Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Kevin Collins

43 items in this list.
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BTo Top

Blackmore, Chris; Foster, Natalie; Collins, Kevin and Ison, Ray (2017). Understanding and developing communities of practice through diagramming. In: Oreszczyn, Sue and Lane, Andy eds. Mapping environmental sustainability: reflecting on systemic practices for participatory research. London: Policy Press, pp. 155–182.

Blackmore, Chris; van Bommel, Severine; de Bruin, Annemarieke; de Vries, Jasper; Westberg, Lotten; Powell, Niel; Foster, Natalie; Collins, Kevin; Roggero, Pier Paolo and Seddaiu, Giovanna (2016). Learning for Transformation of Water Governance: Reflections on Design from the Climate Change Adaptation and Water Governance (CADWAGO) Project. Water, 8(11), article no. 510.

Bachmair, Sophie; Stahl, Kerstin; Collins, Kevin; Hannaford, Jamie; Acreman, Mike; Svoboda, Mark; Knutson, Cody; Helm Smith, Kelly; Wall, Nicole; Fuchs, Brian; Crossman, Neville and Overton, Ian C. (2016). Drought indicators revisited: the need for a wider consideration of environment and society. WIREs Water, 3(4) pp. 516–536.

Blackmore, Chris; Ison, Ray and Collins, Kevin (2013). Supporting Water Governance and Climate Change Adaptation Through Systemic Praxis. In: Communication for the Commons: Revisiting Participation and Environment. Proceedings of the 2013 Conference on Communication and Environment (Meisner, Mark S.; Sriskandarajah, Nadarajah and Depoe, Stephen P. eds.), The International Environmental Communication Association, pp. 107–117.

Bloomfield, D.; Collins, K.; Fry, C. and Munton, R. (2001). Deliberation and inclusion: vehicles for increasing trust in UK public governance? Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy, 19(4) pp. 501–513.

CTo Top

Collins, Kevin; Hannaford, Jamie; Svoboda, Mark; Knutson, Cody; Wall, Nicole; Bernadt, Tonya; Crossman, Neville; Overton, Ian; Acreman, Mike; Bachmair, Sophie and Stahl, Kerstin (2016). Stakeholder Co-inquiries on Drought Impacts, Monitoring and Early Warning Systems. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 97(11) ES217-ES220.

Collins, K.; Hannaford, J.; Haines, S.; Bachmair, S.; Crossman, N.; Stephens, L. and Svoboda, M. (2016). Drought: Understanding and reducing vulnerability through monitoring and early warning systems. Report of the DrIVER workshop, 17 March 2015. DrIVER project report, Wallingford, UK.

Colvin, John; Blackmore, Chris; Chimbuya, Sam; Collins, Kevin; Dent, Mark; Goss, John; Ison, Ray; Roggero, Pier Paolo and Seddaiu, Giovanna (2014). In search of systemic innovation for sustainable development: a design praxis emerging from a decade of social learning inquiry. Research Policy, 43 pp. 760–771.

Collins, Kevin (2014). Designing social learning systems for integrating social sciences into policy processes: Some experiences of water managing. In: Manfredo, M. J.; Vaske, J. J.; Rechkemmer, A. and Duke, E. A. eds. Understanding Society and Natural Resources: Forging New Strands of Integration across the Social Sciences. Amsterdam: Springer, pp. 229–251.

Collins, Kevin and Ison, Ray (2009). Jumping off Arnstein's Ladder: Social learning as a new policy paradigm for climate change adaptation. Environmental Policy and Governance, 19(6) pp. 358–373.

Collins, Kevin and Ison, Ray (2009). Editorial: Living with environmental change: adaptation as social learning. Environmental Policy and Governance, 19(6) pp. 351–357.

Collins, Kevin and Ison, Raymond (2006). Dare we jump off Arnstein's ladder? Social learning as a new policy paradigm. In: Proceedings of PATH (Participatory Approaches in Science & Technology) Conference, 4-7 Jun 2006, Edinburgh.

FTo Top

Floyd, Joshua; Iaquinto, Benjamin L.; Ison, Ray and Collins, Kevin (2014). Managing complexity in Australian urban water governance: transitioning Sydney to a water sensitive city. Futures, 61 pp. 1–12.

