Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by Jason Gow

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ATo Top

Athiray, P. S.; Sreekumar, P.; Narendranath, S. and Gow, J. P. D. (2015). Simulating charge transport to understand the spectral response of Swept Charge Devices. Astronomy & Astrophysics, 583, article no. A97.

Allinson, N.; Anaxagoras, T.; Aveyard, J.; Arvanitis, C.; Bates, R.; Blue, A.; Bohndiek, S.; Cabello, J.; Chen, L.; Chen, S.; Clark, A.; Clayton, C.; Cook, E.; Cossins, A.; Crooks, J.; El-Gomati, M.; Evans, P. M.; Faruqi, W.; French, M.; Gow, J.; Greenshaw, T.; Greig, T.; Guerrini, N.; Harris, E. J.; Henderson, R.; Holland, A.; Jeyasundra, G.; Karadaglic, D.; Konstantinidis, A.; Liang, H. X.; Maini, K. M. S.; McMullen, G.; Olivo, A.; O'Shea, V.; Osmond, J.; Ott, R. J.; Prydderch, M.; Qiang, L.; Riley, G.; Royle, G.; Segneri, G.; Speller, R.; Symonds-Tayler, J. R. N.; Triger, S.; Turchetta, R.; Venanzi, C.; Wells, K.; Zha, X. and Zin, H. (2009). The Multidimensional Integrated Intelligent Imaging project (MI-3). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A, 604(1-2) pp. 196–198.

BTo Top

Bush, Nathan; Hall, David; Holland, Andrew; Burgon, Ross; Murray, Neil; Gow, Jason; Jordan, Douglas; Demers, Richard; Harding, Leon K.; Nemati, Bijan; Hoenk, Michael; Michaels, Darren and Peddada, Pavani (2016). Cryogenic irradiation of an EMCCD for the WFIRST coronagraph: preliminary performance analysis. In: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VII, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), article no. 99150A.

Bush, Nathan; Hall, David; Holland, Andrew; Burgon, Ross; Murray, Neil; Gow, Jason; Soman, Matthew; Jordan, Doug; Demers, Richard; Harding, Leon K.; Hoenk, Michael; Michaels, Darren; Nemati, Bijan and Peddada, Pavani (2015). The impact of radiation damage on photon counting with an EMCCD for the WFIRST-AFTA coronagraph. In: Proceedings of SPIE, Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 9605, article no. 96050E.

Brushwood, J. M.; Gow, J. P. D.; Beeley, P. A. and Spyrou, N. M. (2004). Development and testing of an active area neutron dosemeter. Radiation Protection Dosimetry, 110(1-4) pp. 263–266.

CTo Top

Cropper, Mark; Pottinger, S.; Azzollini, R.; Szafraniec, M.; Awan, S.; Mellier, Y.; Berthé, M.; Martignac, J.; Cara, C.; Di Giorgio, A.-M.; Sciortino, A.; Bozzo, E.; Genolet, L.; Philippon, A.; Hailey, M.; Hunt, T.; Swindells, I.; Holland, A.; Gow, J.; Murray, N.; Hall, D.; Skottfelt, J.; Amiaux, J.; Laureijs, R.; Racca, G.; Salvignol, J.-C.; Short, A.; Lorenzo Alvarez, J.; Kitching, T.; Hoekstra, H.; Galli, E.; Willis, G.; Hu, H.; Candini, G.-P.; Boucher, J.; Al-Bahlawan, A.; Chaudery, R.; de Lacy, C.; Pendem, A.; Smit, S.; Dubois, J.-P.; Horeau, B.; Carty, M.; Fontignie, J.; Doumayrou, E.; Larchevêque, C.; Castelli, M.; Cole, R.; Niemi, S.; Denniston, J.; Massey, R.; Kohley, R.; Ferrando, P.; Conversi, L. and The Euclid Collaboration (2018). VIS: the visible imager for Euclid. In: SPIE 10698, Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2018: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 10-15 Jun 2018, Austin, Texas, US.

