Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Kevin Burton

30 items in this list.
Generated on Mon Feb 10 00:43:29 2025 GMT.

Journal ItemTo Top

Charlier, B. L. A.; Nowell, G. M.; Parkinson, I. J.; Kelley, S. P.; Pearson, D. G and Burton, K. W. (2012). High temperature strontium stable isotope behaviour in the early solar system and planetary bodies. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 329-330 pp. 31–40.

Bayon, G; Burton, K. W.; Soulet, G.; Vigier, N.; Dennielou, B.; Etoubleau, J.; Ponzevera, E.; German, C. R. and Nesbitt, R. W. (2009). Hf and Nd isotopes in marine sediments: Constraints on global silicate weathering. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 277(3-4) pp. 318–326.

Pogge von Strandmann, Philip; Burton, Kevin; James, Rachael; van Calsteren, Peter; Gislason, Sigurður R. and Sigfússon, Bergur (2008). The influence of weathering processes on riverine magnesium isotopes in a basaltic terrain. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 276(1-2) pp. 187–197.

Vigier, N.; Burton, K.W.; Gislason, S.R.; Rogers, N.W.; Duchene, S.; Thomas, L.; Hodge, E. and Schaefer, B. (2006). The relationship between riverine U-series disequilibria and erosion rates in a basaltic terrain. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 249(3-4) pp. 258–273.

Bayon, Germaine; Vigier, Nathalie; Burton, Kevin W.; Brenot, Agnes; Carignan, Jean; Etoubleau, Joel and Nan-Chin, Chu (2006). The control of weathering processes on riverine and seawater hafnium isotope ratios. Geology, 34(6) pp. 433–436.

Gannoun, Abdelmouhcine; Burton, Kevin W.; Vigier, Nathalie; Gíslason, Sigurdur R.; Rogers, Nick; Mokadem, Fatima and Sigfússon, Bergur (2006). The influence of weathering process on riverine osmium isotopes in a basaltic terrain. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 243(3-4) pp. 732–748.

Reynolds, Ben. C.; Frank, Martin and Burton, Kevin W. (2006). Constraining erosional input and deep-water formation in the North Atlantic using Nd isotopes. Chemical Geology, 226(3-4) pp. 253–263.

Burton, Kevin W. (2006). Global weathering variations inferred from marine radiogenic isotope records. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 88(1-3) pp. 262–265.

Alard, Olivier; Luguet, Ambre; Pearson, Norman J.; Griffin, William L.; Lorand, Jean-Pierre; Gannoun, Abdelmouhcine; Burton, Kevin W. and O'Reilly, Suzanne Y. (2005). In situ Os isotopes in abyssal peridotites bridge the isotopic gap between MORBs and their source mantle. Nature, 346(7053) pp. 1005–1008.

Bayon, Germaine; German, Christopher R.; Burton, Kevin W.; Nesbitt, Robert W. and Rogers, Nick W. (2004). Sedimentary Fe–Mn oxyhydroxides as paleoceanographic archives and the role of aeolian flux in regulating oceanic dissolved REE. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 224(3-4) pp. 477–492.

Burton, Kevin W.; Gannoun, Abdelmouhcine; Birck, Jean-Louis; Allegre, Claude J.; Schiano, Pierre; Clocchiatti, Roberto and Alard, Olivier (2002). The compatibility of rhenium and osmium in natural olivine and their behaviour during mantle melting and basalt genesis. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 198(1-2) pp. 63–76.

Burton, Kevin W.; Cohen, Anthony S.; O'Nions, R. Keith and O'Hara, Michael J. (1994). Archaean crustal development in the Lewisian complex of northwest Scotland. Nature, 370(6490) pp. 552–555.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Dale, C. W.; Burton, K. W.; Pearson, D. G. and Greenwood, R. C. (2011). Widespread evidence for heterogeneous accretion of the terrestrial planets and planetisimals. In: Goldschmidt Conference 2011, 14-19 Aug 2011, Prague, Czech Republic.

Stevenson, E. I.; Burton, K.; Mokadem, F.; Parkinson, I. J.; Anand, P. and Hathorne, E. C. (2010). The retrieval of marine weathering records preserved by strontium stable isotopes in foraminifera. In: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010., 13-17 Dec 2010, San Francisco.

Pearce, C. R.; Parkinson, I. J.; Burton, K. and Gaillardet, J. (2010). The strontium stable isotope composition of global rivers and the implications for the marine δ88Sr record. In: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009., 13-17 Dec 2010, San Francisco.

Dale, C. W.; Burton, Kevin; Pearson, G. and Greenwood, Richard C. (2010). Widespread evidence for a late veneer on the terrestrial planets and planetisimals. In: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2010, 13-17 Dec 2010, San Francisco, CA, USA.

Stevenson, E.; Burton, K. W.; Rickaby, R. E. M.; Parkinson, I. J.; Anand, P. and Hathorne, E. C. (2009). Strontium stable isotope behaviour in foraminiferal calcite and the retrieval of marine records. In: American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2009, Dec 2009.


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