HTo Top

Hannaford, Jamie; Collins, Kevin; Haines, Sophie and Barker, Lucy (2019). Enhancing drought monitoring and early warning for the UK through stakeholder co-enquiries. Weather, Climate, and Society, 11(1) pp. 49–63.

Harrison, C. M.; Munton, R. J. C and Collins, K. (2004). Experimental discursive spaces: policy processes, public participation and the greater London authority. Urban Studies, 41(4) pp. 903–917.

ITo Top

Ison, Raymond L.; Collins, Kevin B. and Wallis, Philip J (2015). Institutionalising social learning: towards systemic and adaptive governance. Environmental Science & Policy, 53(Part B) pp. 105–117.

Ison, Raymond; Allan, Catherine and Collins, Kevin (2015). Reframing water governance praxis: does reflection on metaphors have a role? Environment & Planning C: Government & Policy, 33 pp. 1697–1713.

Ison, Ray; Blackmore, Chris; Collins, Kevin; Holwell, Sue and Iaquinto, Ben (2014). Insights into operationalizing communities of practice from SSM-based inquiry processes. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 27 pp. 91–113.

Ison, Ray; Collins, Kevin; Blackmore, Chris and Lonsdale, Kate (2014). Towards systemic governance of social-biophysical systems: social learning as collaborative performance. In: Resilience & Development: Mobilising for Transformation, 4-8 May 2014, Montpelier, France.

Ison, Raymond; Wallis, Phil and Collins, Kevin (2012). Institutionalising social learning: towards systemic and adaptive governance. In: Sustainable Hyderabad – Albrecht-Daniel-Thaer Kolloquium 2012 on “Crafting or Designing? Intended Institutional Change for Social-Ecological Systems”,, 8-9 Jun 2012, Berlin.

Ison, Ray; Collins, Kevin; Colvin, John; Jiggins, Janice; Roggero, Pier Paolo; Seddaiu, Giovanna; Steyaert, Patrick; Toderi, Marco and Zanolla, Chiara (2011). Sustainable catchment managing in a climate changing world: new integrative modalities for connecting policy makers, scientists and other stakeholders. Water Resources Management, 25(15) pp. 3977–3992.

Ison, Ray and Collins, Kevin (2008). Public policy that does the right thing rather than the wrong thing righter. In: Analysing Collaborative and Deliberative Forms of Governance, 14 Nov 2008, The Australia National University, Canberra, Australia.

Ison, Ray; Blackmore, Chris and Collins, Kevin (2006). Learning to start systemically in environmental decision making. In: 7th European IFSA Symposium, 7-11 May 2006, Wageningen, The Netherlands.

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MTo Top

Melo Zurita, Maria de Lourdes; Thomsen, Dana C.; Holbrook, Neil J.; Smith, Timothy F.; Lyth, Anna; Munro, Paul G.; de Bruin, Annemarieke; Seddaiu, Giovanna; Roggero, Pier Paolo; Baird, Julia; Plummer, Ryan; Bullock, Ryan; Collins, Kevin and Powell, Neil (2018). Global Water Governance and Climate Change: Identifying Innovative Arrangements for Adaptive Transformation. Water, 10(1), article no. 29.

PTo Top

Potters, Jorieke; Collins, Kevin; Schoorlemmer, Herman; Stræte, Egil Petter; Kilis, Emils; Lane, Andrew and Leloup, Heloise (2022). Living Labs as an Approach to Strengthen Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation Systems. EuroChoices, 21(1) pp. 23–29.

STo Top

Shelton, M. R.; Bos, J. J.; Collins, K. B; Ison, R. L. and Iaquinto, B. L. (2022). Characterising water sensitive cities through inquiry-based learning systems. Australasian Journal of Water Resources, 26(2) pp. 162–174.

WTo Top

Wehn, Uta; Collins, Kevin; Anema, Kim; Basco-Carrera, Laura and Lerebours, Alix (2018). Stakeholder engagement in water governance as social learning: lessons from practice. Water International, 43(1) pp. 34–59.

Wei, Yongping; Ison, Ray; Colvin, John and Collins, Kevin (2012). Reframing water governance: a multi-perspective study of an over-engineered catchment in China. Journal of Environmental Planning & Management, 55(3) pp. 297–318.


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