Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Konstantin Stefanov
ATo Top
Allport, P.; Bortoletto, D.; Gazi, M.; Gonella, L.; Hynds, D.; Jordan, D.; Kopsalis, I.; McMahon, S.; Mulvey, J.; Plackett, R.; Stefanov, K. and Villani, E. G.
Allanwood, Edgar A. H.; Murray, Neil J.; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Burt, David J. and Holland, Andrew D.
BTo Top
Buggey, Thomas W.; Hubbard, Michael W.J; Stefanov, Konstantin; Holland, Andrew D. and Hall, David J.
Bush, N.; Stefanov, K.; Hall, D.; Jordan, D. and Holland, A.
Bourilkov, Jordan; Specht, Steven; Coronado, Sergio; Stefanov, Konstantin and Ayoz, Suat
Ballin, J. A.; Coath, R.; Crooks, J. P.; Dauncey, P. D.; Magnan, A. -M.; Mikami, Y.; Miller, O. D.; Noy, M.; Rajovic, V.; Stanitzki, M.; Stefanov, K. D.; Turchetta, R.; Tyndel, M.; Villani, E. G.; Watson, N. K.; Wilson, J. A. and Zhang, Z.
Banda, Y.; Coulter, P.; Cussans, D.; Damerell, C.; Devetak, E.; Fopma, J.; Foster, B.; Frost, R.; Gao, R.; Goldstein, J.; Greenshaw, T.; Harder, K.; Hawes, B.; Hillert, S.; Jeffery, B.; John, J. J.; Kundu, N.; Li, Y.; Murray, P.; Nomerotski, A.; Perry, C.; Stefanov, K.; Thomas, S.; Velthuis, J.; Woolliscroft, T.; Worm, S.; Yow, J. and Zhang, Z.
CTo Top
Crews, Chiaki; Soman, Matthew; Allanwood, Edgar; Stefanov, Konstantin; Leese, Mark; Turner, Peter and Holland, Andrew
Crews, C.; Soman, M. R.; Lofthouse-Smith, D. D.; Allanwood, E. A. H.; Stefanov, K. D.; Leese, M.; Turner, P. and Holland, A.
Clarke, A.; Stefanov, K.; Johnston, N. and Holland, A.
Colby, Edward; Storkey, Matthew; Healy, David and Stefanov, Konstantin
DTo Top
Dazzazi, Imane; Ivory, James M.; Prest, Martin; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Patel, Manish R.; Douglas, Jordan and Hall, David J.
Dunford, Alice; Stefanov, Konstantin D. and Holland, Andrew D.
Dunford, A.; Stefanov, K. and Holland, A.
Dryer, B.; Smith, P.; Nuns, T.; Murray, N.; Stefanov, K. D.; Gow, J. P. D.; Burgon, R.; Hall, D. J. and Holland, A. D.
Dunford, Alice; Stefanov, Konstantin and Holland, Andrew
Damerell, C.; Zhang, Z.; John, J. J.; Li, Y.; Nomerotski, A.; Holland, A.; Seabroke, G.; Havranek, M.; Stefanov, K.; Kar-roy, A.; Bell, R.; Burt, D. and Pool, P.
GTo Top
Greig, Thomas; Stefanov, Konstantin; Holland, Andrew; Clarke, Andrew; Burt, David and Gow, Jason
HTo Top
Heymes, J.; Ivory, J.; Stefanov, K.; Buggey, T.; Hetherington, O.; Soman, M. and Holland, A.
Heymes, Julian; Stefanov, Konstantin; Soman, Matthew; Gorret, Davide; Hall, David; Minoglou, Kyriaki; Morris, David; Pratlong, Jérôme; Prod'homme, Thibaut; Tsiolis, Georgios and Holland, Andrew
Havranek, M.; Murray, P.; Stefanov, K.; Thomas, S.; Damerell, C.; Fopma, J.; Goldstein, J.; Greenshaw, T.; Hawes, B.; Nomerotski, A.; Woolliscroft, T.; Worm, S. and Zhang, Z.
ITo Top
Ivory, James M.; Smith, Phillipa; Skottfelt, Jesper M.; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Buggey, Thomas W.; Prod'Homme, Thibaut and Hall, David J.
Ivory, James; Stefanov, Konstantin D. and Holland, Andrew D.
Ivory, James M.; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Turner, Peter and Holland, Andrew D.
