Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jonathan Rosewell

51 items in this list.
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ATo Top

Adeliyi, Adeola; Wermelinger, Michel; Kear, Karen and Rosewell, Jonathan (2021). Investigating Remote Pair Programming In Part-Time Distance Education. In: 3rd Conference on United Kingdom and Ireland Computing Education Research, UKICER 2021, ACM International Conference Proceeding Series, ACM, Glasgow, article no. 6.

Adeliyi, Adeola; Hughes, Janet; Kear, Karen; Law, Bobby; Murphy, Brendan; Rosewell, Jon; Walshe, Ann and Wermelinger, Michel (2021). Remote Pair Programming. In: SIGCSE'21 - Proceedings of the 52nd ACM Technical Symposium on Computer Science Education, 13-20 Mar 2021, Virtual, ACM.

ETo Top

Edwards, Alasdair and Rosewell, Jon (1981). Vertical zonation of coral reef fishes in the Sudanese Red Sea. Hydrobiologia, 79(1) pp. 21–31.

FTo Top

Ferreira, Giselle; Fisher, Wendy; Kear, Karen and Rosewell, Jonathan (2009). Exploring Web 2.0 to support online learning communities: where technology meets pedagogy. In: Interactive Computer Aided Learning (ICL) International Conference, 26-28 Sep 2009, Villach, Austria.

GTo Top

HTo Top

Hilliard, Jake; Rosewell, Jon; Kear, Karen; Donelan, Helen and Heaney, Caroline (2019). Students' feelings in social and collaborative learning: some case studies. In: The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference: Blended and online education within European university networks, 16-18 Oct 2019, UNED, Madrid.

JTo Top

Jansen, Darco; Rosewell, Jonathan and Kear, Karen (2017). Quality Frameworks for MOOCs. In: Jemni, Mohamed; Kinshuk and Khribi, Mohamed Koutheair eds. Open Education: from OERs to MOOCs. Lecture Notes in Educational Technology. Berlin Heidelberg: Springer, pp. 261–281.

KTo Top

Kear, Karen; Rosewell, Jonathan and Donelan, Helen (2022). Active participation in synchronous online tutorials. In: Innovating Higher Education Conference 2022, 19-21 Oct 2022, Athens.

Kear, Karen; Peoples, Cathryn; Donelan, Helen and Rosewell, Jon (2022). Active participation in synchronous online learning. In The sixth Envisioning Report for Empowering Universities EADTU, Maastricht, The Netherlands.

Kear, Karen and Rosewell, Jonathan (2018). Excellence in e-learning: the key challenges for universities. The Envisioning Report for Empowering Universities 2; European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, Maastricht.

Kear, Karen; Rosewell, Jon; Williams, Keith; Ossiannilsson, Ebba; Rodrigo, Covadonga; Sánchez-Elvira Paniagua, Ángeles; Santamaría Lancho, Miguel; Vyt, André and Mellar, Harvey (2016). Quality Assessment for E-learning: a Benchmarking Approach (Third edition). Maastricht: European Association of Distance Teaching Universities.

Kear, Karen; Williams, Keith and Rosewell, Jonathan (2014). Excellence in e-learning: a quality enhancement approach. In: Changing the Trajectory - Quality for Opening up Education, pp. 25–32.

Kear, Karen; Rosewell, Jonathan and Williams, Keith (2012). Social networking and open educational resources: updating quality assurance for e-learning excellence. In: EADTU 25th Anniversity Conference: The Role of Open and Flexible Education in European Higher Education Systems for 2020: New Models, New Markets, New Media, 27-28 Sep 2012, Paphos, Cyprus.

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RTo Top

Rosewell, Jonathan and Kear, Karen (2019). Changing pedagogies: The Open Networking Lab. The Envisioning Report for Empowering Universities 3; European Association of Distance Teaching Universities, Maastricht.

Rosewell, Jonathan; Kear, Karen; Jones, Allan; Smith, Andrew; Donelan, Helen; Mikroyannidis, Alexander; Peasgood, Alice; Sanders, Chris; Third, Allan; Wermelinger, Michel; Moss, Nicky; Williams, Judith and Connolly, Teresa (2018). Open Networking Lab: online practical learning of computer networking. In: The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference: Blended and online Learning: Changing the Educational Landscape, 10-12 Oct 2018, Aarhus University, Denmark.

Rosewell, Jon; Kear, Karen; Williams, Keith; Rodrigo, Covadonga and Sánchez-Elvira, Angeles (2017). E-xcellence methodology: lessons learned over ten years of development and implementation. In: The Online, Open and Flexible Higher Education Conference: Higher Education for the Future: Accelerating and Strengthening Innovation, 25-27 Oct 2017, The Open University, Milton Keynes.

Rosewell, Jon (2015). Benchmarks for MOOCs: the OpenupEd quality label. In: International Conference on Enhancement and Innovation in Higher Education, 9-11 Jun 2015, Glasgow, GB.

Rosewell, Jonathan and Jansen, Darco (2014). The OpenupEd quality label: benchmarks for MOOCs. In: Changing the Trajectory - Quality for Opening up Education, pp. 67–75.

