Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Leslie Budd

93 items in this list.
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Budd, Leslie and Paladini, Stefania (2023). Space exploration as a propulsive industry in levelling up. Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, 18(3-4) pp. 357–380.

Brownlow, Graham and Budd, Leslie (2019). Sense making of Brexit for economic citizenship in Northern Ireland. Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, 14(2) pp. 294–311.

Bailey, David and Budd, Leslie (2019). Brexit and beyond: a Pandora’s Box? Contemporary Social Science, 14(2) pp. 157–173.

Budd, Leslie (2019). Has devolution delivered an economic dividend? In: Paun, Akash and Macrory, Sam eds. Has Devlution Worked? The first 20 years. London: Institute for Government, pp. 95–108.

Budd, Leslie (2019). Irish cows don't respect borders. In: Mair, John; McCabe, Steven; Budd, Leslie and Fowler, Neil eds. Brexit and Northern Ireland: Bordering on Confusion? Newcastle: Bite-Sized Books, pp. 159–164.

Budd, Leslie (2017). The Political Economy of Brexit? In: Bailey, David and Budd, Leslie eds. The Political Economy of Brexit. Newcastle: Agenda Publishing, pp. 1–16.

Budd, Leslie (2017). Will Brexit stall or break the progress of the Economy of Northern Ireland? In: Bailey, David and Budd, Leslie eds. The Political Economy of Brexit. Newcastle: Agenda Publishing, pp. 111–128.

Budd, Leslie (2016). Economic Challenges and Opportunities of Devolved Corporate Taxation in Northern Ireland. In: Bailey, David and Budd, Leslie eds. Devolution and the UK Economy. London: Rowan & Littleford, pp. 95–114.

Budd, Leslie (2013). EUROPE 2020: a strategy in search of a regional policy rationale? Policy Studies, 34(3) pp. 274–290.

Budd, Leslie (2012). The potential role of Regional Development Agencies in achieving the priorities of Europe 2020 in the context of the Financial Crisis. In: Bellini, Nicola; Danson, Mike and Halkier, Henrik eds. Regional Development Agencies: The Next Generation? Regions and Cities. Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 70–86.

Budd, Leslie (2012). Re-regulating the financial system: the return of the state or societal corporatism? Contemporary Social Science: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, 7(1) pp. 1–19.

Budd, Les and Horrocks, Ivan (2011). Multi-channel governance and electronic democracy. In: Regional Studies Association Winter Conference 2011: Contested Regions: Territorial Politics and Policy, 25 Nov 2011, London, UK.

Budd, Leslie (2009). A cohesion pact for the regions: a role for industrial policy. In: Bailey, David and De Propris, Lisa eds. Industrial and Regional Policies in an Enlarging EU. London: Routledge.

Budd, Leslie and Harris, Lisa (2008). Managing governance or governance management: is it all in a digital day's work? In: Budd, Leslie and Harris, Lisa eds. eGovernance: Managing or Governing. UK: Routledge, pp. 1–25.

Budd, Leslie (2008). The limits of post-Lisbon governance in the European Union. In: Budd, Leslie and Harris, Lisa eds. eGovernance: Managing or Governing? Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 71–97.

Budd, Leslie and Parr, John (2008). Neglected aspects of the East Asian financial crisis. Twenty-First Century Society: Journal of the Academy of Social Sciences, 3(1) pp. 31–48.

Budd, Leslie (2008). This limits of post-Lisbon Governance in the European Union. In: Regional Studies Association Annal International Conference, Regions: The Dilemmas of Integration and Competition, 27-29 May 2008, University of Economics, Prague, Czech Republic.

Budd, Leslie (2008). Unequal voice of BME network in regional economic development. In: Regional Studies Association Winter Conference: Working Regions, 28 Nov 2008, London, UK.

Budd, Leslie (2007). Between the earth and the sky? The discourses of architects and engineers in 1970s'. In: Tall Buildings in the London Landscape: A historical and Contemporary Sympsosium (Institute of Historical Research), 12 Oct 2007, University of London.

Budd, Leslie (2007). Competitiveness, clusters and commodities: a global or regional brew? In: Advanced Institute of Management/Regional Studies Seminar Competitiveness and Global Clusters, 18 Jan 2007, University of Birmingham.

Budd, Leslie (2007). Perverse outcomes of new transport infrastructure in cities and regions. In: Regional Studies Association Winter Conference - Transport, Mobility and Regional Development, 23 Nov 2007, London, UK.

Budd, Leslie (2007). The canard of a globalising service economy? Regional aspects of the commodity boom. In: Regional Studies Association International Conference - Regions in Focus, 2-5 Apr 2007, University of Lisbon, Portugal.

Budd, Leslie (2006). London: from city-state to city region? In: Hardill, Irene; Benneworth, Paul; Baker, Mark and Budd, Leslie eds. The Rise of the English Regions? Regions and Cities. Routledge.

