Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Mahesh Anand

258 items in this list.
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Ashcroft, H. O.; Anand, M.; Korotev, R. L.; Greenwood, R. C.; Franchi, I. A. and Strekopytov, S. (2017). NWA 10989 – A New Lunar Meteorite with Equal Proportions of Feldspathic and VLT Material. In: 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 20-24 Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas.

Anand, M; Barnes, J. J. and Hallis, L. J. (2015). Lunar geology. In: Lee, M. R. and Leroux, H. eds. Planetary Mineralogy, Volume 15. European Mineralogical Union and the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, pp. 129–164.

Anand, M.; Tartèse, R.; Barnes, J. J.; Franchi, I. A. and Russell, S. S. (2014). Apatite: a versatile recorder of the history of lunar volatiles. In: Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs, 46(6) p. 27.

Anand, Mahesh; Tartèse, Romain and Barnes, Jessica (2014). Understanding the origin and evolution of water in the Moon through lunar sample studies. Philosophical Transactions A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences, 372(2024)

Anand, Mahesh and Lim, Sungwoo (2014). Water in and on the Moon: recent discoveries and future prospects. In: EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology (EKC )2014, 23-25 Jul 2014, Vienna, Austria.

Anand, Mahesh (2014). Analyzing Moon Rocks. Science, 344(6182) pp. 365–366.

Abernethy, F. A. J.; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A. and Grady, M. M. (2013). Graphitic Raman spectra in angrites: a source of high-temperature carbon? In: 76th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 29 Jul - 2 Aug 2013, Edmonton, Canada.

Anand, M.; Tartèse, R.; Terada, K.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A. and Sano, Y. (2012). Tracking secular changes in the "water" content of lunar interior using basaltic lunar meteorites. In: European Planetary Science Congress, 23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid.

Anand, M. and Tartèse, R. (2012). The abundance, distribution, and source(s) of water in the Moon. In: European Lunar Symposium, 19-20 Apr 2012, Berlin, Germany.

Anand, M.; Crawford, I. A.; Balat-Pichelin, M.; Abanades, S.; van Westrenen, W.; Péraudeau, G.; Jaumann, R. and Seboldt, W. (2012). A brief review of chemical and mineralogical resources on the Moon and likely initial in situ resource utilization (ISRU) applications. Planetary And Space Science, 74(1) pp. 42–48.

Abernethy, F. A. J.; Verchovsky, A. B.; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A. and Grady, M. M. (2012). A trapped nitrogen component in angrites. In: 75th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 12-17 Aug 2012, Cairns, Australia.

Anand, M.; Carpenter, J. and TT-ELPM (2011). Exploration and evaluation of lunar volatiles as potential resource within the ESA lunar lander context. In: A Wet vs. Dry Moon: Exploring Volatile Reservoirs and Implications for the Evolution of the Moon and Future Exploration, 13-15 Jun 2011, Houston, TX, US.

Anand, Mahesh (2010). Lunar water: a brief review. Earth Moon and Planets, 107(1) pp. 65–73.

Anand, Mahesh (2010). Recent advancements in lunar science and the future exploration of the moon. In: European Planetary Science Congress 2010, 19-24 Sep 2010, Rome, Italy.

Anand, M.; Pearson, V.; Kelley, S.; Tindle, A.; Whalley, P. and Koeberl, K. (2010). Virtual microscope for extra-terrestrial samples. In: European Planetary Science Congress, 19-24 Sep 2010, Rome, Italy.

Anand, M.; Misra, K. C.; Paul, D. K.; Ishikawa, A. and Pearson, D. G. (2008). Trace-element signatures of kyanite-eclogites from a southern Indian kimberlite. In: 9th International Kimberlite Conference, 10-15 Aug 2008, Frankfurt.

Anand, M.; Terada, K.; Osborne, I.; Chalapathi Rao, N. V. and Dongre, A. (2008). SHRIMP U-Pb dating of Perovskites from southern Indian kimberlites. In: 9th International Kimberlite Conference, 10-15 Aug 2008, Frankfurt, Germany.

Anand, M. and Terada, K. (2008). Timing and duration of mare basalt magmatism: constraints from lunar samples. In: 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 10-14 Mar 2008, Houston, Texas, USA.

Anand, M.; James, S.; Greenwood, R. C.; Johnson, D.; Franchi, I. A. and Grady, M. M. (2008). Mineralogy and Geochemistry of Shergottite RBT 04262. In: 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference (Lunar and Planetary Science XXXIX), 10-14 Mar 2008, League City, Texas, USA, p. 2173.

Anand, M.; Poitrasson, F. and Grady, M. M. (2007). Fe isotopic composition of inner solar system materials: The fit of Martian basalts and minerals. In: Goldschmidt Conference 2007, 19-25 Aug 2007, Cologne, Germany.

Anand, M.; Russell, S.S.; Blackhurst, R.L. and Grady, M.M. (2006). Searching for signatures of life on Mars: an Fe isotope perspective. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 361(1474) pp. 1715–1720.

Anand, Mahesh; Taylor, Lawrence A.; Floss, Christine; Neal, Clive R.; Terada, Kentaro and Tanikawa, Shiho (2006). Petrology and geochemistry of LaPaz Icefield 02205: a new unique low-Ti mare-basalt meteorite. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70(1) pp. 246–264.

Anand, M.; Burgess, R.; Fernandes, V. and Grady, M. M. (2006). Ar-Ar age and halogen characteristics of nakhlite MIL 03346: records of crustal processes on Mars. In: 69th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 6-11 Aug 2006, Zurich, Switzerland.

Anand, M.; Russell, S. S.; Blackhurst, R. and Grady, M. M. (2006). Fe isotopic composition of Martian meteorites and some terrestrial analogues. In: 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 13-17 Mar 2006, Houston, Texas, USA.

Anand, M.; Russell, S. S.; Mullane, E. and Grady, M. M. (2005). Fe isotopic composition of Martian meteorites. In: 36th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 14-18 Mar 2005, Houston, Texas, USA.

Anand, Mahesh; Taylor, Lawrence A.; Misra, Kula C.; Carlson, William D. and Sobolev, Nikolai V. (2004). Nature of diamonds in Yakutian eclogites: views from eclogite tomography and mineral inclusions in diamonds. Lithos, 77(1-4) pp. 333–348.

Anand, Mahesh; Taylor, Lawrence A.; Nazarov, Mikhail A.; Shu, J.; Mao, H.-K. and Hemley, Russell J. (2004). Space weathering on airless planetary bodies: clues from the lunar mineral hapkeite. PNAS, 101(18) pp. 6847–6851.

Anand, M.; Gibson, S.A; Subbarao, K.V; Kelley, S.P and Dickin, A.P (2003). Early Proterozoic Melt Generation Processes beneath the Intra-cratonic Cuddapah Basin, Southern India. Journal of Petrology, 44(12) pp. 2139–2171.

