Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Katharine Jewitt
2024To Top
Baxter, Jacqueline and Jewitt, Katharine
Shaw, Jill; Awan, Rehana; Gillen, Jim; Jewitt, Katharine and Slaymaker, Mark
2023To Top
ALDinHE (2023). LoveLD Magazine, Issue 2: March 2023. ALDinHE.
Baxter, Jacqueline; Floyd, Alan and Jewitt, Katharine
ALDinHE (2023). LoveLD Magazine, Issue 1: February 2023. ALDinHE.
Jewitt, Katharine
2022To Top
Jewitt, Katharine
Jewitt, Katharine
Fox, Alison; Jewitt, Katharine; Kagoya, Anne; Burrell, Susannah; Stutchbury, Kris and Ruiz Martinez, Alejandro Tomas
2021To Top
Jewitt, Katharine
Jewitt, Katharine
Jewitt, Katharine
Baxter, J A; Floyd, Alan and Jewitt, Katharine
Jewitt, Katharine; Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan
Jewitt, Katharine and Baxter, Jacqueline (2021). Integrating online learning provision: What will schools take forward post-pandemic? In SecEd The voice for secondary education SecEd The voice for secondary education.
Jewitt, Katharine (2021). Key themes emerging from the qualitative pilot study. In Leading School Learning through COVID-19 The Open University.
Jewitt, Katharine (2021). Using SmartArt graphics in PowerPoint - a guide to support Associate Lecturers in producing tutorial resources. The Open University.
Jewitt, Katharine; Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan
Jewitt, Katharine; Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan
Jewitt, Katharine; Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan
Jewitt, Katharine; Baxter, Jacqueline and Floyd, Alan
Jewitt, Katharine (2021). Guide to Microsoft Planner. The Open University.
2020To Top
Jewitt, Katharine
Jewitt, Katharine (2020). Take 5: The best way to generate ideas? London Metropolitan University.
Jewitt, Katharine (2020). An exploration of rationale behind non submission of final assignment in B100 An introduction to business and management. The Open University.
2018To Top
Jewitt, Katharine (2018). Evaluation of B205 Exploring Innovation and Entrepreneurship Retention Small-Scale Scholarship Project. The Open University.
2017To Top
Jewitt, Katharine
Jewitt, Katharine
Jewitt, Katharine and Claman, Marianne
Jewitt, Katharine
Jewitt, Katharine (2017). Best practice across the wider HE Sector in relation to student support in preparing for examinations, EMAs, revision, resits and resubmissions. The Open University.
Jewitt, Katharine (2017). Implementing a Digital Learning Strategy [Keynote Lecture]. Digital Transformation of Vocational Education Showcase Conference, Ballymena, Ireland, 8th December 2017.
2016To Top
Jewitt, Katharine (2016). Benchmarking OU Assessment Feedback Practice and Mechanisms. The Open University.
2015To Top
Jewitt, Katharine (2015). An investigation into students' expectations and experiences when using technology in an FE college. Prospects College of Advanced Technology.
Jewitt, Katharine (2015). An investigation into students' expectations and experiences when using technology in an FE college. PROCAT (Prospects College of Advanced Technology).
2008To Top
Jewitt, Katharine (2008). An audit of level 1 Open University courses. The Open University.