Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Karen Littleton

154 items in this list.
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BookTo Top

Long, Martyn; Wood, Clare; Littleton, Karen; Passenger, Terri and Sheehy, Kieron (2010). The Psychology of Education: The Evidence Base for Teaching and Learning (2nd ed.). London: Routledge.

Light, Paul and Littleton, Karen (1999). Social Processes in Children's Learning. Cambridge Studies in Cognitive and Perceptual Development, 4. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Edited BookTo Top

Morris, Sean Michael; Rai, Lucy and Littleton, Karen eds. (2021). Voices of Practice: Narrative Scholarship from the Margins. Washington DC, USA: Hybrid Pedagogy Inc.

Littleton, Karen; Wood, Clare and Kleine Staarman, Judith eds. (2010). International Handbook of Psychology in Education. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited.

Wood, Clare; Littleton, Karen and Sheehy, Kieron eds. (2006). Developmental Psychology in Action. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell.

Joiner, Richard; Littleton, Karen; Faulkner, Dorothy and Miell, Dorothy eds. (2000). Rethinking Collaborative Learning. London, UK: Free Association Press.

Littleton, Karen and Light, Paul eds. (1998). Learning with computers: analysing productive intervention. London, U.K. and New York, NY U.S.: Routledge.

Book SectionTo Top

Knight, Simon and Littleton, Karen (2015). Learning Through Collaborative Information Seeking. In: Hansen, Preben; Shah, Chirag and Klas, Claus-Peter eds. Collaborative Information Seeking: Best practices, New Domains, New Thoughts. Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Springer International Publishing, pp. 101–116.

Knight, Simon and Littleton, Karen (2015). Thinking, Interthinking, and Technological Tools. In: Wegerif, Rupert; Li, Li and Kaufman, James C. eds. The Routledge International Handbook of Research on Teaching Thinking. Routledge International Handbooks of Education. Abingdon, New York: Routledge, pp. 467–478.

Taylor, Stephanie and Littleton, Karen (2013). Negotiating a contemporary creative identity. In: Ashton, Daniel and Noonan, Caitriona eds. Cultural Work and Higher Education. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 154–171.

Littleton, Karen and Mercer, Neil (2013). Educational dialogues. In: Hall, Kathy; Cremin, Teresa; Comber, Barbara and Moll, Luis C. eds. International Handbook of Research on Children’s Literacy, Learning and Culture. Oxford: Wiley-Blackwell, pp. 291–303.

Joiner, Richard and Littleton, Karen (2013). Paper and computers: gender differences in children's conversations in collaborative activities. In: Baker, Michael; Andrissen, Jerry and Järvelä, Sanna eds. Affective Learning Together: Social and Emotional Dimensions of Collaborative Learning. New Perspectives on Learning and Instruction. Abingdon and New York: Routledge, pp. 120–136.

Littleton, Karen; Sharples, Mike and Scanlon, Eileen (2012). Editorial introduction: orchestrating inquiry learning. In: Littleton, Karen; Scanlon, Eileen and Sharples, Mike eds. Orchestrating Inquiry Learning. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 1–6.

Littleton, Karen and Kerawalla, Lucinda (2012). Trajectories of inquiry learning. In: Littleton, Karen; Scanlon, Eileen and Sharples, Mike eds. Orchestrating Inquiry Learning. Oxford: Routledge, pp. 31–47.

Littleton, Karen and Mercer, Neil (2012). Communication, collaboration and creativity: how musicians negotiate a collective ‘sound’. In: Hargreaves, David; Miell, Dorothy and Macdonald, Ray eds. Musical Imaginations: Multidisciplinary perspectives on creativity, performance and perception. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 233–241.

Taylor, Stephanie and Littleton, Karen (2011). New creative careers: the problems of progression and uncertainty. In: Shaw, Jenny; Wise, Jan and Rout, Amelia eds. Research in the Lifelong Learning Networks. York: Lifelong Learning Networks National Forum, pp. 52–57.

Mercer, Neil; Gillen, Julia; Kleine Staarman, Judith; Littleton, Karen and Twiner, Alison (2011). Interactive whiteboards: does new technology transform teaching? In: Ludvigsen, Sten R.; Lund, Andreas; Rasmussen, Ingvill and Säljö, Roger eds. Learning across sites: new tools, infrastructures and practices. London: Routledge, pp. 346–363.