Cropper, M.; Pottinger, S.; Niemi, S.; Azzollini, R.; Denniston, J.; Szafraniec, M.; Awan, S.; Mellier, Y.; Berthe, M.; Martignac, J.; Cara, C.; Di Giorgio, A.-M.; Sciortino, A.; Bozzo, E.; Genolet, L.; Cole, R.; Philippon, A.; Hailey, M.; Hunt, T.; Swindells, I.; Holland, A.; Gow, J.; Murray, N.; Hall, D.; Skottfelt, J.; Amiaux, J.; Laureijs, R.; Racca, G.; Salvignol, J.-C.; Short, A.; Lorenzo Alvarez, J.; Kitching, T.; Hoekstra, H.; Massey, R. and Israel, H. (2016). VIS: the visible imager for Euclid. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2016: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave (MacEwen, Howard A.; Fazio, Giovanni G.; Lystrup, Makenzie; Batalha, Natalie; Siegler, Nicholas and Tong, Edward C. eds.), Proc. SPIE 9904, 99040Q.

Cropper, Mark; Pottinger, S.; Niemi, S.-M.; Denniston, J.; Cole, R.; Szafraniec, M.; Mellier, Y.; Berthé, M.; Martignac, J.; Cara, C.; di Giorgio, A. M.; Sciortino, A.; Paltani, S.; Genolet, L.; Fourmand, J.-J.; Charra, M.; Guttridge, P.; Winter, B.; Endicott, J.; Holland, A.; Gow, J.; Murray, N.; Hall, D.; Amiaux, J.; Laureijs, R.; Racca, G.; Salvignol, J.-C.; Short, A.; Lorenzo Alvarez, J.; Kitching, T.; Hoekstra, H. and Massey, R. (2014). VIS: the visible imager for Euclid. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2014: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, article no. 91430J.

Clarke, A.; Hall, D.; Murray, N.; Gow, J.; Holland, A. and Burt, D. (2013). Pixel-level modelling and verification for the EUCLID VIS CCD. In: UV/Optical/IR Space Telescopes and Instruments: Innovative Technologies and Concepts VI, SPIE, article no. 8860 0V.

Cropper, Mark; Cole, R.; James, A.; Melier, Y; Martignac, J.; Di Giorgio, A. -M.; Paltani, S.; Genolet, L.; Fourmond, J. -J.; Cara, C.; Amiaux, J.; Guttridge, P.; Walton, D.; Thomas, P.; Rees, K.; Pool, P.; Endicott, J.; Holland, A.; Gow, J.; Murray, N.; Duvet, L.; Augueres, J. -L.; Laureijs, R.; Gondoin, P.; Kitching, T.; Massey, R. and Hoekstra, H. (2012). VIS: the visible imager for Euclid. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2012: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave (Conference 8442), 1-6 Jul 2012, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Cropper, Mark; Guttridge, P.; Walton, D.; Thomas, P.; Rees, K.; Cole, R.; Refregier, A.; Boulade, O.; Augueresiaux,, J.-L.; Pool, P.; Endicott, J.; Holland, A.; Gow, J.; Murray, N.; Amara, A.; Lumb, D.; Duvet, L. and Hopkinson, G. (2010). VIS: the visible imager for Euclid. In: Space Telescopes and Instrumentation 2010: Optical, Infrared, and Millimeter Wave, 27 Jun - 02 Jul 2010, San Diego.

DTo Top

Dryer, B.; Smith, P.; Nuns, T.; Murray, N.; Stefanov, K. D.; Gow, J. P. D.; Burgon, R.; Hall, D. J. and Holland, A. D. (2016). Validation of NIEL for >1MeV electrons in silicon using the CCD47-20. In: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VII, Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE, Bellingham, WA, article no. 9915-99.

ETo Top

Endicott, J.; Darby, S.; Bowring, S.; Eaton, T.; Grey, A.; Swindells, I.; Wheeler, R.; Duvet, L.; Cropper, M.; Walton, D.; Holland, A.; Murray, N. and Gow, J. (2012). Charge-coupled devices for the ESA Euclid M-class mission. In: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy V, 1-6 Jul 2012, Amsterdam.

