Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Linda Murphy

43 items in this list.
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2015To Top

Murphy, Linda (2015). Online language teaching: The learner’s perspective. In: Hampel, Regine and Stickler, Ursula eds. Developing Online Language Teaching: Research-based Pedagogies and Reflective Practices. New Language Learning and Teaching Environments. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 45–62.

Everhard, Carol J. and Murphy, Linda eds. (2015). Assessment and Autonomy in Language Learning. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.

Murphy, Linda (2015). Autonomy in assessment: Bridging the gap between rhetoric and reality in a distance language learning context. In: Everhard, Carol J. and Murphy, Linda eds. Assessment and Autonomy in Language Learning. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 143–166.

Stickler, Ursula; Hampel, Regine and Murphy, Linda (2015). Editorial. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 9(1) pp. 1–3.

2014To Top

Murphy, Linda (2014). Autonomy, social interaction and community: a distant language learning perspective. In: Murray, Garold ed. Social Dimensions of Autonomy in Language Learning. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 119–134.

2013To Top

Ernest, Pauline; Guitert Catasús, Montse; Hampel, Regine; Heiser, Sarah; Hopkins, Joseph; Murphy, Linda and Stickler, Ursula (2013). Online teacher development: collaborating in a virtual learning environment. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 26(4) pp. 311–333.

Hurd, Stella and Murphy, Linda (2013). Learner contributions in open and distance language setting. In: Mynard, Jo and Carson, Luke eds. Advising in Language Learning: Dialgue, Tools and Context. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 213–230.

2012To Top

Hurd, Stella and Murphy, Linda (2012). Learner contributions in an open and distance language setting. In: Mynard, Jo and Carson, Luke eds. Advising in Language Learning: Dialogue, Tools and Context. Applied Linguistics. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited, pp. 213–230.

Murphy, Linda (2012). Supporting self-evaluation: helping language learners take control of the assessment process. In: Autonomie und Assessment: Erträge des 3. Bremer Symposions zum autonomen Fremdsprachenlernen (Arntz, Reiner; Krings, Hans P. and Kühn, Bärbel eds.), Fremdsprachen in Lehre und Forschung, AKS-Verlag Bochum, pp. 150–161.

2011To Top

Ernest, Pauline; Heiser, Sarah and Murphy, Linda (2011). Developing teacher skills to support collaborative online language learning. The Language Learning Journal, 41(1) pp. 37–54.

Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret eds. (2011). Language Teaching in Blended Contexts. Edinburgh, U.K.: Dunedin Academic Press.

Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret (2011). Language teaching in a changing world: introduction and overview. In: Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret eds. Language Teaching in Blended Contexts. Edinburgh, U.K.: Dunedin Academic Press, pp. 3–12.

Nicolson, Margaret; Southgate, Margaret and Murphy, Linda (2011). Teaching in synchronous and asynchronous modes. In: Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret eds. Language Teaching in Blended Contexts. Edinburgh, U.K.: Dunedin Academic Press, pp. 95–111.

Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret (2011). Present and future contexts. In: Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret eds. Language Teaching in Blended Contexts. Edinburgh, U.K.: Dunedin Academic Press, pp. 245–252.

Southgate, Margaret and Murphy, Linda (2011). The nature of the 'blend': interaction of teaching modes, tools and resources. In: Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret eds. Language Teaching in Blended Contexts. Edinburgh, Scotland: Dunedin Academic Press Ltd, pp. 13–27.

Murphy, Linda and Hurd, Stella (2011). Fostering learner autonomy and motivation in blended teaching. In: Nicolson, Margaret; Murphy, Linda and Southgate, Margaret eds. Language Teaching in Blended Contexts. Edinburgh, U.K.: Dunedin Academic Press Ltd, pp. 43–56.

Murphy, Linda (2011). Why am I doing this? Maintaining motivation in distance language learning. In: Lamb, Terrry; Murray, Garold and Gao, Xuesong eds. Identity, Motivation and Autonomy In Language Learning. Bristol, U.K., Tonawanda, NY, U.S.A. and North York, Ontatio, Canada: Multilingual Matters, pp. 107–124.

Murphy, Linda (2011). Autonomy and context: a tale of two learners. In: Gardner, David ed. Fostering Autonomy in Language Learning. Gaziantep, Turkey: Faculty of Education, Zirve University, pp. 17–26.