Anand, Mahesh; Taylor, Lawrence A.; Neal, Clive R.; Snyder, Gregory A.; Patchen, Allan; Sano, Yuji and Terada, Kentaro (2003). Petrogenesis of lunar meteorite EET 96008. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 67(18) pp. 3499–3518.

Anand, Mahesh; Taylor, Lawrence A.; Misra, Kula C.; Demidova, Svetlana I. and Nazarov, Mikhail A. (2003). KREEPy lunar meteorite Dhofar 287A: A new lunar mare basalt. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 38(4) pp. 485–499.

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Bowen, James; Prabhu, Vibha Levin; Lim, Sungwoo and Anand, Mahesh (2025). The viscosity and processing of molten lunar regolith. Scientific Reports, 15 p. 3938.

Barrett, Thomas J.; Robinson, Katharine L.; Barnes, Jessica J.; Jeffrey Taylor, G.; Nagashima, Kazuhide; Huss, Gary R.; Franchi, Ian A.; Anand, Mahesh and Kring, David A. (2023). Deciphering the origin(s) of H and Cl in Apollo 15 quartz monzodiorites: evidence for multiple processes and reservoirs. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 358 pp. 192–206.

Barrett, T. J.; King, A. J.; Degli Alessandrini, G.; Humphreys-Williams, E.; Schmidt, B.; Greenwood, R. C.; Abernethy, F. A. J.; Anand, M. and Rudnickaite, E. (2022). A Detailed Mineralogical and Isotopic Study of the Historic Monomict Eucrite Padvarninkai. In: Lunar and Planetary Science LIII, 7-11 Mar 2022, Houston, Texas.

Barnes, Jessica J.; McCubbin, Francis M.; Santos, Alison R.; Day, James M. D.; Boyce, Jeremy W.; Schwenzer, Susanne P.; Ott, Ulrich; Franchi, Ian A.; Messenger, Scott; Anand, Mahesh and Agee, Carl B. (2020). Multiple early-formed water reservoirs in the interior of Mars. Nature Geoscience, 13(4) pp. 260–264.

Bunce, Emma J.; Martindale, Adrian; Lindsay, Simon; Muinonen, Karri; Rothery, David A.; Pearson, Jim; McDonnell, Ivor; Thomas, Chris; Thornhill, Julian; Tikkanen, Tuomo; Feldman, Charly; Huovelin, Juhani; Korpela, Seppo; Esko, Eero; Lehtolainen, Arto; Treis, Johannes; Majewski, Petra; Hilchenbach, Martin; Väisänen, Timo; Luttinen, Arto; Kohout, Tomas; Penttilä, Antti; Bridges, John; Joy, Katherine H.; Alcacera-Gil, Maria Angeles; Alibert, Guilhem; Anand, Mahesh; Bannister, Nigel; Barcelo-Garcia, Corinne; Bicknell, Chris; Blake, Oliver; Bland, Phil; Butcher, Gillian; Cheney, Andy; Christensen, Ulrich; Crawford, Tony; Crawford, Ian A.; Dennerl, Konrad; Dougherty, Michele; Drumm, Paul; Fairbend, Raymond; Genzer, Maria; Grande, Manuel; Hall, Graeme P.; Hodnett, Rosie; Houghton, Paul; Imber, Suzanne; Kallio, Esa; Lara, Maria Luisa; Balado Margeli, Ana; Mas-Hesse, Miguel J.; Maurice, Sylvestre; Milan, Steve; Millington-Hotze, Peter; Nenonen, Seppo; Nittler, Larry; Okada, Tatsuaki; Ormö, Jens; Perez-Mercader, Juan; Poyner, Richard; Robert, Eddy; Ross, Duncan; Pajas-Sanz, Miriam; Schyns, Emile; Seguy, Julien; Strüder, Lothar; Vaudon, Nathalie; Viceira-Martín, Jose; Williams, Hugo; Willingale, Dick and Yeoman, Tim (2020). The BepiColombo Mercury Imaging X-Ray Spectrometer: Science Goals, Instrument Performance and Operations. Space Science Reviews, 216(8) p. 126.

Barber, S. J.; Sheridan, Simon; Anand, Mahesh; Harkness, P.; Timoney, R.; Worrall, K.; Murray, N. J.; Trautner, R. and Howe, C. J. (2020). i-Drill: An Instrumented Drill for Surface and Sub-Surface Ground Truthing of Lunar Volatiles and Resources. In: 51st Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 16-20 Mar 2020, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA, Lunar and Planetary Institute.

Barber, S.; Sheridan, S.; Morse, A.; Anand, M.; Harkness, P.; Timoney, R.; Worrall, K.; Murray, N. J.; Trautner, R. and Howe, C. J. (2020). i-Drill: Surface and Sub-Surface Profiling of Lunar Volatiles and Resources by an Instrumented Drill. In: European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2020, 12-14 May 2020, Virtual.

Baziotis, Ioannis; Asimow, Paul D.; Hu, Jinping; Ferrière, Ludovic; Ma, Chi; Cernok, Ana; Anand, Mahesh and Topa, Dan (2018). High pressure minerals in the Château-Renard (L6) ordinary chondrite: implications for collisions on its parent body. Scientific reports, 8(1), article no. 9851.

Barrett, Thomas; Cernok, Ana; Anand, Mahesh; Franchi, Ian and Darling, James (2018). Linking volatiles and microstructures in apatite from eucrites. In: 81st Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 22-27 Jul 2018, V.I. Vernadsky Institute of Geochemistry and Analytical Chemistry of Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia.

Barber, S. J.; Wright, I. P.; Abernethy, F.; Anand, M.; Dewar, K. R.; Hodges, M.; Landsberg, P.; Leese, M. R.; Morgan, G. H.; Morse, A. D.; Mortimer, J.; Sargeant, Hannah; Sheard, I.; Sheridan, S.; Verchovsky, A.; Goesmann, F.; Howe, C.; Morse, T.; Lillywhite, N.; Quinn, A.; Missaglia, N.; Pedrali, M.; Reiss, P.; Rizzi, F.; Rusconi, A.; Savoia, M.; Zamboni, A.; Merrifield, J. A.; Gibson, E. K.; Carpenter, J.; Fisackerly, R.; Houdou, B.; Sefton-Nash, E. and Trautner, R. (2018). ProSPA: Analysis of Lunar Polar Volatiles and ISRU Demonstration on the Moon. In: 49th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 2018, 19-23 Mar 2018, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA.

Barber, S. J.; Wright, Ian; Abernethy, Feargus; Anand, Mahesh; Dewar, Kevin; Hodges, Martyna; Landsberg, Peter; Leese, Mark; Morgan, Geraint; Morse, Andrew; Mortimer, James; Sargeant, Hannah; Sheard, Iain; Sheridan, Simon; Verchovsky, Sasha; Goesmann, F.; Howe, C.; Morse, T.; Lillywhite, N.; Quinn, A.; Missaglia, N.; Pedrali, M.; Reiss, P.; Rizzi, F.; Rusconi, R.; Savoia, M.; Zamboni, A.; Merrifield, J.; Gibson, Everett; Carpenter, J.; Fisackerly, R.; Houdou, B.; Sefton-Nash, E. and Trautner, R. (2018). ProSPA: An instrument for lunar polar volatiles prospecting and in situ resource utilization proof of concept. In: European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2018, 13-16 May 2018, Toulouse, France.