GTo Top

Greig, Thomas; Stefanov, Konstantin; Holland, Andrew; Clarke, Andrew; Burt, David and Gow, Jason (2013). Total ionizing dose effects on I-V and noise characteristics of MOS transistors in a 0.18 μm CMOS Image Sensor process. In: 2013 14th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS).

Gow, Jason P. D.; Murray, Neil J.; Holland, Andrew D.; Burt, David and Pool, Peter J. (2012). Comparison of proton irradiated P-channel and N-channel CCDs. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 686 pp. 15–19.

Gow, Jason P. D.; Holland, Andrew D.; Pool, Peter J. and Smith, David R. (2012). The effect of protons on the performance of second generation Swept Charge Devices. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 680 pp. 86–89.

Gow, Jason (2009). Radiation Damage Analysis of the Swept Charge Device for the C1XS Instrument. Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) thesis Brunel University.

Gow, J.; Murray, N. J.; Holland, A. D.; Burt, D. and Pool, P. (2009). A comparative study of proton radiation damage in p- and n-channel. In: Proceedings of SPIE: UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XVI, 3 Aug 2009, San Diego, USA.

Gow, J.; Holland, A. D. and Pool, P. (2009). Proton radiation damage study of the next generation of swept charge devices. In: Proceedings of SPIE: UV, X-Ray, and Gamma-Ray Space Instrumentation for Astronomy XVI, 3 Aug 2009, San Diego, USA.

Gow, J.; Smith, D. R.; Holland, A. D.; Madison, B.; Howe, C.; Grande, M.; Sreekumar, P. and Huovelin, J. (2008). Radiation study of swept-charge devices for the Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS) instrument. In: Proceedings of SPIE: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy III, 23-27 Jun 2008, Marseille.

Gow, J.; Smith, D. R.; Holland, A. D.; Maddison, B.; Howe, C.; Sreekumar, P.; Huovelind, J. and Grande, M. (2007). Characterisation of swept-charge devices for the Chandrayaan-1 x-ray spectrometer (C1XS) instrument. In: SPIE Optics+Photonics 2007: Astronomical Optics and Instrumentation, 26-30 Aug 2007, San Diego, California, USA.

HTo Top

Hall, David; Wood, Daniel; Bush, Nathan; Murray, Neil; Gow, Jason; Skottfelt, Jesper and Holland, Andrew (2016). Mapping radiation-induced defects in CCDs through space and time. In: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VII, SPIE Digital Library, article no. 99150I.

Harding, Leon K.; Demers, Richard T.; Hoenk, Michael; Peddada, Pavani; Nemati, Bijan; Cherng, Michael; Michaels, Darren; Neat, Leo S.; Loc, Anthony; Bush, Nathan; Hall, David; Murray, Neil; Gow, Jason; Burgon, Ross; Holland, Andrew; Reinheimer, Alice; Jorden, Paul R. and Jordan, Douglas (2015). Technology advancement of the CCD201-20 EMCCD for the WFIRST coronagraph instrument: sensor characterization and radiation damage. Journal of Astronomical Telescopes, Instruments, and Systems, 2(1) 011007.

Harding, Leon K.; Demers, Richard T.; Hoenk, Michael; Peddada, Pavani; Nemati, Bijan; Cherng, Michael; Michaels, Darren; Loc, Anthony; Bush, Nathan; Hall, David; Murray, Neil; Gow, Jason; Burgon, Ross; Holland, Andrew; Reinheimer, Alice; Jorden, Paul R. and Jordan, Douglas (2015). Electron multiplication CCD detector technology advancement for the WFIRST-AFTA coronagraph. In: Techniques and Instrumentation for Detection of Exoplanets VII (Shaklan, Stuart ed.), Proceedings of SPIE, SPIE Press, article no. 96050F.

Hall, D. J.; Murray, N. J.; Gow, J. P. D.; Wood, D. and Holland, A. (2014). Studying defects in the silicon lattice using CCDs. Journal of Instrumentation, 9(12), article no. C12004.

