Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by John Muncie

44 items in this list.
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BookTo Top

Muncie, John (2004). Youth and crime. 2nd edition. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Edited BookTo Top

Muncie, John and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. (2013). Criminological Perspectives (3rd ed.). London: Sage.

Muncie, John and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. (2012). The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (3rd ed.). London: Sage.

Muncie, John and Goldson, Barry eds. (2009). Youth Crime and Juvenile Justice: The Youth problem. Sage Library of Criminology, 1. London, UK: Sage.

Muncie, John and Goldson, Barry eds. (2009). Youth Crime and Juvenile Justice: Juvenile Corrections. Sage Library of Criminology, 2. London, UK: Sage.

Muncie, John and Goldson, Barry eds. (2009). Youth Crime and Juvenile Justice: Children's Rights and State Responsibilities. Sage Library of Criminology, 3. London, UK: Sage.

Muncie, John; Talbot, Deborah and Walters, Reece eds. (2009). Crime: Local and global. Uffculme: Willan Publishing.

Drake, Deborah; Muncie, John and Westmarland, Louise eds. (2009). Criminal Justice: Local and Global. Cullompton: Willan Publishing in association with the Open University.

Goldson, Barry and Muncie, John eds. (2006). Youth crime and justice. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Muncie, John and Goldson, Barry eds. (2006). Comparative Youth Justice. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Muncie, John ed. (2006). Criminology Volume 2: The causes of crime. Sage Library of Criminology. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Muncie, John ed. (2006). Criminology Volume 3: Radical and critical criminologies. Sage Library of Criminology. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Muncie, John and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. (2006). The Sage Dictionary of Criminology (2nd ed.). London, Sage: Sage.

Muncie, John ed. (2005). Criminology Volume 1: The meaning of crime: Definition, representation and social construction. Sage Library of Criminology. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

ed. (2005). The SAGE Dictionary of Criminology. 2nd edition. UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Muncie, John and Wilson, David eds. (2004). Student Handbook of Criminal Justice and Criminology. London, UK: Cavendish.

McLaughlin, Eugene; Muncie, John and Hughes, Gordon eds. (2002). Criminological perspectives: essential readings. 2nd edition. London, UK: Sage Publications Ltd.

Muncie, John; Hughes, Gordon and McLaughlin, Eugene eds. (2002). Youth Justice: Critical readings. London, UK: Sage.

Book SectionTo Top

Muncie, John and Goldson, Barry (2013). Youth justice: in a child's best interests? In: Simon, Jonathan and Sparks, Richard eds. The Sage Handbook of Punishment and Society. London: Sage, pp. 341–355.

Muncie, John (2011). On globalisation and exceptionalism. In: Nelken, David ed. Comparative Criminal Justice and Globalisation. Advances in Criminology. Farnham: Ashgate, pp. 87–106.

Goldson, Barry and Muncie, John (2010). Comparative juvenile justice. In: Herzog-Evans, M. ed. Transnational Criminology Manual, Volume 2. Nijmegen: Wolf Legal Publishers, pp. 429–448.

Muncie, John (2010). Labelling, social reaction and social constructionism. In: McLaughlin, E. and Newburn, T. eds. The SAGE Handbook of Criminological Theory. London: Sage.

Muncie, John (2009). The United Nations, children's rights and juvenile justice. In: Taylor, Wayne; Earle, Rod and Hester, Richard eds. Youth Justice Handbook: Theory, policy and practice. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 20–21.

Muncie, John; Talbot, Deborah and Walters, Reece (2009). Interrogating crime. In: Muncie, John; Walters, Reece and Talbot, Deborah eds. Crime: Local and Global. Cullompton: Willan Publishing.

Goldson, Barry and Muncie, John (2009). Youth justice. In: Hucklesby, Anthea and Wahidin, Azrini eds. Criminal Justice. Oxford, U.K.: Oxford University Press, pp. 257–278.

Muncie, John (2009). The construction and deconstruction of crime. In: Newburn, T ed. Key Readings in Criminology. Cullompton, Devon: Willan.

Drake, Deborah and Muncie, John (2009). Risk prediction, assessment and management. In: Drake, Deborah; Muncie, John and Westmarland, Louise eds. Criminal Justice: Local and Global. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 105–139.

Drake, Deborah; Muncie, John and Westmarland, Louise (2009). Interrogating criminal justice. In: Drake, Deborah; Muncie, John and Westmarland, Louise eds. Criminal Justice: Local and Global. Cullompton: Willan, pp. 1–35.

Muncie, John (2007). Youth justice and the governance of young people; global, international, national and local contexts. In: Venkatesh, Sudhir Alladi and Kassimir, Ronald eds. Youth, Globalization and the Law. Stanford, California, USA: Stanford University Press, pp. 17–60.

Muncie, John (2004). Youth justice: globalisation and multi-modal governance. In: Newburn, Tim and Sparks, Richard eds. Criminal Justice and Political Cultures: National and international dimensions of crime control. Cullompton, UK: Willan, pp. 150–181.

Journal ItemTo Top

Muncie, John and Goldson, Barry (2012). Towards a global ‘child friendly’ juvenile justice? International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 40(1) pp. 47–64.

Muncie, John (2006). Responsibilisation and rights: explorations in comparative youth criminology. Howard Journal of Criminal Justice, 45(1) pp. 42–70.

McLaughlin, Eugene; Muncie, John and Hughes, Gordon (2001). The permanent revolution: New labour, new public management and the modernization of criminal justice. Criminology and Criminal Justice, 1(3) pp. 301–318.

Fergusson, Ross; Pye, David; Esland, Geoff; McLaughlin, Eugene and Muncie, John (2000). Normalized dislocation and new subjectivities in post-16 markets for education and work. Critical Social Policy, 20(3) pp. 283–305.


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