Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Laurence Dooley

250 items in this list.
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2025To Top

2024To Top

Wong, Patrick; Myint, Hnin; Dooley, Laurence and Hopgood, Adrian (2024). A multi-view automatic table tennis umpiring framework. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part P: Journal of Sports Engineering and Technology, 238(4) pp. 339–351.

2023To Top

Shahmiri, Lida; Wong, Patrick and Dooley, Laurence S. (2023). Accurate Medicinal Plant Identification in Natural Environments by Embedding Mutual Information in a Convolution Neural Network Model. In: 2022 IEEE 5th International Conference on Image Processing Applications and Systems (IPAS), 5-7 Dec 2022, Genova, Italy, IEEE.

Reed, Andy; Dooley, Laurence and Koudri, Soraya (2023). Packet Filtering and Sampling for Efficient Slow Denial of Service Detection in Resource Scarce IoT Networks. In: 2023 International Symposium on Networks, Computers and Communications (ISNCC): Trust, Security and Privacy (ISNCC-2023 TSP), IEEE pp. 1–6.

2021To Top

2020To Top

2019To Top

Martin, J. H.; Dooley, L. S. and Wong, K. C. P. (2019). Cognitive Radio and TV White Space (TVWS) Applications. In: Zhang, Wei ed. Handbook of Cognitive Radio. Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd., pp. 1935–1970.

2018To Top

Mahmood, Asif; Dooley, Laurence S. and Wong, Patrick (2018). A content-aware quantisation mechanism for transform domain distributed video coding. In: The 2017 International Conference on Computational Science and Computational Intelligence, 14-16 Dec 2017, Las Vegas, USA.

Karlsson, Jonny; Dooley, Laurence S. and Pulkkis, Göran (2018). Secure Routing for MANET Connected Internet of Things Systems. In: Proceedings of the IEEE 6th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud: FiCloud 2018 (Younas, Muhammad and Pagna Disso, Jules eds.), IEEE, pp. 114–119.

Haque, Md. Emdadul; Tariq, Faisal; Dooley, Laurence S.; Allen, Ben and Yan, Sun (2018). Efficient Congestion Minimisation by Successive Load Shifting in Multilayer Wireless Networks. Computers & Electrical Engineering, 68 pp. 536–549.

Mahmood, Asif; Dooley, Laurence and Wong, Patrick (2018). Transform domain distributed video coding using larger transform blocks. In: 5th IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing, 14-16 Nov 2017, Montreal, Canada.

2017To Top

Tariq, Faisal; Dooley, Laurence; Allen, Ben; Poulton, Adrian and Liu, Enjie (2017). A cell range expansion framework for closed access femtocell networks. Wireless Personal Communications, 93(3) pp. 601–614.

2016To Top

Karlsson, Jonny; Dooley, Laurence S. and Pulkkis, Goran (2016). A Packet Traversal Time per Hop based Adaptive Wormhole Detection Algorithm for MANETs. In: International Conference on Software, Telecommunications and Computer Networks (SoftCOM 2016), 22-24 Sep 2016, Split, Croatia.

Myint, Hnin; Wong, Patrick; Dooley, Laurence and Hopgood, Adrian (2016). Tracking a table tennis ball for umpiring purposes using a multi-agent system. In: The 20th International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, & Pattern Recognition, 25-28 Jul 2016, Las Vegas, USA.

Funk, Eugen; Dooley, Laurence S. and Börner, Anko (2016). TVL1 Planarity Regularization for 3D Shape Approximation. In: Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications (Braz, José; Pettré, Julien; Richard, Paul; Kerren, Andreas; Linsen, Lars; Battiato, Sebastiano and Imai, Francisco eds.), Communications in Computer and Information Science, Springer International Publishing, Berlin, pp. 274–294.

Matthew, George; Nuttall, William J.; Mestel, Ben; Dooley, Laurence and Ferrão, Paulo Manuel (2016). Renewable Integration in Island Electricity Systems – A System Dynamics Assessment. In: Complex Systems Design & Management Asia, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, Springer International Publishing, Switzerland, pp. 107–119.

2015To Top

Akinola, M. O.; Dooley, L. S. and Wong, K. C. P. (2015). Improving distributed video coding side information by intelligently combining macro-blocks from multiple algorithms. In: 2nd IET International Conference on Intelligent Signal Processing (ISP 2015), 1-2 Dec 2015, London, Institution of Engineering and Technology.

Karampoulas, Dimitrios; Dooley, Laurence S. and Kouadri Mostéfaoui, Soraya (2015). A Multitaper-Random Demodulator Model for Narrowband Compressive Spectral Estimation. In: IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP'15), 14-16 Dec 2015, Orlando, Florida, USA, IEEE.

Matthew, George Jr. S.; Nuttall, William; Mestel, Ben and Dooley, Laurence (2015). Insights into the Thermal Generation Futures of Isolated Island Electricity Systems Using System Dynamics. In: Proceedings of the 33rd International Conference of the System Dynamics Society, 19-23 Jul 2015, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA.

Myint, Hnin; Wong, Patrick; Dooley, Laurence and Hopgood, Adrian (2015). Tracking a table tennis ball for umpiring purposes. In: Fourteenth IAPR International Conference on Machine Vision Applications (MVA2015), 18-22 May 2015, Tokyo, Japan.

Funk, E.; Dooley, L. S. and Boerner, A. (2015). TVL1shape approximation from scattered 3D data. In: 10th International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP'15), 11-14 Mar 2015, Berlin, Germany.

Alam, Atm and Dooley, Laurence (2015). A scalable multimode base station switching model for green cellular networks. In: IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking Conference, 9-12 Mar 2015, New Orleans, USA.

2014To Top

Reel, P.S.; Dooley, L.S.; Wong, K.P. and Börner, A. (2014). Robust Image Registration using Adaptive Expectation Maximisation based PCA. In: IEEE Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference (VCIP'14), 7-10 Dec 2014, Valletta, Malta, IEEE, pp. 105–108.

Reel, S.; Wong, K. C. P.; Cheung, G. and Dooley, L. S. (2014). Disocclusion Hole-Filling in DIBR-Synthesized Images using Multi-Scale Template Matching. In: Visual Communications and Image Processing Conference, 2014 IEEE, IEEE, pp. 494–497.

Karampoulas, D.; Dooley, L.S. and Kouadri, S.M. (2014). Integration of a Precolouring Matrix in the Random Demodulator model for improved Compressive Ppectrum Estimation. In: IEEE Global Conference on Signal and Information Processing (GlobalSIP'14), 03-05 Dec 2014, Atlanta, Georgia, USA., IEEE, pp. 1377–1381.

Karlsson, Jonny; Westerlund, Magnus; Dooley, Laurence S. and Pulkkis, Göran (2014). Feature Engineering for Detection of Wormhole Attacking in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks with Machine Learning Methods. In: Seminar on Current Topics in Business,Information Technology and Analytics (BITA’14) (Karlsson, Jonny and Westerlund, Magnus eds.), 13 Oct 2014, Helsinki, Arcada University, Finland, pp. 3–11.

Reel, P. S.; Dooley, L. S.; Wong, K. C. P. and Börner, A. (2014). Enhanced retinal image registration accuracy using expectation maximisation and variable bin-sized mutual information. In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP’14), pp. 6682–6686.