Howe, C. J.; Drummond, D.; Edeson, R.; Maddison, B.; Parker, D. J.; Parker, R.; Shrivastava, A.; Spencer, J.; Kellett, B. J.; Grande, M.; Sreekumar, P.; Huovelin, J.; Smith, D.; Gow, J.; Narendranath, S. and d'Uston, L. (2009). Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS) - Instrument design and technical details. Planetary And Space Science, 57(7) pp. 735–743.

ITo Top

Israel, Holger; Massey, Richard; Prod'homme, Thibaut; Cropper, Mark; Cordes, Oliver; Gow, Jason; Kohley, Ralf; Marggraf, Ole; Niemi, Sami; Rhodes, Jason; Short, Alex and Verhoeve, Peter (2015). How well can charge transfer inefficiency be corrected? A parameter sensitivity study for iterative correction. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 453(1) pp. 561–580.

MTo Top

Murray, N. J.; Holland, A. D.; Smith, D. R.; Gow, J. P.; Pool, P. J. and Burt, D. J. (2009). The X-ray quantum efficiency measurement of high resistivity CCDs. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 604(1-2) pp. 180–182.

NTo Top

Narendranath, S.; Athiray, P. S.; Sreekumar, P.; Kellett, B. J.; Alha, L.; Howe, C. J.; Joy, K. H.; Grande, M.; Huovelin, J.; Crawford, I. A.; Unnikrishnan, U.; Lalita, S.; Subramaniam, S.; Weider, S. Z.; Nittler, L. R.; Gasnault, O.; Rothery, D.; Fernandes, V. A.; Bhandari, N.; Goswami, J. N.; Wieczorek, M. A.; C1XS Science Team; Anand, Mahesh; Holland, Andrew and Gow, Jason (2011). Lunar X-ray fluorescence observations by the Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS): results from the nearside southern highlands. Icarus, 214(1) pp. 53–66.

PTo Top

Patel, Manish R.; Antoine, Philippe; Mason, Jonathon; Leese, Mark; Hathi, Brijen; Stevens, Adam H.; Dawson, Daniel; Gow, Jason; Ringrose, Timothy; Holmes, James; Lewis, Stephen R.; Beghuin, Didier; van Donink, Philip; Ligot, Renaud; Dewandel, Jean-Luc; Hu, Daohua; Bates, Doug; Cole, Richard; Drummond, Rachel; Thomas, Ian R.; Depiesse, Cédric; Neefs, Eddy; Equeter, Eddy; Ristic, Bojan; Berkenbosch, Sophie; Bolsée, David; Willame, Yannick; Vandaele, Ann Carine; Lesschaeve, Stefan; De Vos, Lieve; Van Vooren, Nico; Thibert, Tanguy; Mazy, Emmanuel; Rodriguez-Gomez, Julio; Morales, Rafael; Candini, Gian Paolo; Pastor-Morales, M. Carmen; Sanz, Rosario; Aparicio del Moral, Beatriz; Jeronimo-Zafra, José-Maria; Gómez-López, Juan Manuel; Alonso-Rodrigo, Gustavo; Pérez-Grande, Isabel; Cubas, Javier; Gomez-Sanjuan, Alejandro M.; Navarro-Medina, Fermín; BenMoussa, Ali; Giordanengo, Boris; Gissot, Samuel; Bellucci, Giancarlo and Lopez-Moreno, Jose Juan (2017). NOMAD spectrometer on the ExoMars trace gas orbiter mission: part 2—design, manufacturing, and testing of the ultraviolet and visible channel. Applied Optics, 56(10) pp. 2771–2782.

RTo Top

Radhakrishna, V.; Narendranath, S.; Tyagi, A.; Bug, M.; Unnikrishnan, U.; Kulkarni, R.; Sreekantha, C. V.; Kumar; Balaji, G.; Athiray, P.S.; Sudhakar, M.; Manoj, R.; Chetty, S. V.; Thyagaraj, M. R.; Howe, C.; Gow, J. and Sreekumar, P. (2011). The Chandrayaan-2 Large Area Soft X-ray Spectrometer (CLASS). In: 42nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 7-11 Mar 2011, Houston, TX, USA.

