Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Lyndon Edwards

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2013To Top

2011To Top

2010To Top

Steuwer, A.; Rahman, M; Shterenlikht, A.; Fitzpatrick, M. E.; Edwards, L. and Withers, P.J. (2010). The evolution of crack-tip stresses during a fatigue overload event. Acta Materialia, 58(11) pp. 4039–4052.

2009To Top

Turski, M.; Smith, M. C.; Bouchard, P. J.; Edwards, L. and Withers, P. J. (2009). Spatially resolved materials property data from a uniaxial cross-weld tensile test. Journal of Pressure Vessel Technology, 131(6) pp. 1–7.

Liljedahl, C. D. M.; Brouard, J.; Zanellato, O.; Lin, J.; Tan, M. L.; Ganguly, S.; Irving, P. E.; Fitzpatrick, M. E.; Zhang, X. and Edwards, L. (2009). Weld residual stress effects on fatigue crack growth behaviour of aluminium alloy 2024-T351. International Journal of Fatigue, 31(6) pp. 1081–1088.

Turski, M. and Edwards, L. (2009). Residual stress measurement of a 316l stainless steel bead-on-plate specimen utilising the contour method. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 86(1) pp. 126–131.

2008To Top

Ganguly, S.; Stelmukh, V.; Fitzpatrick, M. E. and Edwards, L. (2008). Analysis of residual stress in metal-inert-gas-welded Al-2024 using neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Materials Science and Engineering A, 491(1-2) pp. 248–257.

Withers, P. J.; Turski, M.; Edwards, L.; Bouchard, P. J. and Buttle, D. J. (2008). Recent advances in residual stress measurement. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 85(3) pp. 118–127.

Rahman, M.; Fitzpatrick, M.E.; Edwards, L.; Pratihar, S.; Peel, M.E.; Steuwer, A. and Buslaps, T. (2008). Investigation of the stress fields around a fatigue crack in aluminium alloy 5091. Materials Science Forum, 571-572 pp. 119–124.

Ganguly, S.; Turski, M.; Fitzpatrick, M. E.; Edwards, L.; Smith, M. C. and Bouchard, P. J. (2008). Full field measurement of plastic flow properties in a multi-pass austenitic stainless steel weld specimen. In: O'Dowd, N. P. ed. Proceedings of the ASME Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP2008), Volume Vol 6,. ASME, pp. 403–414.

Ahmed, R.; Yu, H. Q.; Stoica, V.; Edwards, L. and Santisteban, J. R. (2008). Neutron diffraction residual strain measurements in post-treated thermal spray cermet coatings. Materials Science and Engineering A, 498(1-2) pp. 191–202.

2007To Top

Mulyadi, M.; Rist, M.; Edwards, L.; Brooks, J. W. and Wilson, A. F. (2007). A hot deformation model for two-phase titanium alloys based on an internal state-variable approach. In: Niinomi, M.; Akiyama, S.; Ikeda, M.; Hagiwara, M. and Maruyama, K. eds. Ti-2007 Science and Technology, Volume 1. Sendai, Japan: The Japan Institute of Metals, pp. 315–318.

James, Jonathan A. and Edwards, Lyndon (2007). Application of robot kinematics methods to the simulation and control of neutron beam line positioning systems. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 571(3) pp. 709–718.

Kartal, M.; Molak, R.; Turski, M.; Gungor, S.; Fitzpatrick, M. E. and Edwards, L. (2007). Determination of weld metal mechanical properties utilising novel tensile testing methods. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 7-8 pp. 127–132.

Ahmed, R.; Yu, H.; Stewart, S.; Edwards, L. and Santisteban, J. R. (2007). Residual strain measurements in thermal spray cermet coatings via neutron diffraction. Journal of Tribology, 129(2) pp. 411–418.

Molak, R. M.; Kartal, M.; Pakiela, Z.; Manaj, W.; Turski, M.; Hiller, S.; Gungor, S.; Edwards, L. and Kurzydłowski, K. J. (2007). Use of micro tensile test samples in determining the remnant life of pressure vessel steels. Applied Mechanics and Materials, 7-8 pp. 187–194.