Taylor, Stephanie and Littleton, Karen (2011). Creative careers and non-traditional trajectories. In: Bhagat, Dipti and O'Neill, Peter eds. Inclusive Practices, Inclusive Pedagogies: Learning from Widening Participation Research in Art and Design Higher Education. London: CHEAD/UKADIA, pp. 266–271.

Scanlon, Eileen; Littleton, Karen; Anastopoulou, Stamatina; Sharples, Mike and Ainsworth, Shaaron (2010). Personal Inquiry and groupwork: issues for computer-supported inquiry learning. In: Dimitracopoulou, Angelique; O'Malley, Claire; Suthers, Daniel and Reimann, Peter eds. Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices - CSCL2009 Community Events Proceedings. ISLS.

Rojas-Drummond, Sylvia; Littleton, Karen; Hernandez, Flora and Zuniga, Mariana (2010). Dialogical interactions among peers in collaborative writing contexts. In: Littleton, Karen and Howe, Christine eds. Educational Dialogues, Understanding and Promoting Productive Interaction. London: Routledge, pp. 128–148.

Littleton, Karen and Mercer, Neil (2010). The significance of educational dialogues between primary school children. In: Littleton, Karen and Howe, Christine eds. Educational Dialogues: Understanding and Promoting Productive Interaction. London: Routledge.

Littleton, Karen (2010). Learning through interaction. In: Peterson, Penelope; Baker, Eva and McGaw, Barry eds. International Encyclopedia of Education. Oxford: Elsevier.

Vass, Eva and Littleton, Karen (2010). Peer collaboration and learning in the classroom. In: Littleton, Karen; Wood, Clare and Kleine Staarman, Judith eds. International Handbook of Psychology in Education. Leeds: Emerald, pp. 105–136.

Vass, Eva and Littleton, Karen (2009). Analysing role distribution in children's computer-mediated collaborative creative writing. In: Kumpulainen, Kristiina; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E. and César, Margarida eds. Investigating Classroom Interaction: Methodologies in Action. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, pp. 99–120.

Mercer, Neil; Littleton, Karen and Wegerif, Rupert (2009). Methods for studying the processes of interaction and collaborative activity in computer-based educational activities. In: Kumpulainen, Kristiina; Hmelo-Silver, Cindy E. and César, Margarida eds. Investigating Classroom Interaction: Methodologies in Action. Rotterdam: Sense, pp. 27–42.

Wood, Clare; Littleton, Karen and Chera, Pav (2009). Using talking books to support early reading development. In: Wee Hin Tan, Leo and Subramaniam, R eds. Handbook of Research on New Media Literacy at the K-12 Level: Issues and Challenges. Hershey, PA: IGI Global Book Publishing.

Vahasantanen, Katja; Hokka, Päivi; Eteläpelto, Anneli; Rasku-Puttonen, Helena and Littleton, Karen (2007). The negotiations of teachers' professional identity in the socio-cultural context of work organisations. In: Csapó, Benö and Csíkos, Csaba eds. Developing Potentials for Learning. Budapest, Hungary: EARLI, p. 637.

Kangassalo, Marjatta; Kumpulainen, Kristiina; Tuominen, Eva; Vasama, Satu; Littleton, Karen and Ohsuga, Setsuo (2007). The ecology of childen's conceptual thinking and learning of science: PICCO research programme. In: Csapó, Benö and Csíkos, Csaba eds. Developing Potentials for Learning. Szeged: Graduate School of Education, University of Szeged, Faculty of Arts, p. 437.

Westcott, Helen and Littleton, Karen (2005). Exploring meaning through interviews with children. In: Greene, Sheila and Hogan, Diane eds. Researching Children's Experience: Approaches and Methods. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd, pp. 141–157.

Littleton, K.; LeVoi, M.; Miell, D.; Vass, E. and Wegerif, R. (2005). Understanding asynchronous teaching and learning dialogues. In: Constantinou, C. P.; Demetriou, D.; Evagorou, A.; Evagorou, M.; Kofteros, A.; Michael, M.; Nicolaou, Chr.; Papademetriou, D. and Papadouris, N. eds. Multiple Perspectives on Effective Learning Environments. Nicosia: University of Cyprus.

