Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Leo Havemann

65 items in this list.
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2024To Top

2023To Top

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo; Rodés, Virginia and Podetti, Manuel (2023). Critical data literacy in praxis: An open education approach for academic development. Edutec. Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa(85) pp. 49–67.

Cronin, Catherine; Havemann, Leo; Karunanayaka, Shironica P. and McAvinia, Claire (2023). Open Educational Practices. In: Bali, Maha; Bozkurt, Aras; Dickson-Deane, Camille; Kimmons, Royce; Stefaniak, Jill E. and Warr, Melissa eds. EdTechnica: The Open Encyclopedia of Educational Technology. EdTechBooks, pp. 147–153.

Bozkurt, Aras; Gjelsvik, Torunn; Adam, Taskeen; Asino, Tutaleni I.; Atenas, Javiera; Bali, Maha; Blomgren, Constance; Bond, Melissa; Bonk, Curtis J.; Brown, Mark; Burgos, Daniel; Conrad, Dianne; Costello, Eamon; Cronin, Catherine; Czerniewicz, Laura; Deepwell, Maren; Deimann, Markus; DeWaard, Helen J.; Dousay, Tonia A.; Ebner, Martin; Farrow, Robert; Gil-Jaurena, Inés; Havemann, Leo; Inamorato, Andreia; Irvine, Valerie; Karunanayaka, Shironica P.; Kerres, Michael; Lambert, Sarah; Lee, Kyungmee; Makoe, Mpine; Marín, Victoria I.; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Mishra, Sanjaya; Naidu, Som; Nascimbeni, Fabio; Nichols, Mark; Olcott, Don; Ossiannilsson, Ebba; Otto, Daniel; Padilla Rodriguez, Brenda Cecilia; Paskevicius, Michael; Roberts, Verena; Saleem, Tooba; Schuwer, Robert; Sharma, Ramesh C.; Stewart, Bonnie; Stracke, Christian M.; Tait, Alan; Tlili, Ahmed; Ubachs, George; Weidlich, Joshua; Weller, Martin; Xiao, Junhong and Zawacki-Richter, Olaf (2023). Openness in Education as a Praxis: From Individual Testimonials to Collective Voices. Open Praxis, 15(2) pp. 76–112.

Brew, Mavis; Taylor, Stephen; Lam, Rachel; Havemann, Leo and Nerantzi, Chrissi (2023). Towards Developing AI Literacy: Three Student Provocations on AI in Higher Education. Asian Journal of Distance Education, 18(2) pp. 1–11.

Havemann, Leo; Katan, Simon; Anstead, Edward; Gillies, Marco; Stroud, Joanna and Sherman, Sarah (2023). Digitally supported assessment. In: Amrane-Cooper, Linda; Baume, David; Brown, Stephen; Hatzipanagos, Stylianos; Powell, Philip; Sherman, Sarah and Tait, Alan eds. Online and Distance Education for a Connected World. London: UCL Press, pp. 195–210.

Patel, Daksha; Parsley, Sally; Cannell, Pete and Havemann, Leo (2023). Practising open education. In: Amrane-Cooper, Linda; Baume, David; Brown, Stephen; Hatzipanagos, Stylianos; Powell, Philip; Sherman, Sarah and Tait, Alan eds. Online and Distance Education for a Connected World. London: UCL Press, pp. 293–319.

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo; Kuhn, Caroline and Timmermann, Cristian (2023). Critical Data Literacy in Higher Education: Teaching and Research for Data Ethics and Justice. In: Raffaghelli, Juliana E. and Sangrà, Albert eds. Data Cultures in Higher Education: Emergent Practices and the Challenge Ahead. Higher Education Dynamics (HEDY), 59. Springer, Cham, pp. 293–312.

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo and Timmermann, Cristian (2023). Reframing data ethics in research methods education: a pathway to critical data literacy. International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 20(1), article no. 11.