Barber, S. J.; Smith, Phillipa; Wright, Ian; Abernethy, Feargus; Anand, Mahesh; Dewar, Kevin; Hodges, Martyna; Landsberg, Peter; Leese, Mark; Morgan, Geraint; Morse, Andrew; Mortimer, James; Sargeant, Hannah; Sheard, Iain; Sheridan, Simon; Verchovsky, Sasha; Goesmann, F.; Howe, C.; Morse, T.; Lillywhite, N.; Quinn, A.; Missaglia, N.; Pedrali, M.; Reiss, P.; Rizzi, F.; Rusconi, A.; Savoia, M.; Zamboni, A.; Merrifield, J.; Gibson, Everett; Carpenter, J.; Fisackerly, R. and Houdou, B. (2017). PROSPECTing for Lunar Polar Volatiles: the ProSPA Miniature In-situ Science Laboratory. In: European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2017, 2-3 May 2017, Munster, Germany.

Barnes, J. J.; Anand, M. and Franchi, I. A. (2017). Chlorine in Lunar Basalts. In: 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 20-24 Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas.

Barber, S. J.; Smith, P. H.; Wright, I. P.; Abernethy, F.; Anand, M.; Dewar, K. R.; Hodges, M.; Landsberg, P.; Leese, M. R.; Morgan, G. H.; Morse, A. D.; Mortimer, J.; Sargeant, Hannah; Sheard, I.; Sheridan, S.; Verchovsky, A.; Goesmann, S.; Howe, C.; Morse, T.; Lillywhite, N.; Quinn, A.; Missaglia, N.; Pedrali, M.; Reiss, P.; Rizzi, F.; Rusconi, A.; Savoia, M.; Zamboni, A.; Merrifield, J. A.; Gibson Jr., E. K.; Carpenter, J.; Fisackerly, R. and Houdou, B. (2017). ProSPA: the Science Laboratory for the Processing and Analysis of Lunar Polar Volatiles within PROSPECT. In: 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 20-24 Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas.

Barnes, Jessica J.; Tartèse, Romain; Anand, Mahesh; McCubbin, Francis M.; Neal, Clive R. and Franchi, Ian A. (2016). Early degassing of lunar urKREEP by crust-breaching impact(s). Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 447 pp. 84–94.

Barnes, Jessica; Kring, David A.; Tartèse, Romain; Franchi, Ian A.; Anand, Mahesh and Russell, Sara S. (2016). An asteroidal origin for water in the Moon. Nature Communications, 7, article no. 11684.

Barrett, T. J.; Mittlefehldt, D. W.; Ross, D. K.; Greenwood, R. C.; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Grady, M. M. and Charlier, B. L. A. (2015). The Mineralogy and Petrology of Anomalous Eucrite Emmaville. In: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference 46th, 16 to 20 Mar 2015, The Woodlands, Texas.

Barnes, J. J.; Tartèse, R.; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Russell, S. S. and Kring, D. A. (2015). Determining the source(s) of water in the lunar interior. In: 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, article no. 2159.

Barnes, J. J.; Tartèse, R.; Anand, M.; McCubbin, F. M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A. and Russell, S. S. (2015). Volatiles in the lunar crust - an evaluation of the role of metasomatism. In: 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, article no. 1352.

Barnes, Jessica J.; Tartèse, R.; McCubbin, Francis M.; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, Natalie A. and Russell, S. S. (2014). Using apatite to unravel the origin of water in ancient Moon rocks. In: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, 19-22 Oct 2014, Vancouver, Canada.

Barnes, Jessica; Tartèse, R.; Anand, M.; Starkey, N.; Franchi, I.; Russell, S.S. and Sano, Y (2012). Water in the Moon: insights from SIMS analyses of lunar apatites. In: Lunar Science as a Window into the Early Evolution of the Solar System and Conditions of the Early Earth, 09 Nov 2012, London.

Barnes, Jessica; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A. and Russell, S. S. (2012). Investigating the water contents and hydrogen isotopic compositions of lunar apatite. In: Geochemistry Group Research In Progress Meeting: Building a Habitable Planet, 15 Mar 2012, Milton Keynes, UK.

Barnes, Jessica; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A.; Ota, Y.; Sani, Y.; Russell, S. S. and Tartèse, R. (2012). The hydroxyl content and hydrogen isotope composition of Lunar apatites. In: 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 Mar 2012, The Woodlands, TX, US.

Barnes, Jessica; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Starkey, N. A.; Tartèse, R.; Sano, Y. and Russell, S. S. (2012). Lunar volatiles: an examination of hydrogen isotopes and hydroxyl content. In: European Lunar Symposium, 19-20 Apr 2012, Berlin, Germany.

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Crawford, Ian A.; Anand, Mahesh; Barber, Simeon; Cowley, Aidan; Crites, Sarah; Fa, Wenzhe; Flahaut, Jessica; Gaddis, Lisa R.; Greenhagen, Ben; Haruyama, Junichi; Hurley, Dana; McLeod, Claire L.; Morse, Andrew; Neal, Clive R.; Sargeant, Hannah; Sefton-Nash, Elliot and Tartèse, Romain (2023). Lunar Resources. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 89(1) pp. 829–868.

Cernok, Ana; White, Lee F.; Anand, Mahesh; Tait, Kimberly T.; Darling, James R.; Whitehouse, Martin; Miljković, Katarina; Lemelin, Myriam; Reddy, Steven M.; Fougerouse, Denis; Rickard, William D. A.; Saxey, David W. and Ghent, Rebecca (2021). Lunar samples record an impact 4.2 billion years ago that may have formed the Serenitatis Basin. Communications Earth & Environment, 2(1), article no. 120.

Cernok, Ana; Anand, Mahesh; Zhao, Xuchao; Darling, James R.; White, Lee F.; Stephant, Alice; Dunlop, Joseph; Tait, Kimberly T. and Franchi, Ian (2020). Preservation of primordial signatures of water in highly-shocked ancient lunar rocks. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 544, article no. 116364.

Cernok, Ana; White, Lee Francis; Darling, James; Dunlop, Joseph; Johnson, Diane and Anand, Mahesh (2017). Microstructural shock features in Lunar Mg-suite accessory phases. In: Shock metamorphism in terrestrial and extra-terrestrial rocks (Miljković, Katarina ed.), 26 Jun - 2 Jul 2017, Curtin University, Perth, Western Australia.

