Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Layla Branicki

18 items in this list.
Generated on Thu Feb 13 05:53:04 2025 GMT.

2022To Top

Zámborský, Peter; Sullivan-Taylor, Bridgette; Tisch, Daniel and Branicki, Layla (2022). Antecedents of risk and uncertainty management capabilities: Insights from multinational enterprises in New Zealand. Journal of Management & Organization, 28(3) pp. 632–658.

Branicki, Layla; Kalfa, Senia and Brammer, Stephen (2022). Surviving Covid‐19: The Role of Human Resource Managers in Shaping Organizational Responses to Societal Paradox. British Journal of Management, 33(1) pp. 410–434.

2021To Top

Branicki, Layla; Sullivan-Taylor, Bridgette and Brammer, Stephen (2021). Towards crisis protection(ism)? COVID-19 and selective de-globalization. Critical Perspectives on International Business, 17(2) pp. 230–251.

Kalfa, Senia; Branicki, Layla and Brammer, Stephen (2021). Organizational Accommodation of Employee Mental Health Conditions and Unintended Stigma. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 32(15) pp. 3190–3217.

2020To Top

Brammer, Stephen; Branicki, Layla and Linnenluecke, Martina (2020). COVID-19, Societalization and the Future of Business in Society. Academy of Management Perspectives, 34(4) pp. 493–507.

Branicki, Layla J. (2020). COVID‐19, ethics of care and feminist crisis management. Gender, Work & Organization, 27(5) pp. 872–883.

Plotnikof, Mie; Bramming, Pia; Branicki, Layla; Christiansen, Lærke Højgaard; Henley, Kelly; Kivinen, Nina; Lima, João Paulo Resende; Kostera, Monika; Mandalaki, Emmanouela; O'Shea, Saoirse; Özkazanç‐Pan, Banu; Pullen, Alison; Stewart, Jim; Ybema, Sierk and van Amsterdam, Noortje (2020). Catching a glimpse: Corona‐life and its micro‐politics in academia. Gender, Work & Organization, 27(5) pp. 804–826.

Branicki, Layla; Brammer, Stephen; Pullen, Alison and Rhodes, Carl (2020). The Morality of "new" CEO Activism. Journal of Business Ethics, 170 pp. 269–285.

2019To Top

Brammer, Stephen; Branicki, Layla; Linnenluecke, Martina and Smith, Tom (2019). Grand challenges in management research: Attributes, achievements, and advancement. Australian Journal of Management, 44(4) pp. 517–533.

Branicki, Layla; Steyer, Véronique and Sullivan-Taylor, Bridgette (2019). Why resilience managers aren’t resilient, and what human resource management can do about it. The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30(8) pp. 1261–1286.

2018To Top

Branicki, Layla Jane; Sullivan-Taylor, Bridgette and Livschitz, Sarah Rachael (2018). How entrepreneurial resilience generates resilient SMEs. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 24(7) pp. 1244–1263.

2017To Top

Dahlmann, Frederik; Branicki, Layla and Brammer, Stephen J. (2017). ‘Carrots for Corporate Sustainability’: Impacts of Incentive Inclusiveness and Variety on Environmental Performance. Business Strategy and the Environment, 26(8) pp. 1110–1131.

2011To Top

Sullivan-Taylor, Bridgette and Branicki, Layla (2011). Creating resilient SMEs: Why one size might not fit all. International Journal of Production Research, 49(18) pp. 5565–5579.

2010To Top

Wilson, David; Branicki, Layla; Sullivan-Taylor, Bridgette and Wilson, Alexander D. (2010). Extreme events, organizations and the politics of strategic decision making. Accounting, Auditing & Accountability Journal, 23(5) pp. 699–721.

2006To Top


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