Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Liz Chamberlain
2024To Top
Chamberlain, Liz
2023To Top
Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen; Chamberlain, Liz and Hulston, Samantha (2023). Approaches to Reading and Writing for Pleasure: An Executive Summary of the Research. The Mercers' Company, London.
Cremin, Teresa; Hendry, Helen and Chamberlain, Liz (2023). Reading and Writing for Pleasure: A Framework for Practice. The Mercers' Company, London.
Chamberlain, Liz; Flynn, Naomi; Hafeez, Imran; Twitchen, Alex and Sells, Jim
Chamberlain, Liz and Drane, Rob
Cremin, Teresa; Chamberlain, Liz; Rowe, Deborah and Gardner, Paul
Chamberlain, Liz; Buckler, Alison; Worwood, Kelly; Chigodora, Obert; Chishava, Charlotte and Hedges, Claire
Stutchbury, Kris; Ebubedike, Margaret; Chamberlain, Liz and Amos, Sandra
2022To Top
Chamberlain, Liz; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Woodward, Clare
Chamberlain, Liz and Dean, Caroline (2022). Breaking the textbook gender bias: Inspiring girls and young women through providing role models they can identify with. The Education and Development Forum - UKFIET, London, UK.
Buckler, Alison; Chamberlain, Liz; Mkwananzi, Faith; Chigodora, Obert and Dean, Caroline
Chamberlain, Liz; Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy and Woodward, Clare
2021To Top
Chamberlain, Liz and Drane, Rob (2021). How schools are getting writing wrong. In Times Educational Supplement Times Educational Supplement.
Chamberlain, Liz; Karlsen, May Lene; Sinitsky, Gail; Bennett, Stephanie; Plowright-Pepper, Linda and Vackova, Petra (2021). Coronavirus and my life: What children say. Children's Research Centre, Milton Keynes.
Sheehy, Kieron; Kasule, George Wilson and Chamberlain, Liz
Ebubedike, Margaret and Chamberlain, Liz (2021). Rapid Research Response: collective sensemaking around experiences and challenges of harnessing education research opportunities during a global pandemic. Research Conversations, Open University Education Blog.
Chamberlain, Liz; Buckler, Alison and Mkwananzi, Faith
2020To Top
Chamberlain, Liz; Lacina, Jan; Bintz, William P.; Jimerson, JoBeth; Payne, Kim and Zingale, Remy
Chamberlain, Liz (2020). Opportunities missed: Then the rains came down and washed the writing away. British Educational Research Association.
Chamberlain, Liz (2020). Remedying the impact of school closures: be kind, thank a teacher. OpenLearn, Milton Keynes, UK.
Stutchbury, Kris; Chamberlain, Liz and Rodriguez-Leon, Lucy (2020). Supporting the teaching of early reading: An evaluation of the TESSA: Teaching Early Reading with African Storybook Badged Online Course (BOC). The Open University, Milton Keynes.
Chamberlain, Liz (2020). Findings from research: Capturing children and young people's views on rights. In @InnovateJournal Journal of Innovate Teaching School Partnership, Milton Keynes.
Buckler, Alison; Chamberlain, Liz; Stutchbury, Kris and Hedges, Claire (2020). Minimising the ‘distance’ in distance learning during a global health crisis: Framing an international education response to Covid-19. UKFIET The Education and Development Forum.
2019To Top
Chamberlain, Liz; Afroze, Jiniya; Cooper, Victoria and Collins, Trevor (2019). Representing children's rights from discussion through to illustration and interpretation. The Open University Children’s Research Centre and Amnesty UK International, Milton Keynes.
Buckler, Alison; Mkwananzi, Faith; Chamberlain, Liz and Dean, Caroline
Chamberlain, Liz and Safford, Kimberly
Chamberlain, Liz and Cooper, Victoria
Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz (2019). Inspiring Writing in Primary School. Exeter: Learning Matters.
Stutchbury, Kris; Chamberlain, Liz and Amos, Sandra
2018To Top
Baldwin, Lisa and Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz
Safford, Kimberly and Chamberlain, Liz eds. (2018). Learning and Teaching Around the World: Comparative and International Studies in Primary Education. Oxford: Routledge and the Open University.
Chamberlain, Liz and McDonald, Roger
2017To Top
Chamberlain, Liz and Harrett, Jacqueline
Chamberlain, Liz (2017). Inspiring Writing in Primary Schools. Sydney, Australia: Primary English Teaching Association Australia.
2016To Top
Bearne, Eve; Chamberlain, Liz; Cremin, Teresa and Mottram, Marilyn (2016). Teaching Writing Effectively: Reviewing Practice (2nd edition). Ideas in practice. Leicester: UKLA.
Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz (2016). A review of Link Ethiopia's sponsorship programme: learning from small stories. Link Ethiopia.
Kurcikova, Natalia; Audain, Jon and Chamberlain, Liz (2016). Jumpstart! Apps: Creative learning, ideas and activities for ages 7-11. Jumpstart!. London: Routledge.
Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz (2016). Inspiring Writing in Primary Schools. Exeter: Sage Publications.
Chamberlain, Liz
2015To Top
Chamberlain, Elizabeth May
2014To Top
Chamberlain, Liz
Chamberlain, Liz; Flynn, Naomi and Daniel, Alastair
2011To Top
Chamberlain, Liz and Harrett, Jacqueline
Bearne, Eve; Chamberlain, Liz; Cremin, Teresa and Mottram, Marilyn (2011). Teaching Writing Effectively: Reviewing Practice. Leicester: UKLA.
Chamberlain, Liz
2010To Top
Chamberlain, Liz