Cernok, A.; Darling, J.; White, L.; Dunlop, J. and Anand, M. (2017). Shock-Induced Texture in Lunar Mg-Suite Apatite and its Effect on Volatile Distribution. In: 5th European Lunar Symposium, 02-03 May 2017, Münster, Germany.

Crawford, I. A.; Anand, M.; Cockell, C. S.; Falcke, H.; Green, D. A.; Jaumann, R. and Wieczorek, M. A. (2012). Back to the Moon: the scientific rationale for resuming lunar surface exploration. Planetary and Space Science, 74(1) pp. 3–14.

Crawford, I. A.; Joy, K. H.; Kellett, B. J.; Grande, M.; Anand, M.; Bhandari, N.; Cook, A. C.; d’Uston, L.; Fernandes, V. A.; Gasnault, O.; Goswami, J.; Howe, C. J.; Huovelin, J.; Koschny, D.; Lawrence, D. J.; Maddison, B. J.; Maurice, S.; Narendranath, S.; Pieters, C.; Okada, T.; Rothery, D. A.; Russell, S. S.; Sreekumar, P.; Swinyard, B.; Wieczorek, M. and Wilding, M. (2009). The scientific rationale for the C1XS X-ray spectrometer on India’s Chandrayaan-1 mission to the moon. Planetary and Space Science, 57(7) pp. 725–734.

Chalapathi Rao, N.V.; Burgess, R.; Anand, Mahesh and Mainkar, D. (2007). 40Ar - 39Ar Dating of the Kodomali Pipe, Bastar Craton, India: A Pan-African (491±11 Ma) Age of Diamondiferous Kimberlite Emplacement. Journal of Geological Society of India, 69 pp. 539–545.

Cahill, J.T.; Floss, C.; Anand, M.; Taylor, L.A.; Nazarov, M.A. and Cohen, B.A. (2004). Petrogenesis of Lunar Highlands Meteorites: Dhofar 025, Dhofar 081, Dar al Gani 262, and Dar al Gani 400. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 39(4) pp. 503–529.

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Darling, J.R.; White, L.F.; Kizovski, T.; Černok, A.; Moser, D.E.; Tait, K.T.; Dunlop, J.; Langelier, B.; Douglas, J.O.; Zhao, X.; Franchi, I. A. and Anand, M. (2021). The shocking state of apatite and merrillite in shergottite Northwest Africa 5298 and extreme nanoscale chlorine isotope variability revealed by atom probe tomography. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 293 pp. 422–437.

Day, James M. D.; Floss, Christine; Taylor, Lawrence A.; Anand, Mahesh and Patchen, Allan D. (2006). Evolved mare basalt magmatism, high Mg/Fe feldspathic crust, chondritic impactors, and the petrogenesis of Antarctic lunar breccia meteorites Meteorite Hills 01210 and Pecora Escarpment 02007. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 70(24) pp. 5957–5989.

Demidova, S.I.; Nazarov, M.A.; Anand, Mahesh and Taylor, L.A. (2003). Lunar regolith breccia Dhofar 287B: A record of lunar volcanism. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 38(4) pp. 501–514.

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Flahaut, J.; Carpenter, J.; Williams, J.-P.; Anand, M.; Crawford, I.A.; van Westrenen, W.; Füri, E.; Xiao, L. and Zhao, S. (2020). Regions of interest (ROI) for future exploration missions to the lunar South Pole. Planetary and Space Science, 180, article no. 104750.

Fraser, G. W.; Carpenter, J. D.; Rothery, D. A.; Pearson, J. F.; Martindale, A.; Huovelin, J.; Treis, J.; Anand, M.; Anttila, M.; Ashcroft, M.; Benkoff, J.; Bland, P.; Bowyer, A.; Bradley, A.; Bridges, J.; Brown, C.; Bulloch, C.; Bunce, E. J.; Christensen, U.; Evans, M.; Fairbend, R.; Feasey, M.; Giannini, F.; Hermann, S.; Hesse, M.; Hilchenbach, M.; Jorden, T.; Joy, K.; Kaipiainen, M.; Kitchingman, I.; Lechner, P.; Lutz, G.; Malkki, A.; Muinonen, K.; Näränen, J.; Portin, P.; Prydderch, M.; San Juan, J.; Sclater, E.; Schyns, E.; Stevenson, T. J.; Strüder, L.; Syrjasuo, M.; Talboys, D.; Thomas, P.; Whitford, C. and Whitehead, S. (2010). The mercury imaging X-ray spectrometer (MIXS) on BepiColombo. Planetary and Space Science, 58(1-2) pp. 79–95.

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Greenwood, R. C.; Findlay, R.; Martins, R.; Steele, R. C. J.; Shaw, K. M. M.; Morton, E.; Savage, P. S.; Murphy, M. E.; Rehkämper, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Elliott, T.; Suttle, M. D.; King, A. J.; Anand, M.; Malley, J.; Howard, K. T.; Zhao, X.; Johnson, D.; Liu, M.‐C.; McCain, K. A. and Stephen, N. R. (2024). The formation and aqueous alteration of CM2 chondrites and their relationship to CO3 chondrites: A fresh isotopic (O, Cd, Cr, Si, Te, Ti, and Zn) perspective from the Winchcombe CM2 fall. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 59(5) pp. 1170–1193.

Gu, Lixin; Hu, Sen; Anand, Mahesh; Tang, Xu; Ji, Jianglong; Zhang, Bin; Wang, Nian and Lin, Yangting (2022). Occurrence of tuite and ahrensite in Zagami and their significance for shock-histories recorded in martian meteorites. American Mineralogist, 107(6) pp. 1018–1029.

Gibson, E. K.; Tindle, A. G.; Schwenzer, S. P.; Kelley, S. P.; Anand, M.; Morgan, G. H. and Pillinger, J. M. (2019). Apollo Virtual Microscope Collection: Lunar Minaeralogy and Petrology of Apollo Rocks. In: 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA.

Grande, M.; Maddison, B. J.; Howe, C. J.; Kellett, B. J.; Sreekumar, P.; Huovelin, J.; Crawford, I. A.; Duston, C. L.; Smith, D.; Anand, M.; Bhandari, N.; Cook, A.; Fernandes, V.; Foing, B.; Gasnaut, O.; Goswami, J. N.; Holland, A.; Joy, K. H.; Kochney, D.; Lawrence, D.; Maurice, S.; Okada, T.; Narendranath, S.; Pieters, C.; Rothery, D.; Russell, S. S.; Shrivastava, A.; Swinyard, B.; Wilding, M. and Wieczorek, M. (2009). The C1XS X-Ray Spectrometer on Chandrayaan-1. Planetary and Space Science, 57(7) pp. 717–724.

Gronstal, A.; Pearson, V.; Kappler, A.; Dooris, C.; Anand, M.; Poitrasson, F.; Kee, T. P. and Cockell, C. S. (2009). Laboratory experiments on the weathering of iron meteorites and carbonaceous chondrites by iron-oxidizing bacteria. Meteoritics and Planetary Science, 44(2) pp. 233–247.