2013To Top

Karlsson, Jonny; Dooley, Laurence S. and Pulkkis, Göran (2013). Research Findings on Wormhole Attack Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks. In: BITA’13 - Proceedings of Seminar on Current Topics in Business, Information Technology and Analytics (Karlsson, Jonny and Westerlund, Magnus eds.), Arcada Publikation, Arcada – Nylands svenska yrkeshögskola, pp. 9–13.

Funk, Eugen; Dooley, Laurence S. and Boerner, Anko (2013). Implicit scene modelling from imprecise point clouds. In: ISPRS 3D Indoor Modelling and Navigation Conference, 11-13 Dec 2013, Cape Town, South Africa.

Reel, Smarti; Cheung, Gene; Wong, Patrick and Dooley, Laurence S. (2013). Joint texture-depth pixel inpainting of disocclusion holes in virtual view synthesis. In: APSIPA Annual Summit and Conference 2013, 29 Oct - 01 Nov 2013, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, IEEE.

Alam, Atm Shafiul; Dooley, Laurence S. and Poulton, Adrian S. (2013). Traffic-and-interference aware base station switching for green cellular networks. In: 18th IEEE International Workshop on Computer-Aided Modeling Analysis and Design of Communication Links and Networks (CAMAD 2013), 25-27 Sep 2013, Berlin, Germany.

Reel, Parminder Singh; Dooley, Laurence S.; Wong, K. C. P. and Börner, Anko (2013). Fast EM principal component analysis image registration using neighbourhood pixel connectivity. In: 15th International Conference on Computer Analysis of Images and Patterns, 27-29 Aug 2013, York.

Tariq, Faisal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2013). Smart grid communication and networking technologies: recent developments and future challenges. In: Ali, A. B. M. Shawkat ed. Smart Grids: Opportunities, Developments, and Trends. Green Energy and Technology. London: Springer, pp. 199–213.

Tariq, Faisal; Dooley, Laurence and Poulton, Adrian (2013). Analysis of coverage range expansion in closed access cognitive femtocell networks. In: Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications Symposium (WPMC'13), 24-27 Jun 2013, Atlantic City, New Jersey, USA.

Reel, Parminder; Dooley, Laurence and Wong, Patrick (2013). Robust retinal image registration using expectation maximisation with mutual information. In: 38th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 26-31 May 2013, Vancouver, Canada, pp. 1118–1122.

2012To Top

Alam, Atm S.; Dooley, Laurence S. and Poulton, Adrian S. (2012). Energy Efficient Relay-Assisted Cellular Network Model using Base Station Switching. In: IEEE Global Telecommunications (GLOBECOM 2012): 2nd International Workshop on Multicell Cooperation, 3-7 Dec 2012, Anaheim (California), USA.

Alam, Atm Shafiul; Dooley, Laurence S.; Poulton, Adrian S. and Ji, Yusheng (2012). Energy savings using an adaptive base station-to-relay station switching paradigm. In: International Conference on Wireless Communications and Signal Processing (WCSP'12), 25-27 Oct 2012, Huangshan, China.

Reel, Parminder Singh; Dooley, Laurence S. and Wong, Patrick (2012). Efficient Image Registration using Fast Principal Component Analysis. In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP'12), 30 Sep to 3 Oct 2012, Lake Buena Vista, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Tariq, Faisal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2012). Cognitive Femtocell Networks. In: Grace, David and Zhang, Honggang eds. Cognitive Communications: Distributed Artificial Intelligence (DAI), Regulatory Policy and Economics, Implementation. Chichester: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd, pp. 359–394.

Sohel, Ferdous A.; Karmakar, Gour C.; Dooley, Laurence S. and Bennamoun, Mohammed (2012). Sliding-window designs for vertex-based shape coding. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, 14(3) 683 -692.

Karlsson, Jonny; Dooley, Laurence S. and Pulkkis, Goran (2012). Routing Security in Mobile Ad-hoc Networks. In: Informing Science and Information Technology Education 2012 Conference (InSITE’12), 22-27 Jun 2012, Montreal, Canada.

Karmakar, Gour C.; Dooley, Laurence S.; Karmakar, Nemai C. and Kamruzzaman, Joarder (2012). Object analysis with visual sensors and RFID. In: Karmakar, Nemai Chandra ed. Chipless and Conventional Radio Frequency Identification: Systems for Ubiquitous Tagging. Hershey, PA, USA: IGI Global, pp. 234–250.

Funk, Eugen; Dooley, Laurence S.; Zuev, Sergei and Boerner, Anko (2012). Visual recognition of bridges by using stereo cameras on trains. In: European Navigation Conference, 25-27 Apr 2012, Gdansk, Poland.

2011To Top

Martin, John; Dooley, Laurence and Wong, Patrick (2011). A new cross-layer design strategy for TV white space cognitive radio applications. In: International Workshop on Cross-Layer Design, 30 Nov - 01 Dec 2011, Rennes, France.

Tariq, Faisal; Dooley, Laurence S. and Poulton, Adrian (2011). Virtual clustering for resource management in cognitive femtocell networks. In: 3rd International Congress on Ultra Modern Telecommunications and Systems (ICUMT), 5-7 Oct 2011, Budapest, Hungary.

Sohel, F. A.; Karmakar, G. C.; Dooley, L. S. and Bennamoun, M. (2011). Geometric distortion measurement for shape coding: a contemporary review. ACM Computing Surveys, 43(4), article no. 29.

Tariq, F.; Dooley, L.; Poulton, A. and Ji, Y. (2011). Dynamic fractional frequency reuse based hybrid resource management for femtocell networks. In: The 7th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference (IWCMC 2011), 5-8 Jul 2011, Istanbul, Turkey.

Akinola, Mobolaji; Dooley, Laurence and Wong, Patrick (2011). Improved side information generation using adaptive overlapped block motion compensation and higher-order interpolation. In: 18th International Conference on Systems, Signals and Image Processing (IWSSIP 2011), 16-18 Jun 2011, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina.

2010To Top

Akinola, Mobolaji; Dooley, Laurence and Wong, Patrick (2010). Wyner-Ziv side information generation using a higher order piecewise trajectory temporal interpolation algorithm. In: 2010 International Conference on Graphic and Image Processing (ICGIP 2010), 4-5 Dec 2010, Manila, Philippines.

Wong, Patrick and Dooley, Laurence (2010). High-motion table tennis ball tracking for umpiring applications. In: IEEE 10th International Conference on Signal Processing, 24-28 Oct 2010, Beijing, China.

Sohel, Ferdous A.; Karmakar, Gour C.; Dooley, Laurence S. and Bennamoun, M. (2010). A Bezier curve-based generic shape encoder. IET Image Processing, 4(2) pp. 92–102.

Ali, M. Ameer; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2010). Detection and separation of generic-shaped objects by fuzzy clustering. International Journal of Intelligent Computing and Cybernetics, 3(3) pp. 365–390.

2009To Top

Sehgal, Shoaib M.; Gondal, Iqbal; Dooley, Laurence S. and Coppel, Ross (2009). How to improve post genomic knowledge discovery using imputation. EURASIP Journal on Bioinformatics and Systems Biology, 2009(717136) pp. 1–14.

2008To Top

Ali, Ameer; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2008). Fuzzy Clustering for Image Segmentation Using Generic Shape Information. Malaysian Journal of Computer Science, 21(2) pp. 122–138.

Sohel, Ferdous A.; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2008). Dynamic Bezier curves for variable rate-distortion. Pattern Recognition, 41(10) pp. 3153–3165.

