Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Lara Piccolo

41 items in this list.
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Assuncao, Willian G.; Piccolo, Lara S. G. and Zaina, Luciana A. M. (2022). Considering emotions and contextual factors in music recommendation: a systematic literature review. Multimedia Tools and Applications, 81 pp. 8367–8407.

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da Hora Rodrigues, Kamila Rios; de Almeida Neris, Vânia Paula; Piccolo, Lara and Masoodian, Masood (2022). Human-Centred Technology for Sustainable Development Goals - Workshop Results. In: Sense, Feel, Design, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham, pp. 3–9.

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Farrell, Tracie; Piccolo, Lara; Perfumi, Serena Coppolino and Alani, Harith (2019). Understanding the Role of Human Values in the Spread of Misinformation. In: Truth and Trust Online, Oct 4 & 5 2019, London, UK.

Fernandez, Miriam; Piccolo, Lara S. G.; Maynard, Diana; Wippoo, Meia; Meili, Christoph and Alani, Harith (2016). Talking Climate Change via Social Media: Communication, Engagement and Behaviour. In: WebSci '16 Proceedings of the 8th ACM Conference on Web Science, ACM, New York, USA, pp. 85–94.

Fernández, Miriam; Burel, Gregoire; Alani, Harith; Piccolo, Lara Schibelsky Godoy; Meili, Christoph and Hess, Raphael (2015). Analysing engagement towards the 2014 Earth Hour Campaign in Twitter. In: EnviroInfo &ICT4S 2015: Building the Knowledge Base for Environmental Action and Sustainability, 7-9 Sep 2015, Copenhagen, Denmark (Forthcoming).

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Goddard, David; Mulholland, Paul and Piccolo, Lara (2019). Deriving Personas Based on Attitudes to Interruption and Information Overload. In: Proceedings of the 17th European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: The International Venue on Practice-centred Computing and the Design of Cooperation Technologies - Demos and Posters, 8-12 Jun 2019, Salzburg.

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Huizenga, Janine; Piccolo, Lara S. G.; Wippoo, Meia; Meili, Christoph and Bullen, Andrew (2015). Shedding lights on human values: an approach to engage families with energy conservation. In: Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2015, Information Systems and Applications, incl. Internet/Web, and HCI, Springer, pp. 210–218.

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Leitão, Carla; Maciel, Cristiano; Piccolo, Lara Schibelsky Godoy; Salgado, Luciana; de Souza, Patricia C.; Prates, Raquel; Pereira, Roberto and Pereira, Vinicius Carvalho (2017). Human Values in HCI: a challenge for the GrandIHC-BR. In: Proceedings of the XVI Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems - IHC 2017, ACM Press, article no. 70.

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Myers, Christina; Piccolo, Lara and Collins, Trevor (2018). Co-designing Cards on Social Issues for Creating Educational Games. In: Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI 2018), 4-6 Jul 2018, Belfast, UK.

Maciel, Cristiano; Hornung, Heiko H.; Piccolo, Lara G. S.; Prates, Raquel O. and Pereira, Vinicius (2015). Challenge 4. Human Values. In: Baranauskas, Cecilia; de Souza, Clarisse and Pereira, Roberto eds. I GranDIHC-BR - Grand Research. Challenges in Human-Computer Interaction in Brazil. Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil: Brazilian Computer Society | SBC, pp. 28–30.

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Piccolo, Lara S.G.; Neris, Vania; da Silva Menezes, Luana and de Oliveira Neris, Luciano (2022). Internet of Things in Education for Sustainable Development. In: Sense, Feel, Design, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham, pp. 58–70.

Piccolo, Lara S. G.; Neris, Vânia; Rodrigues, Kamila Rios and Masoodian, Masood (2021). Human-Centred Technology for Sustainable Development Goals: Challenges and Opportunities. In: Ardito, Carmelo; Lanzilotti, Rosa; Malizia, Alessio and Petrie, Helen eds. Human-Computer-Interaction – INTERACT 2021. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 12936. Cham: Springer, pp. 553–557.

Piccolo, Lara; Blackwood, Azizah C.; Farrell, Tracie and Mensio, Martino (2021). Agents for Fighting Misinformation Spread on Twitter: Design Challenges. In: CUI 2021 - 3rd Conference on Conversational User Interfaces, Association for Computing Machinery, New York, USA, article no. 33.

Piccolo, Lara; Troullinou, Pinelopi and Alani, Harith (2021). Chatbots to Support Children in Coping with Online Threats: Socio-technical Requirements. In: Designing Interactive Systems Conference 2021 (DIS ’21), 28 Jun - Jul 2, [Virtual].

Piccolo, Lara S. G.; Bertel, Diotima; Farrell, Tracie and Troullinou, Pinelopi (2021). Opinions, Intentions, Freedom of Expression, ... , and Other Human Aspects of Misinformation Online. In: CHI EA '21: Extended Abstracts of the 2021 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, 9-13 May 2021, Yokohama, Japan.