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He, Huicun; Ji, Jianglong; Zhang, Yue; Hu, Sen; Lin, Yangting; Hui, Hejiu; Hao, Jialong; Li, Ruiying; Yang, Wei; Tian, Hengci; Zhang, Chi; Anand, Mahesh; Tartèse, Romain; Gu, Lixin; Li, Jinhua; Zhang, Di; Mao, Qian; Jia, Lihui; Li, Xiaoguang; Chen, Yi; Zhang, Li; Ni, Huaiwei; Wu, Shitou; Wang, Hao; Li, Qiuli; He, Huaiyu; Li, Xianhua and Wu, Fuyuan (2023). A solar wind-derived water reservoir on the Moon hosted by impact glass beads. Nature Geoscience, 16(4) pp. 294–300.

Hu, Sen; He, Huicun; Ji, Jianglong; Lin, Yangting; Hui, Hejiu; Anand, Mahesh; Tartèse, Romain; Yan, Yihong; Hao, Jialong; Li, Ruiying; Gu, Lixin; Guo, Qian; He, Huaiyu and Ouyang, Ziyuan (2021). A dry lunar mantle reservoir for young mare basalts of Chang'e-5. Nature, 600 pp. 49–53.

Hu, S.; Lin, Y.; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Zhao, X.; Zhang, J.; Hao, J.; Zhang, T.; Yang, W. and Changela, H. (2020). Deuterium and 37Chlorine Rich Fluids on the Surface of Mars: Evidence from the Enriched Basaltic Shergottite Northwest Africa 8657. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 125(9), article no. e2020JE006537.

Hauri, Erik H.; Saal, Alberto E.; Nakajima, Miki; Anand, Mahesh; Rutherford, Malcolm J.; Van Orman, James A. and Le Voyer, Marion (2017). Origin and Evolution of Water in the Moon’s Interior. Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, 45 pp. 89–111.

Hallis, L. J.; Anand, M. and Strekopytov, S. (2014). Trace-element modelling of mare basalt parental melts: Implications for a heterogeneous lunar mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 134 pp. 289–316.

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Hutchens, Elena; Williamson, Ben J.; Anand, Mahesh; Ryan, Mary P. and Herrington, Richard J. (2007). Discriminating bacterial from electrochemical corrosion using Fe isotopes. Corrosion Science, 49(10) pp. 3759–3764.

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JTo Top

Ji, Jianglong; He, Huicun; Hu, Sen; Lin, Yangting; Hui, Hejiu; Hao, Jialong; Li, Ruiying; Yang, Wei; Yan, Yihong; Tian, Hengci; Zhang, Chi; Anand, Mahesh; Tartèse, Romain; Gu, Lixin; Li, Jinhua; Zhang, Di; Mao, Qian; Jia, Lihui; Chen, Yi; Wu, Shitou; Wang, Hao; He, Huaiyu; Li, Xianhua and Wu, Fuyuan (2022). Magmatic chlorine isotope fractionation recorded in apatite from Chang'e-5 basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 591, article no. 117636.

Jaumann, R.; Hiesinger, H.; Anand, M.; Crawford, I. A.; Wagner, R.; Sohl, F.; Jolliff, B. L.; Scholten, F.; Knapmeyer, M.; Hoffmann, H.; Hussmann, H.; Grott, M.; Hempel, S.; Köhler, U.; Krohn, K.; Schmitz, N.; Carpenter, J.; Wieczorek, M.; Spohn, T.; Robinson, M. S. and Oberst, J. (2012). Geology, geochemistry, and geophysics of the Moon: status of current understanding. Planetary And Space Science, 74(1) pp. 15–41.

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KTo Top

Klaver, Martijn; Klemme, Stephan; Liu, Xiao-Ning; Hin, Remco C.; Coath, Christopher D.; Anand, Mahesh; Lissenberg, C. Johan; Berndt, Jasper and Elliott, Tim (2024). Titanium-rich basaltic melts on the Moon modulated by reactive flow processes. Nature Geoscience, 17 pp. 118–123.

Klaver, Martijn; Luu, Tu-Han; Lewis, Jamie; Jansen, Maximiliaan N.; Anand, Mahesh; Schwieters, Johannes and Elliott, Tim (2021). The Ca isotope composition of mare basalts as a probe into the heterogeneous lunar mantle. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 570, article no. 117079.

Korochantseva, Ekaterina V.; Buikin, Alexei I.; Hopp, Jens; Verchovsky, Alexander B.; Korochantsev, Alexander V.; Anand, Mahesh and Trieloff, Mario (2021). The lunar Dhofar 1436 meteorite: 40Ar‐ 39Ar chronology and volatiles, revealed by stepwise combustion and crushing methods. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 56(3) pp. 455–481.

Koike, Mizuho; Sano, Yuji; Takahata, Naoto; Ishida, Akizumi; Sugiura, Naoji and Anand, Mahesh (2016). Combined investigation of H isotopic compositions and U-Pb chronology of young Martian meteorite Larkman Nunatak 06319. Geochemical Journal, 50(5) pp. 363–377.

Kee, T; Gronstal, A.; Pearson, V.; Kappla, A.; Dooris, C.; Anand, M.; Poitrasson, F. and Cockell, C. (2009). Laboratory experiments on the weathering of iron meteorites and carbonaceous chondrites by iron-oxidising bacteria. In: Goldschmidt, 21-26 Jun 2009, Davos, Switzerland.

LTo Top

Lim, S.; Garbayo, A.; Reeve, S.; Lekuona, E.; Morse, A.; Le Toux, T.; Bowen, J. and Anand, M. (2021). Microwave Heating Demonstrator (MHD) payload – for fabricating construction components and extracting resources. In: Space Resources Week, 19-22 Apr 2021, Luxemburg (Online).

Lim, Sungwoo; Anand, Mahesh; Cowley, Aidan; Crawford, Ian; Doule, Ondrej; Harkness, Patrick; Kanamori, Hiroshi; Maurer, Matthias; Montano, Giuseppe; Osborne, Barnaby; Patrick, Richard; Rousek, Tomas; Taylor, Lawrence and Vibha, Vibha (2015). 3D Printing on the Moon: Challenges and Opportunities. In: International Symposium on Moon 2020 - 2030: A new era of coordinated human and robotic exploration, 15-16 Dec 2015, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands.

Liu, Y.; Zhang, A.; Thaisen, K. G.; Anand, M. and Taylor, L. A. (2009). Mineralogy and petrology of a lunar highland breccia meteorite, MIL 07006. In: 40th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 23-27 Mar 2009, Houston.

MTo Top

McCubbin, Francis M.; Barnes, Jessica J.; Ni, Peng; Hui, Hejiu; Klima, Rachel L.; Burney, David; Day, James M. D.; Magna, Tomáš; Boyce, Jeremy W.; Tartèse, Romain; Kaaden, Kathleen E. Vander; Steenstra, Edgar; Elardo, Stephen M.; Zeigler, Ryan A.; Anand, Mahesh and Liu, Yang (2023). Endogenous Lunar Volatiles. Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, 89(1) pp. 729–786.