Sehgal, Muhammad Shoaib B.; Gondal, Iqbal; Dooley, Laurence S. and Coppel, Ross (2008). Heuristic Non Parametric Collateral Missing Value Imputation: A Step Towards Robust Post-Genomic Knowledge Discovery. In: Chetty, Madhu; Ngom, Alioune and Ahmad, Shandar eds. Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 5265. Berlin, Germany: Springer-Verlag, pp. 373–387.

Sohel, Ferdous A.; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2008). Image-dependent spatial shape-error concealment. In: 9th International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'08), 26-29 Oct 2008, Beijing, China, pp. 753–756.

Ahmed, Rakib; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2008). Texture as pixel feature for video object segmentation. Electronics Letters, 44(19) pp. 1126–1127.

Sehgal, Shoaib M.; Gondal, Iqbal; Dooley, Laurence D. and Coppel, Ross (2008). Ameliorative missing value imputation for robust biological knowledge inference. Journal of Biomedical Informatics, 41(4) pp. 499–514.

Karmakar, Gour C.; Dooley, Laurence and Mathew, Michael (2008). Introduction to Mobile Multimedia Communications. In: Rahman, Mahbubur Syed ed. Multimedia Technologies: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools and Applications, Volume 1. London, UK: Information Science Reference, pp. 94–115.

Ali, Ameer M.; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2008). Review on Fuzzy Clustering Algorithms. Journal of Advanced Computations, 2(3) pp. 169–181.

Sohel, Ferdous; Karmakar, Gour; Dooley, Laurence and Arkinstall, John (2008). Quasi-Bezier curves integrating localised information. Pattern Recognition, 41(2) pp. 531–542.

Sehgal, Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2008). Gene Expression Imputation Techniques for Robust Post Genomic Knowledge Discovery. In: Kelemen, Arpad; Abraham, Ajith and Liang, Yulan eds. Computational Intelligence in Medical Informatics. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 85. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 185–206.

Sehgal, Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2008). Computational Modelling Strategies for Gene Regulatory Network Reconstruction. In: Kelemen, Arpad; Abraham, Ajith and Liang, Yulan eds. Computational Intelligence in Medical Informatics. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 85. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 207–220.

2007To Top

Ahmed, Rakib; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2007). Automatic video background replacement using shape-based probabilistic spatio-temporal object segmentation. In: 6th International Conference on Information, Communications & Signal Processing (ICICS’07), 10-13 Dec 2007, Singapore.

Karmakar, Gour and Dooley, Laurence S. eds. (2007). Mobile Multimedia Communications: Concepts, Applications, and Challenges. 1. USA: Information Science Reference, pp. 185–206.

Sohel, Ferdous Ahmed; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2007). Video Coding for Mobile Communications. In: Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. eds. Mobile Multimedia Communications: Concepts, Applications, and Challenges, Volume 1. USA: Information Science Reference, pp. 109–150.

Karmakar, Gour C.; Dooley, Laurence S. and Mathew, Michael (2007). Introduction to Mobile Multimedia Communications. In: Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. eds. Mobile Multimedia Communications: Concepts, Applications, and Challenges, Volume 1. USA: Information Science Reference, pp. 1–23.

Sohel, F. A.; Dooley, L. S. and Karmakar, G. C (2007). New Dynamic Enhancements to the Vertex-Based Rate-Distortion Optimal Shape Coding Framework. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 17(10) pp. 1408–1413.

Houqe, Tamjid; Chetty, Madhu and Dooley, Laurence S. (2007). Generalized Schemata Theorem Incorporating Twin Removal for Protein Structure Prediction. In: Rajapakse, Jageth C; Schmidt, Bertil and Volkert, Gwenn eds. Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, pp. 84–97.

Seghal, Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal; Dooley, Laurence S.; Coppel, Ross and Mok, Goh Kiah (2007). Transcriptional Gene Regulatory Network Reconstruction through Cross Platform Gene Network Fusion. In: Rajapakse, Jagath C.; Schmidt, Bertil and Volkert, Gwenn eds. Pattern Recognition in Bioinformatics. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, pp. 274–285.

Ahmed, Rakib; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2007). Incorporation of Textural Information for Joint Spatio-Temporal Probabilistic Video Object Segmentation. In: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’07), 16-19 Sep 2007, San Antonio, Texas.

Yang, Kemeng; Gondal, Iqbal; Qiu, Bin and Dooley, Laurence (2007). Combined SINR Based Vertical Handoff Algorithm for Next Generation Heterogeneous Wireless Networks. In: IEEE GLOBECOM 2007 - IEEE Global Telecommunications Conference, Washington, DC, USA, pp. 4483–4487.

Sohel, Ferdous Ahmed; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2007). Bezier Curve-Based Character Descriptor Considering Shape Information. In: 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS’07), 11-13 Jul 2007, Melbourne.

Ahmed, Rakib; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2007). Efficient Probabilistic Spatio-Temporal Video Object Segmentation. In: 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS’07), 11-13 Jul 2007, Melbourne.

Yang, Kemeng; Gondal, Iqbal; Qiu, Bin and Dooley, Laurence S. (2007). A Fuzzy Adaptive Soft Handover Scheme Supporting Four Active Sets. In: 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Science (ICIS’07), 11-13 Jul 2007, Melbourne.

Yang, Kemeng; Qiu, Bin and Dooley, Laurence S. (2007). Using SINR as Vertical Handoff Criteria in Multimedia Wireless Networks. In: 2007 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME'07), 2-5 Jul 2007, Beijing.

Iqbal, Mudasser M.; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2007). A Cross-Layer Data Dissemination Protocol for Energy Efficient Sink Discovery in Wireless Sensor Networks. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’07), 24-28 Jun 2007, Glasgow, Scotland.

Iqbal, Mudasser M.; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2007). HUSEC: A heuristic self configuration model for wireless sensor networks. Computer Communications, 30(7) pp. 1624–1640.

Ahmed, Rakib; Karmakar, Gour and Dooley, Laurence S. (2007). Probabilistic Spatio-Temporal Video Object Segmentation using a priori Shape Descriptor. In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP’07), 15-20 Apr 2007, Honolulu, HI.

Sorwar, Golam; Murshed, Manzur and Dooley, Laurence S. (2007). A fully adaptive distance-dependent thresholding search (FADTS) algorithm for performance-management motion estimation. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 17(4) pp. 429–440.

Houqe, Tamjid; Chetty, Madhu and Dooley, Laurence S. (2007). Significance of Hybrid Evolutionary Computation for Ab Initio Protein Folding Prediction. In: Grosan, Crina; Abraham, Ajith and Ishibuchi, Hisao eds. Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithms. Studies in Computational Intelligence Series (SCI), 75. USA: Springer, pp. 235–256.

2006To Top

Houqe, Tamjid; Chetty, Madhu and Dooley, Laurence S. (2006). A Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for 2D FCC Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Lattice Model to Predict Protein Folding. In: Sattar, Abdul and Kang, Byeong-ho eds. AI 2006: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Springer, pp. 867–876.

Ahmad, Iftekhar; Kamruzzaman, Joarder and Dooley, Laurence S. (2006). Look-ahead Rerouting of Pre-empted Calls. In: Australian Telecoms Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC’06), 4-6 Dec 2006, Melbourne.

Sohel, F. A.; Karmakar, G. C. and Dooley, L. S. (2006). Dynamic Sliding Window Width Selection Strategies for Rate-Distortion Optimal Vertex-Based Shape Coding Algorithms. In: IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'06), 14-19 May 2006, Beijing.