Murphy, Linda (2011). When the going gets tough: motivational thinking in autonomous language learning. In: Arntz, Reiner; Krings, Hans Peter and Kühn, Bärbel eds. Autonomie und Motivation: Erträge des 2. Bremer Symposions zum autonomen Fremdsprachenlernen. Bochum: AKS-Verlag Bochum.

Murphy, Linda (2011). I’m not giving up! Maintaining motivation in independent language learning. In: Morrison, Bruce ed. Independent language learning: building on experience, seeking new perspectives. Hong Kong University Press, pp. 73–85.

2010To Top

Murphy, Linda; Shelley, Monica and Baumann, Uwe (2010). Qualities of effective tutors in distance language teaching: student perceptions. Innovation in Language Learning and Teaching, 4(2) pp. 119–136.

2009To Top

Murphy, Linda (2009). Autonomous distance language learning: supporting critical reflection, interaction and decision-making. In: Independent Language Learning Association 2007 Japan Conference: Exploring theory, enhancing practice: Autonomy across the disciplines, 05-08 Oct 2007, Kanda University, Chiba, Japan.

2008To Top

Murphy, Linda (2008). Learning logs and strategy development for distance and other independent language learners. In: Hurd, Stella and Lewis, Tim eds. Language Learning Strategies in Independent Settings. Second Language Acquisition. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 199–217.

Murphy, Linda (2008). Integrating strategy instruction into learning materials. In: Hurd, Stella and Lewis, Tim eds. Language Learning Strategies in Independent Settings. Second Language Acquisition. Bristol, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 303–320.

2007To Top

Murphy, Linda (2007). Supporting learner autonomy: theory and practice in a distance learning context. In: Gardner, David ed. Learner Autonomy 10: Integration and support. Authentik books for language teachers, 10. Dublin, Ireland: Authentik Language Learning Resources Ltd, pp. 72–92.

2006To Top

Shelley, Monica; White, Cynthia; Baumann, Uwe and Murphy, Linda (2006). "It's a unique role!" Perspectives on tutor attributes and expertise in distance language teaching. International Review of Research in Open and Distance Learning, 7(2)

Murphy, Linda; Shelley, Monica; White, Cynthia and Baumann, Uwe (2006). Developing effective distance language tutors: Are generic competencies enough? In: 22nd ICDE World Conference on Distance Education, 3-6 Sep 2006, Brazil.

Murphy, L.; Shelley, M. A.; White, C. and Baumann, U. (2006). Language teaching at a distance: establishing key principles to develop professional practice. In: CILT/LLAS Conference: Crossing Frontiers: Languages and the international dimension, 6-7 Jul 2006, Cardiff University.

2005To Top

Hurd, Stella and Murphy, Linda eds. (2005). Success with languages. Routledge Study Guides. London, UK: Routledge.

Murphy, Linda; Hauck, Mirjam; Nicolson, Margaret and Adams, Helga (2005). Reflection and self-evaluation. In: ed. Success with Languages. Routeldge Study Guides. Abingdon, UK: Routledge, pp. 60–78.

Murphy, Linda (2005). Critical reflection and autonomy: a study of distance learners of French, German and Spanish. In: Holmberg, Boerje; Shelley, Monica and White, Cynthia eds. Distance education and languages: evolution and change. New perspectives on language and education. Clevedon, UK: Multilingual Matters, pp. 20–39.

White, Cynthia; Murphy, Linda; Shelley, Monica and Baumann, Uwe (2005). Towards an understanding of attributes and expertise in distance language teaching: tutor maxims. In: Evans, T.; Smith, P. and Stacey, E. eds. Research in Distance Education (RIDE), Volume 6. Geelong: Deakin University, pp. 83–97.

2002To Top

Murphy, Linda Mary (2002). Reflection And The Distance Language Learner. Doctor of Education (EdD) thesis The Open University.

2001To Top

Murphy, Linda (2001). Continuing professional development. In: Arthur, Lore and Hurd, Stella eds. Supporting lifelong language learning: theoretical and practical approaches. London, UK: CILT Publications, pp. 189–204.

Murphy, Linda (2001). Accreditation and recognition of skills, knowledge and experience. In: Arthur, Lore and Hurd, Stella eds. Supporting Lifelong Language Learning. Theoretical and Practical Approaches. London: CILT (Centre for information on Language Teaching and Research), pp. 205–215.

Murphy, Linda (2001). Looking ahead: The European context and the effect of increasing globalisation. In: Arthur, Lore and Hurd, Stella eds. Supporting Lifelong Language Learning: Theoretical and Practical Approaches. London: CILT (Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research ), pp. 216–228.


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