Littleton, Karen and Vass, Eva (2005). Analysing role distribution and meta-cognitive processes in children's computer-mediated collaborative writing. In: Constantinou, C. P.; Demetriou, D.; Evagorou, A.; Evagorou, M.; Kofteros, A.; Michael, M.; Nicolaou, Chr.; Papademetriou, D. and Papadouris, N. eds. Multiple Perspectives on Effective Learning Environments. Nicosia: University of Cyprus, p. 400.

Littleton, Karen (2005). Quality and characteristics of peer interaction. In: Constantinou, C. P.; Demetriou, D.; Evagorou, A.; Evagorou, M.; Kofteros, A.; Michael, M.; Nicolaou, Chr.; Papademetriou, D. and Papadouris, N. eds. Multiple Perspectives on Effective Learning Environments. Nicosia: University of Cyprus, p. 48.

Wirtanen, S. and Littleton, K. (2004). Collaboration, Conflict and the Musical Identity Work of Solo-Piano Students: The Significance of the Student-Teacher Relationship. In: Miell, D. and Littleton, K. eds. Collaborative Creativity: Contemporary Perspectives. London, UK: Free Association Books, pp. 26–39.

Littleton, Karen; Wood, Clare and Chera, Pav (2004). Reading Together: Computers and Collaboration. In: Littleton, Karen; Miell, Dorothy and Faulkner, Dorothy eds. Learning to Collaborate: Collaborating to Learn. New York: Nova, pp. 31–47.

Littleton, K. and Miell, D. (2004). 'Learning to collaborate, to learn': editorial introduction. In: Littleton, K.; Miell, D. and Faulkner, D. eds. Learning to Collaborate, Collaborating to Learn. New York: Nova, pp. 1–5.

Littleton, Karen and Whitelock, Denise (2003). Creating meaning through a community of collaborative learners. In: Mason, Lucia; Andreuzza, Silvia; Arfè, Barbara and Del Favero, Laura eds. 10th European Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, Volume Abstracts. Padova: Cooperativa Libraria Editrice Università di Padova, p. 57.

Littleton, Karen and Hoyles, Cecila (2002). The Gendering of Information Technology. In: Yelland, Nicola and Rubin, Andee eds. Ghosts in the Machine: Women's Voices in Research with Technology. Eruptions: New Feminism Across the Disciplines, 10. New York: Peter Lang, pp. 3–32.

Yates, Simeon J. and Littleton, Karen (2001). Understanding computer game cultures: A situated approach. In: Green, Eileen and Adam, Alison eds. Virtual gender: Technology, consumption and identity. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 103–123.

Littleton, Karen (2000). Re-thinking collaborative learning: An overview. In: Joiner, Richard; Littleton, Karen; Miell, Dorothy and Faulkner, Dorothy eds. Rethinking Collaborative Learning. London, UK: Free Association Books, pp. 248–258.

Journal ItemTo Top

Palmgren-Neuvonen, Laura; Littleton, Karen and Hirvonen, Noora (2021). Dialogic spaces in divergent and convergent collaborative learning tasks. Information and Learning Sciences, 122(5/6) pp. 409–431.

Palmgren-Neuvonen, Laura; Korkeamäki, Riitta-Liisa and Littleton, Karen (2017). Intercreating in the context of learner-generated DV production. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 26 pp. 13–23.

Knight, Simon; Rienties, Bart; Littleton, Karen; Tempelaar, Dirk; Mitsui, Matthew and Shirag, Chirag (2017). The Orchestration of a Collaborative Information Seeking Learning Task. Information Retrieval Journal, 20(5) pp. 480–505.

Dobson, Elizabeth and Littleton, Karen (2016). Digital technologies and the mediation of undergraduate students’ collaborative music compositional practices. Learning, Media and Technology, 41(2) pp. 330–350.

Rojas-Drummond, Sylvia; Mason, Nancy; Littleton, Karen and Velez, Maricela (2012). Developing reading comprehension through collaborative learning. Journal of Research in Reading

Juuti, Sini and Littleton, Karen (2012). Tracing the transition from study to a contemporary creative working life: the trajectories of professional musicians. Vocations and Learning: Studies in Vocational and Professional Education, 5(1) pp. 5–21.