Moromoto, Narumi; Kawai, Yosuke; Terada, Kentaro; Miyahara, Masaaki; Takahata, Naoto; Sano, Yuji; Fujikawa, Naoko and Anand, Mahesh (2023). Uranium–Lead Systematics of Lunar Basaltic Meteorite Northwest Africa 2977. Mass Spectrometry, 12(1), article no. A0115.

Mortimer, James; Anand, Mahesh; Verchovsky, Sasha; Nicoara, Simona; Greenwood, Richard C.; Gibson, Jenny; Franchi, Ian A.; Ahmed, Farah; Strekopytov, Stanislav and Carpenter, James (2017). Preparing and Characterizing Carbonaceous Chondrite Standards for Verification of ESA’S ‘Prospect’ Package. In: 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 20-24 Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas.

McCubbin, Francis M.; Boyce, Jeremy W.; Novák‐Szabó, Timea; Santos, Alison R.; Tartèse, Romain; Muttik, Nele; Domokos, Gabor; Vazquez, Jorge; Keller, Lindsay P.; Moser, Desmond E.; Jerolmack, Douglas J.; Shearer, Charles K.; Steele, Andrew; Elardo, Stephen M.; Rahman, Zia; Anand, Mahesh; Delhaye, Thomas and Agee, Carl B. (2016). Geologic history of Martian regolith breccia Northwest Africa 7034: Evidence for hydrothermal activity and lithologic diversity in the Martian crust. Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, 121(10) pp. 2120–2149.

McCubbin, Francis M.; Vander Kaaden, Kathleen E.; Tartèse, Romain; Boyce, Jeremy W.; Mikhail, Sami; Whitson, Eric S.; Bell, Aaron S.; Anand, Mahesh; Franchi, Ian A.; Wang, Jianhua and Hauri, Erik H. (2015). Experimental investigation of F, Cl, and OH partitioning between apatite and Fe-rich basaltic melt at 1.0–1.2 GPa and 950–1000 °C. American Mineralogist, 100(8-9) pp. 1790–1802.

McCubbin, Francis M.; Vander Kaaden, Kathleen E.; Tartèse, Romain; Klima, Rachel L.; Liu, Yang; Mortimer, James; Barnes, Jessica J.; Shearer, Charles K.; Treiman, Allan H.; Lawrence, David J.; Elardo, Stephen M.; Hurley, Dana M.; Boyce, Jeremy W. and Anand, Mahesh (2015). Magmatic volatiles (H, C, N, F, S, Cl) in the lunar mantle, crust, and regolith: abundances, distributions, processes, and reservoirs. American Mineralogist, 100(8-9) pp. 1668–1707.

Morlok, Andreas; Mason, Andrew B.; Anand, Mahesh; Lisse, Carey M.; Bullock, Emma S. and Grady, Monica M. (2014). Dust from collisions: A way to probe the composition of exo-planets? Icarus, 239 pp. 1–14.

McDermott, K. H.; Greenwood, R. C.; Franchi, I. A.; Anand, M. and Scott, E. R. D. (2011). The relationship between IIE irons and H chondrites: petrologic and oxygen isotope constraints. In: 74th Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 8-12 Aug 2011, London, UK.

MdDermott, K.; Greenwood, R. C.; Franchi, I. A.; Anand, M. and Scott, E. R. D. (2010). Oxygen isotopic constraints on the origin and relationship of IIE iron meteorites and H chondrites. In: 73rd Annual Meeting of the Meteoritical Society, 26-30 Jul 2010, New York, NY, US.

Misra, K. C.; Anand, M. and Paul, D. K. (2008). Metasomatized Kyanite-eclogites xenoliths from a southern Indian kimberlite. In: 9th International Kimberlite Conference, 10-15 Aug 2008, Frankfurt, Germany.

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Morlok, A.; Anand, M. and Grady, M. M. (2006). Dust from collisions: mid-infrared absorbance spectroscopy of Martian meteorites. In: 37th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 13-17 Mar 2006, Houston, Texas, USA.

Misra, Kula C.; Anand, Mahesh; Taylor, Lawrence A. and Sobolev, Nikolai V. (2004). Multi-stage metasomatism of diamondiferous eclogite xenoliths from the Udachnaya kimberlite pipe, Yakutia, Siberia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 146(6) pp. 696–714.

NTo Top

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine (2015). Review of the MEPAG Report on Mars Special Regions. Washington, DC: The National Academies Press.

Narendranath, S.; Athiray, P. S.; Sreekumar, P.; Kellett, B. J.; Alha, L.; Howe, C. J.; Joy, K. H.; Grande, M.; Huovelin, J.; Crawford, I. A.; Unnikrishnan, U.; Lalita, S.; Subramaniam, S.; Weider, S. Z.; Nittler, L. R.; Gasnault, O.; Rothery, D.; Fernandes, V. A.; Bhandari, N.; Goswami, J. N.; Wieczorek, M. A.; C1XS Science Team; Anand, Mahesh; Holland, Andrew and Gow, Jason (2011). Lunar X-ray fluorescence observations by the Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS): results from the nearside southern highlands. Icarus, 214(1) pp. 53–66.

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PTo Top

Prabhu, V. L.; Lim, S.; Bowen, J.; Cowley, A.; Katrib, J.; Dodds, C. and Anand, M. (2018). Microwave Heating of Lunar Simulants JSC-1A and NU-LHT-3M: Experimental And Theoretical Analysis. In: European Lunar Symposium (ELS), 13-16 May 2018, Toulouse, France.

Potts, N. J.; van Westrenen, W.; Tartèse, R.; Franchi, I. A. and Anand, M. (2015). Apatite-Melt Volatile Partitioning Under Lunar Conditions. In: 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 16-20 Mar 2015, The Woodlands, Texas, USA.

Potts, N. J.; Tartèse, R.; Franchi, I. A. and Anand, M. (2015). Understanding the Chlorine Isotopic Compositions of Apatites in Lunar Basalts. In: 46th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 16-20 Mar 2015, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

Potts, N.J.; Anand, M.; van Westrenen, W.; Tartèse, R. and Franchi, I.A. (2013). Using lunar apatite to assess the volatile inventory of the Moon. In: NLSI Workshop Without Walls: Lunar Volatiles 1, 21-23 May 2013.

Promprated, Prinya; Taylor, Lawrence A.; Anand, Mahesh; Floss, Christine; Sobolev, Nikolai P. and Pokhilenko, Nikolai V. (2004). Multiple-mineral inclusions in diamonds from the Snap Lake/King Lake kimberlite dike, Slave craton, Canada: a trace-element perspective. Lithos, 77(1-4) pp. 69–81.

