELE hacia la enseñanza del español como "lengua mundial". In: Figueroa, M. F. ed. Nuevas perspectivas en la enseñanza del español como lengua extranjera: actas del X Congreso Internacional de ASELE, Cádiz, 22-25 de septiembre de 1999. Universidad de Cádiz, pp. 115–122.


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