Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Martyn Cooper

27 items in this list.
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Book SectionTo Top

Cooper, M. and Heath, A. (2009). Access For all to eLearning. In: Méndez-Vilas, A.; Solano Martín, A.; Mesa González, J. A. and Mesa González, J. eds. Research Reflections and Innovations in Integrating ICT in Education, Volume 2. FORMATEX, Badajoz, Spain, pp. 1139–1143.

Cooper, Martyn; Lowe, Tim and Taylor, Mary (2008). Access to mathematics in web resources for people with a visual impairment: Considerations and developments in an open and distance learning context. In: Miesenberger, Klaus; Zagler, Wolfgang; Klaus, Joachim and Karshmer, Arthur eds. Computers Helping People with Special Needs. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (5105/2008). Berlin: Springer, pp. 926–933.

Colwell, Chetz; Di Paolo, Terry; Scanlon, Eileen; Cooper, Martyn; Uren, Victoria and Jelfs, Anne (2003). Redesigning practical work: web-based remote experimentation. In: Scanlon, Eileen and Holliman, Richard eds. Mediating science learning through information and communications technology. London: Routledge, pp. 169–187.

Cooper, Martyn (2003). Communications and information technology for disabled students. In: Powell, Stuart ed. Special teaching in Higher Education: successful strategies for access and inclusion. UK: Routledge, pp. 37–56.

Journal ItemTo Top

Seale, Jane and Cooper, Martyn (2010). E-learning and accessibility: an exploration of the potential role of generic pedagogical tools. Computers and Education, 54(4) pp. 1107–1116.

Cooper, M. and Ferreira, J. M. M. (2009). Remote laboratories extending access to science and engineering curricular. IEEE Transactions on Learning Technologies, 2(4) pp. 342–353.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Cooper, Martyn; Ferguson, Rebecca and Wolff, Annika (2016). What Can Analytics Contribute to Accessibility in e-Learning Systems and to Disabled Students’ Learning? In: LAK '16: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, ICPS: ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, pp. 99–103.

Cooper, Martyn; Sloan, David; Kelly, Brian and Lewthwaite, Sarah (2012). A challenge to web accessibility metrics and guidelines: putting people and processes first. In: W4A 2012: 9th International Cross-Disciplinary Conference on Web Accessibility, 16-18 Apr 2012, Lyon, France.

Douce, Christopher; Porch, Wendy and Cooper, Martyn (2010). Adapting e-learning and learning services for people with disabilities. In: 1st International AEGIS Conference: Access for All in the Desktop, Web and Mobile Field: an End-User and Developer Perspective, 7-8 Oct 2010, Seville, Spain.

Cooper, Martyn (2010). Remote laboratories extending access to science and engineering curricular for disabled students. In: Rev2010 Remote Engineering & Virtual Instrumentation, 29 Jun - Jul 2010, Stockholm, Sweden.

Douce, Christopher; Cooper, Martyn; Porch, Wendy; White, Juliette and Heath, Andrew (2008). Exploring the extension of learning technology systems for accessibility (ALT-C 2008). In: ALT-C 2008: Rethinking the digital divide, 9-11 Sep 2008, University of Leeds, UK.

Mann, Phebe; Aczel, James; Scanlon, Eileen and Cooper, Martyn (2008). Supporting computer-supported collaborative work (CSCW) in conceptual design. In: 24th Annual Conference of Association of Researchers in Construction Management ARCOM, 1-3 Sep 2008, Cardiff.

Cooper, M.; Boticario, J. G. and Montandon, L. (2006). An introduction to Accessible Lifelong Learning (ALL) - a strategy for research and development uniting accessible technology, services, and e-learning infrastructure. In: European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) Research Workshop, 27 Oct 2006, Barcelona.

Boticario, J. G.; Cooper, M.; Montandon, L. and van Dorp, K. J. (2006). Towards an open, standard-based, reusable and extensible architecture of services for Accessible Lifelong Learning: an introduction to the EU4ALL Project. In: EADTU Conference, 23-23 Nov 2006, Tallin, Estonia.

Neville, Liddy; Cooper, Martyn; Heath, Andy; Rothbergeine, Madeleine and Treviranus, Jutta (2005). Learner-centred Accessibility for Interoperable Web-based Educational Systems. In: WWW '05: 14th international conference on World Wide Web, 10-14 May 2005, Chiba, Japan.

Cooper, Martyn and Petrie, Helen (2004). Three dimensional auditory display: Issues in applications for visually impaired students. In: ICAD 04-Tenth Meeting of the International Conference on Auditory Display, 6-9 Jul 2004, Sydney, Australia.

Cooper, Martyn (2003). Making online learning accessible. In: International Conference on Assistive Technology, 2-3 Dec 2003, London, UK.

Cooper, Martyn; Keating, David; Harwin, Wiliam and Dautenhahn, Kerstin (1999). Robots in the classroom - tools for accessible education. In: Assistive Technology on the Threshold of the New Millennium, Assistive Technology Research Series, IOS Press, pp. 448–452.


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