Roberts, Verena; Havemann, Leo and DeWaard, Helen (2023). Open learning designers on the margins. In: Jaffer, Tasneem; Govender, Shanali and Czerniewicz, Laura eds. Learning Design Voices. Cape Town: University of Cape Town, pp. 49–64.

Havemann, Leo; Corti, Paola; Atenas, Javiera; Nerantzi, Chrissi and Martinez-Arboleda, Antonio (2023). Making the case: opening education through collaboration. Rivista di Digital Politics, 3(2) pp. 305–326.

2022To Top

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo; Cronin, Catherine; Rodés, Virginia; Lesko, Igor; Stacey, Paul; Feliu-Torruella, Maria; Buck, Ellen; Amiel, Tel; Orlic, Davor; Stefanelli, Cristina and Villar, Daniel (2022). Defining and developing 'enabling' Open Education policies in higher education. In UNESCO World Higher Education Conference 2022 UNESCO, Barcelona.

2021To Top

Kuhn, Caroline; Havemann, Leo; Koseoglu, Suzan and Bozkurt, Aras (2021). Three Lenses on Lurking: Making Sense of Digital Silence. In: Hoffman, Jaime and Blessinger, Patrick eds. International Perspectives in Online Instruction. Innovations in Higher Education Teaching and Learning. Bingley: Emerald, pp. 83–93.

Havemann, Leo; Atenas, Javiera and Nascimbeni, Fabio (2021). A tale of two OEPs? Looking at open educational practices from a policy viewpoint. In: OERxDomains21, 19-27 Apr 2021, Online.

Kuhn, Caroline; Havemann, Leo and Atenas, Javiera (2021). Understanding Data: Praxis and Politics [webinar]. In: Bath Spa University, School of Education Research Seminar, 22 Oct 2021, Bath / online, Bath Spa University.

Havemann, Leo and Roberts, Verena (2021). Pivoting Open? Pandemic Pedagogy and the Search for Openness in the Viral Learning Environment. Journal of Interactive Media in Education, 2021(1), article no. 27.

2020To Top

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo; Neumann, Jan and Stefanelli, Cristina (2020). Open Education Policies: Guidelines for co-creation. London: Open Education Policy Lab.

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo and Timmermann, Cristian (2020). Critical literacies for a datafied society: academic development and curriculum design in higher education. Research in Learning Technology, 28, article no. 2468.

Koseoglu, Suzan; Bozkurt, Aras and Havemann, Leo (2020). Critical Questions for Open Educational Practices. Distance Education, 41(2) pp. 153–155.

Tur, Gemma; Marin, Victoria; Havemann, Leo; Nascimbeni, Fabio and Marsh, J. Dawn (2020). Openness in Teachers’ Digital Competence Frameworks: Looking for the Open Educator. In: OER20: The care in openness, 1-2 Apr 2020, Online.

Havemann, Leo (2020). Open in the Evening: Openings and Closures in an Ecology of Practices. In: Conrad, Dianne and Prinsloo, Paul eds. Open(ing) Education: Theory and Practice. Leiden, Netherlands: Brill Sense, pp. 329–344.

Tur, Gemma; Havemann, Leo; Marsh, J. Dawn; Keefer, Jeffrey M. and Nascimbeni, Fabio (2020). Becoming an open educator: towards an open threshold framework. Research in Learning Technology, 28

Raffaghelli, Juliana; Atenas, Javiera and Havemann, Leo (2020). Open Data as driver of critical data literacies in Higher Education. In: OER20: The care in openness, 1-2 Apr 2020, Online.

2019To Top

Havemann, Leo; Neumann, Jan and Atenas, Javiera (2019). Fostering policy making in Open Education: The OER policy registry. In: ALT Online Winter Conference 2019, 11-12 Dec 2019, Online.

