Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Josie Tetley
2018To Top
Willson, Catherine Louise; Tetley, Josie; Lloyd, Cathy; Messmer Uccelli, Michele and MacKian, Sara
2017To Top
Stockley, RC; Donaldson, G; Georgiou, Theodoros; Caton, S; Pinzone, O; Visi, F; Holland, Simon; Sullivan, M and Tetley, Josie
Tetley, J.; Stockley, R.; Donaldson, G.; Caton, S.; Sullivan, M.; Holland, S.; Georgiou, T.; Visi, F.; Williamson, A.; Wong, J. and Hill, R.
Stockley, Rachel C.; Donaldson, Glenis; Georgiou, Theo; Holland, Simon; van der Linden, Janet; Tetley, Josie; Garbutt, Linda and Pinzone, Ornella
2016To Top
Stockley, R; Donaldson, G; Tetley, J.; Georgiou, T.; Holland, S.; van der Linden, J. and Pinzone, O.
Tetley, Josie; Dobson, Fiona; Jack, Kirsten; Pearson, Beryl and Walker, Elaine
2015To Top
Tetley, Josie; Holland, Caroline; Waights, Verina; Hughes, Jonathan; Holland, Simon and Warren, Stephanie
2014To Top
Tetley, Josie and Draper, Janet
2013To Top
Tetley, Josie and Draper, Janet
Tetley, Josie; Watts, Jacqueline H. and Reynolds, Jill eds. (2013). Coproduction? Working with Existing Older People’s Groups. The Representation of Older People in Ageing Research, 11. London: Centre for Policy on Ageing.
2012To Top
Tetley, Josephine
2011To Top
Tetley, Josie
Brown-Wilson, Christine; Tetley, Josie; Healy, Joan and Wolton, River
2010To Top
Tetley, Josie; Holland, Caroline; Nederland, Trud; Toorn, Jessica van den; Reichert, Monika; Lis, Katharina; Mason, Anne; Kokol, Peter; Blazun, Helena; Hughes, Jonathan; Waights, Verina and Holland, Simon
Tetley, Josephine; Holland, Caroline; Hughes, Jonathan; Waights, Verina and Holland, Simon
Tetley, Josie
Bornat, Joanna and Tetley, Josie eds. (2010). Oral History and Ageing. The Representation of Older People in Ageing Research Series (9). London: Centre for Policy on Ageing.
2009To Top
Tetley, Josie
Tetley, Josie; Hughes, Jonathan; Holland, Caroline and Waights, Verina
Tetley, Josephine; Grant, Gordon and Davies, Susan
Brown-Wilson, C.; Tetley, J.; Healey, J. and Wolton, R.
2008To Top
McCormack, B.; Gallagher, E.; Goldner, G.; Resnick, B. and Tetley, J.
2007To Top
Mountain, Gail and Tetley, Josie
Tetley, Josephine; Mountain, Gail; Clarke, Amanda; James, Janet; Wilson, Janet; Hockney, Chris and Gamble, Julie
2006To Top
Mason, Anne; Tetley, Josie and Urqhuart, Gordon
Tetley, Josephine and Mountain, Gail
2003To Top
Tetley, Josie; Haynes, Lorna; Hawthorne, Maud; Odeyemi, Joe; Skinner, Jeanne; Smith, Dora and Wilson, Vanlis
2002To Top
Davies, S; Gell, Lynn; Tetley, Josie and Aveyard, Barry
2001To Top
Tetley, Josie; Hanson, Elizabeth and Clark, Amanda
2000To Top
Hanson, Elizabeth Jane; Tetley, Josephine and Shewan, Jane
Tetley, Josie and Hanson, Elizabeth
Owen, Jenny and Tetley, Josie
1999To Top
Hanson, Elizabeth J.; Tetley, Josephine and Clarke, Amanda
Tetley, Josie and Glover, Jean
Tetley, Josie
Hanson, Elizabeth J.; Tetley, Josephine and Clarke, Amanda
1997To Top
Tetley, J.; Berthold, H.; Sundin, O.; Chambers, M.; Brito, L. and O'Reilly, A.