Sehgal, Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2006). Coalesce Gene Regulatory Network Reconstruction: A Cross-Platform Transcriptional Gene Network Fusion Framework. In: IEEE International TENCON 2006 Conference, 14-17 Nov 2006, Hong Kong.

Seghal, Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2006). CF-GeNe: Fuzzy Framework for Robust Gene Regulatory Network Inference. Journal of Computers, 1(7) pp. 1–8.

Ahmed, R.; Karmakar, G. C. and Dooley, L. S. (2006). Region-Based Shape Incorporation for Probabilistic Spatio-Temporal Video Object Segmentation. In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’06), 8-11 Oct 2006, Atlanta.

Sohel, Ferdous A.; Dooley, Laurence S. and Karmakar, Gour C. (2006). Variable Width Admissible Control Point Band for Vertex Based Operational-Rate-Distortion Optimal Shape Coding Algorithms. In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’06), 8-11 Oct 2006, Atlanta.

Houqe, Tamjid; Chetty, Madhu and Dooley, Laurence S. (2006). Non-Isomorphic Coding in Lattice Model and its Impact for Protein Folding Prediction Using Genetic Algorithm. In: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB’06), 28-29 Sep 2006, Toronto, Canada.

Iqbal, M.; Gondal, I. and Dooley, L. (2006). Energy Aware Neighbourhood Protocol for Anycast Routing in Ad Hoc Sensor Networks. In: IEEE International Conference on Networks (ICON 2006), 13-15 Sep 2006, Singapore.

Iqbal, Mudasser M.; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2006). Online Load Balancing for Energy-Aware Anycast Routing. In: 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC’06), Aug 2006, Busan, South Korea.

Houqe, M. T.; Chetty, M. and Dooley, L. S. (2006). A Guided Genetic Algorithm for Protein Folding Prediction using a 3D Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Model. In: IEEE World Congress on Evolutionary Computation (WCCI’06), 16-21 Jul 2006, Vancouver, Canada.

Sehgal, M. S. B.; Gondal, I.; Dooley, L. and Coppel, R. (2006). AFEGRN: Adaptive Fuzzy Evolutionary Gene Regulatory Network Re-construction Framework. In: IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE 2006), 16-21 Jul 2006, Vancouver.

Iqbal, Mudasser; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence (2006). An Energy-Aware Dynamic Clustering Algorithm for Load Balancing in Wireless Sensor Networks. Journal of Communications, 1(3) pp. 10–20.

Rahman, M. Z.; Dooley, L. S. and Karmakar, G. C. (2006). Optimisation of the Maximum Likelihood Method Using Bias Minimisation. In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP’06), 14-19 May 2006, Toulouse, France.

Ali, M. A; Karmakar, G. C. and Dooley, L. S. (2006). Object-Based Image Segmentation using Fuzzy Clustering. In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP’06), 14-19 May 2006, Toulouse, France.

Ahmed, R.; Karmakar, G. C. and Dooley, L. S. (2006). Probabilistic Spatio-Temporal Video Object Segmentation Incorporating Shape Information. In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP’06), 14-19 May 2006, Toulouse, France.

Sehgal, Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence (2006). Missing Value Imputation Framework for Microarray Significant Gene Selection and Class Prediction. In: Li, Jinyan; Yang, Qiang and Tan, Ah-Hwee eds. Data Mining for Biomedical Applications. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3916. Berlin: Springer Verlag, pp. 131–142.

Yang, Kemeng; Qiu, Bin and Dooley, Laurence S. (2006). An Adaptive Soft Handover Scheme Using Fuzzy Load Balancing for WCDMA Systems. In: International Conference on Networks and Communication Systems (NCS '06), 29-31 Mar 2006, Chiang Mai, Thailand.

Lee, Ruby P.; Dooley, Laurence S. and Chan, F. T. (2006). Effective e-learning: Perspective of Adult Learners in Hong Kong. In: Hong Kong International Information Technology in Education Conference (HKITEC’06), 6-8 Feb 2006, Hong Kong.

Sohel, Ferdous; Dooley, Laurence S. and Karmakar, Gour C. (2006). Accurate distortion measurement for generic shape coding. Pattern Recognition Letters, 27(2) pp. 133–142.

Rahman, Ziaur; Dooley, Laurence S. and Karmakar, Gour C. (2006). Efficient Source Localisation in Wireless Sensor Networks using a Minimum Number of Sensors. In: 1st International Conference on Next Generation Wireless Systems (ICNEWS‘06), 2-4 Jan 2006, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Iqbal, M.; Gondal, I. and Dooley, L. (2006). A novel load balancing technique for proactive energy loss mitigation in ubiquitous networks. In: IEEE Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC’06), 8-10 Jan 2006, Las Vegas, NV, USA.

2005To Top

Sehgal, Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2005). Collateral Missing Value Estimation: Robust Missing Value Estimation for Consequent Microarray Data Processing. In: Zhang, Shichao and Jarvis, Ray eds. AI 2005: Advances in Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3809. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 274–283.

Sohel, Ferdous; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2005). An Improved Shape Descriptor Using Bezier Curves. In: Pal, Sankar K.; Bandyopadhyay, Sanghamitra and Biswas, Sambhunath eds. Pattern Recognition and Machine Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3776. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 401–406.

Sehgal, Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2005). Missing values imputation for cDNA microarray data using ranked covariance vectors. International Journal of Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 2(4) pp. 295–312.

Iqbal, M.; Gondal, I. and Dooley, L. (2005). An Energy-Time Based Load Balancing Technique for Wireless Sensor Networks. In: 2nd International Conference on Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Information Processing (ISSNIP’05), 5-8 Dec 2005, Melbourne, Australia.

Sorwar, G.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. (2005). Fully Adaptive Performance Scalable Block-based Motion Estimation. In: IEEE Fifth International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing (ICICS’05), 6-9 Dec 2005, Bangkok.

Ali, Ameer; Dooley, Laurence S. and Karmakar, Gour (2005). Automatic Feature Set Selection for Merging Image Segmentation Results Using Fuzzy Clustering. In: 8th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT '05), 28-30 Dec 2005, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Houqe, Tamjid; Chetty, Madhu and Dooley, Laurence S. (2005). Efficient Computation of Fitness Function by Pruning in Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Model. In: Oliveira, José Luís; Maojo, Victor; Martín-Sánchez, Fernando and Pereira, António Sousa eds. Biological and Medical Data Analysis. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 3745. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, pp. 346–354.

Sohel, Ferdous; Dooley, Laurence S. and Karmakar, Gour C. (2005). A Novel Half-Way Shifting Bezier Curve Model. In: 10th IEEE International Conference on Convergent Technologies (TENCON '05), 21-25 Nov 2005, Melbourne, Australia.

Iqbal, Mudasser; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2005). Optimising Network Control Traffic in Resource Constrained MANETS. In: 10th IEEE International Conference on Convergent Technologies (TENCON '05), 21-25 Nov 2005, Melbourne, Australia.

Iqbal, Mudasser; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2005). Adaptive Self-Configuration for Distributed Load in Sensor Networks. In: IEEE International Conference on Convergent Technologies (TENCON '05), 21-25 Nov 2005, Melbourne.

Sorwar, Golam; Murshed, Manzur and Dooley, Laurence S. (2005). Filtering of Block Motion Vectors for Use in Motion-Based Video Indexing and Retrieval. IEICE Transactions on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, E88-A(10 Special) pp. 2593–2599.