RTo Top

Rider-Stokes, B. G.; Greenwood, R. C.; Anand, M.; White, L. F.; Franchi, I. A.; Debaille, V.; Goderis, S.; Pittarello, L.; Yamaguchi, A.; Mikouchi, T. and Claeys, P. (2023). Impact mixing among rocky planetesimals in the early Solar System from angrite oxygen isotopes. Nature Astronomy, 7 pp. 836–842.

Robinson, K. L.; Barnes, J. J.; Villeneuve, J.; Johnson, D.; Deloule, E.; Franchi, I. A. and Anand, M. (2017). Ion Microprobe Analyses of Trace Elements in Lunar Apatites. In: 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 20-24 Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas.

Robinson, Katharine L.; Barnes, Jessica J.; Nagashima, Kazuhide; Thomen, Aurélien; Franchi, Ian A.; Huss, Gary R.; Anand, Mahesh and Taylor, G.Jeffrey (2016). Water in evolved lunar rocks: Evidence for multiple reservoirs. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 188 pp. 244–260.

Rothery, David; Marinangeli, Lucia; Anand, Mahesh; Carpenter, James; Christensen, Ulrich; Crawford, Ian A.; De Sanctis, Maria Cristina; Epifani, Elena Mazzotta; Erard, Stéphane; Frigeri, Alessandro; Fraser, George; Hauber, Ernst; Helbert, Jörn; Hiesinger, Harald; Joy, Katherine; Langevin, Yves; Massironi, Matteo; Milillo, Anna; Mitrofanov, Igor; Muinonen, Karri; Näränen, Jyri; Pauselli, Cristina; Potts, Phil; Warell, Johan and Wurz, Peter (2010). Mercury's surface and composition to be studied by BepiColombo. Planetary And Space Science, 58(1-2) pp. 21–39.

STo Top

Stephant, A.; Anand, M.; Carli, C.; Zhao, X.; Davidson, J.; Cuppone, T.; Pratesi, G. and Franchi, I. A. (2024). Chondritic chlorine isotope composition of acapulcoites and lodranites. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 29 pp. 14–19.

Stephant, A.; Zhao, X.; Anand, M.; Davidson, J.; Carli, C.; Cuppone, T.; Pratesi, G. and Franchi, I. A, (2023). Hydrogen in acapulcoites and lodranites: A unique source of water for planetesimals in the inner Solar System. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 615, article no. 118202.

Suttle, M.D.; Campanale, F.; Folco, L.; Tavazzani, L.; Meier, M.M.M.; Miller, C.G.; Hughes, G.; Genge, M.J.; Salge, T.; Spratt, J. and Anand, M. (2023). Fossil micrometeorites from Monte dei Corvi: Searching for dust from the Veritas asteroid family and the utility of micrometeorites as a palaeoclimate proxy. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 355 pp. 75–88.

Stephant, A.; Carli, C.; Anand, M.; Néri, A.; Davidson, J.; Pratesi, G.; Cuppone, T.; Greenwood, R. C. and Franchi, I. A. (2023). Tissemouminites: A new group of primitive achondrites spanning the transition between acapulcoites and winonaites. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 58(1) pp. 111–134.

Snape, Joshua F.; Nemchin, Alexander A.; Whitehouse, Martin J.; Merle, Renaud E.; Hopkinson, Thomas and Anand, Mahesh (2019). The timing of basaltic volcanism at the Apollo landing sites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 266 pp. 29–53.

Stephant, A.; Anand, M.; Ashcroft, H. O.; Zhao, X.; Hu, S.; Korotev, R.L.; Strekopytov, S.; Greenwood, R.C.; Humphreys-Williams, E.; Liu, Y.; Tang, G.; Li, Q. and Franchi, I.A. (2019). An ancient reservoir of volatiles in the Moon sampled by lunar meteorite Northwest Africa 10989. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 266 pp. 163–183.

Snape, Joshua F.; Curran, Natalie M.; Whitehouse, Martin J.; Nemchin, Alexander A.; Joy, Katherine H.; Hopkinson, Tom; Anand, Mahesh; Belluci, Jeremy J. and Kenny, Gavin G. (2018). Ancient volcanism on the Moon: Insights from Pb isotopes in the MIL 13317 and Kalahari 009 lunar meteorites. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 502 pp. 84–95.

Snape, Joshua F.; Nemchin, Alexander A.; Bellucci, Jeremy J.; Whitehouse, Martin J.; Tartèse, Romain; Barnes, Jessica J.; Anand, Mahesh; Crawford, Ian A. and Joy, Katherine H. (2016). Lunar basalt chronology, mantle differentiation and implications for determining the age of the Moon. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 451 pp. 149–158.

Sossi, Paolo A.; Nebel, Oliver; Anand, Mahesh and Poitrasson, Franck (2016). On the iron isotope composition of Mars and volatile depletion in the terrestrial planets. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 449 pp. 360–371.

Stockdale, Shannon; Franchi, Ian; Anand, Mahesh; Grady, Monica and Morgan, Dan (2016). Constraining the cooling rates of chondrules. In: 12th Regional Workshop on Electron Probe Microanalysis of Materials Today, 08-11 May 2016, Bagnols-sur-Cèze, France.

Stockdale, Shannon; Franchi, Ian; Anand, Mahesh; Grady, Monica and Morgan, Dan (2016). Constraining the cooling rates of chondrules. In: 13th Early Career Scientists Meeting UK Planetary Forum, 22/01/2016, University of Leicester, UK.

Santos, Alison R.; Agee, Carl B.; McCubbin, Francis M.; Shearer, Charles K.; Burger, Paul V.; Tartèse, Romain and Anand, Mahesh (2015). Petrology of igneous clasts in Northwest Africa 7034: Implications for the petrologic diversity of the martian crust. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 157 pp. 56–85.

Smith, Alan; Crawford, I. A.; Gowen, Robert Anthony; Ambrosi, R.; Anand, M.; Banerdt, B.; Bannister, S.; Bowles, N.; Braithwaite, C.; Brown, P.; Chela-Flores, J.; Cholinser, T.; Church, P.; Coates, A. J.; Colaprete, T.; Collins, G.; Collinson, G.; Cook, T.; Elphic, R.; Fraser, G.; Gao, Y.; Gibson, E.; Glotch, T.; Grande, M.; Hagermann, A.; Heldmann, J.; Hood, L. L.; Jones, A. P.; Joy, K. H.; Khavroshkin, O.; Klingelhoefer, G.; Knapmeyer, M.; Kramer, G.; Phipps, A.; Pullan, D.; Pike, W.T.; Lawrence, D.; Marczewsk, S.; Rask, J.; Richard, D. T.; Seweryn, K.; Sheridan, S.; Sims, M. R.; Sweeting, M.; Swindle, T.; Talboys, D.; Taylor, L.; Teanby, N; Tong, V; Ulamec, S; Wawrzaszek, R; Wieczorek, M; Wilson, L. and Wright, Ian (2012). Lunar Net - a proposal in response to an ESA M3 call in 2010 for a medium sized mission. Experimental Astronomy, 33(2-3) pp. 587–644.