Puska, Alisson; Baroni, Luiz Adolpho; Canal, Maíra Codo; Piccolo, Lara S.G. and Pereira, Roberto (2020). WhatsApp and false information: a value-oriented evaluation. In: Proceedings of the 19th Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computing Systems, ACM.

Piccolo, Lara; Puska, Alisson; Pereira, Roberto and Farrell, Tracie (2020). Pathway to a Human-Values Based Approach to Tackle Misinformation Online. In: Human-Computer Interaction. Human Values and Quality of Life. HCII 2020., Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol 12183, Springer, pp. 510–522.

Piccolo, Lara; Mensio, Martino and Alani, Harith (2019). Chasing the Chatbots: Directions for Interaction and Design Research. In: Internet Science. INSCI 2018 (Bodrunova, s ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 157–169.

Piccolo, Lara S. G.; Joshi, Somya; Karapanos, Evangelos and Farrell, Tracie (2019). Challenging Misinformation: Exploring Limits and Approaches. In: Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2019 (Lamas, David; Loizides, Fernando; Nacke, Lennart; Petrie, Helen; Winckler, Marco and Zaphiris, Panayiotis eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, pp. 713–718.

Piccolo, Lara; Meesters, Kenny and Roberts, Shadrock (2018). Building a Socio-technical Perspective of Community Resilience with a Semiotic Approach. In: Proceedings of 18th International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO) 2018, IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology, Springer, pp. 22–32.

Piccolo, Lara S. G.; Roberts, Shadrock; Iosif, Anna and Alani, Harith (2018). Designing Chatbots for Crises: A Case Study Contrasting Potential and Reality. In: Proceedings of the 32nd International BCS Human Computer Interaction Conference (HCI), ACM.

Piccolo, Lara S. G. and Alani, Harith (2017). Prospecting Socially-Aware Concepts and Artefacts for Designing for Community Resilience. In: 8th International Conference on Communities & Technologies: Communities & Technologies 2017 Refugees and HCI Workshop, Jun 2017, Troyes, France.

Piccolo, Lara; Meesters, Kenny and Roberts, Shadrock (2017). Co-designing for Community Resilience Beyond the Local. In: Workshop Participatory Design, beyond the local, 8th conference on Community & Technologies, 27 Jun, Troyes.

Piccolo, Lara S. G. and Alani, Harith (2016). Strategies and Tools to Raise Energy Awareness Collectively. In: Behave 2016 - 4th European Conference on Behaviour and Energy Efficiency, 8-9 Sep 2016, Coimbra, Portugal.

Piccolo, Lara; Fernández, Miriam; Alani, Harith; Scharl, Arno; Föls, Michael and Herring, David (2016). Climate Change Engagement: Results of a Multi-Task Game with a Purpose. In: The Workshops of the Tenth International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media: Technical Reports WS-16-16 – WS-16-20 (Crandall, David and Fedorov, Roman eds.), AAAI Publications, Palo Alto, California, pp. 191–194.

Piccolo, Lara; Arpetti, Alessandro and Hornung, Heiko (2015). Ethics and Design in the Brazilian Context. In: Baranauskas, Cecilia; de Souza, Clarisse and Pereira, Roberto eds. I GranDIHC-BR - Grand Research. Challenges in Human-Computer Interaction in Brazil. Cuiabá, Mato Grosso, Brazil: Brazilian Computer Society | SBC, p. 50.

Piccolo, Lara S. G. and Smith, Catriona (2015). Designing to raise collective awareness and leverage energy savings. In: British HCI '15 Proceedings of the 2015 British HCI Conference, ACM New York, NY, USA, pp. 289–290.

Piccolo, Lara S. G. and Pereira, Roberto (2015). Clarifying culture in technology design: what, why, and how we think about it. In: Cultech 2015: Cultural Diversity and Technology Design Workshop, 27 Jun 2015, Limerick, Ireland.

Piccolo, Lara; Alani, Harith; De Liddo, Anna and Baranauskas, Cecilia (2014). Motivating online engagement and debates on energy consumption. In: WebSci '14 Proceedings of the 2014 ACM conference on Web science, ACM, pp. 109–118.

Piccolo, Lara; Baranauskas, Cecília; Fernández, Miriam; Alani, Harith and De Liddo, Anna (2014). Energy consumption awareness in the workplace: technical artefacts and practices. In: XIII Brazilian Symposium on Human Factors in Computer Systems, 27-31 Oct 2014, Foz do Iguaçu, Brazil.

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Scharl, Arno; Föls, Michael; Piccolo, Lara; Fernandez, Miriam and Alani, Harith (2016). Application Design and Engagement Strategy of a Game with a Purpose for Climate Change Awareness. In: Internet Science INSCI 2016 (Bagnoli, F ed.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Cham, pp. 97–104.


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