Houqe, M. T.; Chetty, M. and Dooley, L. (2005). Fast Computation of the Fitness Function for Protein Folding Prediction in a 2D Hydrophobic-Hydrophilic Model. International Journal of Simulation Systems, Science & Technology, 6(10-11) pp. 27–37.

Sohel, F. A.; Dooley, L . S. and Karmakar, G. C. (2005). A dynamic Bezier curve model. In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’05), 11-14 Sep 2005, Genoa, Italy.

Houqe, M. T.; Chetty, M. and Dooley, L. S. (2005). A new guided genetic algorithm for 2D hydrophobic-hydrophilic model to predict protein folding. In: IEEE Congress on Evolutionary Computation (CEC’05), 2-5 Sep 2005, Edinburgh, Scotland.

Ali, M. A.; Karmakar, G. C. and Dooley, L. S. (2005). Fuzzy image segmentation of generic shaped clusters. In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2005, 11-14 Sep 2005, Genova, Italy, IEEE, II-1202.

Sehgal, M. Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2005). Stacked regression ensemble for cancer class prediction. In: 3rd International Conference on Industrial Informatics (INDIN '05), 10-12 Aug 2005, Perth, Western Australia.

Ali, M. A.; Karmakar, G. C. and Dooley, L. S. (2005). Fuzzy image segmentation using shape information. In: IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2005 (ICME 2005), 6-8 Jul 2005, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S. (2005). A real-time pattern selection algorithm for very low bit-rate video coding using relevance and similarity metrics. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 15(6) pp. 753–761.

Iqbal, M; Gondal, I and Dooley, L (2005). Load-adaptive Beacon exchange rate in self configuring ubiquitous networks. In: 3rd International Conference on Information Technology, Research and Education (ITRE’05), 27-30 Jun 2005, Hsinchu, Taiwan.

Sehgal, Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2005). Collateral missing value imputation: a new robust missing value estimation algorithm for microarray data. Bioinformatics, 21(10) pp. 2417–2424.

Ali, M. A.; Dooley, L. S. and Karmakar, G. C. (2005). Fuzzy image segmentation combining ring and elliptic shaped clustering algorithms. In: IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, Coding and Computing (ITCC’05), 4-6 Apr 2005, Las Vegas.

Rahman, M. Z.; Karmakar, G. C. and Dooley, L. S. (2005). Passive source localization using power spectral analysis and decision fusion in wireless distributed sensor networks. In: IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, Coding and Computing (ITCC '05), 4-6 Apr 2005, Las Vegas.

Sohel, F. A.; Karmakar, G. C and Dooley, L. S. (2005). A generic shape descriptor using Bezier curves. In: IEEE International Conference on Information Technology, Coding and Computing (ITCC '05), 4-6 Apr 2005, Las Vegas.

Sohel, F. A.; Karmakar, G. C.; Dooley, L. S. and Arkinsall, J. (2005). Enhanced Bezier curve models incorporating local information. In: Proceedings (ICASSP '05).IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, Philadelphia, PA, USA, 4 iv/253-iv/256.

Sehgal, M. S. B.; Gondal, I. and Dooley, L. (2005). A collateral missing value estimation algorithm for DNA microarrays. In: Proceedings. (ICASSP '05). IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2005., Philadelphia, PA, USA, 5 v/377-v/380.

Iqbal, M.M.; Gondal, I. and Dooley, L. (2005). Optimizing the beacon exchange rate for proactive autonomic configuration in ubiquitous MANETs. In: Second IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, 2005. WOCN 2005, Dubai, United Arab Emirates pp. 340–345.

Iqbal, M.M.; Gondal, I. and Dooley, L. (2005). Coverage characteristics of symmetric topologies for pervasive sensor networks. In: Second IFIP International Conference on Wireless and Optical Communications Networks, 2005. WOCN 2005, Dubai, United Arab Emirates pp. 523–529.

Iqbal, Mudasser M.; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2005). Distributed and Load-Adaptive Self Configuration in Sensor Networks. In: 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC '05), 3-5 Oct 2005, Perth, Western Australia.

2004To Top

Iqbal, Mudasser; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence (2004). LACON: localized autonomic configuration in pervasive sensor networks. In: IEEE Intelligent Sensors, Sensor Networks and Intelligent Processing Conference (ISSNIP’04), 14-17 Dec 2004, Melbourne.

Sehgal, Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2004). Communal Neural Network for Ovarian Cancer Mutation Classification. In: 7th Asia-Pacific Conference on Complex Systems (Complex 2004), 6-10 Dec 2004, Cairns, Queensland.

Sohel, Ferdous A.; Dooley, Laurence S. and Karmakar, Gour C. (2004). A Modified Distortion Measurement Algorithm for Shape Coding. In: 3rd Workshop on Internet, Telecommunications and Signal Processing (WITSP '04), 20-22 Dec 2004, Adelaide.

Iqbal, Mudasser M.; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2004). Dynamic symmetrical topology models for pervasive sensor networks. In: Proceedings of INMIC - 8th International Multitopic Conference (INMIC'04), 24-26 Dec 2004, Lahore.

Sehgal, Shoaib M.; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2004). A hybrid neural network based speech recognition system for pervasive environments. In: Proceedings of INMIC 2004. 8th International Multitopic Conference (INMIC'04), 24-26 Dec 2004, Lahore.

Ali, Ameer; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2004). Fuzzy Image Segmentation using Suppressed Fuzzy C-Means Clustering (SFCM). In: International Conference on Computer and Information Technology, 26-28 Dec 2004, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Iqbal, Mudasser M.; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence S. (2004). Investigating the dynamics of pervasive sensor networks through parent localisation. In: Australian Network and Applications Conference (ATNAC’04), Dec 2004, Sydney, Australia.

Sehgal, Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence (2004). A Collimator Neural Network Model for the Classification of Genetic Data. In: He, Matthew; Narasimhan, Giri and Petoukhov, Sergei eds. Advances in Bioinformatics and its Applications: Proceedings of the International Conference, Volume 8. World Scientific, pp. 229–239.

Azad, S.A.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S. (2004). Bandwidth borrowing Schemes for instantaneous video-on-demand systems. In: 2004 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME) (IEEE Cat. No.04TH8763), 27-30 Jun 2004, Taipei, Taiwan, IEEE, pp. 2011–2014.

Islam, M. M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S. (2004). A Novel Mobility Support Resource Reservations and Call Admission Control Scheme in Wireless Multimedia Communications. In: IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC’04), 20-24 Jun 2004, Paris.

Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. (2004). A new efficient similarity metric and generic computation strategy for pattern-based very low bit-rate video coding. In: 2004 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing, 17-21 May 2004, Montreal, QC, Canada, IEEE, iii-165.

Yusuf, A. A.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S. (2004). An adaptive motion vector composition algorithm for frame skipping video transcoding. In: Proceedings of the 12th IEEE Mediterranean Electrotechnical Conference (MELECON’04), 12-15 May 2004, Dubrovnik.

Islam, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S. (2004). Enhanced cell visiting probability for QoS provisioning in mobile multimedia communications. In: International Conference on Information Technology, Coding and Computing (ITCC '04), 5-7 Apr 2004, Las Vegas.

Rahman, A.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S. (2004). Feature weighting methods for abstract features applicable to motion based video indexing. In: International Conference on Information Technology, Coding and Computing (ITCC '04), 5-7 Apr 2004, Las Vegas.

