Currently browsing: Items authored or edited by John Clarke
BTo Top
Baxter, Jacqueline and Clarke, John
Baxter, Jacqueline and Clarke, John
CTo Top
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Cook, Ian M.; Rajaram, Prem Kumar and Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John (2019). Critical Dialogues: Thinking Together in Turbulent Times. Bristol: Policy Press.
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John; Bainton, Dave; Lendvai, Noémi and Stubbs, Paul (2015). Making Policy Move: towards a politics of translation and assemblage. Bristol: Policy Press.
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John and Lindgren, Joakim
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John; Collins, Kathleen; Dagnino, Evelina and Neveu, Catherine (2014). Disputing Citizenship. Bristol: Policy Press.
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Clarke, John
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet and McDermont, Morag
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet and Westmarland, Louise
Clarke, John and Fink, Janet
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John and Newman, Janet
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet; Smith, Nick; Vidler, Elizabeth and Westmarland, Louise (2007). Creating citizen-consumers: Changing Publics and changing public services. London, UK: Sage Publications.
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John; Newman, Janet and Westmarland, Louise
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John (2004). Changing Welfare, Changing States: New Directions in Social Policy. UK: Sage Publications Ltd.
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Clarke, John
Charlesworth, Julie; Clarke, John and Cochrane, Allan
Charlesworth, J.; Clarke, J. and Cochrane, A.
Clarke, John; Cochrane, Allan and McLaughlin, Eugene
GTo Top
Grek, Sotiria; Lindgren, Joakim and Clarke, John
HTo Top
Hall, Stuart; Critcher, Chas; Jefferson, Tony; Clarke, John and Roberts, Brian (2013). Policing the Crisis: Mugging, the State and Law and Order (2nd ed.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
JTo Top
John, Clarke
KTo Top
Kirwan, Samuel; McDermont, Morag and Clarke, John
Kirwan, Samuel; McDermont, Morag and Clarke, John
LTo Top
Lindgren, Joakim and Clarke, John
MTo Top
Mahony, Nick and Clarke, John
NTo Top
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John (2009). Publics, politics and power: Remaking the public in public services. London: Sage.
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John
Newman, Janet and Clarke, John
OTo Top
Ozga, Jenny; Baxter, Jacqueline; Clarke, John; Grek, Sotiria and Lawn, Martin
WTo Top
Westmarland, Louise and Clarke, John