2006To Top

Santisteban, J.R.; Daymond, M.R.; James, J.A. and Edwards, L. (2006). ENGIN-X: A third-generation neutron strain scanner. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 39(6) pp. 812–825.

Santisteban, J. R.; Oliver, E. C.; Daymond, M. R.; Alianelli, L. and Edwards, L. (2006). Tensile deformation of a Cu mosaic crystal along the [110] direction studied by time of flight neutron transmission. Materials Science and Engineering A, 437(1) pp. 151–156.

Mulyadi, M.; Rist, M.A.; Edwards, L. and Brooks, J.W. (2006). Parameter optimisation in constitutive equations for hot forging. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 177(1-3) pp. 311–314.

Turski, M.; Edwards, L.; James, J.; Bouchard, P. J.; Smith, M. C. and Withers, P. J. (2006). Residual stress measurement within a single pass groove weld specimen utilising neutron diffraction and the contour method. In: ASME 2006 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP2006), 23-27 Jul 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York.

Bouchard, P. J.; Edwards, L.; Youtsos, A. G. and Dennis, R. J. (2006). Development of a residual stress simulation benchmark for a single bead-on-plate benchmark. In: ASME 2006 Pressure Vessels and Piping Conference (PVP2006), 23-27 Jul 2006, Vancouver, BC, Canada, American Society of Mechanical Engineers, New York.

Steuwer, A.; Edwards, L.; Pratihar, S.; Ganguly, S.; Peel, M.; Fitzpatrick, M. E.; Marrow, T. J.; Withers, P. J.; Sinclair, I.; Singh, K. D.; Gao, N.; Buslaps, T. and Buffière, J.-Y. (2006). In situ analysis of cracks in structural materials using synchrotron X-ray tomography and diffraction. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms, 246(1) pp. 217–225.

Ferrie, Emilie; Buffiere, Jean-Yves; Ludwig, Wolfgang; Gravouil, Anthony and Edwards, Lyndon (2006). Fatigue crack propagation: in situ visualization using X-ray microtomography and 3D simulation using the extended finite element method. Acta Materialia, 54(4) pp. 1111–1122.

Santisteban, J. R.; Fernandez, L.; Corsco, H.; Martinez, R. L.; Boccanera, L.; Edwards, L.; James, J. A. and Turski, M. (2006). Post-weld heat treatment stress relaxation in Zircaloy 4 plasma welds. Materials Science Forum, 524-525 pp. 491–496.

2005To Top

Edwards, L.; Bouchard, P.J.; Dutta, M.; Wang, D.Q.; Santisteban, J.R.; Hiller, S. and Fitzpatrick, M.E. (2005). Direct measurement of the residual stresses near a 'boat-shaped' repair in a 20 mm thick stainless steel tube butt weld. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 82(4) pp. 288–298.

Bouchard, P. J.; George, D.; Santisteban, J. R.; Bruno, G.; Dutta, M.; Edwards, L.; Kingston, E. and Smith, D. J. (2005). Measurement of the residual stresses in a stainless steel pipe girth weld containing long and short repairs. International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping, 82(4) pp. 299–310.

Rist, Martin; Mulyadi, M.; Edwards, Lyndon and Brooks, J.W. (2005). Optimisation and confidence region estimation of constitutive parameters in equations for hot metal deformation. In: Banabic, D. ed. Proceedings of the 8th Esaform Conference on Material Forming, Volume 1. Bucuresti, Romania: The Publishing House of the Romanian Academy, pp. 61–64.

Polido Gomes, J.; Kowal, J. and Edwards, L. (2005). An electrostatic actuated micro-structure for high-cycle fatigue testing. In: Proceedings of the 2005 SEM Annual Conference and Exposition on Experimental and Applied Mechanics, 7-9 Jun 2005, Portland, Oregon, USA.

Steuwer, A.; Withers, P. J.; Santisteban, J. R. and Edwards, L. (2005). Using pulsed neutron transmission for crystalline phase imaging and analysis. Journal of Applied Physics, 97(7), article no. 074903.

2004To Top

Stefanescu, D.; Steuwer, A.; Owen, R. A.; Nadri, B.; Edwards, L.; Fitzpatrick, M. E. and Withers, P. J. (2004). Elastic strains around cracked cold-expanded fastener holes measured using the synchrotron X-ray diffraction technique. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 39(5) pp. 459–469.