Budd, Leslie (2006). A cohesion pact for the regions? In: Regional Studies Association International Conference - Shaping EU regional policy: economic, social and political pressures, 8-9 Jun 2006, University of Leuven, Belgium.

Budd, Leslie (2006). Between informal organisation and space of emotion? Theorising the region. In: Whither Regional Studies? Association of American Geographers Conference, 7-11 Mar 2006, Chicago.

Budd, Leslie (2006). Neglected aspects of the East Asian financial crisis. In: Regional Studies Annual Conference, Global City-Regions?, 24 Nov 2006, London, UK.

Budd, Leslie (2005). Emotional labour and the regional question. International Journal of Work, Organisation and Emotion, 1(2) pp. 105–119.

Budd, Leslie (2005). Managing the distribution of growth trajectories: China's uneven regional boom. In: Regional Studies International Congress Regional Futures, 28-31 May 2005, Aalborg, Denmark.

Budd, Leslie and Hirmis, Amer K. (2004). Conceptual framework for regional competitiveness. Regional Studies, 38(9) pp. 1015–1028.

Budd, Leslie and Harris, L (2004). The Economy of virtuality and reality: an introduction. In: Budd, Leslie and Harris, L. eds. The e-Economy: rhetoric or reality? London, UK: Routledge.

Budd, Leslie and Harris, Lisa (2004). e-Economy: rhetoric or business reality? Routledge eBusiness. UK: Routledge.

Budd, Leslie (2004). Where do we go from here? embedding the rhetoric of the e-economy in the reality of business. In: Budd, Leslie and Harris, L. eds. The e-Economy: rhetoric or reality? Routledge eBusiness. London, UK: Routledge.

Budd, Leslie (2004). Death of the 'New'? Re-materialising the economy. In: Budd, Leslie and Harris, Lisa eds. e-Economy: rhetoric or business reality? Routledge eBusiness. Routledge, pp. 1–27.

Budd, Leslie (2004). A cohesion plan for Europe's regions'. In: EU Regional Policy, Peripherality and Rurality, Regional Studies Association, EU Regional Policy Conference, 15-16 Apr 2004, University of Angers, France.

Budd, Leslie Charles and Clear, F. (2003). The Business environment for eCommerce. In: Jackson, P.; Harris, L. and Eckersley, P. eds. eBusiness Fundamentals. London: Routledge, pp. 13–42.

Budd, Leslie and Hirmis, Amer (2003). The feasibility of benchmarking indicators of regional competitiveness. In: Reinventing the Region in the Global Economy Regional Studies Association International Congress, University of Pisa, 12-15 April, 12-15 Apr 2003, University of Pisa.

Budd, Leslie (2003). The conceptualising the benchmarking of regional competitiveness. In: Rethinking the Regions and Regional Competitiveness, Cambridge-MIT Institute International Conference,, 16 Jun 2003, University of Cambridge, UK.

Budd, Leslie (2003). The prospect of hypothecating devolved finance. In: Economic Governance Post-Devolution: Differentiation or Convergence? Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, 21 Nov 2003, London.

Budd, Leslie and Tyrrall, David (2003). The regulation of international transfer pricing: a theological approach. In: European Association of Accounting Conference (EAA), 2-4 Apr 2003, Seville, Spain.

Budd, Leslie (2002). An evaluation or a framework for evaluation? The conundrum of creating a system for appraising the regional impact of EMU. In: Evaluation and EU policy: new question and new challenges, Regional Studies Association, 31 May - 1 Jun 2002, Université d'Aix - Marseilles, Aix-en-Provence, France.

Budd, Leslie (2002). The prospect for entrepreneurial regions through social enterprise. In: Building Entreprenurial Capacity in the Regions, Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, 22 Nov 2002, London, UK.

Budd, Leslie (2002). The regulation of international transfer pricing: a theological critique. In: British Academy of Management Annual Conference, 9-11 Sep 2002, London.

Budd, Leslie (2001). Regional convergence in the EU: the Commission's view. In Regions Newsletter of the Regional Studies Association.

Budd, Leslie and Harris, Martin (2001). Not the leading edge (Book review). City, 5(1) pp. 113–118.

Budd, Leslie (2001). The possible role of financial markets and instruments as mechanisms of regional distribution in central and eastern European countries. In: Regional Studies Association International Conference: Regional Transitions - European Regions and the Challenges of Development, Integration and Enlargement, 15-18 Sep 2001, Gdansk, Poland.

Budd, Leslie and Woods, Adrian (2001). Modelling the impact of training using a characteristics approach: implications for UK learning and training infrastructure. In: Regionalising the Knowledge Economy, Regional Studies Association Annual Conference, 21 Nov 2001, London.

