Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Linda Kenward
2014To Top
Draper, Jan; Beretta, Ruth; Kenward, Linda; McDonagh, Lin; Messenger, Julie and Rounce, Jill
2013To Top
Draper, Janet; Beretta, Ruth; Kenward, Linda; McDonagh, Lin; Messenger, Julie and Rounce, Jill
2011To Top
Kenward, L. and Kenward, L.
Thompson, Janet and Kenward, Linda
2010To Top
Messenger, Julie; Waights, Verina; McDonagh, Lin; Kenward, Linda; Bottoms, Rosemary; Draper, Janet; Counihan, Sheila and Holland, Lesley
2009To Top
Kenward, Linda and Stiles, Maggie
2006To Top
Lloyd-Jones, Netta; Walkey, Kate; Agnew, Sue; Kenward, Linda and Campbell, John (2006). Implementing NMC standards for learning, and assessing in practice(2006): a demonstration of effective partnership between a higher education institution and NHS Trust placement partners. NMC, The Nursing and Midwifery Council Website.