Yusuf, A. A.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L.S. (2004). An HVS-based motion vector composition algorithm for spatial resolution transcoding. In: Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Technology, Coding and Computing (ITCC’04), 5-7 Apr 2004, Las Vegas.

Islam, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2004). Comparative Analysis of Directional Probability Function for Mobility-Based Resource Reservation in Wireless Multimedia Communications. In: International Conference on Networking (ICN’04), 1-4 Mar 2004, Guadeloupe, France.

Sorwar, Golam; Murshed, Manzur and Dooley, Laurence (2004). Fast Block-Based True Motion Estimation Using Distance Dependent Thresholds. Journal of Research and Practice in Information Technology, 36(3) pp. 83–95.

Ali, Ameer; Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2004). Image segmentation using fuzzy clustering incorporating spatial information. In: International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Applications (AIA '04), 16-18 Feb 2004, Innsbruck, Austria.

Chang, Dempsey; Wilson, Cambell and Dooley, Laurence (2004). Towards Criteria for Visual Layout of Instructional Multimedia Interfaces. Journal of Educational Technology Systems, 32(1) pp. 3–29.

Manoranjan, Paul; Murshed, Manzur and Dooley, Laurence (2004). Very Low Bit-Rate Video Coding. In: Deb, Sagarmay ed. Video Data Management and Information Retrieval. IGI Publishers, pp. 100–146.

2003To Top

Reilly, Cate; Dooley, Laurence S. and Aswathanarayaniah, Srinivas (2003). International Best Practise University Technology Transfer Models: A Framework for Small-to-Medium Enterprises in Regional Australia. In: Information Technology in Regional Areas Conference (ITiRA’03), 15-17 Dec 2003, Caloundra, Queensland.

Azad, S. A.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S. (2003). A novel batched multicast patching scheme for video broadcasting with low user delay. In: Proceedings of the 3rd IEEE International Symposium on Signal Processing and Information Technology (ISSPIT 2003), 14-17 Dec 2003, Darmstadt, Germany.

Sorwar, G.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. (2003). Fast global motion estimation using iterative least-square estimation technique. In: 4th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing and Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (ICICS-PCM '03), 15-18 Dec 2003, Singapore.

Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S. (2003). An arbitrary shaped pattern selection algorithm for very low bit-rate video coding focusing on moving regions. In: 4th International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing and Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (ICICS-PCM’03), 15-18 Dec 2003, Singapore.

Manoranjan, Paul; Murshed, Manzur and Dooley, Laurence S. (2003). Very low bit-rate video coding focusing on moving regions using three-tier arbitrary-shaped pattern selection algorithm. In: 6th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT '03), 26-28 Dec 2003, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Islam, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2003). Directional probability function estimation for QoS provisioning in mobile networks using a Laplace PDF. In: Australian Telecoms, Networks and Applications Conference (ATNAC’03), Dec 2003, Melbourne.

Islam, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2003). Influence of velocity on resource reserving directional probability function estimation for mobile multimedia communications. In: IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Signal Processing and Communications Systems (ISPACS2003), 7-10 Dec 2003, Awaji Island, Japan.

Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2003). Very low bit-rate video coding using an extended arbitrary-shaped pattern selection algorithm. In: 5th International Conference on Advances in Pattern Recognition (ICAPR’03), 10-13 Dec 2003, Calcutta, India.

Lee, P.W. Ruby; Dooley, Laurence S. and Chan, F.T. (2003). Enhancing adult learning via E-Learning: the perspectives of students and teachers in Hong Kong. In: International Conference on e-Learning, e-Medicine, e-Support (VIEWDET 2003), 26-28 Nov 2003, Vienna.

Dooley, L. S.; Karmakar, G. C. and Murshed, M. (2003). A fuzzy rule-based colour image segmentation algorithm. In: Proceedings 2003 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No.03CH37429), IEEE, Barcelona, Spain I-977.

Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. (2003). A real time generic variable pattern selection algorithm for very low bit-rate video coding. In: Proceedings 2003 International Conference on Image Processing (Cat. No.03CH37429), Barcelona, Spain III-857.

Ali, M. Ameer; Dooley, Laurence S. and Karmakar, Gour C. (2003). Fuzzy image segmentation using location and intensity information. In: IASTED International Conference on Visualization, Imaging and Image Processing (VIIP’03), 8-10 Sep 2003, Benalmadena, Spain.

Sorwar, G.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. (2003). A fully adaptive performance-scalable distance-dependent thresholding search algorithm for video coding. In: 2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2003. Proceedings. (ICASSP '03), 3 III-649.

Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. (2003). A new real-time pattern selection algorithm for very low bit-rate video coding focusing on moving regions. In: 2003 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, 2003. Proceedings. (ICASSP '03), Hong Kong, China III-397.

2002To Top

Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S. (2002). Impact of macroblock classification on low bit-rate video coding, focusing on moving objects. In: International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT’02), 26-28 Dec 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Islam, Mohammad M.; Murshed, Manzur and Dooley, Laurence S. (2002). A directionally based bandwidth reservation scheme for call admission control. In: 5th International Conference on Computer and Information Technology (ICCIT '02), 26-28 Dec 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Sorwar, Golam; Murshed, M. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2002). Distance dependent thresholding search for fast motion estimation in real world video coding application. In: IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Circuits and System (APCCAS'02), 14-16 Dec 2002, Bali.

Sehgal, Shoaib; Gondal, Iqbal and Dooley, Laurence (2002). Statistical neural networks and support vector machine for the classification of genetic mutations in ovarian cancer. In: IEEE Symposium on Computational Intelligence in Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (CIBCB’04), 7-8 Oct 2004, La Jolla, California.

Karmakar, G. C.; Dooley, L. and Murshed, M. (2002). Fuzzy rule for image segmentation incorporating texture features. In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’02), 22-25 Sep 2002, Rochester, NY.

Sorwar, G.; Murshed, M. M. and Dooley, L. S. (2002). Content-based image retrieval based on colour histogram and the discrete cosine transform. In: International Workshop on Intelligent Knowledge Management Techniques (IKOMAT’02), 16-18 Sep 2002, Crema, Italy.

Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. S. (2002). A variable pattern selection algorithm with improved pattern selection technique for low bit-rate video-coding focusing on moving objects. In: International Workshop on Intelligent Knowledge Management Techniques (IKOMAT’02), Sep 2002, Crema, Italy.

Karmakar, G. C. and Dooley, L. S. (2002). A Generic Fuzzy Rule Based Image Segmentation Algorithm. Pattern Recognition Letters, 23(10) pp. 1215–1227.

Fitzsimon, Cate and Dooley, Laurence S. (2002). A Regional Technology Diffusion Gateway Strategy. In: Information Technology in Regional Areas Conference (ITiRA’02), 27-29 Aug 2002, Rockhampton, Queensland.

Paul, M.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, L. (2002). A low bit-rate video-coding algorithm based upon variable pattern selection. In: 6th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'02), 26-30 Aug 2002, Beijing.

Sorwar, G.; Murshed, M. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2002). Fast block-based true motion estimation using distance dependent thresholds (DTS). In: 6th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'02), 26-30 Aug 2002, Beijing, China.

Karmakar, Gour C.; Dooley, Laurence S. and Murshed, M. (2002). Image segmentation using modified extended fuzzy rules. In: 6th IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'02), 26-30 Aug 2002, Beijing, China.