JTo Top
Jerram, P. and Stefanov, K.
Jerram, Paul and Stefanov, Konstantin
Jorden, P. R.; Jerram, P. A.; Fryer, M. and Stefanov, K. D.
LTo Top
Lofthouse-Smith, D.-D.; Soman, M. R.; Allanwood, E. A. H.; Stefanov, K. D.; Holland, A. D.; Leese, M. and Turner, P.
Lofthouse-Smith, D.-D.; Soman, M.R.; Allanwood, E.A.H.; Stefanov, K.D.; Holland, A.D.; Leese, M. and Turner, P.
MTo Top
Mulvey, J.; Allport, P.; Ball, K.; Bortoletto, D.; Gazi, M.; Glover, J.; Gonella, L.; Jordan, D.; McMahon, S.; Plackett, R.; Stefanov, K.; Villani, E. G. and Watkins, M.
Mulvey, J.; Allport, P.; Bell, R.; Bortoletto, D.; Gazi, M.; Gonella, L.; Jordan, D.; Kopsalis, I.; McMahon, S.; Plackett, R.; Stefanov, K.; Villani, E.G. and Watkins, M.
Meng, Xiao; Stefanov, Konstantin and Holland, Andrew
Meng, Xiao; Stefanov, Konstantin; Holland, Michael and Holland, Andrew
Mackay, C.; Dominik, M.; Steele, I. A.; Snodgrass, C.; Jørgensen, U. G.; Skottfelt, J.; Stefanov, K.; Carry, B.; Braga-Ribas, F.; Doressoundiram, A.; Ivanov, V. D.; Gandhi, P.; Evans, D. F.; Hundertmark, M.; Serjeant, S. and Ortolani, S.
Murray, N. J.; Allanwood, E. A. H.; Dryer, B. J.; Weatherill, D. P.; Stefanov, K. D.; Holland, A. D. and Burt, D. J.
Murray, Neil J.; Holland, Andrew D.; Gow, Jason P. D.; Hall, David J.; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Dryer, Ben J.; Barber, Simeon and Burt, David J.
Murray, Neil J.; Burt, David J.; Holland, Andrew D.; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Gow, Jason P. D.; MacCormick, Calum; Dryer, Ben J. and Allanwood, Edgar A. H.
PTo Top
Prest, Martin J.; Setälä, Olli; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Vähänissi, Ville; Savin, Hele and Jordan, Douglas
RTo Top
Rushton, Joseph E.; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Holland, Andrew D.; Bugnet, Henri; Mayer, Frederic; Cordrey-Gale, Matthew and Endicott, James
Rushton, Joseph E.; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Holland, Andrew D.; Endicott, James; Mayer, Frederic and Barbier, Frederic
Rushton, J.; Holland, A.; Stefanov, K. and Mayer, F.
STo Top
Stefanov, Konstantin D. and Buggey, Thomas W.
Setälä, Olli E.; Prest, Martin J.; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Jordan, Douglas; Soman, Matthew R.; Vähänissi, Ville and Savin, Hele
Stefanov, Konstantin and Prest, Martin J.
Stefanov, Konstantin D. and Prest, Martin J.
Stefanov, Konstantin and Holland, Andrew
Stefanov, Konstantin (2022). CMOS Image Sensors. Bristol, UK: IOP Publishing.
Stefanov, Konstantin; Townsend-Rose, Charles; Buggey, Thomas; Ivory, James; Hetherington, Oliver; Holland, Andrew; Heymes, Julian; Pratlong, Jérôme; Tsiolis, Georgios; Morris, David; Minoglou, Kyriaki; Prod'homme, Thibaut and Soman, Matthew
Stefanov, Konstantin
Stefanov, Konstantin; Prest, Martin J.; Downing, Mark; George, Elizabeth; Bezawada, Naidu and Holland, Andrew
Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Dunford, Alice and Holland, Andrew D.
Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Clarke, Andrew S.; Ivory, James and Holland, Andrew D.
Stefanov, Konstantin and Holland, Andrew
Stefanov, Konstantin; Clarke, Andrew; Ivory, James and Holland, Andrew
Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Clarke, Andrew S.; Ivory, James and Holland, Andrew D.
Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Clarke, Andrew S. and Holland, Andrew D.
Soman, M. R.; Allanwood, E. A. H.; Holland, A. D.; Stefanov, K.; Pratlong, J.; Leese, M.; Gow, J. P. D. and Smith, D. R.
Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Clarke, Andrew S. and Holland, Andrew D.
Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Dryer, Ben. J.; Hall, David J.; Holland, Andrew D.; Pratlong, Jérôme; Fryer, Martin and Pike, Andrew
Stefanov, Konstantin
Soman, M. R.; Allanwood, E. A. H.; Holland, A. D.; Winstone, G. P.; Gow, J. P. D.; Stefanov, K. and Leese, M.
Stefanov, Konstantin
Soman, M.; Stefanov, K.; Weatherill, D.; Holland, A.; Gow, J. and Leese, M.
Stefanov, K. D. and Murray, N. J.
Stefanov, Konstantin D.
Soman, Matthew; Holland, Andrew; Stefanov, Konstantin; Gow, Jason; Leese, Mark; Pratlong, Jérôme and Turner, Peter
Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Zhang, Zhige; Damerell, Chris; Burt, David and Kar-Roy, Arjun
Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Zhang, Zhige; Damerell, Chris; Burt, David and Kar-Roy, Arjun
Sopczak, André; Aoulmit, Salim; Bekhouche, Khaled; Bowdery, Chris; Buttar, Craig; Damerell, Chris; Djendaoui, Dahmane; Dehimi, Lakhdar; Greenshaw, Tim; Koziel, Michal; Maneuski, Dzmitry; Nomerotski, Andrei; Stefanov, Konstantin; Tikkanen, Tuomo; Woolliscroft, Tim and Worm, Steve
TTo Top
Townsend-Rose, Charles; Buggey, Thomas; Ivory, James; Dazzazi, Imane; Stefanov, Konstantin and Hall, David
Townsend-Rose, Charles; Buggey, Thomas; Ivory, James; Stefanov, Konstantin D. and Holland, Andrew D.
Townsend-Rose, Charles; Buggey, Thomas W.; Ivory, James M.; Dazzazi, Imane; Stefanov, Konstantin D. and Hall, David J.
Townsend-Rose, Charles; Buggey, Thomas; Ivory, James; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Jones, Lawrence; Hetherington, Oliver; Holland, Andrew D. and Prod’homme, Thibaut
Townsend-Rose, Charles; Buggey, Thomas; Ivory, James; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Jones, Lawrence; Hetherington, Oliver and Holland, Andrew D.
WTo Top
Wocial, Thomas; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Martin, William E.; Barnes, John R. and Jones, Hugh R.A.
Wood, Daniel; Hall, David; Gow, Jason; Murray, Neil; Stefanov, Konstantin and Holland, Andrew
Wood, Daniel; Hall, David J.; Gow, Jason; Skottfelt, Jesper; Murray, Neil J.; Stefanov, Konstantin and Holland, Andrew D.
Winstone, G. P.; Soman, M. R.; Allanwood, E. A. H.; Holland, A. D.; Gow, J. P. D.; Stefanov, K. and Leese, M.
Weatherill, Daniel P.; Stefanov, Konstantin; Jordan, Douglas; Holland, Andrew and Kotov, Ivan V.
Weatherill, D. P.; Stefanov, K. D.; Holland, A. D. and Jordan, D.
Weatherill, Daniel P.; Stefanov, Konstantin D.; Greig, Thomas A. and Holland, Andrew D.
ZTo Top
Zhang, Z.; Stefanov, K. D.; Bailey, D.; Banda, Y.; Buttar, C.; Cheplakov, A.; Cussans, D.; Damerell, C.; Devetak, E.; Fopma, J.; Foster, B.; Gao, R.; Gillman, A.; Goldstein, J.; Greenshaw, T.; Grimes, M.; Halsall, R.; Harder, K.; Hawes, B.; Hayrapetyan, K.; Heath, H.; Hillert, S.; Jackson, D.; Pinto Jayawardena, T.; Jeffery, B.; John, J.; Johnson, E.; Kundu, N.; Laing, A.; Lastovicka, T.; Lau, W.; Lintern, A.; Lynch, C.; Mandry, S.; Martin, V.; Murray, P.; Nichols, A.; Nomerotski, A.; Page, R.; Parkes, C.; Perry, C.; O'Shea, V.; Sopczak, A.; Tabassam, H.; Tikkanen, T.; Velthuis, J.; Walsh, R.; Woolliscroft, T. and Worm, S.