Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Laura L Paterson

32 items in this list.
Generated on Thu Jan 23 20:32:05 2025 GMT.

2024To Top

Paterson, Laura L ed. (2024). The Routledge Handbook of Pronouns. Routledge Handbooks in Linguistics. New York, USA and Oxon, UK: Routledge.

Paterson, Laura L. (2024). The little words that mean a lot. In: Paterson, Laura L. ed. The Routledge Handbook of Pronouns. Routledge, pp. 1–4.

Paterson, Laura L and van der Bom, Isabelle (2024). Introduction: Special issue on the discourses of poverty. Discourse & Society (Early access).

Paterson, Laura L and Turner, Georgina (2024). Power, protests, and politics: the discursive construction of marriage. In: Paterson, Laura L and Turner, Georgina eds. Approaches to Discourses of Marriage. New York: Routledge.

2023To Top

Paterson, Laura L and Turner, Georgina eds. (2023). Approaches to Discourses of Marriage. Oxon, UK and New York, USA: Routledge.

2021To Top

van der Bom, Isabelle and Paterson, Laura L. (2021). Postscript: Reflections on establishing the Journal of Language and Discrimination. Journal of Language and Discrimination, 5(1) pp. 78–86.

van der Bom, Isabelle and Paterson, Laura (2021). Postscript: Reflections on establishing the Journal of Language and Discrimination. Journal of Language and Discrimination, 5(1) pp. 78–86.

2020To Top

van der Bom, Isabelle and Paterson, Laura L. (2020). Revisiting the welfare state through the decades: Investigating the discursive construction of the welfare state in the Times from 1940-2009. In: Gomez-Jimenez, Eva M. and Toolan, Michael eds. The Discursive Construction of Economic Inequality: CADS Approaches to the British Media. Bloomsbury, pp. 49–68.

Gregory, Ian N. and Paterson, Laura L. (2020). English Language and History: Geographical Representations of Poverty in Historical Newspapers. In: Adolphs, Svenja and Knight, Dawn eds. The Routledge Handbook of English Language and Digital Humanities. London: Routledge, pp. 418–439.

Paterson, Laura L. and Turner, Georgina (2020). Approaches to discourses of marriage. Critical Discourse Studies, 17(2) pp. 133–137.

Paterson, Laura L. (2020). Mapping Austerity: Geographical Text Analysis of UK Place-Names in The Guardian and The Daily Telegraph. In: Greibel, Tim; Evert, Stefan and Heinrich, Philipp eds. Multimodal Approaches to Media Discourses Reconstructing the Age of Austerity in the United Kingdom. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 65–87.

2019To Top

2018To Top

Paterson, Laura L. and Coffey-Glover, Laura (2018). Discourses of marriage in same-sex marriage debates in the UK press 2011-2014. Journal of Language and Sexuality, 7(2) pp. 175–204.

Paterson, Laura (2018). “You can just give those documents to myself’: Untriggered reflexive pronouns in 21st century spoken British English. In: Brezina, Vaclav; Love, Robbie and Aijmer, Karin eds. Corpus Approaches to Contemporary British Speech. Sociolinguistic Studies of the Spoken (BNC2014). Abingdon: Routledge.

Turner, Georgina; Mills, Sara; van der Bom, Isabelle; Coffey-Glover, Laura; Paterson, Laura L and Jones, Lucy (2018). Opposition as victimhood in newspaper debates about same-sex marriage. Discourse and Society, 29(2) pp. 180–197.

2017To Top

Handforth, Rachel; Paterson, Laura L.; Coffey-Glover, Laura and Mills, Sara (2017). Reading between Blurred Lines: The complexity of interpretation. Discourse, Context & Media, 20 pp. 103–115.

Gregoriou, Christiana and Paterson, Laura L. (2017). “Reservoir of rage swamps Wall St” The linguistic construction and evaluation of Occupy in international print media. Journal of Language, Aggression and Conflict, 5(1) pp. 57–80.

Paterson, Laura L.; Peplow, David and Grainger, Karen (2017). Does Money Talk Equate to Class Talk? Audience Responses to Poverty Porn in Relation to Money and Debt. In: Mooney, Annabelle and Sifaki, Evi eds. The Language of Money and Debt: A Multidisciplinary Approach. Palgrave, pp. 205–231.

Jones, Lucy; Mills, Sara; Paterson, Laura L.; Turner, Georgina and Coffey-Glover, Laura (2017). Identity and naming practices in British marriage and civil partnerships. Gender and Language, 11(3) pp. 309–335.

2016To Top

Paterson, Laura L.; Coffey-Glover, Laura and Peplow, David (2016). Negotiating stance within discourses of class: Reactions to Benefits Street. Discourse & Society, 27(2) pp. 195–214.

2015To Top

van der Bom, Isabelle; Coffey-Glover, Laura; Jones, Lucy; Mills, Sara and Paterson, Laura L. (2015). Implicit homophobic argument structure: Equal-marriage discourse in The Moral Maze. Journal of Language and Sexuality, 4(1) pp. 102–137.

2014To Top

2011To Top

2010To Top

Paterson, Laura L (2010). Grammar and the English National Curriculum. Language and Education, 24(6) pp. 473–484.


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