Raffaghelli, Juliana Elisa; Atenas, Javiera and Havemann, Leo (2019). Data Activism as scholarly pursuit: nurturing open connections and collaboration against the domination of datafication in higher education. In: OE Global Conference 2019, 26-28 Nov 2019, Milan.

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo; Nascimbeni, Fabio; Villar-Onrubia, Daniel and Orlic, Davor (2019). Fostering Openness in Education: Considerations for Sustainable Policy-Making. Open Praxis, 11(2) pp. 167–183.

Atenas, Javiera and Havemann, Leo (2019). Education. In: Davies, Tim; Walker, Stephen B.; Rubinstein, Mor and Perini, Fernando eds. The State of Open Data. Cape Town: African Minds, pp. 91–102.

Atenas, Javiera and Havemann, Leo (2019). Open Data Sectors and Communities: Education. In: Davies, Tim; Rubinstein, Mor; Walker, Stephen B. and Perini, Fernando eds. The State of Open Data: Histories and Horizons. Cape Town and Ottawa: African Minds and International Development Research Centre, pp. 91–102.

Kuhn, Caroline; Havemann, Leo; Kozeoglu, Suzan; Bozkurt, Aras and Watling, Sue (2019). Recentering open for those at the margins: three lenses on lurking. In: OER19: Recentering Open, 10-11 Apr 2019, Galway, Ireland.

Havemann, Leo; Charles, Elizabeth; Sherman, Sarah; Rodgers, Scott and Barros, Joana (2019). A multitude of modes: considering ‘blended learning’ in context. In: CDE RIDE conference 2019, 15 Mar 2019, London.

Johnson Drew, Liz and Havemann, Leo (2019). They’re Not Going to Give it to You. In: OER19: Recentering Open, 10-11 Apr 2019, National University of Ireland, Galway.

2018To Top

Sherman, Sarah and Havemann, Leo (2018). It's lovely out here: how we (self) published in the open. In UK Copyright Literacy UK Copyright Literacy.

Havemann, Leo (2018). Open to all? We need to be more critical - and more connected. In Brazier, Emma Jane ed. OER18: Open To All Association for Learning Technology, Chesterton.

Havemann, Leo and Atenas, Javiera (2018). Enacting critical civic education through the Open Government Partnership commitments. In: OER18: Open to All, 18-19 Apr 2018, Bristol. (Unpublished)

Havemann, Leo and Marsh, J. Dawn (2018). On the map: towards a multidimensional understanding of Open Educational Practices. In: OER18: Open to All - 9th annual conference for Open Education research, practice and policy, 18-19 Apr 2018, Bristol, UK, Association for Learning Technology.

Havemann, Leo; Charles, Elizabeth; Sherman, Sarah; Rodgers, Scott and Barros, Joana (2018). From under the radar to under review: digital learning in a 'face-to-face university'. In: ALT-C 2018: 25th Annual Conference, 11-13 Sep 2018, Manchester. (Unpublished)

Havemann, Leo and Marsh, J.D. (2018). Putting Open Educational Practices on the map. In: SOTEL Symposium 2018, 15-16 Feb 2018, Auckland, New Zealand. (Unpublished)

Tur, Gemma; Marín, Victoria I.; Havemann, Leo; Keefer, Jeffrey; Marsh, J. Dawn; Nascimbeni, Fabio; Crump, Helen; Baker, Nick and García Vallejo, Mari Cruz (2018). Open Education as a threshold concept in Teacher Education: a theoretical framework for further research. In: OER18: Open to All - 9th annual conference for Open Education research, practice and policy, 18-19 Apr 2018, Bristol, UK, Association for Learning Technology.

2017To Top

Havemann, Leo and Marsh, J. Dawn (2017). An open question: beyond a resource and technology based understanding of Open Educational Practices (OEP). In: LearnFest 2017: Connected Learners, Connected Teachers, 6-17 Nov 2017, Hamilton, New Zealand. (Unpublished)

Sherman, Sarah and Havemann, Leo (2017). Assessment, feedback and technology. In Birkbeck Research Blog Birkbeck Research Blog. Birkbeck, University of London, London, UK.

