Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Kirstie Ball

43 items in this list.
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2020To Top

2017To Top

2016To Top

Ball, Kirstie; Di Domenico, MariaLaura and Nunan, Daniel (2016). Big Data Surveillance and the Body-subject. Body & Society, 22(2) pp. 58–81.

2015To Top

2014To Top

2013To Top

2012To Top

Ball, Kirstie; Haggerty, Kevin and Lyon, David eds. (2012). Routledge Handbook of Surveillance Studies. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge.

2011To Top

2010To Top

Ball, Kirstie (2010). Data protection in the outsourced call centre: an exploratory case study. Human Resource Management Journal, 20(3) pp. 294–310.

Ball, Kirstie; Spiller, Keith; Dibb, Sally; Meadows, Maureen and Daniel, Elizabeth (2010). Making surveillance messy: a conceptual discussion. In: Fourth Biannual Surveillance and Society/SSN Conference, 13-15 Apr 2010, City University, London, UK.

Ball, Kirstie (2010). Workplace surveillance: an overview. Labor History, 51(1) pp. 87–106.

2009To Top

Ball, Kirstie (2009). Exposure: Exploring the subject of surveillance information. Information, Communication and Society, 12(5) pp. 639–657.

2008To Top

Di Domenico, MariaLaura and Ball, Kirstie (2008). An inspector calls: exploring surveillance at the home-work interface. In: European Group for Organizational Studies (EGOS) International Research Colloquium, Jul 2008, Amsterdam.

2007To Top

Ball, Kirstie (2007). Call Centres. In: Clegg, Stewart R. and Bailey, James R. eds. International Encyclopaedia of Organization Studies. London, UK: Sage.

2006To Top

Ball, Kirstie (2006). Organization, surveillance and the body: Towards a politics of resistance. In: Lyon, David ed. Theorising Surveillance: The Panopticon and beyond. Collumpton, UK: Willan Publishing.

2005To Top

Ball, Kirstie and Haggerty, Kevin D. (2005). Editorial: Doing surveillance studies. Surveillance and Society, 3(2/3) pp. 129–138.

Ball, Kirstie and Haggerty, K (2005). Doing Surveillance Studies: editorial surveillance and society. Surveillance and Society, 3(4)

2004To Top

Searle, Rosalind H. and Ball, Kirstie S. (2004). The development of trust and distrust in a merger. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 19(7) pp. 708–721.

Ball, Kirstie (2004). Gendering new managerialism. In: Thomas, R; Helms-Mills, J and Mills, A eds. Identity politics at work: resisting gender, gendering resistance. Routledge studies in management, organizations and society. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 85–104.

Ball, Kirstie and Carter, Chris (2004). He came, he saw, he re-engineered: new managerialism and the legitimation of modern management practice. In: Hodgson, Damian E. and Carter, Chris eds. Management knowledge and the new employee. London, UK: Ashgate.

Ball, Kirstie and Hodgson, Damian E. (2004). Problematizing discourse analysis: can we talk about management knowledge? In: Hodgson, Damian E. and Carter, Chris eds. Management knowledge and the new employee. London, UK: Ashgate, pp. 56–57.

2003To Top

Wood, D; Konvitz, E and Ball, Kirstie (2003). The Constant state of emergency?: surveillance after 9/11. In: Ball, K. and Webster, F. eds. The Intensification of Surveillance: crime, terrorism and warfare in the information era. London: Pluto Press, pp. 137–150.

Searle, Rosalind H. and Ball, Kirstie S. (2003). Supporting innovation through HR policy: evidence from the UK. Creativity and Innovation Management, 12(1) pp. 50–62.

Ball, Kirstie (2003). The Labours of surveillance. Surveillance and Society, 1(2) pp. 125–137.

Ball, K. and Webster, F. (2003). The intensification of surveillance. In: Ball, K. and Webster, F. eds. The Intensification of Surveillance: crime, terrorism and warfare in the information era. London: Pluto Press, pp. 1–15.

2002To Top

Ball, Kirstie (2002). Elements of surveillance: A new framework and future directions. Information, Communication and Society, 5(4) pp. 573–590.

Ball, Kirstie (2002). Categorizing the workers: electronic surveillance and social ordering in the call centre. In: Lyon, David ed. Surveillance as social sorting: privacy, risk and automated discrimination. London, UK: Routledge, pp. 201–225.

Ball, Kirstie and Carter, Chris (2002). The charismatic gaze: everyday leadership practices of the 'new' manager. Management Decision, 40(6) pp. 552–565.

Ball, Kirstie and Wicks, David (2002). Editorial: Power, representation and voice. Gender, Work and Organization, 9(3) pp. 239–243.

2001To Top

Ball, Kirstie S. (2001). The use of human resource information systems: a survey. Personnel Review, 30(6) pp. 677–693.

Ball, Kirstie S. (2001). Situating workplace surveillance: ethics and computer-based performance monitoring. Ethics and Information Technology, 3(3) pp. 209–221.

Ball, K. and Hodgson, D. (2001). Knowing your limits: organization studies and discourse analytic technologies. In: The Second International Conference on Critical Management Studies, 11-13 Jul 2001, Manchester, UK.

Seltsikas, P.; Pouloudi, A.; Ball, Kirstie and Forrester, R (2001). Simulating skills for human resource development: technology meets organization. In: Strong, D.; Straub, D. and DeGross, J. I. eds. Proceedings of the 7th Americas Conference on Information Systems. AMCIS, pp. 1820–1823.

2000To Top


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