Plester, B.; Lerkkanen, M.-K.; Linjama, L. J.; Rasku-Puttonen, H. and Littleton, K. (2011). Finnish and UK English pre-teen children's text message language and its relationship with their literacy skills. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 27(1) pp. 37–48.

Littleton, Karen (2010). Research into teaching with whole-class interactive technologies: emergent themes. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 19(2) pp. 285–292.

Rojas-Drummond, S. M.; Albarrán, C. D. and Littleton, Karen (2008). Collaboration, creativity and the co-construction of oral and written texts. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 3(3) pp. 177–191.

Miell, Dorothy; Littleton, Karen and Rojas Drummond, Sylvia (2008). Music Education: A site for collaborative creativity - Editorial Introduction. International Journal of Educational Research, 47(1) pp. 1–2.

Wood, Clare; Littleton, Karen and Chera, Pav (2005). Beginning readers' use of talking books: styles of working. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development, 39(3) pp. 135–141.

Littleton, Karen; Mercer, Neil; Dawes, Lyn; Wegerif, Rupert; Rowe, Denise and Sams, Claire (2005). Talking and thinking together at Key Stage 1. Early Years: An International Journal of Research and Development, 25(2) 167 -182.

Eteläpelto, A.; Littleton, K.; Lahti, J. and Wirtanen, S. (2005). Students’ accounts of their participation in an intensive long-term learning community. International Journal of Educational Research, 43(3) pp. 183–207.

Mercer, Neil; Littleton, Karen and Wegerif, Rupert (2004). Methods for studying the processes of interaction and collaborative activity in computer-based educational activities. Technology, Pedagogy and Education, 13(2) pp. 193–209.

Oosterwegel, Annerieke; Littleton, Karen and Light, Paul (2004). Understanding computer-related attitudes through an idiographic analysis of gender and self-representations. Learning and instruction, 14(2) pp. 215–233.

Alpay, L.L. and Littleton, Karen (2001). Contexts for collaboration in healthcare education. Health Informatics Journal, 7(3-4) pp. 121–126.

Littleton, Karen; Faulkner, Dorothy; Miell, Dorothy; Joiner, Richard and Hakkinen, Paivi (2000). Editorial introduction. European Journal of Psychology of Education, XV(4) pp. 371–374.

Keogh, Teresa; Barnes, Peter; Joiner, Richard and Littleton, Karen (2000). Gender, pair composition and computer versus paper presentations of an English language task. Educational Psychology, 20(1) pp. 33–44.

Light, Paul; Littleton, Karen; Bale, Stuart; Joiner, Richard and Messer, David (2000). Gender and social comparison effects in computer-based problem solving. Learning and Instruction, 10(6) pp. 483–496.

Conference or Workshop ItemTo Top

Twiner, Alison; Coffin, Caroline; Littleton, Karen and Whitelock, Denise (2019). New approach to educational interaction: Sociocultural discourse analysis meets multimodal
In: European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, 12-16 Aug 2019, Aachen, Germany.

Knight, Simon; Allen, Laura; Littleton, Karen; Rienties, Bart and Tempelaar, Dirk (2016). Writing Analytics for Epistemic Features of Student Writing. In: Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners: Conference Proceedings Volume 1 (Looi, Chee-Kit; Polman, Joseph; Cress, Ulrike and Reimann, Peter eds.), International Society of the Learning Sciences, Singapore, pp. 194–201.

Knight, Simon and Littleton, Karen (2015). Developing a multiple-document-processing performance assessment for epistemic literacy. In: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Learning Analytics And Knowledge, ACM, pp. 241–245.

Knight, Simon; Arastoopour, Golnaz; Williamson Shaffer, David; Buckingham Shum, Simon and Littleton, Karen (2014). Epistemic networks for epistemic commitments. In: International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), 23-27 Jun 2014, Boulder, Colarado.

Collins, Trevor; Quick, Kevin; Joiner, Richard and Littleton, Karen (2013). Loosely coupled web representations: a REST service and JavaScript wrapper for sharing web-based visual representations. In: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA) 2013, 24-27 Jun 2013, Victoria, Canada.

