Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jessica Budds

13 items in this list.
Generated on Wed Oct 9 15:35:09 2024 BST.

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Budds, Jessica (2011). Hydrologic modeling. In: Dym, Jordana and Offen, Karl eds. Mapping Latin America: a Cartographic Reader. Chicago, IL: University of Chicago Press, pp. 273–277.

Budds, Jessica (2010). Las relaciones sociales de poder y la producción de paisajes hídricos. In: Vélez Galeano, Hildebrando ed. Justicia hídrica: siete ensayos como aportes para articular las luchas. Bogotá, Colombia: CENSAT Agua Viva / Amigos de la Tierra Colombia, pp. 31–44.

Budds, Jessica (2010). Water rights, mining and indigenous groups in Chile's Atacama. In: Boelens, Rutgerd; Getches, David and Guevara-Gil, Armando eds. Out of the Mainstream: Water Rights, Politics and Identity. London: Earthscan, pp. 197–211.

Budds, Jessica (2009). The 1981 water code: The impacts of private tradable water rights on peasant and indigenous communities in Northern Chile. In: Alexander, William L. ed. Lost in the long transition: Struggles for social justice in neoliberal Chile. Lanham: Lexington Books.

Budds, Jessica (2008). Whose scarcity? The hydrosocial cycle and the changing waterscape of La Ligua River Basin, Chile. In: Goodman, Michael K.; Boykoff, Maxwell T. and Evered, Kyle T. eds. Contentious geographies: Environmental knowledge, meaning, scale. Ashgate Studies in Environmental Policy and Practice. Farnham, Surrey, UK: Ashgate, pp. 59–68.

Budds, Jessica; Teixeira, Paulo and SEHAB (2005). Ensuring the right to the city: pro-poor housing, urban development and tenure legalization in São Paulo, Brazil. Environment and Urbanization, 17(1) pp. 89–114.

Budds, Jessica (2004). Power, nature and neoliberalism: the political ecology of water in Chile. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 25(3) pp. 322–342.

Budds, Jessica and McGranahan, Gordon (2003). Are the debates on water privatization missing the point? Experiences from Africa, Asia and Latin America. Environment and Urbanization, 15(2) pp. 87–114.

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Humphreys, David; Singer, Benjamin; McGinley, Kathleen; Smith, Roy; Budds, Jessica; Gabay, Monica; Bhagwat, Shonil; de Jong, Wil; Newing, Helen; Cross, Charlotte and Satyal, Poshendra (2019). SDG 17: Partnerships for the Goals - Focus on Forest Finance and Partnerships. In: Katila, Pia; Pierce Colfer, Carol J.; de Jong, Wil; Galloway, Glenn; Pacheco, Pablo and Winkel, Georg eds. Sustainable Development Goals: Their Impacts on Forests and People. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 541–576.

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