Sorwar, Golam; Murshed, Manzur and Dooley, Laurence (2002). Modified full-search block-based motion estimation algorithm with distance dependent thresholds. In: 2002 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 13-17 May 2002, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Karmakar, Gour; Dooley, Laurence and Murshed, Manzur (2002). New fuzzy rules for improved image segmentation. In: 2002 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 13-17 May 2002, Orlando, Florida, USA.

Chang, Dempsey; Dooley, Laurence and Tuovinen, Juhani E. (2002). Gestalt Theory in Visual Screen Design - A New Look at an Old Subject. In: WCCE2001 Australian Topics: Selected Papers from the Seventh World Conference on Computers in Education (McDougall, Anne; Murnane, John and Chambers, Diane eds.), CRPIT, Australian Computer Society, pp. 5–12.

Sorwar, Golam; Murshed, M. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2002). A novel filter for block-based motion estimation. In: 6th Digital Image Computing Technologies and Applications Conference (DICTA '02), 21-22 Jan 2002, Melbourne, Australia.

2001To Top

Sorwar, Golam; Abraham, A. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2001). Texture classification based on DCT and soft computing. In: The 10th IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems (FUZZ-IEEE’01), 2-5 Dec 2001, Melbourne, Australia.

Sorwar, G.; Dooley, L. S. and Murshed, M. (2001). Integrated technique with neural computing for temporal video segmentation. In: 1st International Workshop on Hybrid Intelligent Systems (HIS’01), 10-11 Dec 2001, Adelaide, South Australia.

Karmakar, G. C. and Dooley, L. S. (2001). Extended fuzzy rules for image segmentation. In: IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP’01), 7-10 Oct 2001, Thessaloniki, Greece.

Karmakar, Gour C.; Rahman, Syed M. and Dooley, L.S. (2001). Object Based Image Ranking Using Neural Networks. In: Alexandrov, V.N.; Dongarra, J.J.; Juliano, B.A.; Renner, R.S. and Tan, C.J.K. eds. Computational Science - ICCS 2001. ICCS 2001. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2074. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, pp. 281–290.

Karmakar, Gour C. and Dooley, Laurence S. (2001). Analysis of fuzzy clustering and a generic fuzzy rule-based image segmentation technique. In: International Conference Intelligent Multimedia and Distance Education (ICIMADE '01), 1-3 Jun 2001, Fargo, North Dakota, USA.

Karmakar, G. C. and Dooley, L. S. (2001). A generic fuzzy rule based technique for image segmentation. In: IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP '01), 7-11 May 2001, Salt Lake City, Utah.

Sorwar, Golam and Dooley, Laurence S. (2001). Optimisation of coefficient wordlengths for lattice wave digital filters in the time domain. In: IEEE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE’01), Jan 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Sorwar, Golam and Dooley, Laurence S. (2001). A survey of content-based video representation and retrieval. In: IEEE Conference on Electrical and Computer Engineering (ICECE’01), Jan 2002, Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Karmakar, Gour C.; Dooley, Laurence S. and Rahman, Syed M. (2001). Review of Fuzzy Image Segmentation Techniques. In: Rahman, Syed M. ed. Design and Management of Multimedia Information Systems: Opportunities and Challenges. IGI Publishers, pp. 282–314.

Sorwar, Golam; Murshed, M. Manzur and Dooley, Laurence (2001). Block-based true motion estimation using distance dependent thresholds search. In: Chung, Anthony ed. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Computer Applications in Industry and Engineering, November 27-29, 2001, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA. Raleigh, N.C.: ISCA, pp. 45–48.

2000To Top

Karmakar, Gour C.; Dooley, Laurence S. and Rahman, Syed (2000). A survey of fuzzy rule-based image segmentation techniques. In: 1st IEEE Pacific-Rim Conference on Multimedia (PCM'2000), 13-15 Dec 2000, Sydney, Australia.

Höwing, Frank; Dooley, Laurence S. and Wermser, Diederich (2000). Fuzzy active contour model. IEE Proceedings Vision, Image & Signal Processing, 147(4) pp. 323–330.

Stolpmann, Alexander and Dooley, Laurence S. (2000). Texture Classification Using Statistical and Soft-Computing Methods. In: Pietikäinen, M. K. ed. Texture Analysis in Machine Vision. Machine Perception and Artificial Intelligence Series, 40 (1). USA: World Scientific Publishing, pp. 53–69.

Bülow, Heiko; Dooley, Laurence S. and Wermser, Diederich (2000). Application of principal axes for registration of NMR image sequences. Pattern Recognition Letters, 21(4) pp. 329–336.

Stolpmann, Alexander; Angele, Jürgen and Dooley, Laurence S. (2000). Quality inspection of veneer using soft-computing methods. In: Parmee, I. C. ed. Evolutionary Design and Manufacture: Selected Papers from ACDM '00, Volume 1. London: Springer-Verlag, pp. 363–370.

Höwing, Frank; Dooley, Laurence S. and Wermser, Diederich (2000). Linguistic Contour Modelling through a Fuzzy Active Contour. In: Mohammadian, Masoud ed. New Frontiers in Computational Intelligence and its Applications. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications, 57. UK: IOS Press, pp. 274–282.

1999To Top

Dooley, Laurence S.; Höwing, Frank and Wermser, Diederich (1999). Automatic analysis of magnetic resonance (MR) sequences for the diagnosis of ligament lesions. In: 1st European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC'99), 4-7 Nov 1999, Vienna.

Stolpmann, Alexander and Dooley, Laurence S. (1999). A texture classification system with automatic feature vector optimization using genetic algorithms. In: 7th European Congress on Intelligent Techniques and Soft Computing (EUFIT’99), 13-16 Sep 1999, Aachen, Germany.

Höwing, Frank; Dooley, Laurence S. and Wermser, Diederich (1999). Tongue tracking in medical X-ray sequences. In: 7th International IEE Conference on Image Processing and its Applications (IPA’99), 13-15 Jul 1999, Manchester, UK.

Höwing, Frank; Bülow, Heiko; Wermser, Diederich; Dooley, Laurence S. and Thoma, W. (1999). Automatic motion analysis of bones from MR sequences. In: 7th International IEE Conference on Image Processing and its Applications (IPA’99), 13-15 Jul 1999, Manchester, UK.

Stolpmann, Alexander and Dooley, Laurence S. (1999). About the use of fuzzy clustering for texture classification. In: 18th International Conference of North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society (NAFIPS), 10-12 Jun 1999, New York, NY, USA.

Dooley, Laurence S.; Buchwald, Wolf-Peter and Schmidt, Gunnar (1999). A fully transparent high speed data broadcasting method for the PALplus TV standard. In: IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’99), 22-24 Jun 1999, Los Angeles, CA, USA.

Höwing, Frank; Dooley, Laurence S. and Wermser, Diederich (1999). Tracking of non-rigid articulatory organs in X-ray image Sequences. Computerised Medical Imaging and Graphics, 23(2) pp. 59–67.

Höwing, Frank; Wermser, Diederich and Dooley, Laurence S. (1999). Linguistische Modellierung zur Erkennung Anatomischer Objekte. In: Proceedings of Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin - Algorithmen, Systeme, Anwendungen, 4-5 Mar 1999, Heidelberg, Germany.