Havemann, Leo (2017). 'Yes, we are open'?: exploring definitions of openness in education. In: ALT-C 2017: Beyond islands of innovation – how Learning Technology became the new norm(al), 5-7 Sep 2017, Liverpool. (Unpublished)

Havemann, Leo and Atenas, Javiera (2017). OER and use of open data to develop transversal and citizenship skills. In: 2nd World Open Educational Resources Congress: OER for Inclusive and Equitable Quality Education: From Commitment to Action, 18-20 Sep 2017, Ljubljana, Slovenia. (Unpublished)

Atenas, Javiera; Havemann, Leo and Menapace, Andrea (2017). Open Data and media literacies: educating for democracy. In: OER17: The Politics of Open, 5-6 Apr 2017, London. (Unpublished)

Havemann, Leo (2017). Stepping up as opening up: aspects of openness in everyday pedagogic practice. In: OER17: The Politics of Open, 5 & 6 Apr 2017, London. (Unpublished)

Havemann, Leo and Sherman, Sarah (2017). Introduction. In: Havemann, Leo and Sherman, Sarah eds. Assessment, Feedback and Technology: Contexts and Case Studies in Bloomsbury. London, UK: Bloomsbury Learning Environment, pp. 1–3.

Havemann, Leo and Sherman, Sarah (2017). Contextualising the electronic management of assessment lifecycle in Bloomsbury. In: Havemann, Leo and Sherman, Sarah eds. Assessment, Feedback and Technology: Contexts and Case Studies in Bloomsbury. London, UK: Bloomsbury Learning Environment, pp. 5–13.

Havemann, Leo and Sherman, Sarah (2017). Electronic management of assessment — administrative perspectives. In: Havemann, Leo and Sherman, Sarah eds. Assessment, Feedback and Technology: Contexts and Case Studies in Bloomsbury. London: Bloomsbury Learning Environment, pp. 15–22.

Havemann, Leo (2017). Formative assessment for postgraduate academic skills development in arts. In: Havemann, Leo and Sherman, Sarah eds. Assessment, Feedback and Technology: Contexts and Case Studies in Bloomsbury. London, UK: Bloomsbury Learning Environment, pp. 49–51.

2016To Top

Havemann, Leo (2016). Open Educational Resources. In: Peters, Michael A. ed. Encyclopedia of Educational Philosophy and Theory: Living Edition. Singapore: Springer Singapore.

Havemann, Leo and Atenas, Javiera (2016). Skills Not Silos: Open Data as OER. In: OER16: Open Culture, 19-20 Apr 2016, Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

Rolfe, Viv; Thomson, Simon; Lockley, Pat; Havemann, Leo; Campbell, Lorna and Kernohan, David (2016). Web today, gone tomorrow: how can we ensure continuing access to OERs? In: OER16: Open Culture, 19-20 Apr 2016, Edinburgh. (Unpublished)

2015To Top

Atenas, Javiera and Havemann, Leo (2015). Open data as open educational resources: case studies of emerging practice. In Open Education Working Group Open Knowledge.

Atenas, Javiera and Havemann, Leo eds. (2015). Open data as open educational resources: case studies of emerging practice. London, UK: Open Knowledge - Open Education Working Group.

Atenas, Javiera and Havemann, Leo (2015). From open data to OER: an unexpected journey? In: Atenas, Javiera and Havemann, Leo eds. Open Data as Open Educational Resources: Case studies of emerging practice. London, UK: Open Knowledge - Open Education Working Group, pp. 22–25.

2014To Top

2013To Top

Atenas, Javiera and Havemann, Leo (2013). Quality assurance in the open: an evaluation of OER repositories. INNOQUAL: The International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning, 1(2) pp. 22–34.


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