Ganguly, Supriyo; Fitzpatrick, MIchael E. and Edwards, Lyndon (2004). Comparative neutron and synchrotron X-ray diffraction studies to determine residual stress on an as-welded AA2024 plate. In: Residual Stresses VII, ICRS7 . Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Residual Stresses, ICRS-7, X’ian, China, 14-17 June 2004 (Denis, S.; Hanabusa, T.; He, B.P.; Mittemeijer, E.; Nan, J.; Noyan, I.C.; Scholtes, B.; Tanaka, K. and Xu, K.W. eds.), pp. 223–228.

Balart, M.J.; Bouzina, A.; Edwards, L. and Fitzpatrick, M.E. (2004). The onset of tensile residual stresses in grinding of hardened steels. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 367(1-2) pp. 132–142.

Zhang, Ying; Pratihar, S.; Fitzpatrick, Michael E. and Edwards, Lyndon (2004). Residual stress mapping in welds using the contour method. In: Materials Science Forum (Denis, S.; Hanabusa, T.; He, B. P.; Mittemeijer, E.; Nan, J.; Noyan, I. C.; Scholtes, B.; Tanaka, K. and Xu, K. W. eds.), 490-491 pp. 294–299.

Steuwer, A.; Santisteban, J. R.; Withers, P. J. and Edwards, L. (2004). Pattern decomposition and quantitative-phase analysis in pulsed neutron transmission. Physica B: Condensed Matter, 350(1-3) pp. 159–161.

Özdemir, A. Tamer and Edwards, Lyndon (2004). Through-thickness residual stress distribution after the cold expansion of fastener holes and its effect on fracturing. Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology, 126(1) pp. 129–136.

2003To Top

Steuwer, A.; Santisteban, J. R.; Withers, P. J.; Edwards, L. and Fitzpatrick, M. E. (2003). In situ determination of stresses from time-of-flight neutron transmission spectra. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 36(5) pp. 1159–1168.

Stefanescu, D.; Dutta, M; Wang, D. Q.; Edwards, L. and Fitzpatrick, M. E. (2003). The effect of high compressive loading on residual stresses and fatigue crack growth at cold expanded holes. Journal of Strain Analysis for Engineering Design, 38(5) pp. 419–427.

Stefanescu, D.; Edwards, L. and Fitzpatrick, M.E. (2003). Stress intensity factor correction for asymmetric through-thickness fatigue cracks at holes. International Journal of Fatigue, 25(7) pp. 569–576.

2002To Top

Santisteban, J.R.; Edwards, L.; Fitzpatrick, M.E.; Steuwer, A. and Withers, P.J. (2002). Engineering applications of Bragg-edge neutron transmission. Applied Physics A: Materials Science & Processing, 74(1) s1433-s1436.

Santisteban, J. R.; Steuwer, A.; Edwards, L.; Withers, P. J. and Fitzpatrick, M. E. (2002). Mapping of unstressed lattice parameters using pulsed neutron transmission diffraction. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 35(4) pp. 497–504.

Santisteban, J. R.; Edwards, L.; Fitzpatrick, M. E.; Steuwer, A.; Withers, P. J.; Daymond, M. R.; Johnson, M. W.; Rhodes, N. and Schooneveld, E. M. (2002). Strain imaging by Bragg edge neutron transmission. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 481(1-3) pp. 765–768.

2001To Top

Santisteban, J.R.; Edwards, L.; Steuwer, A. and Withers, P. J. (2001). Time-of-flight neutron transmission diffraction. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 34(3) pp. 289–297.

1998To Top

Fitzpatrick, M. E. and Edwards, L. (1998). Fatigue Crack/Residual Stress Field Interactions and Their Implications for Damage-Tolerant Design. Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 7(2) pp. 190–198.

1997To Top

1996To Top

Ahmad, H. Y.; Fitzpatrick, M. E.; Wallhead, I. R. and Edwards, L. (1996). Measurements of stress intensity factors of an interface crack under mixed mode loading. Journal of Adhesion, 56(1-4) pp. 187–204.


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