Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jovan Byford

34 items in this list.
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2023To Top

2021To Top

Byford, Jovan (2021). Conspiracy Theories. In: Goldberg, Sol; Ury, Scott and Weiser, Kalman eds. Key Concepts in the Study of Antisemitism. Palgrave Critical Studies of Antisemitism and Racism. Basingstoke: Palgrave, pp. 79–92.

Byford, Jovan (2021). The Political Instrumentalization of a Site of the Holocaust: Contested Memories of the Semlin Camp in Belgrade. In: Ognjenovic, Gorana and Jozelic, Jasna eds. Nationalization and Politicization of History in Former Yugoslavia. Modernity, Memory and Identity in South-East Europe. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 95–120.

2020To Top

2019To Top

Byford, Jovan (2019). The Emotional and Political Power of Images of Suffering: Discursive Psychology and the Study of Visual Rhetoric. In: Gibson, Stephen ed. Discourse, Peace and Conflict: Discursive Psychology Perspectives. Peace Psychology Book Series. Springer, pp. 285–302.

2018To Top

Byford, Jovan (2018). Put do “srpskog Yad Vashema”: Manipulacije povijesti logora Sajmište i Jasenovac [The Road to a ‘Serbian Yad Vashem’: Manipulation of the history of Sajmište and Jasenovac]. In: Benčić, Andriana; Odak, Stipe and Lucić, Danijela eds. Jasenovac: manipulacije, kontroverze i povijesni revizionizam [Jasenovac: Manipulations, Controversies and Historical Revisionism]. Jasenovac: Javna ustanova Spomen područje Jasenovac, pp. 87–110.

Byford, Jovan (2018). Picturing Jasenovac: Atrocity Photography Between Evidence and Propaganda. In: Frubis, Hildegard; Oberle, Clara and Pufelska, Agnieszka eds. Fotografien aus den Lagern des NS-Regimes: Beweissicherung und ästhetische Praxis. Schriften des Centrums für jüdische Studien. Vienna: Böhlau Verlag, pp. 227–248.

2017To Top

2014To Top

Byford, Jovan and Tileagă, Cristian (2014). Social psychology, history, and the study of the Holocaust: the perils of interdisciplinary “borrowing”. Peace and Conflict: Journal of Peace Psychology, 20(4) pp. 349–364.

Byford, Jovan (2014). Beyond belief: the social psychology of conspiracy theories and the study of ideology. In: Antaki, Charles and Condor, Susan eds. Rhetoric, Ideology and Social Psychology: Essays in Honour of Michael Billig. Explorations in Social Psychology. London: Routledge, pp. 83–94.

Tileagă, Cristian and Byford, Jovan eds. (2014). Psychology and History: Interdisciplinary Explorations. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

2013To Top

Byford, Jovan (2013). Between marginalisation and instrumentalization: Holocaust memory in Serbia since the late 1980s. In: Himka, John-Paul and Michlic, Joanna Beata eds. Bringing the Dark Past to Light: the Reception of the Holocaust in Postcommunist Europe. Lincoln, NE: University of Nebraska Press, pp. 516–548.

Byford, Jovan (2013). Testimony. In: Keightley, Emily and Pickering, Michael eds. Research Methods for Memory Studies. Research Methods for the Arts and Humanities. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, pp. 200–214.

2012To Top

2011To Top

Byford, Jovan (2011). Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović: 'Lackey of the Germans' or a 'Victim of Fascism'? In: Ramet, Sabrina P. and Listhaug, Ola eds. Serbia and the Serbs in World War Two. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 128–154.

Byford, Jovan (2011). The collaborationist administration and the treatment of the Jews in Nazi-occupied Serbia. In: Ramet, Sabrina P. and Listhaug, Ola eds. Serbia and the Serbs in World War Two. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 109–127.

Byford, Jovan (2011). Conspiracy Theories: A Critical Introduction. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.

Byford, Jovan (2011). The willing bystanders: Dimitrije Ljotic, ‘Shield Collaboration’ and the destruction of Serbia’s Jews. In: Haynes, Rebecca and Rady, Martyn eds. In the Shadow of Hitler: Personalities of the Right in Central and Eastern Europe. London, U.K.: I.B. Tauris.

Byford, Jovan (2011). Η «ημιαναγνώριση» του Ολοκαυτώματος: Αναζητώντας μια θέση στη δημόσια μνήμη της Σερβίας για την εξόντωση των Εβραίων [‘Half-Recognizing’ the Holocaust: Remembrance of the Semlin camp in Belgrade since the 1980s]. In: Αντωνίου, Γιώργος; Δορδανάς, Στράτος; Ζάϊκος, Νίκος and Μαραντζίδης, Νίκος eds. Το ολοκαύτωμα στα Βαλκάνια [Holocaust in the Balkans]. Thessalonika: Epikentro, pp. 155–206.

2010To Top

2008To Top

2007To Top

2006To Top

2005To Top

2004To Top

Byford, Jovan (2004). From "Traitor" to "Saint": Bishop Nikolaj Velimirović in Serbian Public Memory. Analysis of Current Trends In Antisemitism, 22 pp. 1–41.

2002To Top

2001To Top

Byford, J. and Billig, M. (2001). The emergence of antisemitic conspiracy theories in Yugoslavia during the war with NATO. Patterns of Prejudice, 35(4) pp. 50–63.


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