Smith, P. H.; Gow, J. P. D.; Murray, N. J.; Holland, A. D.; Anand, M.; Pool, P.; Sreekumar, P. and Narendranath, S. (2012). Performance of new generation swept charge devices for lunar x-ray spectroscopy on Chandrayaan-2. In: Proceedings - SPIE the International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE, 8453, article no. 84530R.

Schwenzer, S. P.; Anand, M.; Franchi, I. A.; Gibson, J. M.; Greenwood, R. C.; Hammond, S.; Haubold, R.; Herrmann, S.; Kelley, S. P.; Ott, U. and Tindle, A. G. (2012). Cold desert alteration of Martian meteorites: mixed news from noble gases, trace elements and oxygen isotopes. In: 43rd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 19-23 Mar 2012, The Woodlands, TX, USA.

TTo Top

Tartèse, Romain; Anand, Mahesh; Gattacceca, Jérôme; Joy, Katherine H.; Mortimer, James; Pernet-Fisher, John F.; Russell, Sara; Snape, Joshua F. and Weiss, Benjamin P. (2019). Constraining the Evolutionary History of the Moon and the Inner Solar System: A Case for New Returned Lunar Samples. Space Science Reviews, 215(8), article no. 54.

Thomas, Rebecca J.; Lucchetti, Alice; Cremonese, Gabriele; Rothery, David A.; Massironi, Matteo; Re, Cristina; Conway, Susan J. and Anand, Mahesh (2015). A cone on Mercury: analysis of a residual central peak encircled by an explosive volcanic vent. Planetary And Space Science, 108 pp. 108–116.

Tartèse, Romain; Anand, Mahesh; McCubbin, Francis M.; Elardo, Stephen M.; Shearer, Charles K. and Franchi, Ian A. (2014). Apatites in lunar KREEP basalts: the missing link to understanding the H isotope systematics of the Moon. Geology, 42(4) pp. 363–366.

Tartèse, R.; Anand, M.; Barnes, Jessica and Franchi, I. A. (2012). Apollo 15 low-Ti and KREEP basalts: two distinct "water" reservoirs? In: European Planetary Science Congress, 23-28 Sep 2012, Madrid, Spain.

Tartèse, R.; Barnes, Jessica; Anand, M.; Starkey, N.; Franchi, I. A.; Terada, K. and Sano, Y. (2012). Hydrogen and lead isotopic characteristics of lunar meteorite MIL 05035. In: European Lunar Symposium, 19-20 Apr 2012, Berlin, Germany.

Terada, Kentaro; Sasaki, Yu; Anand, Mahesh; Sano, Yuji; Taylor, Lawrence A. and Horie, Kenji (2008). Uranium–lead systematics of low-Ti basaltic meteorite Dhofar 287A: Affinity to Apollo 15 green glasses. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 270(1-2) pp. 119–124.

Terada, K.; Sasaki, Y.; Oka, Y.; Tanabe, A.; Fujikawa, N.; Tanikawa, S.; Sano, Y.; Anand, M. and Taylor, L. A. (2008). Ion microprobe U-Pb dating of phosphates in lunar basaltic meteorites. In: 39th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 10-14 Mar 2008, League City, Texas, USA.

Terada, Kentaro; Anand, Mahesh; Sokol, Anna K.; Bischoff, Addi and Sano, Yuji (2007). Cryptomare magmatism 4.35 Gyr ago recorded in lunar meteorite Kalahari 009. Nature, 450(7171) pp. 849–852.

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Taylor, Lawrence A. and Anand, Mahesh (2004). Diamonds: time capsules from the Siberian Mantle. Chemie Der Erde - Geochemistry, 64(1) pp. 1–74.

Taylor, Lawrence A.; Anand, Mahesh; Promprated, Prinya; Floss, Christine and Sobolev, Nikolai V. (2003). The significance of mineral inclusions in large diamonds from Yakutia, Russia. American Mineralogist, 88(5-6) pp. 912–920.

Taylor, Lawrence A.; Snyder, Gregory A.; Keller, Randall; Remley, David A.; Anand, Mahesh; Wiesli, Rene; Valley, John and Sobolev, Nikolai V. (2003). Petrogenesis of group A eclogites and websterites: evidence from the Obnazhennaya kimberlite, Yakutia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 145(4) pp. 424–443.

VTo Top

Verchovsky, Alexander B.; Abernethy, Feargus A. J.; Anand, Mahesh; Franchi, Ian A.; Grady, Monica M.; Greenwood, Richard C.; Barber, Simeon J.; Suttle, Martin; Ito, Motoo; Tomioka, Naotaka; Uesugi, Masayuki; Yamaguchi, Akira; Kimura, Makoto; Imae, Naoya; Shirai, Naoki; Ohigashi, Takuji; Liu, Ming-Chang; Uesugi, Kentaro; Nakato, Aiko; Yogata, Kasumi; Yuzawa, Hayato; Karouji, Yuzuru; Nakazawa, Satoru; Okada, Tatsuaki; Saiki, Takanao; Tanaka, Satoshi; Terui, Fuyuto; Yoshikawa, Makoto; Miyazaki, Akiko; Nishimura, Masahiro; Yada, Toru; Abe, Masanao; Usui, Tomohiro; Watanabe, Sen-ichiro and Tsuda, Yuichi (2024). A primordial noble gas component discovered in the Ryugu asteroid and its implications. Nature Communications, 15, article no. 8075.

Verchovsky, A. B.; Anand, M. and Barber, S. J. (2019). A quantitative evolved gas analysis for meteorite and lunar samples. In: 50th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 18-22 Mar 2019, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas, USA, Lunar and Planetary Institute.

Verchovsky, Sasha; Anand, Mahesh and Barber, Simeon (2019). A Quantitative Evolved Gas Analysis for Lunar and Meteorite Materials. In: European Lunar Symposium (ELS) 2019, 21-23 May 2019, Manchester, United Kingdom.

Verchovsky, A. B.; Mortimer, J.; Buikin, A. I. and Anand, M. (2017). Trapping of Atmospheric Gases During Crushing of Lunar Samples. In: 48th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 20-24 Mar 2017, The Woodlands, Houston, Texas.

WTo Top

Walton, Craig Robert; Jeon, Heejin; Cernok, Ana; Rae, Auriol S.P.; Baziotis, Ioannis; Tang, Fengzai; Kuppili, Venkata S.C.; Ferrière, Ludovic; Darling, James; Hu, Sen; Whitehouse, Martin J.; Anand, Mahesh and Shorttle, Oliver (2023). In-situ phosphate U-Pb ages of the L chondrites. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 359 pp. 191–204.

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ZTo Top

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ČTo Top

Černok, Ana; White, Lee Francis; Darling, James; Dunlop, Joseph and Anand, Mahesh (2019). Shock‐induced microtextures in lunar apatite and merrillite. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, 54(6) pp. 1262–1282.


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