Budd, Leslie (2000). Peripherality and economic development. In: Parker, Noel and Armstrong, Bill eds. Margins in European Integration. Basingstoke, UK: Macmillan.

Budd, Leslie (2000). Cohesive Divergence? The regional implications of the economic governance of the Euro-Area. In: EU Regional Policy: Progress, Problems and Prospects, Regional Studies Association International Conference, 14-15 Sep 2000, Aix-en-Provence, France.

Budd, L.; Barry, J.; McGreal, S. and Scales, P. (2000). A study of financial markets and real estate performance in Pacific Asia economies. In: 7th European Real Estate Society Conference, Jun 2000, Bordeaux, France.

Budd, Leslie (2000). The East Asian crisis from a regional perspective: the contribution of central place theory. In: European Congress of Regional Studies Association, Sep 2000, University of Bilbao, Bilbao, Spain.

Budd, Leslie (1999). Globalisation and the crisis of territorial embeddedness in international markets. In: Martin, Ron ed. Money and the Space Economy. Chichester: John Wiley, pp. 49–70.

Budd, Leslie (1998). Global cities and finance: a troubled relationship. In: Gravesteijn, S. G. E.; Van Griensven, S. and De Smidt, M. C. eds. Timing global cities. Netherlands geographical studies (241). Utrecht: Koninklijk Nederlands Aardrijkskundig Genootschap, pp. 67–83.

Budd, Leslie (1998). The architecture of finance and space. In: International Sociological Association, World Congress of Sociology, 26 Jul - 1 Aug 1998, Montreal, Canada.

Budd, Leslie (1997). The rentier city in the millennium? City, 2(8) pp. 166–171.

Budd, Leslie (1997). Regional government and performance in France. Regional Studies, 31(2) pp. 187–192.

Budd, Leslie (1997). Creating a new geography of financial production to extend the frontiers of regional development in Central and Eastern Europe. In: European Congress of Regional Studies Association, Sep 1997, University of Frankfurt-an-der-Oder.

Budd, Leslie (1997). The future may be urban but will Asia's cities become global? In: International Sociological Association, Urban and Regional Research Committee Conference, Jul 1997, Humboldt University, Berlin.

Budd, Leslie (1996). Extended peripheries and shifting cores in Europe's regional globalism. In: European Urban and Regional Studies Conference, Apr 1996, University of Exeter, UK.

Budd, Leslie (1994). European regional distributional coalitions in a global-local environment. Current Politics and Economics of Europe, 4(2)

Budd, Leslie and Whimster, Sam (1992). An urban narrative and the imperatives of the city. In: Budd, Leslie and Whimster, Sam eds. Global Finance and Urban Living. International Library of Sociology. UK: Routledge, pp. 260–281.

ETo Top

Edwards, Michael and Budd, Leslie (1997). Confirming conforming conventions: the four world cities study. City, 2(7) pp. 171–181.

GTo Top

Gottdiener, Mark; Budd, Leslie and Lehtovuori, Panu (2016). Key Concepts in Urban Studies (2nd edition). Key Concepts. London: Sage Publications.

Gottdiener, Mark and Budd, Leslie (2005). Key concepts in urban studies. Key Concepts Series. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

HTo Top

Hardill, Irene; Benneworth, Paul; Baker, Mark and Budd, Leslie (2006). The rise of the English regions: an introduction. In: Hardill, Irene; Benneworth, Paul; Baker, Mark and Budd, Leslie eds. The rise of the English regions? Regions and Cities. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 3–21.

MTo Top

McGreal, S.; Berry, J.; Budd, Leslie and Scales, P. (2001). Relationships between the financial and property markets in the Asia-Pacific area. Pacific Rim Property Research Journal, 7(2) pp. 113–125.

PTo Top

Parr, John B. and Budd, Leslie (2000). Financial services and the urban system: an exploration. Urban Studies, 37(3) pp. 593–610.

STo Top

Sancino, Alessandro; Budd, Leslie and Pagani, Michela (2021). Place leadership, policy making and politics. In: Sotarautu, Markku and Beer, Andrew eds. Handbook on City and Regional Leadership. Research Books in Urban Studie. London: Edawrd Elgar, pp. 57–70.

Sancino, Alessandro and Budd, Leslie (2018). City Leadership and Social Regeneration: The Potential of Community Leadership and the New Roles for Public Managers and Politicians. In: Sacchetti, Silvia; Christoforou, Asimina and Mosca, Michele eds. Social Regeneration and Local Development: Cooperation, Social Economy and Public Participation. New York/Oxon: Routledge, pp. 175–185.

WTo Top

Whimster, Sam and Budd, Leslie (1992). Introduction. In: Budd, Leslie and Whimster, Sam eds. Global Finance and Urban Living,. International library of sociology. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 1–28.


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