Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Lee Farrington-Flint

28 items in this list.
Generated on Wed Feb 12 00:16:14 2025 GMT.

2016To Top

Rienties, Bart; Boroowa, Avinash; Cross, Simon; Farrington-Flint, Lee; Herodotou, Christothea; Prescott, Lynda; Mayles, Kevin; Olney, Tom; Toetenel, Lisette and Woodthorpe, John (2016). Reviewing three case-studies of learning analytics interventions at the open university UK. In: Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ACM, New York, pp. 534–535.

2015To Top

Underwood, Jean D. M. and Farrington-Flint, Lee (2015). Learning and the E-Generation. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons.

2014To Top

Critten, Sarah and Farrington-Flint, Lee (2014). The development of spelling and reading strategies and children's sensitivity to word type. In: Conference on Writing Research 2014, 27-29 Aug 2014, Amsterdam.

2013To Top

Coyne, Emily; Stiller, James; Underwood, Jean and Farrington-Flint, Lee (2013). Longitudinal study of scaffolding errors and their impact on children's strategy choice in reading. In: British Psychological Society Joint Cognitive and Developmental Section Annual Conference, 4-6 Sep 2013, University of Reading.

Critten, Sarah; Farrington-Flint, Lee and Jones, Emily (2013). The development of spelling and reading strategies and children’s sensitivity to word type. In: British Psychological Society Joint Cognitive and Developmental Section Annual Conference, 4-6 Sep 2013, University of Reading.

2012To Top

Coyne, Emily; Farrington-Flint, Lee; Underwood, Jean and Stiller, James (2012). Sensitivity to rime unit frequency and children's early word-reading strategies. Journal of Research in Reading, 35(4) pp. 393–410.

2011To Top

2010To Top

Farrington-Flint, Lee; Canobi, Katherine H.; Wood, Clare and Faulkner, Dorothy (2010). Children's patterns of reasoning about reading and addition concepts. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 28(2) pp. 427–448.

Betts, Lucy; Farrington-Flint, Lee; Stiller, James; Larkin, Rebecca and Williams, Gareth (2010). Development during the early years. In: Banyard, Philip; Davies, Mark; Norman, Christine and Winder, Belinda eds. Essential Psychology: A Comprehensive Introduction. London: Sage, pp. 257–274.

Farrington-Flint, Lee; Betts, Lucy; Larkin, Rebecca; Stiller, James; Torrance, Mark and Williams, Gareth (2010). Development during the school years. In: Banyard, Philip; Davies, Mark; Norman, Christine and Winder, Belinda eds. Essential Psychology: A Comprehensive Introduction. London: Sage, pp. 276–295.

Coyne, Emily; Farrington-Flint, Lee; Underwood, Jean and Stiller, James (2010). The influence of rime-unit frequency on children’s lexical word-reading strategies. In: Seventeenth Annual Meeting, Society for the Scientific Study of Reading, 7-10 Jul 2010, Berlin, Germany.

Crook, Charles; Harrison, Colin; Farrington-Flint, Lee; Tomas, Carmen and Underwood, Jean (2010). The Impact of Technology: Value-Added Classroom Practice. BECTA.

Underwood, Jean; Baguley, Thomas; Banyard, Philip; Dillon, Gayle; Farrington-Flint, Lee; Hayes, Mary; Le Geyt, Gabrielle; Murphy, Jamie and Selwood, Ian (2010). Understanding the Impact of Technology: Learner and School Level Factors. BECTA.

2009To Top

Farrington-Flint, Lee; Vanuxem-Cotterill, Sophie and Stiller, James (2009). Patterns of problem-solving in children's literacy and arithmetic. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 27(4) pp. 815–834.

Underwood, Jean; Banyard, Philip; Betts, Lucy; Farrington-Flint, Lee; Stiller, James and Yeomans, Suzanne (2009). Narrowing the gap: Literature review. BECTA.

Underwood, Jean; Baguely, Thomas; Banyard, Philip; Dillon, Gayle; Farrington-Flint, Lee; Hayes, Mary; Hick, Peter; LeGeyt, Gabrielle; Murphy, Jamie; Selwood, Ian and Wright, Madeline (2009). Personalising Learning. BECTA.

2008To Top

Farrington-Flint, Lee; Coyne, Emily; Stiller, James and Heath, Emily (2008). Variability in children's early reading strategies. Educational Psychology, 28(6) pp. 643–661.

Farrington-Flint, Lee; Stash, Amanda and Stiller, James (2008). Monitoring variability and change in children's spelling strategies. Educational Psychology, 28(2) pp. 133–149.

Farrington-Flint, Lee; Underwood, Jean and Banyard, Philip (2008). Children's control of their digital world: developmental shifts in technology performance. In: British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual Conference, 1-3 Sep 2008, Oxford Brookes University.

2007To Top

Semmens, C. and Farrington-Flint, L. (2007). Deficiencies in broader language skills as predictors of reading skills in atypical development. In: British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual Conference, 29-31 Aug 2007, University of Plymouth.

Farrington-Flint, Lee; Canobi, Katherine. H.; Wood, Clare and Faulkner, Dorothy (2007). The role of relational reasoning in children's addition concepts. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 25(2) pp. 227–246.

Farrington-Flint, Lee and Wood, Clare (2007). The role of lexical analogies in beginning reading: insights from children's self-reports. Journal of Educational Psychology, 99(2) pp. 326–338.

Underwood, Jean; Baguley, Thomas; Banyard, Philip; Coyne, Emily; Farrington-Flint, Lee and Selwood, Ian (2007). Impact 2007: Personalising Learning with Technology. BECTA.

Farrington-Flint, Lee and Coyne, Emily (2007). Adaptive strategy choice in children’s early reading and spelling. In: Annual British Psychological Society Developmental Section Conference, 29-31 Aug 2007, University of Plymouth.

2004To Top

Farrington-Flint, Lee; Wood, Clare; Canobi, Katherine H. and Faulkner, Dorothy (2004). Patterns of analogical reasoning among beginning readers. Journal of Research in Reading, 27(3) pp. 226–247.

2001To Top

Wood, Clare and Farrington-Flint, Lee (2001). Orthographic analogy use and phonological priming effects in non-word reading. Cognitive Development, 16(4) pp. 951–963.


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