STo Top

Soman, M. R.; Allanwood, E. A. H.; Holland, A. D.; Winstone, G. P.; Gow, J. P. D.; Stefanov, K. and Leese, M. (2015). Proton irradiation of the CIS115 for the JUICE mission. In: Proceedings - SPIE the International Society for Optical Engineering, 9602, article no. 96020O.

Smith, P. H.; Gow, J. P. D; Pool, P. and Holland, A. D. (2015). Charge transfer inefficiency in the pre- and post-irradiated Swept Charge Device CCD23. Journal of Instrumentation, 10(03), article no. C03041.

Short, A. D.; Barry, D.; Berthe, M.; Boudin, N.; Boulade, O.; Cole, R.; Cropper, M.; Duvet, L.; Endicott, J.; Gaspar Venancio, L.; Gow, J.; Guttridge, P.; Hall, D.; Holland, A.; Israel, H.; Kohley, R.; Laureijs, R.; Lorenzo Alvarez, J.; Martignac, J.; Maskell, J.; Massey, R.; Murray, N.; Niemi, S.-M.; Pool, P.; Pottinger, S.; Prod'homme, T.; Racca, G.; Salvignol, J-C; Suske, W.; Szafraniec, M.; Verhoeve, P.; Walton, D. and Wheeler, R. (2014). The Euclid VIS CCD detector design, development, and programme status. In: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VI, article no. 91540R.

Soman, Matthew; Holland, Andrew; Stefanov, Konstantin; Gow, Jason; Leese, Mark; Pratlong, Jérôme and Turner, Peter (2014). Design and characterisation of the new CIS115 sensor for JANUS, the high resolution camera on JUICE. In: High Energy, Optical, and Infrared Detectors for Astronomy VI, article no. 915407.

Smith, P. H.; Gow, J. P. D.; Murray, N. J.; Holland, A. D.; Anand, M.; Pool, P.; Sreekumar, P. and Narendranath, S. (2012). Performance of new generation swept charge devices for lunar x-ray spectroscopy on Chandrayaan-2. In: Proceedings - SPIE the International Society for Optical Engineering, SPIE, 8453, article no. 84530R.

Smith, Dave R. and Gow, Jason (2009). The effects of protons on the performance of swept-charge devices. Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 604(1-2) pp. 177–179.

Smith, D. R.; Gow, J. and Holland, A. D. (2007). Proton irradiation of swept-charge devices for theChandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer (C1XS). Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, A583(2&3) pp. 270–277.

WTo Top

Wood, Daniel; Hall, David; Gow, Jason; Murray, Neil; Stefanov, Konstantin and Holland, Andrew (2017). Evolution of proton-induced defects in a cryogenically irradiated p-channel CCD. In: 2016 16th European Conference on Radiation and Its Effects on Components and Systems (RADECS), IEEE, Piscataway, NJ.

Weider, S. Z.; Kellett, B. J.; Swinyard, B. M.; Crawford, I. A.; Joy, K. H.; Grande, M.; Howe, C. J.; Huovelin, J.; Narendranath, S.; Alha, L.; Anand, M.; Athiray, P. S.; Bhandari, N.; Carter, J. A.; Cook, A. C.; d’Uston, L. C.; Fernandes, V. A.; Gasnault, O.; Goswami, J. N.; Gow, J. P. D.; Holland, A. D.; Koschny, D.; Lawrence, D. J.; Maddison, B. J.; Maurice, S.; McKay, D. J.; Okada, T.; Pieters, C.; Rothery, D. A.; Russell, S. S.; Shrivastava, A.; Smith, D. R. and Wieczorek, M. (2012). The Chandrayaan-1 X-ray Spectrometer: first results. Planetary and Space Science, 60(1) pp. 217–228.

Weider, S. Z.; Gow, J.; Joy, K. H.; Crawford, I. A.; Smith, D. R.; Holland, A. D. and Swinyard, B. M. (2008). X-ray Fluorescence Particle Size and Scattering Angle Considerations Preparatory Experiments for the Calibration and Interpretation of C1XS Data. In: Lunar and Planetary Science Conference XXXIX, 10-14 Mar 2008, League City, Texas, USA.


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