Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Louise Westmarland
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Clarke, John; Newman, Janet and Westmarland, Louise
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet; Smith, Nick; Vidler, Elizabeth and Westmarland, Louise (2007). Creating citizen-consumers: Changing Publics and changing public services. London, UK: Sage Publications.
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet and Westmarland, Louise
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Drake, Deborah; Muncie, John and Westmarland, Louise
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Hobbs, Dick; O'Brien, Kate and Westmarland, Louise
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Mehigan, James; Walters, Reece and Westmarland, Louise
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Pike, Graham; Westmarland, Louise; Conway, Steve and Rowe, Michael
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Rowe, Michael; Westmarland, Louise and Hougham, Courtney
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Westmarland, Louise and Conway, Steve
Westmarland, Louise and Rowe, Michael
Westmarland, Louise
Westmarland, Louise
Westmarland, Louise
Westmarland, Louise
Westmarland, Louise
Westmarland, Louise (2011). Researching crime and justice: tales from the field. London: Routledge.
Westmarland, Louise
Westmarland, Louise
Westmarland, Louise and Clarke, John
Westmarland, Louise
Westmarland, Louise
Westmarland, Louise
Westmarland, Louise
Westmarland, Louise
Westmarland, Louise (2001). Gender and policing: sex, power and police culture. Cullompton, UK: Willan Publishing.