Knight, Simon and Littleton, Karen (2013). Discourse, computation and context – sociocultural DCLA revisited. In: 1st International Workshop on Discourse-Centric Learning Analytics 2013, 8 Apr 2013, Leuven, Belgium.

Knight, Simon; Buckingham Shum, Simon and Littleton, Karen (2013). Epistemology, pedagogy, assessment and learning analytics. In: Third Conference on Learning Analytics and Knowledge (LAK 2013), 8-12 Apr 2013, Leuven, Belgium, pp. 75–84.

Knight, Simon; Buckingham Shum, Simon and Littleton, Karen (2013). Collaborative sensemaking in learning analytics. In: CSCW and Education Workshop (2013): Viewing education as a site of work practice, co-located with the 16th ACM Conference on Computer Support Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW 2013), 23 Feb 2013, San Antonio, Texas.

Vass, E.; Littleton, K. and Jones, A. (2010). The affectively and rationally constituted nature of interthinking. In: American Educational Research Association, 8-12 Apr 2010, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.

Anastopoulou, S.; Kerwalla, L.; Littleton, K.; Ainsworth, S.; Twiner, A. and Conole, G. (2009). Facilitating the expression of learner voices in the participatory design of technology to support inquiry learning. In: CAL 2009 Learning in Digital Worlds, Mar 2008, Brighton.

Scanlon, E.; Conole, G. and Littleton, K. (2009). Participatory design for personal inquiry. In: American Educational Research Association, 13-17 Apr 2009, San Diego, USA.

Mulholland, P.; Collins, T.; Gaved, M.; Wright, M.; Sharples, M.; Greenhalgh, C.; Kerwalla, L.; Scanlon, E. and Littleton, K. (2009). Activity guide: an approach to scripted inquiry learning. In: AIED Workshop on Exploratory Learning Environments, 6-10 Jul 2009, Brighton, UK.

Scanlon, E.; Littleton, K.; Gaved, M.; Kerawalla, L.; Mulholland, P.; Collins, T.; Conole, G.; Jones, A.; Clough, G.; Blake, C. and Twiner, A. (2009). Support for evidence-based inquiry learning: teachers, tools and phases of inquiry. In: European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction Conference, Aug 2009, Amsterdam.

Littleton, K. and Mercer, N. (2009). Communication, collaboration and creativity: how musicians negotiate a collective 'sound'. In: European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction Conference, Aug 2009, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

Littleton, K. (2008). Thinking together in the early years. In: International School Psychology Associations' Annual Conference, Jul 2008, Utrecht, The Netherlands.

Littleton, K. and Taylor, S. (2008). Mentoring and creative careers. In: EARLI-SIG 14 Learning and Professional Development Conference, Aug 2008, Jyvaskyla, Finland.

Twiner, Alison; Gillen, Julia; Kleine Staarman, Judith; Littleton, Karen and Mercer, Neil (2007). Orchestration with the interactive whiteboard: provisionality and permanence. In: ALT-C 2007: Beyond Control: Association of Learning Technologies Conference, 4-6 Sep 2007, Nottingham, UK.

Littleton, Karen; Twiner, Alison; Gillen, Julia; Kleine Staarman, Judith and Mercer, Neil (2007). Orchestration with the Interactive Whiteboard. In: Developing Potentials for Learning 12th Biennial Conference for Research on Learning and Instruction, 28 Aug - 1 Sep 2007, University of Szeged, Budapest.

Norgate, S.; Littleton, K.; Weston, C. and Duffy, H. (2007). Adaptive head movements in children with monocular vision during social interaction. In: Society for Research in Child Development, Mar 2007, Boston, MA, USA.

Littleton, K. and Taylor, S. (2007). Creative journeys. In: National Arts Learning Network Conference, Apr 2007, London.

Taylor, S. and Littleton, K. (2007). Looking ahead: time, money, relatedness and the shape of a creative life. In: 3rd Tampere Conference on Narrative, Jun 2007, Tampere, Finland.

Littleton, K. (2007). Learning through dialogue and collaboration, new findings and conceptualizations. In: European Association for Research in Learning and Instruction Conference, Aug 2007, Budapest, Hungary.