Rosewell, Jonathan (2014). Practical activities in robotics: hands-on or simulator? In: HEA STEM Annual Learning and Teaching Conference: Enhancing the STEM Student Journey, 30 Apr - 1 May 2014, Edinburgh.

Rosewell, Jonathan and Jansen, Darco (2014). The OpenupEd quality label: benchmarks for MOOCs. INNOQUAL: The International Journal for Innovation and Quality in Learning, 2(3) pp. 88–100.

Rosewell, Jonathan; Kear, Karen and Williams, Keith (2012). Next steps for excellence in the quality of e-learning. In: ALT-C 2012: A Confrontation with Reality, 11-13 Sep 2012, Manchester, UK.

Rosewell, Jon (2012). Can a computer marked exam improve retention? In: ALT-C 2012: A Confrontation with Reality, 11-13 Sep 2012, Manchester, UK.

Rosewell, Jonathan (2012). A speculation on the possible use of badges for learning at the UK Open University. In: EADTU Annual Conference: The Role Of Open And Flexible Education In European Higher Education Systems For 2020: New Models, New Markets, New Media, 27-28 Sep 2012, Paphos, Cyprus.

Rosewell, Jon (2011). iSpot Bayesian keys: the difference that makes a difference in biological identification. In: The Difference that Makes a Difference: An Interdisciplinary Workshop on Information and Technology, 7-9 Sep 2011, Milton Keynes, UK.

Rosewell, J. P. (2011). Opening up multiple-choice: assessing with confidence. In: 2011 International Computer Assisted Assessment (CAA) Conference: Research into e-Assessment, 5/6 Jul 2011, Southampton, UK.

Rosewell, J. P. (2009). Equitability and dominance in online forums: an ecological approach. In: CAL'09 Learning in digital worlds, 23-25 Mar 2009, Brighton, UK.

Rosewell, Jonathan; Bromley, Jane; Marshall, Sam and Smith, Steve (2003). Information and communication technologies: software for an Open University course. In: Computers and Learning 2003: 21st Century Learning, 8-10 Apr 2003, Queen's University, Belfast.

Rosewell, Jonathan; Thomson, Fiona and Blake, Canan (2001). The physical world: multimedia physics at a distance. In: Computers and Learning 2001: Learning across the ages - looking back and looking forwards, 2-4 Apr 2001, University of Warwick.

Rosewell, J.; Shorrocks, B. and Edwards, K. (1990). Competition on a divided and ephemeral resource: Testing the assumptions. I. Aggregation. Journal of Animal Ecology, 59(3) pp. 977–1001.

Rosewell, Jonathan (1990). Dynamic stability of a single-species population in a divided and ephemeral environment. In: Shorrocks, Bryan and Swingland, Ian R. eds. Living in a patchy environment. Oxford, UK: Oxford University Press, pp. 63–74.

Rosewell, J. and Shorrocks, B. (1987). The implication of survival rates in natural populations of Drosophila: capture-recapture experiments on domestic species. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 32(4) pp. 373–384.

STo Top

Shorrocks, Bryan; Rosewell, Jonathan and Edwards, Kathy (1990). Competition on a divided and ephemeral resource: Testing the Assumptions. II. Association. Journal of Animal Ecology, 59(3) pp. 1003–1017.

Shorrocks, Bryan and Rosewell, Jonathan (1988). Aggregation does prevent competitive exclusion: A response to Green. American Naturalist, 131(5) pp. 765–771.

Shorrocks, Bryan and Rosewell, Jonathan (1987). Spatial patchiness and community structure: coexistence and guild size of drosophilids on ephemeral resources. In: Gee, John H. R. and Giller, Paul S. eds. Organization of communities: past and present. British Ecological Society Symposium (27). Blackwell Scientific, pp. 29–51.

Shorrocks, Bryan and Rosewell, Jonathan (1986). Guild size in drosophilids: A simulation model. Journal of Animal Ecology, 55(2) pp. 527–541.

Shorrocks, Bryan; Rosewell, Jon; Edwards, Kathy and Atkinson, Will (1984). Interspecific competition is not a major organizing force in many insect communities. Nature, 310(5975) pp. 310–312.

TTo Top

Thomas, Elaine; Barroca, Leonor; Donelan, Helen; Kear, Karen; Jefferis, Helen and Rosewell, Jon (2016). Online conversations around digital artefacts: the studio approach to learning in STEM subjects. In: Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Networked Learning 2016 (Cranmer, S.; de Laat, M.; Ryberg, T. and Sime, J. A. eds.), pp. 172–180.

Thomas, Elaine; Rosewell, Jon; Kear, Karen and Donelan, Helen (2014). Learning and peer feedback in shared online spaces. In: Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Networked Learning 2014, pp. 382–385.

WTo Top

Williams, Keith; Kear, Karen and Rosewell, Jon (2012). Quality Assessment for E-learning: a Benchmarking Approach (2nd ed.). Heerlen, The Netherlands: European Association of Distance Teaching Universities (EADTU).

Williams, Keith; Kear, Karen; Rosewell, Jonathan and Ferreira, Giselle (2011). Incorporating quality assurance criteria for OER and Social Networking in the E-xcellence QA methodology. In: 24th ICDE World Conference “Expanding Horizons – New Approaches to Open and Distance Learning”, 2-5 Oct 2011, Bali, Indonesia.


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