Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Kath Woodward
2024To Top
Woodward, Kath
Woodward, Jack and Woodward, Kath
2022To Top
Woodward, Kath; Bradby, Hannah; Jasso, Guillermina and Cheung, Sin Yi
Woodward, Kath
Bradby, Hannah; Jasso, Guillermina; Outhwaite, William; Pulignano, Valeria and Woodward, Kath
2020To Top
Woodward, Kath
2019To Top
Woodward, Kath and Woodward, Sophie (2019). Birth and Death: Experience, Ethics, Politics. London: Routledge.
Woodward, Kath
Woodward, Kath
2017To Top
King, Andy; Murji, Karim; Neal, Sarah; Watson, Sophie and Woodward, Kath
Jordan, Tim; McClure, Brigid and Woodward, Kath eds. (2017). Culture, Identity and Intense Performativity. Being in the Zone. Innovations in the Humanities, Social Sciences and Creative Arts, 4. London: Routledge.
Woodward, Kath
Woodward, Kath
Woodward, Kath
2016To Top
King, Andrew; Neal, Sarah; Murji, Karim; Watson, Sophie and Woodward, Kath
2015To Top
Woodward, Kath (2015). The Politics of In/visibility: Being There. Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Woodward, Kath and Woodward, Sophie
Woodward, Kath (2015). Psychosocial Studies: An Introduction. Abingdon: Routledge.
2014To Top
Woodward, Kath
Woodward, Kath (2014). Globalizing Boxing. Globalizing Sports Studies. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
Woodward, Kath
2013To Top
Harvey, Penelope; Casella, Eleanor; Evans, Gillian; Knox, Hannah; McLean, Christine; Silva, Elizabeth; Thoburn, Nick and Woodward, Kath eds. (2013). Objects and Materials: A Routledge Companion. London: Routledge.
2012To Top
Woodward, Kath (2012). Sporting Times. Basingstoke: Palgrave.
Woodward, Kath and Woodward, Sophie
Horne, John; Tomlinson, Alan; Whannel, Garry and Woodward, Kath (2012). Understanding Sport. Culture Economy and the Social. London: Routledge.
Woodward, Kath (2012). Planet Sport. Shortcuts. London, UK: Routledge.
Woodward, Kath (2012). Sex, Power and the Games. Genders and Sexualities in the Social Sciences. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
2011To Top
Woodward, Kath
Woodward, Kath (2011). The Short Guide to Gender. Short Guides. Bristol: The Policy Press.
Woodward, Kath
Brandstater, Suzanne; Wade, Peter and Woodward, Kath (2011). Introduction: rights cultures, subjects, citizens. In Economy and Society Economy and Society, 40(2) pp. 166-183.
Wyllie, James; Woodward, Kath and Goldblatt, David
Woodward, Kath and Goldblatt, David
Woodward, Kath; Goldblatt, David and Wyllie, James
Woodward, Kath
2009To Top
Woodward, Kath and Woodward, Sophie (2009). Why Feminism Matters: Feminism Lost and Found. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
Woodward, Kath
Woodward, Kath (2009). Embodied Sporting Practices: Regulating and Regulatory Bodies. Basingstoke: Palgrave MacMillan.
2008To Top
Woodward, Kath
Woodward, Kath
2007To Top
Woodward, Kath
2006To Top
Woodward, Kath (2006). Boxing, Masculinity and Identity. The "I" of the Tiger. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.
2004To Top
Woodward, Kath
2003To Top
Woodward, Kath
Woodward, Kath (2003). Understanding Identity. London, UK: Hodder Arnold.
1999To Top
Kirkup, Gill; Woodward, Kath; Janes, Linda and Hovenden, Fiona eds. (1999). The Gendered Cyborg: A reader. London: Routledge.