Höwing, Frank; Bülow, Heiko; Wermser, Diederich; Dooley, Laurence S. and Thoma, W. (1999). Analyse komplexer Knochenbewegungen in Folgen von MRT Aufnahmen. In: Proceedings of Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin - Algorithmen, Systeme, Anwendungen, 4-5 Mar 1999, Heidelberg, Germany.

Höwing, Frank; Dooley, Laurence S. and Wermser, Diederich (1999). Zungenverfolgung in Medizinischen Rontgenbildsequenzen. In: Proceedings of Bildverarbeitung für die Medizin - Algorithmen, Systeme, Anwendungen, 4-5 Mar 1999, Heidelberg, Germany.

Höwing, Frank; Dooley, Laurence S. and Wermser, Dierdrich (1999). Linguistic Contour Modelling through Fuzzy Snakes. In: Mohammadian, M. ed. Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control and Automation. Amsterdam: IOS Press, pp. 384–389.

1998To Top

Stolpmann, Alexander and Dooley, Laurence S. (1998). Genetic algorithms for automatic feature selection in a textureclassification system. In: 4th International Conference on Signal Processing Proceedings (Yüan, Pao-tsung and Tang, Xiaofang eds.), IEEE Press, Piscataway, New Jersey, USA,, pp. 1229–1232.

Schmidt, Gunnar; Dooley, Laurence S. and Buchwald, Wolf-Peter (1998). A novel modulation strategy for integrating digital sub-channels within a PAL/PAL plus signal. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 44(3) pp. 793–802.

Schmidt, G.; Buchwald, W. P. and Dooley, L. S. (1998). A modulation technique for integrating digital subchannels within a PAL/PALplus signal. In: IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE '98), 2-4 Jun 1998, Los Angeles, USA.

1997To Top

Höwing, F.; Wermser, D and Dooley, L. S. (1997). Fuzzy snakes. In: Institution of Electrical Engineers ed. Image processing and its applications. IEE Conference Proceedings, 2 (443). London: Institution of Electrical Engineers, pp. 627–630.

Rees, S. J.; Swoodham, S. and Dooley, L.S. (1997). Use of rank-conditioned morphological operators for texture classification. In: Institution of Electrical Engineers ed. Image processing and its applications. IEE Conference Publication, 2 (443). London: Institution of Electrical Engineers, pp. 618–622.

1996To Top

Hartmann, Knut and Dooley, Laurence S. (1996). Adaptive noise reduction filtering on moving scanned -electronmicroscope images. In: 16th Saraga IEE Colloquium on Digital and Analogue filters, and filtering systems, 9 Dec 1996, Savoy Place, London.

Hetzheim, Hartwig and Dooley, Laurence S. (1996). Decomposition of stochastic properties within images using non-parametric methods. In: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP '96), 14-18 Oct 1996, Beijing, China.

Dooley, Laurence S.; Buchwald, Wolf-Peter and Schmidt, Gunnar (1996). An HDTV encoder for PALplus transmissions, supplemented with a digital residual signal. In: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP '96), 14-18 Oct 1996, Beijing, China.

Höwing, Frank; Wermser, Diederich and Dooley, Laurence S. (1996). Recognition and tracking of articulatory organs in X-ray image sequences. Electronics Letters, 32(5) pp. 444–445.

Schmidt, G.; Buchwald, W. P. and Dooley, L. S. (1996). Optimal design of dual-channel subband filter structures for video and image applications. In: 3rd IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP’96), 14-18 Oct 1996, Beijing, China, pp. 373–376.

Schmidt, G.; Buchwald, W. P. and Dooley, L. S. (1996). A comparative review of modulation techniques for integrating digital components within a PALplus signal. In: International Conference on Consumer Electronics, 1996. Digest of Technical Papers.,, IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, USA, pp. 12–13.

1995To Top

Hetzheim, Hartwig and Dooley, Laurence S. (1995). Structured Non-Linear Algorithms for Image Processing based on Non-Parametric Descriptions. In: Teoh, Eam Khwang ed. Second Asian Conference on Computer Vision, Volume 3. Singapore: Nanyang Technological University, pp. 402–406.

Meissner, Michael; Dooley, Laurence S.; Buchwald, Wolf-Peter and Schmidt, Gunnar (1995). Quadrature-Mirror Filter Design for the sub-band coding of Digital Video Signals. In: 15th Saraga IEE Colloquium on Digital and Analogue filters, and filtering systems, 30 Nov 1995, Savoy, Place, London.

1994To Top

Schmidt, Gunnar; Dooley, Laurence S. and Buchwald, Wolf-Peter (1994). Design of 2-D digital video filters for a PALplus-compatible HDTV transmission encoder. In: 14th Saraga IEE Colloquium on Digital and Analogue filters and filtering systems, 30 Nov 1994, Savoy Place, London.

Schmidt, Gunnar; Dooley, Laurence S. and Buchwald, Wolf-Peter (1994). A PALplus-Compatible HDTV Encoder System. IEEE Transactions on Consumer Electronics, 40(3) pp. 207–215.

Schmidt, Gunnar; Dooley, Laurence S. and Buchwald, Wolf-Peter (1994). A PALplus-Compatible HDTV Transmission System. In: IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics (ICCE’94), 21-23 Jun 1994, Chicago, USA.

1993To Top

Dooley, L. S.; Hetzheim, H. and Knoll, A. (1993). Statistical Techniques for the State Minimisation of Finite State Machine Realisations of DSP Systems. In: IEEE International Conference on Signal Processing (ICSP'93), 26-30 Oct 1993, Beijing, China.

1992To Top

Knoll, A. C.; Dooley, L. S. and Hetzheim, H. (1992). Pseudo-Boolean Matrix Techniques for State Minimisation of Finite State Machine Realisations of DSP Systems. In: Third IMA Conference on Mathematics in Signal Processing, 15-17 Dec 1992, Warwick, UK.

Dooley, L. S.; Knoll, A.; Wahab, M.; Fauth, A. and Freericks, M. (1992). A novel approach to the design of DSP systems using minimum complexity Finite State Machines. In: International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS-92), 10-13 May 1992, San Diego, California.

1990To Top

Dooley, Laurence S. and Evans, W. Alun (1990). A modern review of audio synthesis techniques for marine and bridge simulator systems. In: International Conference on Marine Simulation and Ship Manoeuvrability (MARSIM and ICSM'90), 4-7 Jun 1990, Tokyo.

1989To Top

Dooley, L. S. (1989). A VLSI-based intelligent peripheral for a marine simulator computer system. In: VLSI and Computer Peripherals: VLSI and Microelectronic Applications in Intelligent Peripherals and their Interconnection Networks (Compo Euro 89), 8-12 May 1989, Hamburg, West Germany.

1988To Top

Dooley, Laurence S. and Evans, W. Alun (1988). Digital synthesis of ship-board generated acoustics for marine and bridge simulators. In: 12th IMACS World Congress on Scientific Computation, 18-22 Jul 1988, Paris, International Association for Mathematics and Computers In Simulation, pp. 250–253.

1986To Top

Dooley, Laurence S and Evans, W. Alun (1986). Thermocouple and RTD approximations for the design of portable microprocessor-based simulators. Transactions of the Institute of Measurement and Control, 8(5) pp. 235–240.

Dooley, Laurence S.; Evans, W. Alun; Mahmoud, Waleed A. and Bennett, L. A. M. (1986). A fast vector quantisation algorithm for digital marine sound simulation. In: EUSIPCO-86: Signal Processing III: Theories and Applications, Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., pp. 461–464.


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