Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Louise Westmarland

26 items in this list.
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Drake, Deborah; Muncie, John and Westmarland, Louise eds. (2009). Criminal Justice: Local and Global. Cullompton: Willan Publishing in association with the Open University.

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Westmarland, Louise (2016). 'Snitches get stitches?': telling tales on homicide detectives. In: Hviid Jacobsen, Michael and Walklate, Sandra eds. Liquid Criminology; Doing imaginative criminological research. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 49–64.

Westmarland, Louise (2015). Outsiders inside: ethnography and police culture. In: Brunger, Mark; Tong, Stephen and Martin, Denise eds. Introduction to Policing Research: Taking Lessons from Practice. London: Routledge, pp. 163–174.

Rowe, Michael; Westmarland, Louise and Hougham, Courtney (2015). Getting behind the blue curtain: managing police integrity. In: Lister, Stuart and Rowe, Michael eds. Accountability of Policing. Routledge Frontiers of Criminal Justice. London: Routledge, pp. 69–85.

Mehigan, James; Walters, Reece and Westmarland, Louise (2009). Justice, globalisation and human rights. In: Drake, Deborah; Muncie, John and Westmarland, Louise eds. Criminal justice: Local and global. Cullompton: Willan Publishing.

Westmarland, Louise (2009). Gender abuse and people trafficking. In: Muncie, John; Talbot, Deborah and Walters, Reece eds. Crime: Local and Global. Devon, UK: Willan/The Open University, pp. 105–136.

Westmarland, Louise and Clarke, John (2009). Awkward customers? Policing in a consumer age. In: Barnes, Marian and Prior, David eds. Subversive Citizens: Power, Agency and Resistance in Public Services. Bristol: The Policy Press, pp. 171–188.

Drake, Deborah; Muncie, John and Westmarland, Louise (2009). Interrogating criminal justice. In: Drake, Deborah; Muncie, John and Westmarland, Louise eds. Criminal Justice: Local and Global. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 1–35.

Westmarland, Louise (2008). Police cultures. In: Newburn, Tim ed. Handbook of Policing (2nd ed.). Cullompton, Devon: Willan Publishing, pp. 253–280.

Clarke, John; Newman, Janet and Westmarland, Louise (2007). Creating citizen-consumers? Public service reform and (un)willing selves. In: Maasen, Sabine and Sutter, Barbara eds. On Willing Selves: Neoliberal Politics and the Challenge of Neuroscience. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 125–145.

Westmarland, Louise (2004). Policing integrity: Britain's thin blue line. In: Klockars, Carl B.; Ivkovic, Sanja Kutnjak and Haberfeld, Maria eds. The Contours of police integrity. Sage Publications, Inc., pp. 75–95.

Journal ItemTo Top

Westmarland, Louise (2010). Dodgy customers? Can the police ever trust the public? Policing: A Journal of Policy and Practice, 4(3) pp. 291–297.

Hobbs, Dick; O'Brien, Kate and Westmarland, Louise (2007). Connecting the gendered door: women, violence and doorwork. British Journal of Sociology, 58(1) pp. 21–38.

Westmarland, Louise (2005). Police ethics and integrity: breaking the blue code of silence. Policing and Society, 15(2) pp. 145–165.

Westmarland, Louise (2001). Blowing the whistle on police violence. Gender, ethnography and ethics. British Journal of Criminology, 41(3) pp. 523–535.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Pike, Graham; Westmarland, Louise; Conway, Steve and Rowe, Michael (2018). Public and police perceptions of policing ethics. In: 2018 Conference of the Society of Evidence Based Policing, 1-2 Mar 2018.


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