Gillen, Julia; Kleine Staarman, Judith; Littleton, Karen; Mercer, Neil and Twiner, Alison (2006). A “Learning Revolution”? Investigating Pedagogic Practices around Interactive Whiteboards in British Primary Classrooms. In: Paper presented at the American Educational Research Association conference, 2006, 7-11 Apr 2006, San Francisco, USA.

Taylor, S. and Littleton, K. (2006). Eccentric artists: An analysis of the identity work of women novices. In: 6th Annual Narrative Conference, Apr 2006, University of Huddersfield.

Mercer, Neil; Gillen, Julia; Littleton, Karen and Kleine Staarman, Judith (2006). A learning revolution? Investigating the pedagogic practice around interactive whiteboards in British pprimary schools. In: American Educational Research Association (AERA) Conference, Apr 2006, San Francisco.

Littleton, K. and Taylor, S. (2006). 'Trouble' in art and design students' creative identity work. In: EARLI-SIG 14 Learning and Professional Development Conference, Oct 2006, Heerlen, The Nethelands.

Whitelock, D.; Littleton, K.; Miell, D.; LeVoi, M. and Wegerif, R. (2005). Exploring the social dimension of teaching and learning in online courses: issues and methods. In: CAL'05 Virtual Learning?, Apr 2005, University of Bristol, UK.

Talyor, S. and Littleton, K. (2005). Narratives of creative journeys: A study of the identity work of novices in artisitc and creativity fields. In: Narrative, Memory & Knowledge: Representations, Aesthetics, Contexts (5th Annual Conference of the Narrative & Memory Research Group), 9 Apr 2005, University of Huddersfield, UK.

Cooper, T.; LeVoi, M.; Littleton, K.; Miell, D.; Vass, E. and Wegerif, R. (2004). Developing a sociocultural framework for understanding asynchronous teaching and learning dialogues. In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, Sep 2004, Manchester, UK.

Etelapelto, A.; Littleton, K.; Lahti, J. and Wirtanen, S. (2004). Developing professional identities of teachership through participation in an intensive, long-term learning community. In: The Second EARLI-SIG 'Learning and Professional Development' Conference, Nov 2004, Regensberg, Germany.

Miell, Dorothy; Littleton, Karen and MacDonald, Raymond (2003). 'Depends what you mean by modern': bringing young people's music into the classroom. In: RIME The Third International Research in Music Education Conference, 8-12 Apr 2003, University of Exeter, UK.

Lahti, Jaana; Marjomaa, Esko and Littleton, Karen (2003). Scaffolding in Innovation, Implementation and Evaluation of ICT Supported Education. In: World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA), Jun 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii.

Hyvonen, Pirkko; Lahti, Jaana; Marjomaa, Esko and Littleton, Karen (2003). Embodied subjects and intentionality in virtual learning environments. In: EdMedia- World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications, Jun 2003, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA.

Hoyles, C. and Littleton, K. (2002). The gendering of information technology. In: American Education Research Association Annual Meeting (AERA), 01-05 Apr 2002, New Orleans, LA, USA.

Miell, D; MacDonald, R and Littleton, K (2002). Discordant cultures: music in school and in the lives of young people. In: International Society for Cultural Research and Activity Theory Conference, Jun 2002, Amsterdam.

Miell, D.; Littleton, K. and MacDonald, R. (2002). Musical collaboration as identity work. In: British Psychological Society Developmental Section Annual Conference, Sep 2002, University of Sussex, UK.

Miell, D; Littleton, K S and MacDonald, R A R (2002). Music in the lives of young people. In: British Educational Research Association Annual Conference, 12-14 Sep 2002, University of Exeter, UK.

OtherTo Top

Miell, D.; Faulkner, D.; Henry, J.; Kynan, S.; Littleton, K. and Searle, R. (2004). Excite Project: Final Evaluation Report from The Open University Research Team. DfES and Esmee Fairbairn Charitable Trust.

Craft, A; Miell, D; Vass, E; Whitelock, D; Littleton, K; Joubert, M and Murphy, P (2004). Ignite! Fellowship Programme for Young People: A Research Study. National Endownment for Science Technology and the Arts (NESTA), London, UK.


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