Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Lilian Simones
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Simones, Lilian (2021). Certificate for Music Educators Guidebook: Teaching Children and Young People. Routledge.
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Simones, Lilian
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Kyratsou, Chrysi; McNulty Burrows, Cathrinea; Nguyen, Hoa; Barry, Heather E. and Simones, Lilian
Simones, Lilian
Simones, Lilian Lima
Simones, Lilian; Rodger, Matthew and Schroeder, Franziska
Simones, Lilian Lima
Simones, Lilian Lima; Rodger, Matthew and Schroeder, Franziska
Simones, Lilian; Schroeder, Franziska and Rodger, Matthew
OtherTo Top
Simones, Lilian (2012). The dynamics of expectations in music performance modules in Higher Education: Changing attitudes among students, part-time tutors and fulltime staff. Enhancing learning and teaching in higher education in Northern Ireland; Higher Education Academy.