Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jamie Woodcock

50 items in this list.
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ATo Top

Aslam, Yaseen and Woodcock, Jamie (2020). A History of Uber Organizing in the UK. South Atlantic Quarterly, 119(2) pp. 412–421.

BTo Top

Bloom, Peter; Smolović Jones, Owain and Woodcock, Jamie (2021). Guerrilla Democracy: Mobile Power and Revolution in the 21st Century. Organizations and Activism. Bristol: Bristol University Press.

Badger, Adam and Woodcock, Jamie (2019). Ethnographic Methods with Limited Access: Assessing Quality of Work in Hard to Reach Jobs. In: Wheatley, Daniel ed. Handbook of research methods on the quality of working lives. Handbooks of Research Methods in Management. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 135–146.

CTo Top

Cant, Callum and Woodcock, Jamie (2021). The cycle of struggle: Food platform strikes in the UK 2016-18. In: Dolber, Brian; Rodino-Colocino, Michelle; Kumanyika, Chenjerai and Wolfson, Todd eds. The Gig Economy: Workers and Media in the Age of Convergence. Routledge, pp. 256–268.

Cox, Joe; Oh, Eun Young; Simmons, Brooke; Graham, Gary; Greenhill, Anita; Lintott, Chris; Masters, Karen and Woodcock, Jamie (2018). Doing Good Online: The Changing Relationships Between Motivations, Activity, and Retention Among Online Volunteers. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 47(5) pp. 1031–1056.

ETo Top

Englert, Sai; Woodcock, Jamie and Cant, Callum (2020). Digital Workerism: Technology, Platforms, and the Circulation of Workers’ Struggles. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique, 18(1) pp. 132–145.

GTo Top

Graham, Mark; Woodcock, Jamie; Heeks, Richard; Mungai, Paul; Van Belle, Jean-Paul; du Toit, Darcy; Fredman, Sandra; Osiki, Abigail; van der Spuy, Anri and Silberman, Six M. (2020). The Fairwork Foundation: Strategies for improving platform work in a global context. Geoforum, 112 pp. 100–103.

Greenhill, Anita; Holmes, Kate; Woodcock, Jamie; Lintott, Chris; Simmons, Brooke D.; Graham, Gary; Cox, Joe; Oh, Eun Young and Masters, Karen (2016). Playing with science: Exploring how game activity motivates users participation on an online citizen science platform. Aslib Journal of Information Management, 68(3) pp. 306–325.

HTo Top

Heeks, Richard; Graham, Mark; Mungai, Paul; Van Belle, Jean-Paul and Woodcock, Jamie (2021). Systematic evaluation of gig work against decent work standards: The development and application of the Fairwork framework. The Information Society, 37(5) pp. 267–286.

Hammar, Emil Lundedal and Woodcock, Jamie (2019). The Political Economy of Wargames: The Production of History and Memory in Military Video Games. In: Hammond, Philip and Pötzsch, Holger eds. War Games: Memory, Militarism and the Subject of Play. London: Bloomsbury, pp. 54–71.

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WTo Top

Woodcock, Jamie (2021). Technology, Labor, and the Gig Economy. In: Rohlinger, Deana A. and Sobieraj, Sarah eds. The Oxford Handbook of Sociology and Digital Media. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Woodcock, Jamie (2021). Workers Inquiry and the Experience of Work: Using Ethnographic Accounts of the Gig Economy. In: Aroles, J; de Vaujany, F-X and Dale, K eds. Experiencing the New World of Work. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 136–156.

Woodcock, Jamie (2020). Exploitation. In: Ritzer, George and Rojek, Chris eds. The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology. Oxford: John Wiley & Sons.

Woodcock, Jamie (2020). Reflecting on a call centre workers’ inquiry. Contradictions, tensions, and the role of the researcher. Etnografia e Ricerca Qualitativa / The Italian Journal of Ethnography and Qualitative Research, 13(1) pp. 103–118.

Woodcock, Jamie (2020). Game Workers Unite: unionization among independent developers. In: Ruffino, Paolo ed. Independent Videogames: Cultures, Networks, Techniques And Politics. Abingdon: Routledge.

Woodcock, Jamie and Graham, Mark (2019). The Gig Economy: A Critical Introduction. Cambridge: Polity.

Woodcock, Jamie (2019). Understanding affective labour: the demand for workers to really care. In: Frayne, David ed. The Work Cure: Critical Essays on Work and Wellness. Monmouth: PCCS Books, pp. 61–74.

Woodcock, Jamie (2019). The trajectory of the 2010 student movement in the UK: from student activism to strikes. In: Choudry, Aziz and Vally, Salim eds. The University and Social Justice Struggles Across the Globe. London: Pluto, pp. 25–40.

Woodcock, Jamie and Johnson, Mark R. (2018). Gamification: What it is, and how to fight it. The Sociological Review, 66(3) pp. 542–558.

Woodcock, Jamie (2018). Digital Labour and Workers’ Organisation. In: Atzeni, Mauricio and Ness, Immanuel eds. Global Perspectives on Workers' and Labour Organizations. Work, Organization, and Employment. Work, Organization, and Employment. Singapore: Springer, pp. 157–173.

Woodcock, Jamie (2018). Changes in Employment: The Role of the State and Its Reconfiguration in the Liberalisation of Employment Policies. In: Stewart, Paul and Fedyuk, Olena eds. Inclusion and Exclusion in Europe: Migration, Work and Employment Perspectives. London: ECPR Press, pp. 17–34.

Woodcock, Jamie (2018). Digital Labour in the University: Understanding the Transformations of Academic Work in the UK. tripleC: Communication, Capitalism & Critique. Open Access Journal for a Global Sustainable Information Society, 16(1) pp. 129–142.

Woodcock, Jamie; Greenhill, Anita; Holmes, Kate; Graham, Gary; Cox, Joe; Oh, Eun Young and Masters, Karen (2017). Crowdsourcing Citizen Science: Exploring the Tensions Between Paid Professionals and Users. Journal of Peer Production(10)


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