Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by John Allen

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Allen, J. and Bennett, T. (2021). A poststructuralist who still believes in structures: interview with John Allen. Journal of Cultural Economy (Early access).

Allen, John (2018). The Circulation of Financial Elites. In: Coleman, Mat and Agnew, John eds. Handbook of the Geographies of Power. Research Handbooks in Geography. Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, pp. 178–202.

Allen, John and Pryke, Michael (2016). Offshoring the Nation's water. In: Raco, Mike ed. Britain For Sale? Perspectives on the Costs and Benefits of Foreign Ownership. London: The Smith Institute, pp. 34–41.

Allen, John and Lavau, Stephanie (2015). 'Just-in-time' disease: biosecurity, poultry, and power. Journal of Cultural Economy, 8(3) pp. 342–360.

Allen, John and Cochrane, Allan (2014). The urban unbound: London's politics and the 2012 Olympic Games. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 38(5) pp. 1609–1624.

Allen, John and Pryke, Michael (2013). Financializing household water: Thames water, MEIF, and 'ring-fenced' politics. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society, 6(3) pp. 419–439.

Allen, John (2013). Author's response: The difference that space makes. Progress in Human Geography, 37(3) pp. 458–460.

Allen, John (2012). A more than relational geography? Dialogues in Human Geography, 2(2) pp. 190–193.

Allen, John (2011). Making space for topology. Dialogues in Human Geography, 1(3) pp. 316–318.

Allen, John (2010). The City and finance: changing landscapes of power. In: Coe, Neil and Jones, Andrew eds. The Economic Geography of the UK. London, UK: Sage Publications, pp. 49–60.

Allen, John (2008). Pragmatism and power, or the power to make a difference in a radically contingent world. Geoforum, 39(4) pp. 1613–1624.

Allen, John (2008). Powerful geographies: Spatial shifts in the architecture of globalization. In: Clegg, Stewart R. and Haugaard, Mark eds. The SAGE Handbook of Power. UK: Sage, pp. 157–174.

Allen, John (2008). Responsabilité au travail et mondialisation: au-delà du système de sweatshop. In: Benelli, Natalie and Rosende, Magdalena eds. Laboratories du Travail. Lausanne: Antipodes, pp. 93–104.

Allen, John and Cochrane, Allan (2007). Beyond the territorial fix: Regional assemblages, politics and power. Regional Studies, 41(9) pp. 1161–1175.

Allen, John (2004). The whereabouts of power: politics, government and space. Geografiska Annaler: Series B, Human Geography, 86(1) pp. 19–32.

Allen, John (2003). Lost geographies of power. RGS-IBG Book Series. Oxford, UK: Blackwell.

Allen, John; Massey, Doreen; Cochrane, Allan; Charlesworth, Julie; Court, Gill; Henry, Nick and Sarre, Philip (1998). Rethinking the region. London: Routledge.

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Hinchliffe, Steve; Bingham, Nick; Allen, John and Carter, Simon (2016). Pathological Lives: Disease, Space and Biopolitics. RGS-IBG Book Series. Chichester: John Wiley and Sons.

Hinchliffe, Steve; Allen, John; Lavau, Stephanie; Bingham, Nick and Carter, Simon (2013). Biosecurity and the topologies of infected life: from borderlines to borderlands. Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers, 38(4) pp. 531–543.

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